Showing posts with label motherhood personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherhood personal. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

SIYA TALE सिया टेल- विचारपूस


आपण सगळे एकमेकांची विचारपूस करत असतो नाही का? पण घरात फॅमिलीत नाही होत. म्हणजे जिथे फक्त आई बाबा आणि भाऊ बहिण राहत असतील तर आपण रोजच एकमेकांना विचारत नाही,  कसे आहात? काय चालंय वैगरे. आणि nuclear family असल्यामुळं घरात सहसा कोणी येत नाही. हे सगळं सांगायचे तात्पर्य की लहान मुले observe करतात आणि शिकतात. 

पण माझ्या घरात ह्या गोष्टी सहसा होत नाही. Twins असल्यामुळं पाहुण्याची वर्दळ कमीच. तर विचारपूस करणे सीयाने कसे आत्मसात केले कुणास ठाउक?

तिची सई दिदी शाळेतून घरी येते तेव्हा जसे door nock होते तशी सिया आनंदाने नाचू लागते. दिदी आली, दिदी आली! थोडा वेळ दीदी सोफ्यावर बसते आणि थोडी relax झाली की सीयाची विचारपूस चालू होते.

दमी दिदी,

पावसात भिजी दीदी, 

पाऊस खूप होता दिदी. 

हे तिच्या त्या भाषेमध्ये लडिवाळ पणे बोलते. दिदी सियाला मिठी मारते  आणि खूप सारी किसी करते. 

It melts my heart. 💜🥹

Similar way  तिचे बाबा (father) संध्याकाळी येतात तेव्हा तर चित्र वेगळेच असते. जसे door knock होते सिया बोलू लागते अगदी पोपटासारखी.

सिया पप्पा आला.

सिया पप्पा ऑफिस आला.

मम्मी सिया पप्पा आला.

दिदी सिया पप्पा आला.

सगळ्यांना सांगून झाल्यावर सिया नाचत नाचत पप्पाकडे जाते. आणि पुन्हा,

तू भिजा पप्पा?

तू दमा पप्पा?

पप्पा इट्स रेनिंग.

तू भीजा रेन मधे 

And on and on and on.....

गोड, निर्मळ आणि लडिवाळ अशी माझी सिया ! 💜❤️

You may like to read : 


Day in life of Twins 8 months 

My Twins turns one 


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 



Wednesday, 19 June 2024



I wish to frame the time with my tiny twins because I was unable to do this with my elder one, my love. I was so busy with her and now regretting why I didn't store our memory on my blog. 

So this year I am going to store our day in life in each month 🤞on my blog. Whenever we will turn back we will be happy to see how our day was with these two tiny dolls. 

This is Friday of Summer Vacations of June 2024 with my 26 months toddler and 11 year old daughter 😍 



It is summer vacation so our morning starts late. Almost every day I have to prepare tiffin for Mr. Hubby. I got up at 7 a.m. On this day I made baingan bharta and chapati for his lunch. 

8 to 9 a.m.

Once he left for the office I had some my ME time. I drank my morning tea mindfully and did some work on my blog. 

Around 9 am my twin toddler gets up one by one and came into the living room. Little bits of hug and kiss and day started by saying good morning. (Please note not all days are the same 😁)

They both drank 1/2 glass of water and ate banana. They played with toys and I started to prepare breakfast. Generally our breakfasts were simple and repetitive. You can check it out here. 

This morning we had upma and for toddler sheera. Still their favourite and I was trying to offer the food which they love in the morning. No new food offering because they are hungry and so no experimenting is affordable at this time. We generally had our breakfast up to 10 to 10:30 am. (In summer)

12 to 1 pm

And then we read some books for an hour. I try to finish sweeping and dusting to make them ready for a bath. Around 12:30 pm we all had the bath, dressed up and ready for the rest of the day. 


2 to 3 pm

I prepared lunch. I offer screen time so that I can prepare lunch quickly.

Around 2 pm we had our lunch. We all ate together. Because this is the only way my twins were learning how to eat with their hands by sitting on the floor. I love to prepare small thali and offer the same food from our pot in small quantities. 

3 to 4 pm

3:00 pm  laundry - I put all the clothes in the washing machine and took the kids to the bedroom for the afternoon nap. Here they played with me hide and seek. Both of them love to hide behind curtains and giggles when I find them. After that some poems recite with action and we get drowsy slowly. We all slept from 4 to 5 pm.

While the elder one was having her screen time , some art activity. Then she also joined us for sleep. 


