Showing posts with label Gratitude list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude list. Show all posts

Friday, 12 January 2024


REFLECTION 2023 and Goals for 2024

The last two three years I have been doing reflection for the previous year and it does really help me to evolve as a person, mother, wife for my family. So let's reflect on how our 2023 was.

Family Gatherings 

2023 started with small family getaways which was refreshing for us. Because due to pregnancy and postpartum our two years were so hectic that we didn't have a chance to socialize. The year started with family gatherings and off course lots of fun.

Emotional changes

2023 was also an emotional turmoil for me. My father' s demise. He struggled a lot. Still he managed to make video calls and talked with me. He had all his favourite meals. He played with my twins too for a very short period of time but he did it. ๐Ÿ˜ž He enjoyed all the cricket match with his phone calls.

I admire his capabilities.

We struggled to keep him alive and he was struggling to end his life. It was more painful to see him. And finally in May he left us. 

I am still not recovering. But he is not with us.๐Ÿ˜ž

With his demise I saw lots of emotions up and down with  every relationship. Learning new things, recognising the persons and accepting them the way they are without any judgements.

Life at a New Place : 

This year was a major change of place for us as a family. We had been at this place for almost 10 years. Life was all set here, but destiny has something new for us. 



New places, to new surroundings, left our comfort zone behind and again struggled to fit in a new place. 

But to my surprise, the new place was more relaxed. Especially for Mr.Hubby,  for my daughter. And so for me too.

Changes are always good. Right?

My daughters were very happy. The eldest one loved her school. She took one week to adjust with the new school with amazing and cooperative friends. We saw how happy she was !

And all I want is happiness for her. So her birthday was special. The way she always asked me. It was the first time she had her choice of friends all from her age group and they all made blast !

Grateful to the universe for her happiness! ๐Ÿ’—


I tried very few new recipes especially for toddlers. And I love the way they gobbled it. Able to create healthy meal options for my toddlers and feed them variation. 

With toddlers I also succeed in meal planning and almost have fresh homemade foods.

Home Pooja and Toddlers birthday:

Though we shifted in August but we were able to do our new gruha puja in December. And my twin toddlers second birthday at home within us. 

We went through the tough period of shifting and adjusting to a new place and so new life. I and Mr. Hubby learnt to enjoy things the way they came up rather than stressing in negative things. 

Grateful to the universe for every blessing.

New Goal for the Year 2024 

Baking : 

This year I want to learn new food specially baking items. Aiming to have more homemade bake foods and less ordered food.


Mr. Hubby and I decided to have more gathering at home. We love when people and friends visit us. Already there is a huge queue waiting and so we are , OUR HOME is now ready to welcome the guest. 

Date with friends : ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍❤️‍๐Ÿ‘ฉ

It's been years since I met my girlfriends. So this year I will try to arrange the meet ups as much as possible. And have my personal friend's life too. I will be more proactive. Making more phone calls and meeting in person.

Reading: ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“–

I have started reading already. This year I have to finish reading books on my book shelf. I deliberately avoid going to book fairs so that I can concentrate on what I have and finish that first. 

Moreover I read on Kindle too. I love that digital reading also. More reading with particular numbers.๐Ÿคž

And I want to search library near my area too. Hope to find it. 

Exercise: ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿƒ

Yes! I did my yoga for last year very well. So with a little bit of confidence this year I want to do Yoga and some running. 

Crossing 40 and so Health is my priority. The goal is to workout at least 4 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. 

More playtime and Read Aloud with twins : 

My twins turn 2. And it is more challenging to teach them, to create activities for them, to keep them screen free, to connect with them and most importantly enjoy with them. 

Planning lots of simple activities and speech activities for them. Read more books with them and this year I will be creating some new books for them. 


I love writing but sometimes I lost my track and was demotivated. I want to write more on my blog. Last year I entered the fiction writing world and so this year I wanted to learn as much as possible about fiction writing. One of the goals to participate in most blog hops and blog challenges.

