Showing posts with label Kids Educational Activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Educational Activity. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Pictograph - Grade 4

 Grade 4  (State Board Of Maharashtra)

Chapter :  Pictograph 

What is pictograph?

Pictograph is one kind of graph in which information is displayed in picture form.

Pictograph use pictures to show data.

Let's check out this pictograph

The above pictograph tells us the number of items available in the bakery.

Number of picture tells the quantity of food items in a bakery.

Cupcakes - 4

Cake - 5 


 Exercises from Page No 85



Given : Scale - 1 Family means 20 families.

We have to find out the exact number of families.

1) Medicine :  Number of pictures = 3

Total number of Families= 3 x 20 = 60

2) Food Items : Number Of Picture = 4

Total number of families = 4 x 20 = 80

3) Clothes : Number of pictures = 2

Total number of families = 2 x 20 = 40

4) Others : Number of pictures = 3

Total number of families = 3 x 20 = 60

Let's solve the questions ,

Q. 1) In all how many families gave help ?

Ans : Medicine + Food Items + Clothes + Others

60 + 80 + 40 + 60 = 240

Q.2) What form of help was given by the largest number of families? 

Ans : Largest Number of Families : Food Items: 80

Q.3) What form of aid was given by the least number of families?

Ans : Least Number of families : Clothes = 40




Given Scale = 1 picture of House 🏠 means 10 houses 

First we calculate the numbers 

Gas = Number of pictures = 4 x 10 = 40

Kerosene = Number of pictures = 7 x 10 = 70

Wood = Number of pictures = 2 x 10 = 20

Gobar Gas = Number of pictures = 3 x 10 = 30

Solve the questions: 

Q.1) What kind of fuel used in most houses?

Ans  = The biggest number is 70 

Kerosene is used in the most houses.

Q.2) How many houses use Gobar Gas ?

Ans = 30 houses use Gobar Gas.

Q.3) How many houses use gas?

Ans = 40 houses use gas.




Scale given : 1 picture of farmers means 10 farmers.

Let's calculate the numbers:

Jowar : Number of pictures = 3 x 10 = 30

Pulses : Number of pictures = 2 x 10 = 20

Vegetable : Number of pictures = 4 x 10 = 40

Others : Number of pictures = 3 x 10 = 30

Solve the Questions :

Q 1) About how many farmers does the chart tell us.

Ans : Total number of farmers are = 

30 + 20 + 40 + 30 = 120

Q2) Which crop is grown by the least number of farmers? 

Ans : The least mean lowest number of farmers is 20

Pulses crop is grown by the least number of farmers.

Q3)  How many more farmers grow vegetables than pulses? 

Ans : Number of farmers grow vegetables=40

Number of farmers grow pulses = 20

How many more = 40 - 20 = 20

20 more farmers grow vegetables than pulses.




Given Scale : 1 picture of child means 5 children

Let's calculate the number of childrens

Red : Number of pictures = 3 x 5 =15

Blue : Number of pictures = 1 x 5 = 5

Green : Number of pictures = 2 x 5 = 10

Yellow : Number of pictures = 1 x 5 = 5

Solve the Questions :

Q.1) How many children are there in class ?

Ans : Total number of children : 

15 + 5 + 10 + 5 = 35

Q.2) How many children wore yellow clothes?

Ans : Number of yellow clothes are = 5

Q.3) What colour did the greatest number of children wear? How many wore that colour?

Ans : The greatest number of colours worn by children = Red

How many wore that colour = The number of children wore red are = 15


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Disclaimer : This is purely for helping students and parents. I am a teacher and my intention to help the students. 

Friday, 15 March 2024


Simple study tips specially for moms whose kids are in primary sections. 


March is the exam period for students as well as for parents. Small kids are carefree but parents are more stressed. By using this 10 simple study tips your kid can do well in final exam. 

Exam means pressure. But have you observed we parents only experience this pressure and our kids are stress free. Because they don't know what the pressure is?  Parents are the ones introducing them to "PRESSUREAnd pollute our home atmosphere.  

10 Simple Study Tips For Final Exam (Primary Students)
PS : Freepik

If you are a mommy and you have kid in primary section then you must keep yourself strees free.  Let me remind you , we are not going to write the exams for our kids. 