5 to 6 pm

In the evening the elder one went to play. We had evening tea and snacks. Offering some snacks like murmura and makhana to twins. Then we went to park from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. As much as possible 🥴😑

8 to 9  dinner prepared, and served. It usually took around 30 to 45 minutes to feed twins, and at the same time we also had our meal. It is Family meal time so it is slow and with lots of laughter, mess most of the time but we enjoyed it. 

some giggles continue, dance and family time. 10 pm all family members distributed the work of winding up. I handle kitchen cleaning, resetting for the next day. Daughter was busy making beds and Mr. Hubby played with kiddo and meanwhile organising toys from all the rooms. Generally we had toys in the living room. Sometimes it spreads in daddy's bedroom.

10:30 we were all in bed. Good night.

This looks so simple while I am putting it in a words but trust me it is sometimes difficult 🥴 na... Sometimes means in a whole day some time I felt even my elder one felt exhausted and fully drained.  

This is mom life with 26 months toddler and 11 year daughter. We trying to have fun as much as possible with music, games and books. 


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Saturday, 30 March 2024


Holi is the festival of colours. It makes us feel refreshed and we welcome Spring. Holi is celebrated all over India within each society. Holi is a social gathering for joy. People enjoy bonfire, music, food ( puranpoli and mawa gujiya) and colours. 

Holi is one of my favourite festivals. Though we didn't follow any rituals but had a delicious meal at home. Preparing puranpoli and playing with colour is our joy of Holi.

Holi - Puranpoli Chronicles

This year my twins witnessed Holi for the first time.  We  dressed them very well and took them down to our society to see what Holi is? They didn't understand anything but both were very happy and ran all around the ground. Both of them wanted to touch that bonfire. Mr. hubby and I were running behind them to drag them from that bonfire ( Poor us)! And this way we enjoyed our Holi .

As per the rituals I made the puranpoli. we had simple thali with Puranpoli katachi Amati and Rice. 

Anyway, back to the post,

Holi is known as SHIMGA for us who belongs to KONKAN region. We are Maharashtrian and PURANPOLI is the main attraction of every Marathi household. Generally puranpoli is served with milk, katachi Amati, rice, any leafy vegetables, pickle and kurdai - one kind of papad. 

Holi - Puranpoli Chronicles

Very few are able to prepare this puranpoli as it requires lots of patience and hardwork. 

Since I was a kid I saw how my aai prepares puranpoli. It was quite hard to grind that purana on stone. (Pata and varavanta). I also liked to grind. Though my tiny hands was paining after a small portion 😇 but tried to help Aai little bit as per my capacity. My wish when I was small was to grind the puran and learn to make delicious puranpoli without tearing it. 🤣

And guess 😄

I didn't like to eat puranpoli at all when I was a kid. But I enjoyed the preparation of the puranpoli. We generally made it on Holi only once a year and so it was special to me. As I grew and  became adults I started to like it. I especially like to eat stale puranpoli ( shili poli) it tastes awesome with ginger tea rather than milk. ( My choice 😁) I always asked my Aai to keep at least 3, 4 puranpoli to eat in the morning. Till date my Aai kept it for me whenever I went there for holi. Blessed to have her in my life.

I haven't liked milk since my childhood. I feel yuk when my family eats puranpoli by mixing it in milk. (Dudhat churun Ani Varun tup takun khane) Pouring ghee on top of that. I hated it. But to my surprise when I grew I like to have it only with ghee. Puranpoli loaded with ghee is my special dish. I still don't like to eat it with milk. 


I love to eat now. I learnt how to make pouranpoli And over the years I made it very well ( Mr. Hubby feedback) 😎

They said, once you become a mother you can do anything for your kids - here ( in terms of feeding the kids). I am blessed that my kiddo loves to gobble it too.

So what were the difficulty levels? 

1) Preparing the dal -  

Boiling chana dal at perfect consistency - Not too mushy and not too hard. 

Earlier I was unable to understand how to boil. With lots of tips from my aai , with lots of mistakes and our beloved teachers from Youtube I learnt purana poli in an easy way. 

2) How to knead a dough ?

I made it purely from whole wheat flour ( aata flour). People used to make it from maida because of the elasticity of maida there are low chances of tearing of poli.  Since my childhood I ate puranpoli made from aata which is healthy and tastes delicious. 

The main trick is - knead a soft dough. I didn't use too much oil. I used lots of water to knead soft dough and Just 1 tsp of oil cover up the dough so that it will not have any cracks. Cover the dough with cotton clothes and leave it for at least 15 minutes. 

Flour + turmeric + salt and water to knead the dough. You can roll the perfect puranpoli. 

3) Preparing Puran

It is tedious work. To make the perfect puran you should have patience. You have to continuously stir the dal and jaggarry mixture till it reaches the perfect consistency. If your spatula stands on that puran means your puran is perfect to make the puranpoli. 

These are all difficulty levels which you mastered with practice. The whole process of making puranpoli is lengthy. You have to work in batches. I prefer to have preparation so that my patience level is maintained. 😇

The first step is soaking chana dal.

Second step boiling and separating water from dal.

Third step to knead the soft dough.