Check out my poems too here and here 

Travel : ๐Ÿงณ✈️

I think we are now able to travel with our tiny toddlers. Planning to travel more a small vacation and one long tour. 

Dating with Spouse/daughter:

Last year we did Saturday Movie Date which works wonderful for us. That is the only way we can spend time with each other. ๐Ÿ˜ Planning to have more date nights and more family walks. 

We will plan more dates with my elder daughter so that we can spend special time with her. 

Apart from this my major goals are : 

Working towards my dreams. 

More self-care and self pampering.

Buying more new clothes. Trying new clothes styling.

Taking care of my mental health.

Slow down and prioritize things.

Maintain a simple living without scrolling

Complete my K drama watchlist ๐Ÿ˜› (Entertainment is major things)

Having mindfulness in living life.

Love to my family more. 

Find joy in each day and love more life. 

Have you reflect on the year 2023 ? Have you set any goals?

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Things I Am Loving Lately ( September Edition )


Have you noticed only 3 months left for the  year end.  I feel like just Ganeshotsav starts and now there are many more  festivals are on the way.... time flew so fast !


This post may contain affiliate link which I use and love ! ( more about privacy here


Grateful to the all good and bad moment for the entire 8 months of the year. The grief of my father, an emotional rollercoaster, getting up a new routine, changing life in many more ways and Love from the family I am getting.

Over the years I leared when you acknowledge the small things you can feel self love and radiatie the same love. I also learnt to  accept the things the way they are coming to me rather than indulging on my self expectations. 

For 2 years I have been completely immersed in motherhood not having "My Life",  Like pregnancy and then postpartum I can't remember when was the last time I was ready with all make up and all (lipa poti )๐Ÿ˜†

This festival season I wanted to take care of myself first. Because  my daughter asked several questions like why you don't dress up like other moms? Why is your hair so messy?  

Finally taking this on a serious note  I changed my wardrobe. I haven't wear a suit probably for the last 3 years. This time I have it in my wardrobe and now I am loving it.

Things I am loving lately September Edition: 

Kurta Set from  the brand Klosia .

This one with Floral Prints and festive too.

And this black one too with dupatta. All these are on deal and below INR 1000 /

Because I realised I like to wear only cotton and comfortable clothes irrespective of the trend๐Ÿ˜† Comfort is my new fashion. I had 3 sets and now wanted to stock up almost 5 colours. Are you a suit person or Western one ? 

  The Date Syrup 

As a toddler mom I have to cook variety of baby food and I don't use sugar for them. In the same way I am trying to minimise my sugar consumption too. 

Earlier I used to make date syrup at home. But now with increasing task it is better to purchase store bought. I have been using this from last 3 months and I love it. It is natural sweetener with no added sugar. I am adding it in halwa, porridge, oats and to my Coffee too. 


Though I am a tea lover but constant nagging of Mr. Hubby I have decided to lower my tea / sugar intake. Generally I had 4 cups of tea ☕ in whole day - With snacks always. You know breastfeeding moms are hungry in every 2 hours. I want to get rid of this habit. So I am slowly switching to Coffee. ( I know this is also not healthy ๐Ÿ˜œ) 

One mug of coffee like the star bucks version at home and actually I am full . I didn't even drink 1 cup of tea at all. 

I am loving it.

  Trolly suitcase Bag 

I like it specially for light weight and 28 ltr capacity. It is laptop friendly too. We are currently not having any suitcase which fits our family clothes. Instead of keeping multiple bags I choose this one. I love it because we can piles up many clothes ๐Ÿ˜œ

   Hair dryer 

Washing hair and drying it is a major task on my to do list. You know with a toddler taking out time for a bath is difficult. And then drying hair is another task. Earlier I don't like to use hair dryer instead I like to dry up hair naturally under fan or in sun. 

But life lately is full of chaos. Switching to this hair dryer make me less irritate. It is also helpful to dry up my daughter curly hair which took lots of time generally.