We mothers always take unnecessary stress on behalf of our kids for completing the syllabus, for memorising the question answer, for learning the spelling and bla, bla, bla.  And suddenly we realised our kids are too behind! ( As per our point of views 😜) 

And the game start - building a pressure. 


But, is it really necessary? 

Please moms, calm down!  Take deep breaths and release unnecessary stress. Always have a moto that your child should be able to read, write and understand. Pay attention to these three core things. Study will be followed automatically. 

How to achieve this?

All you need is a practice and  10 simple study tips. Practice of reading and writing. And the most important is lower your expectations from your child. Every kid have his uniqueness. They will learn with their pace. 

In today's post I am sharing some tried and tested 10 simple study tips on how to prepare your child for final exam.  If you are the one who helping your child for study then you can cover everything for the exam in 15 to 30 days.


You have to start as early as possible. Keep a habit of completed notes, notebooks and workbook. You should keep on check on this regularly. This way you have completed notes to study.


Most students do not read the lesson. Keep a habit of reading a lesson before you start to read questions and answers. Because once you read the lesson you don't need to memorize answers. 


Fix a proper time for study specially when your child is fresh and not tired. If parents are sitting with kids for study then allocate fix time. Keep the screen away and fully concentrate on studying only ( specially for parents. 😄) Keep it for 1 hour or 2 hour with 5 to 10 minutes breaks. 


Now you fix your time then prepare the time table for a week. So that you can touch each subject on a daily basis. Try to stick to your time tables.


For language subjects try to write answers. Learn to write without spelling mistakes and memorize answers. This way you can learn how to write your answers in structure way. 


You have to practice math on a daily basis. Maths is the only subject which you cannot memorize. Practice it regularly and clear your doubts from the parents or teachers.


Once you complete the syllabus for a particular subject ask your parents to take a test. You will know your positive and negative points. Work on those negative points.


Once your syllabus is done. Revision done then starts to solve previous year question papers. This will give you the idea regarding paper patterns. 


The most important part is to have outdoor play. Give your child sufficient outdoor play time. Allocate fix time say 2, 3 hours for outdoor play. This will refresh your brain, mind and your body too. 

10.  SLEEP 

Last but not the least sleep.

Sleep is most important. If your child is rested well then only they can study well. Try to have a fixed time for sleep up to 10:30 pm. Your child must have 9 to 10 hour sleep. Sleep always keeps your child fresh and energetic. 

You may like to read : 

6 Games to increase kids vocabulary 

How to study HISTORY with small kids

How to teach more than 30 words in 15 Minutes 


These are 10 simple study tips specially for primary students. But these will become a habit for them when they enter higher secondary grade. If parents are the one who help their child  then these tips will be helpful. 

Always have a routine for study, routine for play time and routine for good sleep. Set the routine as per your child day.  Your child will be happy and confident.

Special attention for parents 

# Please remember this is your kids exam and not your.

# Do not compare your child with the neighbor's child or even social media child.

# Keep home atmosphere light and filled with laughter. 

# Stop nagging your child. You are making them frustrated.

# Start early as much as possible to avoid last minute rush. 

# Help to clear out concept of your child calmly.

# Do not ask them to take help of gadgets. Primary students are little one and they can easily distracted with electronic gadgets. Make sure to keep them away. 

# Talk with your kid. Solve their problems again and again. Even if they ask you 10 times tell them 10 times without raising your voice.

# Keep your voice low 😜 yes it is bit difficult but try to talk in soft voice during study session.

Hope you find it useful. Share it with parents. 

Questions of the day

Do you like to help your kids or prefer tuition? 


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This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.


©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

6 Games To Increase Kids Vocabulary


Have you think about kids Vocabulary? Why small kids do not communicate in English ? Even they know how to talk but they don't use english for communication. Do you know why?

Disclaimer : This is specially for those kids who really have a struggle to Communicate in English. 
My daughter is fluent in English. 

Kids often anxious about their vocabulary. They do not have spontaneous word to have english communication. They afraid  if they unable to speak. And many more reason are there.

Specially if you are Maharashtrian or Hindi bhashi then the problem is "Word Bank". Kids do not have sufficient vocabulary so they are unable to get the proper words. Uneducated parents or parents from vernacular medium face such kinds of difficulties.

What are the reason for this?

