Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Year End Review of 2022

Happy new year 2023. 

My yearly review is always restricted to my journal only. But this time I came across these prompts on pintrest and so jotted down. It is little bit differnt version of year end review and I loved it.

This is the best year in my life. Twin baby and my life and my family life has completely changed. Our priority, our health, our eating habit everything has changed. And we as a family enjoyed it very well. 

What was like in the beginning?

2022 beginning was quite tough. With small twin baby, feeding, bathing, handling my elder one and the most important staying sane.

What worked well and what didn't?

In the early period of delivery, being c section I was obviously expected a help. Though I have a house help. But it didn't worked. 

Trying and trying and goes with flows. It worked. With the help of my elder one I handled everything. 

Able to concentrating on being creative on my Instagram page. Did everything which makes me happy. Reading, writing blog post, dancing with my elder one, drawing, creating reel and making some delicious foods too. 

What was the most important conversation and connection?

The connection was with my family inside my home. With my babies, they understood more 😊my mature elder one, 🤗 and Mr. Hubby. The connection we developed was incredible. 

Conversation with my blogger friends. Yep, I write 24 post in this year. Whhooo...! Patted on myself 😊

What was the best entertainment?

Screen time was so far I hooked on Netflix but able to saw only 2 webseries of K -drama. Arya, mismatched. Gilmore Girl and some kids movie on our movie date at home.

Our Family entertainment shows was Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra 😁 Where you forget your all stress and laugh from the bottom of your belly🤣

Who mattered?

My kid, Mr.Hubby , my one and only friend Anu,  who was constantly with me and You. Greatful to have you as a reader and your comments gives me more boost to write more blog post.

What changed?

I become more emotionally confident. Improve myself more the way I expected.

Earlier I used to write only when I think it will be best post. And it will goes one post in two three month.  

I joined Bloggers community and fellow blogger inspire me to write. 

I wrote my first ever fiction story which was top blog post in the community.

But I will continue to write more about my experience. I think we all get inspired by each others experience. 

Where did you find happiness and fulfillment?

Within my families. Able to feed, bath to my babies. Provide clean clothes, 3 meals 😇 to my family. 

Happiness is spending time with my kiddos. 

Spend time with my big family at family function. We had marriage and we thoroughly enjoyed.😁

What are your intentions for 2023?

Maintain boundaries within family, friends and outsiders.

Forget, forgive but don't allow them to enter your life again.

Choose the people who choose you.

Stay away from selfish friends and relatives.

Focus on myself, my inner growth and self development.

Read, read and read more offline and online too. And write more post on my blog mindfully.

Thank you for being here! 

How was your 2022? Are you reviewing it?

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