   The Journey through the time ( 7 to 12 years age ) 

This is our new edition to my daughter shelf. She already read the series of Stilton. Now she wanted to more and more .

Currently it is her favourite book . And mine too. ☺️

And I am reading the Harry Potter Series and No drama Discipline.

PS :

Gratitude List for the months of September: 

Reading : Our reading is increasing . Our means my family, yes. I read aloud to my twins, my daughter is reading now her books apart from study and me trying to read at least 5 to 6 pages.  

Writing a little bit on a daily basis for my blog. It keep me sane and happy.

Learning new skills from you tube tutorial regarding my blogging. I never took it seriously because I love to write from my heart and not from the SEO parameters. Still learning ๐Ÿ˜†

Dressing up,  Off course anyone love to dress up. But currently taking care to dress up properly. So that keep dress handy and ready in short organised way ,,,๐Ÿ˜œ

Our new home : It is a blessing. I feel it is safe and full of positive vibes. My daughters are more happy and mostly we have giggles throughout the day. 

Food : And off course having food on our plate. This is basic but having home made food is also a blessing. Bless that I am able to cook and have a healthy meal thrice a day.


Follow MemoryFlies on Instagram 


Question of the day.

What is your favourite thing for this month? 


This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Friday, 28 July 2023

Life Lately July

 Hi, there,

I hope you all are fine. We all are still juggling. 

It is the last week of July 2023 and we are in our baby steps. On 1st July we enter in this new house and mentally prepared for new home and new challenge on a positive note.๐Ÿ˜ƒ There is no such thing --- no, but gradually I am learning to take every step slowly with positive mindset. It doesn't mean you have to be happy. I am trying to minimise my irritation and negativity. It is really difficult where you have to unpack your whole house, the elder ones new school, study, exam, twin toddlers and Mr. Hubby. Hussshhh.... !

Life Lately by MemorynaFiles

We decided to go as slowly as possible. It is one of the phases which will fade away not very soon but yes, it will. I love to arrange a home but with twin toddlers it is quite tough. Then I thought these were the precious memories of my twins. They will be growing up here ! That's why I am updating my life Lately on my blog. MemoryFlies ๐Ÿ˜Š

We shifted to a new house, a new city, new surroundings and new people. This is our 4th shift and I think it will be the last and best. Yep, with the best mindset life will be best. What do you think?

The things we learn about people and neighbours. No matter wherever you go, wherever you stay in a high standard locality or middle class or lower middle class, you will get the same ( worse ) kind of people. Only 30% can be kind and helpful.

So the lesson learnt is not to have any expectations with anyone. No need to be kind to unkind people. Just to have causal meetings and try to avoid as much as you can except social gatherings.

Life Lately is having twin toddlers who are in the climbing stage and constantly putting fingers in electric holes. Have to arrange furniture accordingly so that they will be safe. 

Life Lately

Currently my TV wall unit looks like this. Not yet properly arranged but will get soon.


The kitchen is a disaster right now. Arranged basic utility so that I am able to cook three meals.

This is my pantry, I always wanted to have a pantry in my kitchen and so finally got it. I hope I will organise as soon as possible. 

Basically this is a non modular kitchen which is small but I love it because it is more functional and keeps me in my minimalistic nature. 

Yes! I am Grateful:

Grateful to have a roof, food and water.

Grateful to have a pollution free atmosphere.

Grateful to have peaceful surroundings.

Grateful to have accessibility to each tiny thing. 

Currently reading :

To my toddlers only, ๐Ÿ˜Š

These are favourite ones.

Toddlers reading

Helping my elder one because this time her board has changed and so it is new for her and for me too.

Currently Watching

I love to binge on Netflix but unable to watch as I did not get any ME time. Still I am watching YouTube videos to get more inspiration to carry on homemaking. 

My favourites are : 

Old World Home

I love to watch English one because they do not have any drama on their channels. 

I watched her for the last 8 years and still she is my favourite. Inspired me a lot to be healthy and happy. Which one is your favourite? Comment below.

