Showing posts with label motherhood personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherhood personal. Show all posts

Monday, 2 September 2024

SIYA TALES - सिया टेल


सई माझी मोठी मुलगी 11 वर्षाची. माझ्या जुळ्या मुली झाल्यापासून मला आठवत नाही ती माझ्या मांडीवर कधी झोपली. कारण  मांडीवर या दोघींचा कब्जा असतो. बिचारी सई कधी कधी रडते तर कधी कधी दोघींना जबरदस्ती बाजूला करते तर कधी कधी खूप चिडचिड करते. माझ्या मते असे तुम्हा सगळया आयांसोबत झाले असणार ना?

आणि मग रडत बोलत असते , मम्मी तू मला जवळच घेत नाही. माझे लाड करत नाही.

मी कितीही समजावले तरी ती मान्य करत नाही. मग शेवटी मला माझ्या अडीच वर्षाच्या लहान मुलीसोबत बोलावे लागते. ती बरीच शहाणी आहे बरं का 😁

 मी : मी जशी तुझी मम्मी आहे तशीच दीदी ची सुद्धा मम्मी आहे.

सिया : नो. तू दिदीची मम्मी नाही. 

मी : ना बेटा मी तिची पण मम्मी आहे. ती पण माझ्या मांडीवर झोपू शकते. तू तिला का झोपून देत नाही.

सिया : नाही . तू फक्त सियाची मम्मी आहे.

मी : उठ, झोपू दे तिला पण थोडा वेळ.

सिया : मम्मी व्हील्स ओन द बस गो राऊंड अँड राऊंड. 

इट्सी बिस्ती स्पायडर... आणि तिने poem गायला सुरुवात केली.

मी तिच्याकडे बघत राहिले. 😊

आणि आपण बोलतो की लहान मूलांना काहीच समजत नाही. विषय कसा change करायचा हे ती बरोबर शिकली. की असे बोलू ते तिला बरोबर जमले. 😊 असो मी आणि माझी सई आम्ही दोघी हसत राहीलो. 

आणि मग सिया ने मला मिठी मारली. 

अशी माझी सिया 💕

Sharing small tidbits of my small doll - Siya who surprised me with her intellectual. I wanted to preserve this lovely memories. Hope you will love this. 


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Thursday, 4 April 2024


How are you ? April is started already and how life is going? Steady or with full speed? Mine is going with full speed. Mini vacation are over and school has started. Again we are busy with school, study little bit and toddlers play time.

Healthy dinners are the most important part of our Indian houses. We Indian families have everyday dinner together because it is the time where we meet each other and we talk with each other. 

This was the scene of our childhood lives. Many of you agreed with it. 


In my house dinner time is where we strictly off the screens whether it is big or small screens and talk over the meal.  Dinner is the special time where we all have meals with discussion and laughter so we did it mindfully. 

A healthy dinner has always been my goal. Earlier there was a house help when my baby was small but now we don't have any help. So the goal is to cook food at home and have a meal with the family, which is sometimes very difficult. But with meal planning I managed to cook as much as possible. So that swiggy and Zomato expense will come down. 😁 

Anyways, it is possible to cook a variety of healthy food for the family though I am the solo person handling everything. The answer is "Yes" !  Motherhood's hidden talent which we all mothers have. 😎

Last year I shared healthy kids approved an easy breakfast which we actually have for a week. This year I wanted to share a simple and healthy dinner for a week - what we actually eat. We generally eat same kind of meal for the month with little bit of mix and match using shortcuts and meal prep. Goal is to incorporate seasonal vegetables in the diet. 

It may inspire you to make a healthy meal at home for a family. Comment down your family meal ideas it will helpful for me. 

I am Maharashtrian. Every culture has its own rituals and food eating habits. I wanted to transfer the same good eating habits which we had in our childhood to our kids. I am trying to keep it very simple according to everyone's liking so that making a yummy meal will not feel like a daunting task. 


No professional photography, bear that 😇


Monday is the most difficult day for me. To make it  easy I have a simple meal. We are non vegetarian but eat non veg food only on somedays of the week and not everyday. Sunday was filled with a heavy meal so I prefer to have a simple meal on Monday.  We had Dal, Rice, bhendi and roti. We are Maharashtrian, so rice is mandatory.

Toddlers ate the same dal without tadka with  1 spoon of ghee and rice. 


With toddler tantrums and endless play time I hardly have time to cook elaborate meals. I blessed to have understanding Hubby and daughter who ate whatever I managed to prepare 😇 My attempt to give healthy and nutritious meal as much as possible and not repeated things. 

