Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts

Monday, 12 June 2023

Tips For Road Trip With a Small Kids



Summer vacation are going to end very soon. But somehow our family travel still going on. Some had exotic vacation like Maldives ๐Ÿ˜‰ and some had upto moms places. We moms are eagerly waiting for vacation to meet our mom and dad! People travel by road, rail, air and sea. 

I am going to talk about Road Travel. People who travel by car with toddler or even with the small kids. Most of moms are still messy when it comes to travel. I saw people used to fill train or car  with their litters. Have you experienced this ?

I love to travel by train. But travelling by car with our little one is little bit hectic. Yes, we plan adventurous road family trip with kids but it should be fun and filled with joy. Is that possible?

Yes! Definitely.

Sharing some tips which I mostly follow on road trip. If you have toddlers or small kids then not to worry. 

Let's start. 

Even if your journey is small or long kids get tired easily. To keep them engaged is a daunting task for every parents. Continues pee break irritate some parents and we ended up in giving screen in their hands. 

Do you feel it in same way? 

 Here are some practical tips which I followed to have smooth road trips. 

๐Ÿ‘•Wear comfortable clothes 

Child's comfort is most important in any trips. Always choose the clothes in which your child is comfotable. A simple t-shirt and pant is go to. Because they are traveling so give this choice to them but at the same time put only that clothes in front of them which you think comfortable for them.,๐Ÿ˜‰ (Cheating)

Keep extra blanket, caps, pillow for comfort. 

Fill your car with extra blankets, pillow and warm caps. If you are traveling in winter or at night. It will give them a nice sleep in the car. 

Keep napkins and wet tissue papers. :

Specially when you are travelling with kids such wet napkins are handy. Extra Napkins, handkerchief should be in your bag pack. Keep one pair of clothes in your bag pack. You never know potty and pee and sometime vomiting ๐Ÿ˜are part of travelling. 

If you are traveling with babies then you should keep one trash bag to dispose the diapers. If you are traveling with small kids then you have to keep extra pair of clothes including undergarments. 

๐Ÿ‘ŸWear shoes or sneekers to your kids. 

Do not ask your kids to wear fancy shoes . It is always advisable to have shoes with socks. Ask them to remove the shoe inside the car.

๐ŸCarry homemade foods 

Carry lots of fruits like grapes, orange, strawberry which are easy to peel and finished quickly. Fruits always keep them hydrate and filled. 

Try to take homemade paratha, chikki, til or rajgira laddo which are easy to eat. Instead of taking packaged food which might cause stomach upset. Allow to have one or two chips or tangy food instead of chocolates but in a limited quantity.

๐ŸฅคCarry water

 Yes this is the most important tips. Instead of purchasing water from outside it is more beneficial to carry your own water bottles. Pack a whole bag of this bottle and use thought the trip.

๐ŸถCarry Toys 

Have kids favourite one soft toy always. Do not get irritated when your kid want to take toys with them. They love to be with their toy and we should respect their feeling. Allow one or two toys only. This will make them happy and ultimately you are happy too.

๐ŸšฝTake Toilet Breaks:

Take this small breaks and allow your kids to use public washroom for freshen up. Always take such bathroom break near the park or hotels which have the park. Let them enjoy so that they can stretch out the legs.

Sing a song and have funny Q and A

๐Ÿ˜›Keep talking with them so that they will enjoy. If kids ask, have we reach?tell them we will reach on time. You are not allowed to ask the same question again and again. You can ask any other question. Then see the curiosity and start the conversation. This will increase imagination and curiosity of your child.

Sing a song together. Play antakshari they will enjoy and you too.

Play games

Like count trees, name the cloud shape, read board on highway (our favourite one), name cars and vehicles, observe the mirror.  Try to give out answer of every curious questions.without using Google.๐Ÿ˜‰


Try to use less as much as possible in terms of giving screen to your kids. Instead of that you can listen audio books for kids. It is the big hit for me. We love to listen story on audio books at my home too. 