1. Basically parents do not have own developed vocabulary. Even I am still facing this issue😁.

2. They tend to use mother tongue words most probably.

3. They themselves never talked in English at home with family members

4. Sometimes they unable to find the accurate word.

5. Sometimes they start to communicatie in English but because of poor vocabulary they failed. 

What is the solution?

Well, you have to start early. Since baby is one month old. Use English words as much as possible. Specially action words. It sounds stupid for some parents but if you want your kids vocabulary should be broad then better to start early.

Do read aloud to babies. Baby love colours and so use picture books. This way you have a chance to develop your own vocabulary too.😉

3. Books and books are the most important at this stage.

4. Use words books, action words books, verb books, fruits, vegetables, alphabets, professional, relations, neighborhoods books etc. All these kinds of books have a word. It is most useful for baby, toddlers and parents too. 

 So this is for babies. Now we can check what can we do to small kids who are going to playgroup, kindergarten. 

If I ask, are you playing with your kids? 

The answer is - YES!

But it get irritate when we are tired and kids want to play with us. Then, What do you do ?

Well, my answer, we played. 😐 Yes, still we play. Sometimes me, sometime hubby, but we played. It may be for 10 to 15 minutes but we played.


Because playing always rejuvenating kids. It assured them parents love them and like to play with them. This is the best way where you can teach your kids anything which you wants. 

As per psychology the game is the most important part of kids development. We parents should always encourage our kids to have open ended play. It should include, functional Play, symbolic play, constructive play and more brain games.

You may like to read :

Study Tips for History

Indoor Traditional Game : Bhatukali

How to teach more than 30 words 15 minutes.

 How to play ?

Whenever your kids want to play with you said,


Trust me it will take only 10 minutes to fulfill our kids emotional bucket. The joy that parents are ready to play with them is the most important things for them. No matter how short period of time you will play.

I am sharing how we used to play with my daughter when she was small. Even today also we play the same things but for language subject or EVS subjects.  I try to upgrade the game as per her weak points. 

The game which we played hardly for 10 to 15 minutes but it worked for both - kids and parents 😊 

6 games to increase kids vocabulary.

1. Scavenger hunt : 

Find things in bedrooms - particularly with some props. For example - find blue color things, find the things start with particular alphabets, find the things belongs to her toys like dollhouse, doll, kitchen set etc.

2. Antakshari 

This is not with song, but the Word search.  It can be in English, Hindi or Marathi. Have to speak one word, the other person will find the word from the ending letter without spending too much time say within one second.

For example : Apple : egg : girl : lamp.
Can goes same with Hindi or Marathi
This one is good to build vocabulary.

3. Compound word : 

Make the spelling of compound words. You say the first word and ask them the next word, like Sun - what is the next word- Flower. So the word Sunflower.

This can be played orally which is more fun. Other way to play for toddler is DIY card and timer. You can make diy card of first word on paper second word on another paper and ask them to join. Make sure you draw picture first. If your kid is in reading phase then use words. Let them think, let them use their brain.

4. Pretend play : 

Like Doll house, supermarket, school, etc. Kids need lot of practice with English grammer. Playing is the best way where they can have real communication. Do play with them and communicate in English only. Use small sentences so they will also answer in English only. Like if you are playing Market, then ask the price - 

What is the cost of apples? How much for a milk ?

4. Name, Place, Things, Fruits, Colours

How many of you remember this game? When I was kid we played it a lot. Specially in school holidays we Played as a whole family. 

This game require minimum 2 and maximum 5 player. It start with particular alphabet and player have to write the words in each column with the same alphabet.

For example : P : Name : Prakash,
Place : paris, Things: Pencil, Fruit : pear, colour : pink and on.

You can add up as many columns as you want. This is the best game to practice spelling, common and proper noun too.

5. Dum sharaz :

It sound simple but yes your little one will love it. Make action of any word like running, singing, writing ,cup, horse, door etc. Do not speak and ask to identify the words. Try to spell also. Use a blackboard and do write spelling. The fun way through which they learn to spell.

6. Fidget : 

I used this for variety of things. As in picture it shows .  I added up one colour to one side so that two players can play. The colour side landed up on any of the word like planets, then kids have to tell about planet name. For elder kids you can ask to tell anything they know about the planets. And what they wanted to know. 

This game is good for improving communication in younger kids. You can ask them to talk about that particular word in 5 to 6 sentence. It will helps to develop communication skills too.