Fourth step to make puran - mixture of dal, jaggarry, cardamom powder and nutmeg powder.

Fifth step : rolling out roti (poli) with stuffing of puran. 

Sixth step : Roasting on tawa with ghee. 

And your delicious puranpoli is ready. 

Now you understand why I said to work in batches. 😞 If you have toddlers revolving around you then you must do little bit of pre- preparation.

Finally I learnt perfect puranpoli.😁 

I started to learn since my first kid was 5 years old. It took 5 years to make perfect puranpoli. 

Holi - Puranpoli Chronicles

Take away points, if you love to make it.

1) Traditional dishes are not always easy but we have to restore our delicacy for our future generations.

2) Practice makes you perfect. Start with 1/2 cup of chana dal. And then slowly increase the amount.

3) Don't mind if anyone demoralises you. Motivate yourself and then only you can learn.

4) There is lots of video on Youtube Stick to one which is comfortable to you and practice.

Disclaimer : This was my experience from disliking puranpoli to preparing it and feeding it to my family. My intention is not to take any class 😜 

Hope you enjoyed today's post - My chronicles of Puranpoli. And learnt something.

Questions of the day 

Do you like to eat puranpoli? 

Which traditional dishes from your culture are your favourite? 


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 21 March 2024


How are you all? We are in the middle of March, the atmosphere is beautiful. In the morning you can feel cold air, in the afternoon you can feel very hot but as soon as the day turns to evening it will become cool again - Weather in my area, I am loving it. Is it the same in your area?

Recently I came across this survey on Pinterest "Currently"  I like this concept about recording your current (life moments) and honestly I found it fun. 

I read almost 4 to 5 posts of other bloggers on Pinterest and love the ideas. I hope you all enjoy this post. And if you like to play along with it please comment down your current intrest like read, watch,  feel, etc in the comment section of this blog post. I would love to read it. 


Currently Living : 

 'Universal Law Of Attraction" do you believe it? 

 I believe it because it happened to me. Whatever I want (especially in my subconscious mind) I am getting that. No wonder it takes time but yes , the law of attraction works very well. 

I always wanted to live in Mumbai. Though I was  born at Kalyan which is not far from Mumbai and from my childhood I dreamt of living in Mumbai. After getting married I shifted to Vikhroli. Dream comes true. Then, I wanted to live in the Township. I finally shifted to my dream destination where I wanted to settle with my family for my kids. It took almost 10 years. 

Greatful to the Universe 🙏

PS : Pixel Lin2015

Universal Law Of Attraction worked. And currently we are in Mumbai - Mumbaikar 😎

Currently Day Dreaming : 

Traveling with Mr. Hubby and Family. It's been almost four years since lockdown we didn't travel. With twins our travel adventures started 😉 and currently I am day dreaming of real travel - out of our state. I hope my dreams come true. 

PS: pixel - Peggychoucair

Currently Watching : 

K- Drama. I am a big fan of K drama. I started watching it in my postpartum period which was helping me to reduce my stress. Though I am not that much addicted and I took almost 2 months to finish one drama 😭 as per my time

But from last year I didn't believe myself I completed almost 5 to 6 K dramas in a line. Mr. Hubby is also surprised that I am not the one sitting infront of big screen . Guess what I also make him addicted to K dramas.😁

PS : Google 

Currently I am watching My Holo Love on Netflix.

I am loving it. ❤️

Currently Reading: 

Currently I am reading lots of blog posts especially foreign bloggers and our Indian bloggers too. Blogs such as, educational, travel, blogging related and  lots of fiction stories written by fellow bloggers. Some of them are my inspiration and I am in a learning process. 

Apart from that I am currently reading the Harry Potter Series,  I started the second book in this series. 

Currently Googling 

Marathi Bloggers and Marathi blogging. I wonder how marathi blogging works. Many of my friends asked me why I don't write in marathi ? And my answer is , "I feel like I'm writing an essay. 

But the real fact is that blogging is tough. I have been on this journey for 6 years and learnt everything by myself. I also love to write in Marathi but there are many difficulties. Figuring out how to solve it? Do people read it ? Many more queries. Currently googling Marathi blogging world.

Currently Indulging: 

Ice creams, ice creams and lots of ice creams. Though I have to hide it from my twins but currently I am carving for more ice creams.😜

Currently Cooking: 

Traditional marathi dishes like pithale bhakari, methi bhaji in marathi style, variety of dals in traditional marathi style, fish fry, and last but not the least dry Fish. 

It's been so many days we didn't get fish here in Mumbai. Recently Mr. Hubby got it after so many searches. Blessed 😇

Cooking dry fish just the way my father loves to eat. The right amount of oil with the right amount of salt. Learning and learning and realizing why pappa insisted on oil. He always wanted to have the right amount of oil na jyda and na Kam. Currently I am in cooking mode in traditional ways. 