No Activity:

A big NO for this. I will not encourage to do any activity in moving vehicle specially drawing, colouring or reading. That is not at all good for eyes. So avoid that. Let them be free. Do not dump any activity book with your travelling luggage. 

First aid kit

Always have a small first aid kit with you. It should have all basics things. Keep medicine too in case required.

PS: VectorStock

These are my points according to my experience which I found most useful. Not being an Instagram mommies to fill every place with activities. I believe to give space for children to choose the way they want to be. Kids should learn themselves how to cope up with the surrounding. Every time our surroundings changed and we have to change with that. If we keep them pampered how will they going to learn to live there life? Agree?

Meanwhile if you love to travel then don't forget to check out my travel post. 

Link in bio : 

Pawna Lake Camping

Beauty of Kashmir  

Tour of ND studio 

Visit at Karla lane 

Which things you follow while traveling with your kids? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

6 Games To Increase Kids Vocabulary


Have you think about kids Vocabulary? Why small kids do not communicate in English ? Even they know how to talk but they don't use english for communication. Do you know why?

Disclaimer : This is specially for those kids who really have a struggle to Communicate in English. 
My daughter is fluent in English. 

Kids often anxious about their vocabulary. They do not have spontaneous word to have english communication. They afraid  if they unable to speak. And many more reason are there.

Specially if you are Maharashtrian or Hindi bhashi then the problem is "Word Bank". Kids do not have sufficient vocabulary so they are unable to get the proper words. Uneducated parents or parents from vernacular medium face such kinds of difficulties.

What are the reason for this?

1. Basically parents do not have own developed vocabulary. Even I am still facing this issue๐Ÿ˜.

2. They tend to use mother tongue words most probably.

3. They themselves never talked in English at home with family members

4. Sometimes they unable to find the accurate word.

5. Sometimes they start to communicatie in English but because of poor vocabulary they failed. 

What is the solution?

Well, you have to start early. Since baby is one month old. Use English words as much as possible. Specially action words. It sounds stupid for some parents but if you want your kids vocabulary should be broad then better to start early.

Do read aloud to babies. Baby love colours and so use picture books. This way you have a chance to develop your own vocabulary too.๐Ÿ˜‰

3. Books and books are the most important at this stage.

4. Use words books, action words books, verb books, fruits, vegetables, alphabets, professional, relations, neighborhoods books etc. All these kinds of books have a word. It is most useful for baby, toddlers and parents too. 

 So this is for babies. Now we can check what can we do to small kids who are going to playgroup, kindergarten. 

If I ask, are you playing with your kids? 

The answer is - YES!

But it get irritate when we are tired and kids want to play with us. Then, What do you do ?

Well, my answer, we played. ๐Ÿ˜ Yes, still we play. Sometimes me, sometime hubby, but we played. It may be for 10 to 15 minutes but we played.


Because playing always rejuvenating kids. It assured them parents love them and like to play with them. This is the best way where you can teach your kids anything which you wants. 

As per psychology the game is the most important part of kids development. We parents should always encourage our kids to have open ended play. It should include, functional Play, symbolic play, constructive play and more brain games.

You may like to read :

Study Tips for History

Indoor Traditional Game : Bhatukali

How to teach more than 30 words 15 minutes.

 How to play ?

Whenever your kids want to play with you said,


Trust me it will take only 10 minutes to fulfill our kids emotional bucket. The joy that parents are ready to play with them is the most important things for them. No matter how short period of time you will play.

I am sharing how we used to play with my daughter when she was small. Even today also we play the same things but for language subject or EVS subjects.  I try to upgrade the game as per her weak points. 

The game which we played hardly for 10 to 15 minutes but it worked for both - kids and parents ๐Ÿ˜Š 

6 games to increase kids vocabulary.

1. Scavenger hunt : 

Find things in bedrooms - particularly with some props. For example - find blue color things, find the things start with particular alphabets, find the things belongs to her toys like dollhouse, doll, kitchen set etc.