These are the games which helps me and my little one to increase vocabulary. Vacation has started so Play as much as you can with your little one.

Hope you like this post. Is it helpful? Which indoor games you played with your kiddo? 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads' Cookhouse.

Follow me on Instagram

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 22 September 2022

How to study History with small kids

       We are growing so fast - now we are studying history. Yeeppp! S was so happy to see new subject in his studies and I realize how quick she is growing. 

I saw the subject list is increasing and so my headache too. I still do not enroll her in to any tuition or coaching classes because I don't feel the need. But yes, making this girl to sit and study quite hard for me. With twin babies I am not able to give extra attention. And she too feel in the same way ! Sad, but I am trying, trying to take out time and spend as much as possible, one to one time with her. 😐Poor me! Have you been going through this condition? Comment below.

So why children don't like to study history ? 

Reasons are, 

- Question answers are brief. 

- Fill in the blanks too sometimes difficult😁.

- Unable to remembers names and dates.

- Unable to understand the events and reasons behind that.

- Get irritated easily while remembering the long names because it is difficult to memorise the spellings.

And, so not ready to study the subjects. They can seat for 5 minutes, read and then close the book.😁ha,ha,ha. .....I am in the same boat. Don't worry!

But now exams are there and we have to study. Otherwise how can she write in paper?  (Mummaa trigger)😇!

History is sometimes difficult. Honestly speaking I dont like it at all. But when it comes to teach your kid you have to get it thoroughly, mumma 😐

You may like to read :

How to teach more than 30 words in 15 minutes. Here

Netflix best series for kids - Here


My kid is currently having the history of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and she is really interested in it. Why not it is like a story part. The main part comes - question answers😇😇 

You gotta baby! 

Learning spelling and brief question answers are the difficult part of the subjects. Though teachers teaching them very well but the learning and writing still difficult. 

I find out the following way to teach her. For us it is easiest way to learn about history. 

🧠Read aloud a lesson with your child.

🧠 More over it is like story sessions ( For us).

🧠Give answer to each silly questions of your child.

🧠Explain as much as possible in your native language.

🧠Summarize the whole lesson in small snippets.

🧠Check on You-tube any documentaries, movie or any fort related information for details of the lessons.

🧠 Do some role play and act. (Trust me it gives more fun)

🧠 We love to check out the forts of Shivaji Maharaj and actually take her to visit the small fort. 

Each child love Maharaj and their forts. 

🧠 And then it will make easy  to understand the questions, answers and so writing too.

Then comes spelling part : 

Accurate Spelling is the best way to earn a good marks. Use the way your child is comfortable to learn spellings. We used to make the spelling  of new word instead of ratta 😀 and sometimes we have to learn it by re- writing 3 to 5 times.😇

🧠 Tricky part : Always take revision of 2 lesson at the same time. So that it will be easy to memories them.

🧠Currently we memorize the names of people and place. With the event description it is easier. Any child can imagine and so it is effective way to memorise.

We are learning in this way because it is helpful to my kid. Do try with your kids if  they  find difficulty in studying history.

Hope this post useful to you. Share with the needy moms.😊

Do let me know ' Which technic you are using  to teach History? 

Till then,

Happy Learning

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by BakezbyDaizy.' ---

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

EVS Printable for 2 nd Grade

Online school is a new digital move of our India. Our kids are really blessed to have such a type of digital school at home. Hats off to the teachers who are doing such a great job for students. For some people, it may be a headache and for some people it is worthy. Alas, different people have different opinions. But for me, it is such a blessing to have an interrupted education at home. Instead of indulging in TV, TAB, a smartphone child can seat for a school and have their education. 


Yes, everything has it's pro and cons and this digital school also have some cons. We will not discuss that over here. Due to this pandemic, we have no other option. We should appreciate schools and school teachers for their hard work. They do focus on completing the syllabus and we should take care of clearing the concept of our children.

How to clear the concept in studies?

Parents need to help their child to understand the concept. We do get a chance to know what are the main problems with our kids? Do they really understand whatever the teacher teaching? Do they able to cope up with the studies? What kind of problems they actually face? etc.

We as parents need to sit with our children and should take an effort to clear their basic concept. Because once this pandemic over and everything will get to the routine at that time our child should not be blank. We have to pay attention to that our child should have an ample opportunity to clear the concept.