We had this simple fried rice and soybean gravy. With lots of papad too. But I forgot to take pictures of the papad.

This simple fried rice did not have any veggies because both Mr. Hubby and daughter picked up vegetables and removed it from the plate. So I tried not to add vegetables and keep it simple. With minimum tadka of Mustards, Jeera, onion and basic dry masala.

Whenever I made masala paste for any non veg dish I made it a little bit extra so that  I can prepare at least two three meals from that. Soyabean gravy is one of those masala. The meal took only 30 minutes to prepare. 

Toddler ate daliya upma. 


Fish curry takes only 20 minutes to prepare.  My family loves sea food. And we can eat at any time of the week whenever we carve for that. A simple fish curry with rice is heaven. 

The toddler ate a fish piece with a little bit of curry and rice.


After eating fish on Wednesday we wanted to have a simple dinner. So I made authentic traditional dishes like pithale and bhakri. It tastes awesome with onion and green chilli.

Pithale is a traditional dish of Maharashtra. Pithale taste awesome with bhakari only. Bhakri is made from jowar and bajra flour.

Toddler ate : Chapati with shreekhand.


Because it's Friday and we were in relaxed mode. So able to make elaborate meal. I am trying to make this kind of whole meal once a week. Methichi bhaji is my favourite and papad are kids favourites. Dinner was amti which was made from sprouts, green leafy vegetables was methi, rice and chapati. 

The toddler ate ghee rice and many papads.

I hope you all liked my simple yet healthy dinner and got inspired to have fresh home cooked meals. Many people ask me how I managed to cook and do everything. Here is my trick to have simple meal - not time consuming because I have my twin toddler who are constantly revolving around me in every 15 minutes 😇

Top 10 recipes of the year 2023

Festival Easy Menu for busy moms

Easy way to have eggs in your breakfast 

Important points : 

We never count calories from our meal. We didn't have that habit. 

We both are healthy and not on any weight loss mission.

Wanted to  follow traditional eating habits which we had in our childhood and indulge everything mindfully. 

Followed these so that our children should eat everything without counting any calories. My motto is children should learn to enjoy the food. 

Question of the day

What is your favourite meal options? Do you repeat the same meal or cook different. 

We basically have same like dal, rice or amti but side dish keep on changing, trying to make varieties of dal and amti. I don't like to eat same kind of food and not feeding to the family too. 


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 1 March 2023


Hello guys, it's March!

A very Happy March....filled with fun and color. In today's post I am going to share 12 super foods to increase your breastmilk supply

Breastfeeding is challenging and it does require lots of patience in our first week of baby. Many mothers often did not able to have proper food while fulfilling the demand of the tiny person. They do not understand that taking food is utmost important thing at that crucial period. Yes, the first 3 to 4 days are very crucial. Whether you are new mom or experienced mom you will get overwhelmed due to the several pain from the body plus handling a new born. Feeding them, changing diapers and sleepless night added more stress to your body and mind.

To survive this mode you must have to eat at least three meal with snacks whenever possible. Baby's Latching and milk supply are interrelated. If your baby able to latch it properly then there is adequate milk supply. Because the more baby will take feed the more milk supply will be there. But for that you need to have proper nutrients as per the body demands.

Disclaimer :  I am not professional. I am sharing my experience. It might help to moms there.

This is my personal experience because I breastfeed my elder one till 2 year. And now this time I am breastfeeding my twins till date. Slowly they are in a weaning process. 😊

The most frequently asked question is how? 

How do you do it?

Do you produce adequate milk?

Does your babies are full?

The answer to all question is : YES 

On first day after delivery my pediatrician told me that I am able to produce enough milk that can be fulfilled my twins. It took almost 3 days to have milk supply but from very first day  I was breastfeeding my both twin.

When our body start to produce milk ?

Generally our body took 3 days to produce milk. First yellow mucus start to flow and that you have to feed them. As soon as baby born doctor advised to latch them to breast. Whether they able to or not we have to put our areola in our baby's mouth. And then slowly our body start to produce milk. First we did not feel it but as your baby start to latch we have overflowing milk supply.

This is my experience of first week after the baby born. Almost everyone have the same experience I think, but very few whose having medical complications may face the issue. 

What I eat while breastfeeding to have proper milk supply?

Generally Doctor advised to have a balanced meal. But our Nanni and mother have different opinion. They will change your  meal completely. You have to take it at least for 2 and half months. Our Nanni will give such meal which is digestable to us and our new born baby. 

What I had this time while breastfeeding to my twins? 