2. Antakshari 

This is not with song, but the Word search.  It can be in English, Hindi or Marathi. Have to speak one word, the other person will find the word from the ending letter without spending too much time say within one second.

For example : Apple : egg : girl : lamp.
Can goes same with Hindi or Marathi
This one is good to build vocabulary.

3. Compound word : 

Make the spelling of compound words. You say the first word and ask them the next word, like Sun - what is the next word- Flower. So the word Sunflower.

This can be played orally which is more fun. Other way to play for toddler is DIY card and timer. You can make diy card of first word on paper second word on another paper and ask them to join. Make sure you draw picture first. If your kid is in reading phase then use words. Let them think, let them use their brain.

4. Pretend play : 

Like Doll house, supermarket, school, etc. Kids need lot of practice with English grammer. Playing is the best way where they can have real communication. Do play with them and communicate in English only. Use small sentences so they will also answer in English only. Like if you are playing Market, then ask the price - 

What is the cost of apples? How much for a milk ?

4. Name, Place, Things, Fruits, Colours

How many of you remember this game? When I was kid we played it a lot. Specially in school holidays we Played as a whole family. 

This game require minimum 2 and maximum 5 player. It start with particular alphabet and player have to write the words in each column with the same alphabet.

For example : P : Name : Prakash,
Place : paris, Things: Pencil, Fruit : pear, colour : pink and on.

You can add up as many columns as you want. This is the best game to practice spelling, common and proper noun too.

5. Dum sharaz :

It sound simple but yes your little one will love it. Make action of any word like running, singing, writing ,cup, horse, door etc. Do not speak and ask to identify the words. Try to spell also. Use a blackboard and do write spelling. The fun way through which they learn to spell.

6. Fidget : 

I used this for variety of things. As in picture it shows .  I added up one colour to one side so that two players can play. The colour side landed up on any of the word like planets, then kids have to tell about planet name. For elder kids you can ask to tell anything they know about the planets. And what they wanted to know. 

This game is good for improving communication in younger kids. You can ask them to talk about that particular word in 5 to 6 sentence. It will helps to develop communication skills too.

These are the games which helps me and my little one to increase vocabulary. Vacation has started so Play as much as you can with your little one.

Hope you like this post. Is it helpful? Which indoor games you played with your kiddo? 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads' Cookhouse.

Follow me on Instagram

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Day in life of twins 8 months

As as twin mom everyone looking like "awwww' and the same question ,"How do you manage? " So here I am sharing my twin schedule which we followed mostly. Every week is my goal to stick to it. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‡

Having twins is our choice. We are blessed to have my twin girls. Yes! It was very difficult postpartum journey. But we as a family managed it. I learned that TIME IS TEMPORARY AND WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE FULLY WITH THAT TIME.

Special thank you for appreciation on my creative post. I want to mention that bottle painting is my hobby and I used to do always. But this time I did it only in my pregnancy.

Postpartum = Stress 

To reduce it I try to keep myself busy. Whenever my mind get overwhelmed I do meditation. Sketching and painting is my meditation. Trying to do it at least for 30 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Anyway it is too much of gyan๐Ÿ˜ 

I hope if you are twin mom and reading my blog post, it will helpful to you. I put my twin baby on the same schedule. Life is little bit easier. 

It is the General schedule of my twin girls of 8 months old. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Let's jump into the post.

1. Wake up : 8: 30 to 9 :00 am

Generally they woke up around 8  and take feed up to 8:30 (both). Then they used to play if they are content. 

2. Feed : as soon as after wake up.

First feed is as soon as they woke up. Sometimes takes for long time. Sometimes hardly for 5 minutes.

Then it was kitchen time to make the breakfast for my 3 kids and for myself. I try to keep it simple as much as possible with intentions of eating healthy food. Mostly I preferred to make kid friendly breakfast. So that everyone can eat. 

3. Breakfast : 10: 00 to 10:30 a.m. 

Twins have porridge most of the time with variety Like - Oats porridge, Rice porridge, Ragi porridge, Semolina porridge, Moongdal porridge. Some time I add up fruits like chikko, apple, banana. Sometimes make it plain.

