Thursday, 23 June 2022

Ohh, twin girls !

I have one daughter and after that, we decided not to have more kids. But after 4 years my soul is wishing to have a baby. We both are ready to have a baby and I conceived too. But unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. After that, we tried and tried and after a gap of say 3 years finally, I conceived again. And this time with twins😳😳 we both are surprised and happy too!

After having a smooth (yep, I can say Smooth pregnancy) finally I delivered my twins. Sister asked me to identify the gender. The first gender was a girl and I was praying to have a boy. But we are blessed to have a doll again. We both are happy.

I am getting a little bit vulnerable though I am a strong Mumma (mentally and physically) this constantly hurting me, Mr. Hubby, and my daughter too. That statement -

"Ohhh. Twins girls. The first one is a girl too."

India is in 2022 but still having a second girl child is taboo. People think a family is incomplete without a boy. Why?

The day we got to know about having twins in my belly my excitement level was too high. With every kick, every moment we all three fell in love with these twins. Have a constant conversation on how both are active, how they stay in such a small place, and how do you ( mom) identify them. We had the best period of our life.

During this pregnancy, journey received spiteful comments. Some are-

"Don't worry this time you will have a boy."

"Your belly size shows the symptoms of a baby boy."

And I happily nodded. I can't revert back because I have matured enough to let go of this comment. 

But they were not stopped.

After delivery, everyone liked pity on me. And this time it hurts me a lot.

Arree, three girls, how will you manage?

One boy should be there. 

and many more.😐

From hospital to every stop, home, shops, malls, and schools, everyone sympathizes me. Starting with the hospital, sister," first girl child and these two are girls, don't worry! Both will be best for you.

And I replied yeah, I am happy about that.

Then hospital workers, attending workers, everyone was like telling me, never mind. Girls are the best kids these days. Boys are not going to look after you. Then at home, relatives, neighbors, office co-workers, friends everyone!!  

Why we don't have an only girl child?

Why does the family behaves strangely when you have a girl baby?

Why does everyone want a boy?


To complete a family it is not necessary to have a baby boy only. Due to the twin's pregnancy, I also wished to have one boy and one girl. Because I also wish my baby girl have one brother like me. Mr. Hubby always wishes to have a girl. He was sure enough that I will deliver a girl. And so he constantly asks me 'Are you happy? 

Yes, I am happy. Like him and Saee. (my daughter)  This time we are blessed to have two girls. GIRLS mine and Nitin's daughters. Unique and amazing baby. One is a twin copy of Mr. Hubby and another one is a copy of mine. We are blessed to raise these twin girls. What a challenge and adventure!

We are ready to raise these two tiny baby girls into independent and confident human beings. 

Over time I  have learned that every pregnant woman wants others should be happy for her. My body is going through this twin pregnancy, hormones have changed, and now my life has changed. We have settled life with one girl but yes we are very well handling this challenge without any elders🙂. And so I am able to handle these comments like how many kids you have? Why do you take this chance? What is gender ? How will you manage with three girls?

Grateful to some loving people who constantly encourage us, advise us on how to do it and what to do, and help us. It gives me warmth. And what else does a mother require😊.

I am hesitate to write this post. But after writing the stress goes off my chest.  There are lots of mothers who face this issue. I just want to ask WHY?

Put your valuable comments. 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' -

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. You go girl! So proud of you. Congratulations many times over. Kuch to log kahenge logon ka kaam hai kehna. Just ignore. take it with a pinch of salt. It is not worth wasting your time and energy on such people. Are they ever there when you need them? But they will turn up to show their sympathy. In India everyone loves to sympathise but all of us need empathy, which is totally missing. You did the write thing to write about it and get it off your chest. I wish I had done the same when my husband passed away. Last year, I lost my young son, and I just kept myself away from people. Moved to my daughter's house, ignored messages and phonecalls. This has kept out all the fake sympathisers. I am relieved I didn't have to go through the torture again.

    1. You so brave mam. Thank you very much. Yes, I know log ka kambolna hi hotahain.

  2. I loved reading your post. And it was heartfelt for me. Congratulations on your lovely twins.

  3. I know such comments suck and I wish to just punch the person when they come up with such stupid thoughts. Sometimes even if we mature up to not reply I feel people deserve to get a reply back cause they need to know our say for our own life.

    1. Yes, Flavia, I also want to give punch😣

  4. Even with so much advanced era such people are still there. When the family is happy to have girls why do others interfere. Having a happy and healthy baby is more important than the gender. Ignore such people an be happy.

  5. 'India is in 2022 but still having a second girl child is taboo. People think a family is incomplete without a boy. Why?' I absolutely resonate with this Neeta cuz when my 2nd daughter was born everyone used to pacify me... for their ownselves I suppose cuz I didn't have a preference at all... I just wanted a healthy baby. My husband used to say that even if we have 14 kids, all of them have to be girls so he was very happy that it was a girl. This concept is deep-rooted and to change will take centuries... kaveri.

    1. We are blessed to have a husband Luke this mentality.

  6. I think girl children are truly a gift- they are sensitive, caring and will take their parent's needs more to heart. Women should be celebrated always

    1. Yes, I too believe the same and experience the same thing.

  7. Ignore such people or change the people you hang out with... such people are not good to be around...! All the best!!!

  8. A very honest post. People can be so heartless. In India, birth of a daughter is rarely celebrated. You daughters are blessed to have you as their mother.

  9. Oh, how I hear you. We are two sisters and even today when people ask about my siblings their next question is, what about your brother. When I tell them we are only two sisters, they have an unbelievable expression on their faces. One of my friends who was the third daughter in her family often recalls how her parents told her that people literally came over to mourn her birth. It is so sad that we aren't over with this mindset even now.

    1. Really Sonia, don't know when people change this mentality.

  10. Hugs mama, I can relate with your emotions. The world is a weird place and it often tries to bring us down with such comments. To hell with such people and their spiteful comments, motherhood is a blessing. I do not when the society will change.

  11. Such pathetic mentality. People always have an issue with the birth of a girl. Irrespective of whether the first one is a boy. I am a second born, and the only girl among the cousins. Still some people had an issue with it. Love and blessings to your girls.

  12. Yeaa I can understand. Thank you Ritu Mam.

  13. I feel for you and can thoroughly understand what you’re going through. I raised two girls and experienced the same throughout their growing years. I silently made sure they were educated and strong independent women first and fore most. Just ignore the pettiness and be happy with your beautiful girls. They will make you proud! Brinda ritecontent dot com

  14. I don't know what people get after saying these things. I can totally relate as I have a princess and people were like "ek bhai toh hona hi chahiye iske liye" and when I asked them "what's the guarantee that only bhai will come next time and we wanted just one baby girl". Everyone was so much judgemental you know and they were like see you guys will regret this soon. But we are happy with our princess. You know what just don't listen and be happy with your princesses.

  15. Girl children are treasure don't pay heed to comment and enjoy bringing them up. It's so much fun

  16. Congratulations..twin babies ...lot of love n blessings to both of them ❤️ yar u have got two best friends for life

  17. Firstly, congratulations on the new born kids! Secondly, I think people who make such comments simply reflect their own insecurity and underachievement. I have no idea how it would matter if someone would have a boy or a girl as kids. It's just bizzare to even think about it.

  18. First of all, congratulations on the twins. Secondly, I feel the people who make such comments reflect upon their own insecurity and underachievement in life. There's no way it could ever make sense.

  19. Congratulations!!!!! Just ignore who like to bark, and enjoy your parenthood

  20. Three girls is wonderful! Imagine the amazing bond they will share! Congratulations!


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