1. Shatavari Powder : 

It has been advised by my doctor to have Shatavari in first few weeks. You can have it in water or in milk. It taste sweet. And it increase milk supply specially when you have a problem in first 3 days after delivery.

PS: Google

Shatavari is an Ayurvedic rasayana herb which is also known as the female-friendly herb. It is helpful in menstrual disorders and acts as a uterine tonic. It enhances breast development and increases breast milk production by regulating hormonal balance. 

(Info -Google)

PS: Google

2. Water : 

Water is the most important drink in everyone's life. But when you breast feed the baby your consumption should be double. My lactation consultant advised me to have 2 glass of water before and after breastfeeding. 

And trust me it really works. When I started feeding to my babies I often felt dehydrated. So I asked my doctor. She told me to have more water. Apart from this drink one full glass of water after every meal. I used to drink lukewarm water. I filled the two thermas and kept near my bed.

PS: Google

3. Milk

Yes, you have to drink plenty of milk. I used to drink 1 full glass of milk in the morning with 2 methi laddu. And then I eat my breakfast that mostly in liquid form. 

I grind the Chapati /paratha in the mixi with homemade ghee and mix with milk. 1 large bowl of milk with this chapati.

Sometimes I had kheer. Specially suji kheer, vermicelli kheer, alive kheer. It should be at least 1 bowl. In every milk item I always add jaggery powder. 

PS :

4. Fenugreek Methi chi Bhaji :

Methichi bhaji is one of the most important vegetables. It not only boost my milk supply but also I did not face any constipation. I had  clear bowl movement. Which is most important part of moms life after delivery.

This green leafy vegetables should be prepared without green chilli. And it was in liquid form so that I can add grinded chapati or bajara bhakari.

5. Soup

I had chicken soup and   mutton Paya soup  twice a week. It was  without red chilli powder. Add up whole garam masala in small quantity. 

You may like to read : 

Tips for healthy eating - new mom

Indian diet for twin pregnancy

Badam Shake for pregnant and breastfeeding moms

6. Moong Dal : 

Moong dal is easy to digest on our tummy and our baby tummies too. So give tadka with rai, jeera, curry leaves, and Garlic (very important ) salt and boil it. Have it with spoon of ghee. 

7. Chicken Curry :

Chicken is easy to digest and it is protein packed. It also help in motion . I had it thrice a week. I am purely non vegetarians and so I like it. It should be prepared in goda masala which is special for new mom's food only. Non spicy and not too much oily.

8. Egg :

You all know very well about eggs nutrition value. I had it almost two in every day. Subject to condition it would be good if it is pure Desi egg. (Gavathi egg)

PS : Google

9. Laddu :

This is one of my favorite item in my meal. I had it in the morning with my milk and then whenever I feel hungry I ate it. The whole laddu tin is in my bedroom only.😋

I had gond laddu and methi laddu. These are required to eat to heal our bones specially our waist (kamar) In our delivery we all know our each bones is cracked (kidding ) but yes somehow it is same. To heal that we need to eat this gond and methi laddu. 

PS: Google

10. Bajara Bhakari 

It is one of the important food which help in produce milk. You should eat it as much as you can. I had it once either in a lunch or in a dinner. 

11. Fish 

Yes, it should be the part of your meal. Fish are filled with omega 3 which is required for a new mom. I had Bombay Duck which is easy go digest. Yes I had it in fried items just one piece. And mostly I had fish curry which is made in goda ma'sala. It taste yumm. 

PS : Google

12 : Fruits 

I ate Apples, pear, grapefruit and orange. Mostly C vitamin is the most important to my body. And I don't like to eat tablet. So for that I took Lemon water and fresh Orange juice.

These are 12 food which I ate and I had enough milk supply in first months. I ate only paratha and bhakari for first 20 days. Then slowly I started rice like 1 tbsp ans then increase the quantity. By having these meal me and my babies do not have any gas issue. 

Apart from this I had mukhaashuddi - it is mixture of ajwain, balshepa, dry coconut, and badishop. I used to ate it after my each meal. It helps in digestion , cough, and cold of both mummy and babies.

I am Maharashtrian. Every state has its own food culture. I shared mine - the most basic and most important food which increase my milk supply and had healthy postpartum period.

And most important accept your body. Time heal everything. I learned to enjoy each phase of our life. And do not take stress.

What kind of food you had when you were breastfeeding ?


This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads' Cookhouse.