After that I start TV yes screen time around 11 :00 am for poems because I have to do other works too. Tiffin for my elders one, her study and make her ready. Meanwhile doing one load of laundry too. 

4. Play time : up to 12:00 pm

Once my elder one leave the home for school. Screen is off. They played up to 12 p.m. somedays play very well. Someday they used to be cranky. Then I massage and bath both of them.

5. Sleep 12: 30 pm to : 3:00 pm

During this time I took shower and eat lunch. I have a cook who help me in twins bath and prepare lunch and dinner for us.

6. Lunch : 3:30 to 4 : 30 pm

Around 3 pm they get up and played at least half and hour. Then I serve them lunch.

Generally I gave them khichadi with variety of vegetables.

Then they used to play up to 5:30 

Waiting for her didi she came home around 5:45 pm. I took both of them down to the to pick my elder one. They enjoy lift time.

7. Snack time : 6 :00 pm

We have our snacks together. 

My twins love to have murmura. They eat it by themselves. Sometimes I gave them carrot, chapati depends what we have in the kitchen.

Then they get tired and sleep.

8. Sleep : 6 :30 pm to 7:00 pm

Second nap time is around 6:30 but both sleep only for half and hour.

9. Daddy time : 7:30 

It is special time and they are waiting for Daddy. He play with them. I quickly go to kitchen. Make preparation for next day husband tiffin, our breakfast. And sit with elder one to study.

10. Dinner :  8:30  pm

I served dinner my kids around 8:30 p.m. Mostly it is soup with fruit. Prefer to give finger food.

And then we have our family dinner around 9 pm

11.Sleep : 10 to 10 :30 pm ( with night wakes up for feeding )

Daddy prepare them for sleep. Payjama and iron dose. Then we make the room dark and make them sleep. Still we are trying to sleep train them. My goal is to make them sleep on their own without my feed.๐Ÿ˜‡

Time to say good night. 

Hope you like my post. Share your suggestion too. That will helpful me.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Ohh, twin girls !

I have one daughter and after that, we decided not to have more kids. But after 4 years my soul is wishing to have a baby. We both are ready to have a baby and I conceived too. But unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. After that, we tried and tried and after a gap of say 3 years finally, I conceived again. And this time with twins๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ we both are surprised and happy too!

After having a smooth (yep, I can say Smooth pregnancy) finally I delivered my twins. Sister asked me to identify the gender. The first gender was a girl and I was praying to have a boy. But we are blessed to have a doll again. We both are happy.

I am getting a little bit vulnerable though I am a strong Mumma (mentally and physically) this constantly hurting me, Mr. Hubby, and my daughter too. That statement -

"Ohhh. Twins girls. The first one is a girl too."

India is in 2022 but still having a second girl child is taboo. People think a family is incomplete without a boy. Why?

The day we got to know about having twins in my belly my excitement level was too high. With every kick, every moment we all three fell in love with these twins. Have a constant conversation on how both are active, how they stay in such a small place, and how do you ( mom) identify them. We had the best period of our life.

During this pregnancy, journey received spiteful comments. Some are-

"Don't worry this time you will have a boy."

"Your belly size shows the symptoms of a baby boy."

And I happily nodded. I can't revert back because I have matured enough to let go of this comment. 

But they were not stopped.

After delivery, everyone liked pity on me. And this time it hurts me a lot.

Arree, three girls, how will you manage?

One boy should be there. 

and many more.๐Ÿ˜

From hospital to every stop, home, shops, malls, and schools, everyone sympathizes me. Starting with the hospital, sister," first girl child and these two are girls, don't worry! Both will be best for you.

And I replied yeah, I am happy about that.

Then hospital workers, attending workers, everyone was like telling me, never mind. Girls are the best kids these days. Boys are not going to look after you. Then at home, relatives, neighbors, office co-workers, friends everyone!!  

Why we don't have an only girl child?

Why does the family behaves strangely when you have a girl baby?

