Sunday, 5 March 2023

#BlogchatterBlogHop 6 Things I do to nurture my creative self

Creative activity could be describe as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual

- -- Arthur Korstle

Yes, I truly believe in the above statement. Creative person is always eager to learn something new. Don't you think ? We all are creative. Aren't we ? 

Glad that I am a mother - stay at home mom, after being professional CS life turned into Stay at home mom  made me creative person. Otherwise I wouldn't able to find out my skills and talent. I believe every creative person is Talented. ! 😎

So What do you think a creative self means ?

Creativity is something that allows people to show what they are capable of doing. For the most part, this ability is unique to almost every individual.

---- Joanna Yanez

Joanna definition is relatable. When I look around or I can say our Social Media, tons of moms, people are Creative. Some of them are really Gem. I have learned, still learning and inspiring from them. 

According to me Creative self means you have some skills and you are able to create things by using that skills. These may help you and may inspire others too. More than I am  concentrating on self help 😊

How do I find my creativity ? And why?

Being stay at home mom after ditching your career is stressful. Many moms are going through this and very few can cope up with it.  I even had a depression which almost ruined my mental state as well as my family's peace. And believe me you have to came out from this by yourself only. No one is going to help you. You will find tons of advisers which mostly give out negativity. 

I decided to toss the advice.


When I was pregnant  I  started reading. I discovered blogs, specially international moms blogs which inspire me a lot. Somehow I was able to connect with them and feel glad that I am not alone, a struggling mom!

After almost 1 year of reading I feel I can write. I started slowly writing. And to my surprised I can write, when Mr.Hubby appreciate it. And after almost 3 year I started my blog - Memory flies!

Which things I do to nurture my creative self?

These are 6 things I love to do to have my creative spark.

1.Creative writing experiement :  

I started my writing for fun and while experimenting I learned from scratch. Then slowly I wrote on some Journal style, informative style and then jotting my parenting life too. 

Though I am not that much professional but yes, I like my work when it is get appreciated. And so happy when my blog was selected among top mom blogs in India.

2. Sketching - 

I love painting. I made board in my 20's 😊 Now after so many year want to learn sketching. Thanks to the YouTube where I learned and still learning sketching. 

For me these are my meditation.

3. Bottle painting : 

As I said above I love paiting. I did fabric painting course in my 20s. So try to use that skill. I have had painted these bottles. What is that called - yes,  trash to treasure. 

4. Brainstorm :

There are lots of in my brain. I have to pen down otherwise I lost it.😁Does it happen with you? 

I keep that habit to brainstorm daily-  mostly in the morning when I had my tea and at night when everyone sleeps I utilize that 15 to 20 min. That is the way I keep my creative writing live. 

5. .Yoga /dance /Moving body : 

Earlier I used to go for Zumba session. I like dance workout. With that we used to do Yoga and stretching too. I enjoyed a lot and that was my stress buster.

Currently with babies I jump, run, stretch 😁😀 As much as I can move my body with my babies . But yes moving body on daily basis make you fresh. 

6. Playing creatively with twins : 

As a nuclear family there is no one with us. Once Mr.hubby went to the office and daughters went to the school, me and my twins enjoyed a lot. We played with animals, toys, dolls , pots etc. and then only they get tired and sleep well.😉

Jokes apart but play is very important step in baby's development. Instead of make them sit in front of screen I make sure to give them freedom to explore. 

Check out my baby play ideas on my Instagram page @memoryflies.

Apart from this I like to read books and blogs. Now days unable to get back to my reading but I do read aloud to my kids.

This is the way I keep myself creative which keeps me stress free. 

What is your way for being creative?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads' Cookhouse.


©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Very true I have seen my aunts how she faced same kind of issue, she started playing guitar and now ahve reached such heights that she is a well-built musician now. i really felt overwhelmed to read how you too find blogs and started writing.

  2. I must say you do a lot of creative work along with taking care of twins. Kudos for keeping the spirit alive. I really liked the bottle art.

  3. It is important to keep our creativity alive since it makes even the simplest of things in life interesting. I love writing, painting and doing art stuff with my daughter. It's quite refreshing.

  4. Managing a home with 3 kids out of which two are toddlers and twins singlehandedly.. i must say its a remarkable feat Neeta. To top it, u find time for more things... Its admirable how u manage to make time for yourself n keep the creative fire burning... keep it up girl!... kaveri

    1. It is when I feel stressed and need a break. I do such things.

  5. Interesting. I'm not a artistic person so for me it would be reading and writing. Your creative works are beautiful.

  6. Lovely tips to keep the creative juices flowing. I read and write and feel renewed and fresh again. Watching movies and a walk amidst nature is also my happy creative therapy.

  7. Neeta , Congratulations I can see that we have some creative skills which I strongly believe helps in nurturing the hidden quality deep within us for good. I am very passionate about creative writing and find peace in it. I am a fan of bottle art or bottle painting and I made a plenty of designs on waste bottle in creative ways.Painting or playing with colors on the canvas is something I really cherish as it makes me feel creative from within.

  8. Ur absolutely right a creative person is born with a talented mind, its only about the time when they realize to use it.

  9. Creativity keeps away stress. May it be a mom or any person being creative gives the brain a chance to remain active and discover new things which in turn keeps negativity away.

  10. I must say you are so creative. With two kids you are doing so many things and they are utmost creative ideas which you are doing. Really loved reading this article and amazing to see your motivation.

  11. Amazing! Hats off to you, Neeta. With twins, you are still blogging. I mean, how do you have the time and patience? I would have been pulling my hair out. One baby at a time only is full-time job and that's the best creativity according to me-Motherhood.

    1. Writing n reading done mostly when I feed them. Bottle painting did last year.

  12. It's so important to nurture one's creative side! I write and listen to music to stimulate my creativity and I def want to try yoga as well

  13. You do have your hands full. Taking some me time out and nurturing your creative self must be quite a task but it is so inspiring to see you not only doing that but also guiding others on how to.

  14. I love your work Neeta. Your creative side....
    For me creativity is a way to salvation. I would be dead by now if I hadn't been creative. That's why this blog, my penchant for decor, and I try to beautify every dish I cook!

  15. I love how you try to explore and give time to expand your creativity. That's another aspect of Self-Care and as a self-care advocate, I truly support you with that. - MommyWithAGoal

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I completely agree with your statement! Creativity is a continuous learning process and creative individuals are always curious to explore and discover new things. And you're right, everyone has a creative side, it's just a matter of discovering and nurturing it. It's wonderful to hear that your transition from a professional career to being a stay-at-home mom allowed you to tap into your creativity and explore your talents. Keep embracing your creativity and inspiring others to do the same!
    - Anjali

  18. Good that you have your ways to boost and improve and polish your creativity. Wonderful.

  19. Creativity means different to different people. The common factor according to me lies in making something that brings you joy. I myself write, knit, do a lot with paper craft. Tried my hand at painting & sketching .... though wasn't very good at it.

  20. A very sweet post. I really enjoyed this glimpse into your creative side!


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