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Day in life of twins 8 months

As as twin mom everyone looking like "awwww' and the same question ,"How do you manage? " So here I am sharing my twin schedule which we followed mostly. Every week is my goal to stick to it. 😊😇

Having twins is our choice. We are blessed to have my twin girls. Yes! It was very difficult postpartum journey. But we as a family managed it. I learned that TIME IS TEMPORARY AND WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE FULLY WITH THAT TIME.

Special thank you for appreciation on my creative post. I want to mention that bottle painting is my hobby and I used to do always. But this time I did it only in my pregnancy.

Postpartum = Stress 

To reduce it I try to keep myself busy. Whenever my mind get overwhelmed I do meditation. Sketching and painting is my meditation. Trying to do it at least for 30 minutes. 😊

Anyway it is too much of gyan😁 

I hope if you are twin mom and reading my blog post, it will helpful to you. I put my twin baby on the same schedule. Life is little bit easier. 

It is the General schedule of my twin girls of 8 months old. 😊

Let's jump into the post.

1. Wake up : 8: 30 to 9 :00 am

Generally they woke up around 8  and take feed up to 8:30 (both). Then they used to play if they are content. 

2. Feed : as soon as after wake up.

First feed is as soon as they woke up. Sometimes takes for long time. Sometimes hardly for 5 minutes.

Then it was kitchen time to make the breakfast for my 3 kids and for myself. I try to keep it simple as much as possible with intentions of eating healthy food. Mostly I preferred to make kid friendly breakfast. So that everyone can eat. 

3. Breakfast : 10: 00 to 10:30 a.m. 

Twins have porridge most of the time with variety Like - Oats porridge, Rice porridge, Ragi porridge, Semolina porridge, Moongdal porridge. Some time I add up fruits like chikko, apple, banana. Sometimes make it plain.

After that I start TV yes screen time around 11 :00 am for poems because I have to do other works too. Tiffin for my elders one, her study and make her ready. Meanwhile doing one load of laundry too. 

4. Play time : up to 12:00 pm

Once my elder one leave the home for school. Screen is off. They played up to 12 p.m. somedays play very well. Someday they used to be cranky. Then I massage and bath both of them.

5. Sleep 12: 30 pm to : 3:00 pm

During this time I took shower and eat lunch. I have a cook who help me in twins bath and prepare lunch and dinner for us.

6. Lunch : 3:30 to 4 : 30 pm

Around 3 pm they get up and played at least half and hour. Then I serve them lunch.

Generally I gave them khichadi with variety of vegetables.

Then they used to play up to 5:30 

Waiting for her didi she came home around 5:45 pm. I took both of them down to the to pick my elder one. They enjoy lift time.

7. Snack time : 6 :00 pm

We have our snacks together. 

My twins love to have murmura. They eat it by themselves. Sometimes I gave them carrot, chapati depends what we have in the kitchen.

Then they get tired and sleep.

8. Sleep : 6 :30 pm to 7:00 pm

Second nap time is around 6:30 but both sleep only for half and hour.

9. Daddy time : 7:30 

It is special time and they are waiting for Daddy. He play with them. I quickly go to kitchen. Make preparation for next day husband tiffin, our breakfast. And sit with elder one to study.

10. Dinner :  8:30  pm

I served dinner my kids around 8:30 p.m. Mostly it is soup with fruit. Prefer to give finger food.

And then we have our family dinner around 9 pm

11.Sleep : 10 to 10 :30 pm ( with night wakes up for feeding )

Daddy prepare them for sleep. Payjama and iron dose. Then we make the room dark and make them sleep. Still we are trying to sleep train them. My goal is to make them sleep on their own without my feed.😇

Time to say good night. 

Hope you like my post. Share your suggestion too. That will helpful me.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Year End Review of 2022

Happy new year 2023. 

My yearly review is always restricted to my journal only. But this time I came across these prompts on pintrest and so jotted down. It is little bit differnt version of year end review and I loved it.

This is the best year in my life. Twin baby and my life and my family life has completely changed. Our priority, our health, our eating habit everything has changed. And we as a family enjoyed it very well. 

What was like in the beginning?

2022 beginning was quite tough. With small twin baby, feeding, bathing, handling my elder one and the most important staying sane.

What worked well and what didn't?

In the early period of delivery, being c section I was obviously expected a help. Though I have a house help. But it didn't worked. 

Trying and trying and goes with flows. It worked. With the help of my elder one I handled everything. 

Able to concentrating on being creative on my Instagram page. Did everything which makes me happy. Reading, writing blog post, dancing with my elder one, drawing, creating reel and making some delicious foods too. 

What was the most important conversation and connection?

The connection was with my family inside my home. With my babies, they understood more 😊my mature elder one, 🤗 and Mr. Hubby. The connection we developed was incredible. 