Why does everyone want a boy?


To complete a family it is not necessary to have a baby boy only. Due to the twin's pregnancy, I also wished to have one boy and one girl. Because I also wish my baby girl have one brother like me. Mr. Hubby always wishes to have a girl. He was sure enough that I will deliver a girl. And so he constantly asks me 'Are you happy? 

Yes, I am happy. Like him and Saee. (my daughter)  This time we are blessed to have two girls. GIRLS mine and Nitin's daughters. Unique and amazing baby. One is a twin copy of Mr. Hubby and another one is a copy of mine. We are blessed to raise these twin girls. What a challenge and adventure!

We are ready to raise these two tiny baby girls into independent and confident human beings. 

Over time I  have learned that every pregnant woman wants others should be happy for her. My body is going through this twin pregnancy, hormones have changed, and now my life has changed. We have settled life with one girl but yes we are very well handling this challenge without any elders๐Ÿ™‚. And so I am able to handle these comments like how many kids you have? Why do you take this chance? What is gender ? How will you manage with three girls?

Grateful to some loving people who constantly encourage us, advise us on how to do it and what to do, and help us. It gives me warmth. And what else does a mother require๐Ÿ˜Š.

I am hesitate to write this post. But after writing the stress goes off my chest.  There are lots of mothers who face this issue. I just want to ask WHY?

Put your valuable comments. 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' -

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

15 Must Have Baby Products With Money Saving Tips

Most of the parents are living in a nuclear family, say about 60% are having a small family. Those who are living with their parents are the luckiest ones. It may have some pros and cons but having family and elder ones around is always helpful. Pregnancy and delivering a baby require lots of money, especially in India. It is always better to save money wherever you can.

PS : Pixababy

When you are in the last trimester and if you are living in a nuclear family then you have to prepare many things for the baby. Although in India our elders tell us not to bring any baby-related things in advance. If you are alone means without elders or family members nearby you, then you have to prepare in advance. Because once you deliver the baby, you will be stuck to the bed and baby. There is always a new requirement and maybe your husband is unable to bring it. To avoid any trouble you have to have these 15 must-have baby products at home in advance.

Now coming back to the point why our elders do not allow us to buy any new things for babies because they believe let baby arrive in this world safely. The earliest, in their era baby mortality rates, are high. But now medicine has cures for everything. So keep positive vibes and if you are the only person in the family then began in advance.

So what actually does the baby need?

I am a second-time mommy so have personal experience. During my first child, I bought a lot of stuff that was not used by us. This time I swap many things with friends and siblings. Actually, our baby doesn't need too many things. 

We are fully captured by social media. 24 hrs scrolling gives tons of products and we are tempted to buy them, as they are available with a single click. ๐Ÿ˜€ New parents are overexcited and want to give everything to the baby. so they are easily trapped by these advertisements. I don't say every ad is wrong. Yes, there are many companies which give a good product. 

These tips are for minimalist families/budgeted families or those who want to save money. I am not against any other baby-related products. 

Okay. Before buying any new product think twice, yes think twice is it really necessary? Does it really helpful to my baby? Will it go in the long run? 

15 Must-have baby products with money-saving tips.

1. Swaddle : 

We all swaddled our babies tightly so that we can hold them properly. In the market, there are new types of a swaddle, and sleep bags are available.  I prefer to have an old cotton sari which is long enough and we can cut according to our requirements and swaddle our baby.  The baby feels so much more comfortable and sleeps well for at least 3 hours.

2. Godhadi - small baby bed :  

A small baby bed which is made of soft cotton fabric can spread on our mattress. I prefer to have homemade. My Attya (bua) made it from cotton sarees. I think in India everyone has it. Grandma's favorite. Still, if you do not have then get it stitched by your local tailor. Give them some old cotton bedsheets and an old cotton sari or dupatta. Else you can buy it. They are not that much costly. But it depends on where you are buying.