Currently Smiling 

On my twins giggles. They are in the language learning phase. The elder twin repeated every word we said. And the smaller one is trying to speak special words. Both are making us smile all day. 

Currently Listening : 

Mix of Bollywood and Hollywood old songs. I love to listen 90's songs. Though on my big screen currently BLACK PINK is trending for my kiddos. Whenever I go for walk I listen  90 songs... And some old songs. 

Specific current list : 

From this moment - Shania  Twain 

RHTDM : Songs 

Currently Avoiding: 

Call from the toxic people. I choose peace over drama. I changed myself a lot because in the end nothing matters but your peace matters a lot. I am on this mode now " I don't want to ask anything and don't want any explanation. ' 

And so cutting such toxic people from my life even they are the near and dear ones. Avoiding all of them. Do you avoid such people or staying connected with them?

Question of the day 

Pick up any currently and play along with it in the comment section. Like, 

Currently Watching...

Currently Avoiding...

Currently Indulging.... Etc.


This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Things I am loving Gratitude List #2 March Edition

It 's been a year I am having my babymoon period. But strongly feeling to concentrate on more practical things. Slowly one by one because at the end I am the responsible person to have a happy family. ( Mr.Hubby contributing by his way) 

Keeping gratitude and maintaining gratitude list helps me to have happy and positive attitude towards life. I am sharing 5 things which I love for the month of March 2023. 

Gratitude list : March Edition 

1. Family goal : 

One of the family goal is to be healthy and happy family. The easiest way to keep your family happy is you should be happy with yourself and with your surrounding. 

It is quite tough but when you accept that time flew fast and concentrate on quality things you will be HAPPY !  Trust me.

I am greatful to God for keeping me healthy. And able to feed, give love and provide clean clothes on a daily basis to each member of my family. Plus each one is healthy and active. I love to be with my kids. Greatful that I can play, jump,  dance around and with them. My babies giggle and running through the whole house. Happy me😎 

Just opposite when they get cranky I am the one who loose patience quickly because I did not understand the reason. Does this happened to you ?

2. Family get together:

Almost after a year we had our family get together. In Dec 2022 we had last marriage in my family. So there will be no more marriage fun in coming years 😔 

To keep that faith we decided to have more family get together every year. At least once in a year 🤞🏻hoping for the best. 

We had this family dinner. And with my babies we had blast. Yes! With babies 🤣 I am running around babies with turn by turn and did not remember what me and Mr. Hubby ate.🤔

3. Twin mundane

It was most awaited things. We generally remove all hair in 6 months. No I am not following any rituals. It is on when baby get older and I am able to handle them. Pretty simple! 

This time we did mundan in March. Yes, according to me they understand what is going on and with hope at least one of them will be less cranky. 

Guess what? 

Exactly happened the same thing. We thought miss "I" will be cool but, she cried so much while miss "S" giggled around her. 

She watched carefully everything. When her turned came she did not cried at all. Voila! Success.😁

3. Twin outing

Yes! It is quite dangerous thing for me. Because both are continued to run and it is not easy to run behind them. Mr. Hubby excited to take them to Mall. I used to drop out his plan several time. 😐 

But this time we took a chance. We went out nearby mall for our "OUTING" 

Elder one also stuck with me inside the house. So dare to go out with my twins. 

They enjoyed most. First time my twins travelled with Railyway train. They enjoyed train. Running everywhere at mall through the open space. We manged to eat dinner 😇

Succeed! 😉

4. Study of elder one

It is most difficult part for me this year. Semester she did all by herself. For final too I encourage her for self study but she wanted me to be with her. She started to felt out alone. "As mummy is not with her, mummy do not love her and mummy even do not bother her😇"

Yes! I agree she can feel all these. My attention us totally turned towards babies. Also we took her granted. Motherhood is really difficult. You have to give your attention equally. I am really greatful to God for giving me such mature and supportive daughter. I always appreciate this. 

I prepared Time table and started to sit with her for study. Special focus on difficult subjects like Maths and EVS 

Succeed ! 

To complete study with lots of laugh and able to brought confidence to my daughter. 

5. Decluttering

My goal is to declutter every month. Baby outgrow quickly and if you do not declutter timely you will end up with huge mess.

With twins managing wardrobe is the most complicated things. Whenever I open my wardrobe I do not want to have irritating feeling. So time to time I declutter clothes. Everyone's! Yes, whether it is me, Mr. Hubby or my three daughters. Things got easy and trying to not have overflowing piles. 

Do you know our mental state is depend on these things? All negative energy piles up in such cluttered things. 

My goal was to declutter in every month, every small or big corner of our home. And with God grace I am able to do that. 

Greatful for this as I am able to remove negativity from my house. You try it once and see the result.

Do you maintain any gratitude list ?

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PS : All images belongs to MemoryFlies. Do not use without permission. 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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