Currently Favourite Food: 

Nothing right now. But yes I am into feeding my family healthy food as much as possible. So currently my favourite foods are Ragi, Carrot and beet.

I am adding these to every food item. And trying to make new dishes.

Currently mood

Tired, and want to go out on a walk for at least 30 minutes. 

But unable.... 

Instead trying to move my body on zumba move๐Ÿ˜ƒ once in a week at least for 15 min. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Currently I love to talk with my daughter. We got the time to chat at night only when we are on our bed and constantly talking with each other. She love this time and me too. Sometimes I have to tell her go to sleep because she is not a morning person. And I also allow her to have a complete sleep.

My life Lately is quiet challenging. Because there are still boxes to unpack, the wardrobes are waiting to be wiped down, unpacking of clothes, still the drillings are pending, still kitchen need to streamlined.... And blaa....blaaa....blaaa...

Life Lately

One of most precious thing is my three daughters are happy and able to cope up with this new shift. New change in everyday routine, seasonal change and off course the sleeping room change.

Questions of the day

How do you tackle the shifting? Does it drives you madly or you taking it slowly?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Things I am Loving #Gratitude List 3 April Edition

I am pretty late in publishing my gratitude list. It's been the end of May and I am publishing my April Gratitude List. 

Earlier I used to think like this and was never able to publish even well written blog posts. I write what I feel and think other moms will get inspired. In the reels world I still love to write. And I really love to look at my whole previous month to check on how I progress in terms of self development. Did I learnt something ? Or am I just blaming the situation, people and time?

For the last 4 years my journal writing is limited to my diary. Then I started to write on my blog at my personal space. And you know, actually I am enjoying this journey. 

5 things I am Loving it #Gratitude List April 2023 

1. Study and peace

I am able to put my daughter in self study mode. With mom Peace ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yes. It took time but finally we completed this years final exam without yelling. 

We enjoyed the last week of school. And happy to get the report card too. 

Grateful to the universe for the change. This is only the first step. I am very impatient in terms of my kids study in. So learning to go step by step. And I know I can do it. 

2. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Celebration: 

This year was special for celebration of this Jayanti. As a child I still remember we used to go to have that procession.

And I wanted to show my daughter what is it? How big is our festival? How it is celebrated all over the world? Every year we saw this on TV. But now she is big enough and so I wanted to show her, to make feel her. 

And We went at my mummy's house. There was the grand celebration. We witnessed that with our kiddo. Yes it is quiet hectic for myself with babies. But we did it. Something different and I enjoyed it. 

Grateful that my wish completed. And able to be a part of this giant celebration after so many years .

3. Grateful to have my father:

He is on the verge of old age. Grateful that he does not have any kind of disease. When I get "pappa calling ' on my phone screen,  eyes teared. (Specially on my birthday, I know this is last call. ,๐Ÿ˜‘

I saw how tough is to be at the end of the life. He didn't want to live a life but we convince him that there is still life for him.

Still he is in bed but glad, he can sit, and talk. Watch his favourite IPL match (not all but some). Not eating much, very little like a baby meal. Trying to be with us. I prey to God give him strength to live though this tough phase.

4.Summer Holiday

I still remember last summer. It was so hectic and stressful. But time flew - very slow and crucial for me.  I am happy to look back. How I nurture my twins. How I handle it all alone. How much strength I had. Grateful to the Universe for making me so strong. I did it because I am a mother. 

Finally summer is here and tried to be mindfully present in every moments. Daughter had her first bucket list and we are trying to fulfill it. 

This summer holiday is the special because she had a Date With her Pappa. Both had a Mumbai Darshan (small) one. The first date at Gate Way Of India. Enjoying this Summer break with family.

5. The bonding among my kids.

Officially now we are a big family. Family of 5. I have 3 siblings and always wanted to give that joy to my daughter. Earlier I was happy with a single kid. But then constantly this thought reminds me how we siblings are happy. That small fights, joy, eating together and playing together give immense happiness. So I wanted to give that feeling to my only child. 