3. Baby Clothes :  

We have rituals to wear only used soft clothes. I have my elder daughter's baby clothes. I do not buy any clothes.๐Ÿ˜Š

Even if you are purchasing try to take cotton and simple clothes. Because a baby is going to sleep most of the time and above that, you are going to swaddle them. So choose soft cotton Zabala only.

You can save tons of money. You can use your sister's or brother's baby clothes. 

4. Cap, socks, and mittens : 

If your baby is born in the winter or rainy season you have to buy it. Try to buy as per season. Do not buy any fancy items which trouble the baby's soft skin. 

5. Nail clipper : 

In the market, there are so many fancy clippers available. Once I purchased but I was not comfortable with that. So try to buy the thing which you are aware of. Newborn's nails grow so quickly and we have to trim them regularly. This is a must-have product. 

6. Soft blanket :

If your baby is a winter baby then purchase a soft blanket. I have one so I used that. You can buy it or prefer to have your siblings one.

7. Cradle : 

Try to take the used one. Because the cradle is going to use from 1months to 7,8 months. I prefer the traditional one. The electric cradle is also useful. But if you want to save money then try to take a used one. I took it from my friend. 

8. Toiletries : 

Baby oil, baby soap, and baby moistures are the only products that are useful. Babies don't need powder and kajal. But I know in India people used it. It is everyone's preference. The money-saving tip does not purchase it.  Whoever coming to see your baby they are going to bring this kit. ๐Ÿ˜Š 

9. Baby Towels : 

In my opinion, you don't need this baby towel. Use old cotton soft fabric. Because though baby towels are new and soft but cotton fabric absorbed water very well.

10. Baby Books : 

There is no need for any toys for babies. They are not that big enough to play with it. Don't waste your money on buying toys. Instead of that buy baby books. 

11. Dry sheets

You must have it. These are available in every size and pocket friendly too.

12. Milk Bottle : 

Only if you are unable to breastfeed your child. And off-course as per your requirement.

13. Diapers: 

If you are okay with cotton langot then keep diapers for travel purposes or use them at night time. This is also as per your preference.

14. Mosquito Net: 

This is the most important product you must-have for babies. 

15. Baby wipes: 

Always use cotton and plain water to wipe the baby bump. Keep baby wipes for traveling. Try to use soft fabric pieces or cotton balls and lukewarm water to wipe. It is always safe for babies.

This is the must-have list for your newborn with tips. Some people prefer to have everything new. Some people are ready to have used products, like me๐Ÿ˜€. Different people and different choices. But all these are the required items only. Apart from this, there are many products which are not going to use. The above-mentioned products also required lots of money.  You can save money by using above mentioned tips. 

Bonus Tip: We have siblings and each one has kids. We used to swap up almost most of the things including clothes (if they are in good condition). This is the best option to save money. 

If you are in a nuclear family then try to have all these 15 must-have products in advance. So that you and your partner are ready to welcome a newborn without worrying. It will save your time, and money and bring a lot of mental peace.

You may like to read 

เคฎी เค†เคฃि เคฎाเคी เคธเคˆ.........(From dad's corner)

Hope this post is useful to new parents and budgeted families. Share it with needy ones. 

Do you have any tips to save money while buying a baby product?  Please comment down.  Do you swap things with your siblings?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Badam Shake for pregnant and beastfeeding Moms

Hello all,

Hope you are doing well. It’s been a long gap being an active on my blog. I enjoyed my twin motherhood journey but I wanted to get back on my blog too. Nurturing twins without any help is really exhausting. Now we are adjusted to the routine and I wanted to have my “ME” time to upgrade myself. I am ready to brush up my writing skills and eager to read our talented fellow bloggers blog.

Many thanks to Cindy and Blogberry. I was so happy to see your email in my inbox and Mr. Hubby also assures that now I can get back to my writing. Hope I can write well and will not make you bored.