Students learn quickly and forget quickly too😊. We need to give them practice with the hands of learning activity. Here I am sharing out some practice worksheets which are helpful in learning the lessons, new vocabulary, and the whole chapter concept. I don't believe in rote learning and hence I designed these worksheets. These are, especially for 2nd grade. This 2020 offers to homeschool of our child and hence we should give them an ample amount of practice.

What is the subject?

Environmental studies for 2nd grade. This pack includes 3 chapters.

My family

Plants and types of plants

Usages of plants

What is the content of the printables?

Word search: 

This word search grid helps the student with the spelling. Every child love to find the word in the grid and this is the way you can teach them new words. You don’t need to mug up the spelling. You can check out my post on how to teach spelling here.

Descriptive writing: 

If you want your child should learn to write by themselves without mugging up anything then use this sheet. Just give out the simple words or they may already know the words from the above grid. Ask them to make a small sentence about a family. They will be happy when they came to know that they can write on their own.

Multiple Choice Question: 

Currently, this is a new one and exams are going like this only, right?  This worksheet is useful but for that students need to clear the concept. To solve any multiple-choice questions child should know the lesson properly and without practice that is not possible. 

And printable contains many more activities. 


Tips for parents:

1. Do not study only for the test.

2. Try to think beyond that and make sure that your child can have clearance in each topic.

3. Never measure their performance on the basis of marks.

4. Try to teach them in an easy play way.

5. Try to include small activity and teach them the basic concept.

Yes, I emphasize basic concepts because as a teacher I saw high school grade students are unable to understand their lessons just because they do not have their basic brush up at the primary level. So please focus on the practice instead of rote- learning.

If your child finds any difficulty in types of plant lessons please go through this video. It might help your child. Link :

You can take printout as many times as you want or just flip this printable in the file envelop and use a marker so that you can use it over and over again. It will give out a good amount of practice. 

Click here for free download.

Sharing is caring. 

If you want to purchase the whole pack please write to You can comment down with your email id.

Till then

Happy Learning.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

How to teach more than 30 words in a 15 minute

When you start to read aloud with your child it improves their listening skills. Listening helps to increase vocabulary. Practice and repetition make a habit that will enhance your child’s vocabulary. If you still haven’t started reading to your child just start it.

Image Source: Pintrest

It is very important to build up the habit of reading at an early age and it can be started from our lap only. Do you know why children don’t like to read because they are not able to identify the word. I am sharing how you can teach more than 30 words to your child within 15 minutes. This is especially for the age group of 4 to 7 years.

Listening will be the basic part when there is the question, how to teach words to small kids? Most of the time parents tend to rote learning because we have been through this. Ratta, and ratta and ratta, but seriously it will not work at all. If your child misses a single letter of the particular word he will not able to memorize the full spelling. Yes, there are some words that need to memories but ratta is not the option.

Phonics plays a very important role in early learners.  The more your child reads the more he will be curious to know the new word and the more he will eager to learn the new word. Today I am sharing how we are doing this. This is my strategy which I am practicing since my little one was in kindergarten and it is really effective.

We are still learning phonics. Always go with the word family which makes a child a better learner. The child learns lots of new words within a minute. When a child gets to know that he can read more than 30 words in a short period of span he will be happy and his interest will increase. Learning should be always in a happy mode instead of the forced.

First we need to teach the child to recognize this blend and then ask them to read the whole word with this blend. Create the above chart and first practice this blend only. Once he recognizes blend then go with the word family. Example PL is the blend and words which start with this PL blend are plants, pluck, plan, play, etc.

During this lockdown my child is not at all ready to study with a pencil and notebook. Yes, she is more interested in teaching on board. So I thought to use this whiteboard. I create a reading wall and write a bunch of words on an alternate day. I ask her to read the words from this reading wall which hardly take 10 or 15 minutes, yes, only 10 or 15 minutes. Check out the video it might be helpful for you.


After reading gives a different kind of activities related to this word. The same which we used to give to our kindergarten students like match up, guess the word or write the word. The more you practice this kind of activity the more your child tends to learn without ratta.

The same pattern goes with the other language study too. These are some Marathi word which we practice.

I hope the article will help you, parents. Comment below which technique you use for your child. So that I can get a new idea from you.


Till then,

Happy Learning!!

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