Happy to see how she has nurtured her bonding with twins. She played with them, taught them, and ran with them . Taking care when mumma makes meals or does any household chores.

Truly grateful for that.

and if I yelled or said anything rubbish she would get angry with me. And make me understand by saying, "mummy they are just babies. They don't understand. "

How lucky I am to have such a mature kid. Grateful to the universe for giving me 3 girls . 

I learnt and still learning. As a mom you get evolved through many phases. It is only the way you looked at. If you start to enjoy the phase mindfully you will surprised to see how life is. It depends on you how you take it, beautiful or stressful ๐Ÿ˜Š

Question of the Day 

Have you related to any of the above points? Which things you are grateful for ?

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Monday, 27 March 2023

Things I am Loving ( Gratitude List) #February Ediition #1

Happy Monday!

How many of you saw Venus on this Friday ? I didn't know it was Venus but after discussing with friends get to know. Voila, such a beautifil sight. And then I checked it on a Google. 

After reading many of yours morning routines, mindful living and many tips finally I wanted to have a structure routine which helps me in my personal growth. But with small baby I am unable to set routine. Every day is new to me and new challenge always there. I decided to take a small step, change the mindset and accept this temporary life moment.

When we as a woman wearing so many hats of being daughter, wife, mother, sister it is difficult to keep that balance of happiness and stress. Everyone is surrounded by stress, the struggle is how you cope up. There are many ways to handle stress but it gives fruits only when you adopting it.

I love to take small steps one by one. Out of which  first one is "GRATITUDE "I am greatful to the universe for everything. I can cook, feed, read, write and play with my babies.

I am sharing 5 things I am loving lately for the entire February month. Because my goal is to do mindfully. And so trying for the full month. ๐Ÿ˜Š 

Writing :

Yes ! To keep my soul at right place. It helps me to have emotional balance. Thanks to the #blogchatter in which I participate #writeAPageDay.  I wrote every day and I can't believe I had many post in draft which I am going to publish. I write most of the post when I breastfeed them. 

They sent me this beautiful diary for completing the challenge. 

I wrote small poems too. Check out here and here .


Still I am struggling to read with offline books. I have started to read Harry Potter  from last 3 month, yet unable to have daily read. 

But yes, I do read aloud to my babies. Currently Haathi Bhai, I Love You, Little Why, Bubble Series are our favorite books which we read. They love books too. I was surprised when my 8 months old learn how to open a book.

I read online specially blogs. 

My favorite are : 

Madhu Mam's blog for  recipes : 

For different vide range of topic I like Harjeet Kaur blog  

Not tried Kindle yet. But yes it is on my list. 

Trying new recipe for my babies : 

Blessed to have access to doctor's nutritionist on social media and hence trying new baby recipes. My intentions to make them eat the same food which we are eating.  If you want to know how ? Then read my post on breakfast ideas. 

Intentional Play : 

Playing with my babies without taking any vidoes. Yes, I was addicted to take video. But now I am playing intentionally with them. Took videos only for special achievement of their milestone. And for my page where I shared #babyplayideas 

No phone till 12 pm: 

After 11 :30 pm I have to check my phone due to my daughter school bus time. But strictly I do not touch my phone since morning after I got up from sleep. It was my goal from January and I am able to maintain till date. Success!

And able to cook more to feed my family. ๐Ÿ˜‰

These are on my list always. Reading and daily writing was my struggle. But to my surprised I wrote more post in my postpartum period. Whereas I decided to document twin pregnancy but unable to do that.

At the beginning I keep these goal in my mind. I wanted to see how long I will do it. To be honest I started this at the end of January with on and off. But with constant effort I made it possible. ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is my gratitude list which give me the feeling of content and productive. ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am just a mom with intentions to live life happily. So that I can able to transfer the life values to my kids. I believe kids learn through observing and I am trying to be the best version of myself with continuous practice.

Do you have any monthly goal? How do you track it?

Thank you for stopping by!

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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