PS : Google

When I become second time Pregnant one of my friend advised me to have Badam Milk Shake – Bacche fair honge ( jokes apart) but I never had it. I don’t like to drink milk, but as a breastfeeding mom I have to drink milk regularly.  Milk is the important diet of lactating mothers. All babies nutrition’s requirement is fulfilled by mother’s milk. Mother need to take a balanced diet and drink milk regularly. I don’t like to drink plain milk so I always try to make it delicious by adding nuts, custard powder and in different kinds of milkshake form. Have you been this through mummas?

 What is BadamMilk Shake?          

Badam Milk Shake is a milk blended with almond paste. Almond milk is different and almond milkshake is different. Here we use a milk as a base and add almond paste in it. It is delicious plus nutritious

Which milk we can use for making Badam Milk Shake?

I used amul’s cow milk. You can use any cow, buffalo, Amul, Gokul, Motherdairy milk. I don’t know how it will go with coconut milk, soyabeen milk etc. I never had these kinds of milk. So Please use regular milk which we are drinking since our childhood.

Can lactating mother eat almonds?

Yes, my gynecologist advised me to have fistful nuts every day. Even pregnant ladies can also have this badam milk shake subject to condition it should be made at home. Frankly speaking I can’t eat soaked or dry nuts daily. I always forget to have it in my diet. My mom, friends advised me how to have nuts in your diet. So I am trying each one’s nuska ๐Ÿ˜€ and experimenting with milk. My ultimate goal is to have a milk in my diet. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Can we make this Badam Milk Shake at home?

Yes, now everything is available on Youtube. This is my versions of milk shake which is like by everyone in my family. I am having it regularly.



Prep Time : 10 minutes

Course : Beverage

Yield : 4 person


Ingredient :

Badam/ Almond : 1 cup

Milk : 500 ml

Sugar : 3 Tbsp or As per your taste (optional)

Shatavari : 4 Tsp.

Saffron strands : few (optional)

Eliachi powder : Small Pinch

Vanila Ice cream : Scoop (optional)


Direction :


Heat a pan and add milk. Add sugar as per your taste. If you are adding Shatavari powder then skip sugar.  Let it boil.


Soak Badam overnight or 5 to 6 hour. Peel the cover and grind it to make a fine paste with little bit of water.


Soak saffron strands in ¼ cup of milk.


Add this badam mixture to boiled milk and mix it very well. Give it stir and let it boil for 1 minute.


Now add saffron mix milk and eliachi powder and mix well. Let it sim for few minutes and then put off the gas.


Now add shatavari and mix it well. Make it cool at room temperature.


Then pour it in your glass and keep this glass in a fridge for at least 2 hour. Your Badam Milk shake is ready.


Cremy, thick milkshake taste awesome when you add a spoon of ice cream on top of it.


Variation :  You can make it with variations.

1.      Custard powder :

Add 2 tbsp custard powder in ¼ cup of milk. Make a lumps   free slurry. Once your milk is at boiling point add this mixture slowly and stir it continuously till milk becomes thick. Put off the flame.


2.       Add ice cream:

Once your milk is ready you can garnish it with a scoop of ice-cream. 


You can take this room temperature badam milk in a blending jar, add  vanilla flavor ice cream and blend it till smooth and fluffy. Lastly garnish with a scoop of ice –cream on top of it.



Who can drink this BadamMilkshake?

Off course this nutritious milk shake is beneficial to everyone including kids to an adult. It is highly nutritious to breastfeeding mommy and pregnant ladies. Only if anyone have almond allergy then do not have it. 

What are the benefits of this Badam Milk Shake?

# Badam / Almonds are rich in vitamin E and it is one of the important antioxidant.

# Vitamin E can lower the risk of serious health conditions like stroke, heart disease and even a cancer.

# Almond is a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is important for controlling blood sugar levels.

(Link :

Do you like milkshakes Moms? Have you enjoyed milkshakes with your kids ?

Disclaimer : I am not a professional or nutritionist. I am just a mom of three girl kids. I am sharing my experience. 


Everyone know this Badam Shake because it is readily available at roadside specially in India. Share your versions of milkshake recipes with me if you ever made it.

If you find this article useful please do share it with pregnant ladies and lactating moms.

'This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' ---

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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