Conversation with my blogger friends. Yep, I write 24 post in this year. Whhooo...! Patted on myself 😊

What was the best entertainment?

Screen time was so far I hooked on Netflix but able to saw only 2 webseries of K -drama. Arya, mismatched. Gilmore Girl and some kids movie on our movie date at home.

Our Family entertainment shows was Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra 😁 Where you forget your all stress and laugh from the bottom of your belly🤣

Who mattered?

My kid, Mr.Hubby , my one and only friend Anu,  who was constantly with me and You. Greatful to have you as a reader and your comments gives me more boost to write more blog post.

What changed?

I become more emotionally confident. Improve myself more the way I expected.

Earlier I used to write only when I think it will be best post. And it will goes one post in two three month.  

I joined Bloggers community and fellow blogger inspire me to write. 

I wrote my first ever fiction story which was top blog post in the community.

But I will continue to write more about my experience. I think we all get inspired by each others experience. 

Where did you find happiness and fulfillment?

Within my families. Able to feed, bath to my babies. Provide clean clothes, 3 meals 😇 to my family. 

Happiness is spending time with my kiddos. 

Spend time with my big family at family function. We had marriage and we thoroughly enjoyed.😁

What are your intentions for 2023?

Maintain boundaries within family, friends and outsiders.

Forget, forgive but don't allow them to enter your life again.

Choose the people who choose you.

Stay away from selfish friends and relatives.

Focus on myself, my inner growth and self development.

Read, read and read more offline and online too. And write more post on my blog mindfully.

Thank you for being here! 

How was your 2022? Are you reviewing it?

Monday, 26 December 2022

My twins turns one

It was weekend. We were very very happy and in a relaxed mood. After all I was not in a stress of arranging the first birthday party of my twins. We both are decided to have a relaxed, short and sweet birthday.

Decided to have Yakani Pulav for lunch and my twin have their favorite carrot tomato upma for a lunch. ( including some tender chicken pieces as a side dish) 

Able to feed, bath them on a time. Generally they slept around 12:30 to 2 pm. But today is Sunday and they were playing with Dad 😍

Side by side we decorate home in a simple manner. Friday night I painted this small card and calligraphy done by Mr. Hubby. 

Then cut out some stars and put the numbers. Print out the pictures of my twins of every month and tadaa our CLOCK is ready.

Both twins loved it. They were banging hands on this wall and constantly looking at the picture and gaggles. Their smiles melts my heart. Love love the way they both are recognize themselves in the picture. And my little one calling us and telling by showing her picture ....AAA eee, hhhaaa, bbaaaa, aakkaaa  the cute giggled word. 😘

Then photoshoot in the afternoon in causal way. Yeaa, I tried because I know at party time we will be not able to take a family pic. But in this relaxed afternoon too we were unable to took picture😂😁 

Still managed to store memories.

I called our babysitter Nanny and our cook. Always greatful to both of them for being our family. Love us like a family. 

Some picture dumps. This is special COCOMELON cake😍

Cake cutting on their special seat.

And yes, this year Mr.Hubby celebrate my motherhood by cutting a cake. It was surprised for me and yes I love it!😍

Birthday was on 11 Dec 2022 Haapppy Birthday my twins. We feel blessed that God choose us as your parents. 

Love you both and have a healthy life. ,😀😍

Breaking all rituals, we did what we like to and wanted to do.  We decided not to involve any one. Wanted to keep it simple. So there was nanny (was in early months of my babies) And she loved them like her grandchildren.

Indian people had a tradition to have a big birthday bash. I am always against this. I don't like to waste such big amount of money. Instead we can have it at home with minimum number of people. 

Off course if you have a big family and big amount of money after paying a huge hospital bills, Namakaran vidhi then you can have a big birthday bash too. 

I believe to have such big birthday when kids actually understand what is the birthday? They actually excited for the joy. Then you should spend a money, arrange kid friendly birthday party (and have fun with your kid and not with the elder one)😉

Do check out :

Saee turns 8

A letter from a dad for Saee's 9th birthday.

Saee turns 9 

This is purely my opinion. I guess many parents have same opinion 😊 But no one is dare to break the rituals. 

Many of Indian parents take loan 😁for these arrangement😐 

Just because of LOG KYA KAHENGE?

Apart from this I don't like to have crying and irritating baby. With loud music, guest, new clothes and with chaoes our baby gets irritated. This is my personal opinion and I believe to have boundaries. 

What do you think ? Do you believe in breaking society norms for our children? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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