Showing posts with label blog challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 February 2025


21st February was declared International Mother Language Day by UNESCO. I am Maharashtrian, and my mother tongue is Marathi. I am participating in this blog hop where I can share about my MARATHI and some Marathi Poems.

Yes. मी मराठी. 

There are around 140 million people who are Marathi speakers. Nowadays, due to social media, most of the celebrities are pushing to talk in Marathi. And I think that is quite good. Otherwise people use mixture of language (half english - half hindi and half marathi) Yes, there are some apps for marathi stories and kadambari but very few which give quality literature. Nothing beats the Marathi Legends litrature work.


I was surprised to see the status of MY Marathi language until I researched for this blog post.

"Marathi is the language of the Indo-European languages family."

"Marathi is one of the 22 official languages in India."

"Marathi is the tenth most spoken language in the world and the third most spoken language in India."

Okay. It is all about MARATHI. 

From school life, my favorite poet was Shanta Shelke. 

Shanta Shelke was an Indian Poet and Writer in Marathi language. Her work involved poems, stories, composition, translation and children literature. 

Though I didn't understand anything at that time, now as a woman I can understand and relate to every word of her poem. Sharing some of my personal favorite treasures of Shanta Shelke. Trying to translate it in English, not exactly, but yes, nearby.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

What is the birth time of flowers?

When the buds are blooming

Or when the petals are falling,

Looking at the vast blue sky

or mixing with the soil below?

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

Marathi blog post : Marathi Corner

2) झाड ( TREE)

This is one tree that is related to me.

A single breeze passes over it and me.

I like the smell of its flowers.

Can sense the moist illusion.

Places the infant song

At first when it blossomed,

The tree is made from the soil; 

I belong to the tree, and 

then I will end up in the soil.

The lines on the leaves are on my palm.

The roots of the tree become loose.

And the tree is rooted in my blood.

Someday, I will be the tree.

And sing the familiar song 

through the leaves.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

3) आठवण ( MEMORIES) 

Sometimes memory is hidden in the close compartment of the heart.

Sometimes memory is hidden in the spring flowers.

Sometimes memory is hidden in the bottom of the blue ocean.

Sometimes it is hidden in the blossom of Chaitra months.

And the breath is moving all around them like a thick, moist fog.

And from this the smell of memories is spreading like cherry blossom.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

4)  शोध  (SHODHA)

As the outer realm is shrinking 

As the inner unknown realm is being explored,

And I realized I am unknown to myself.

I don't know my strength, my weakness, or my cowardice; 

constantly surrounded me and my quarrels with myself.

My loneliness in my closed company,

Unable to understand anything,

Only unbearable suffocating in the vast.

I am unfolding inside,

Expanding moment by moment,

Reaching the corner of the inner being,

And with that I am amazed, excited, hurt, and happy.


Every Maharashtrian knows Shanta Shelke and her poems, and I wanted to introduce them to the non-Maharashtrian people. Hope you all liked it.


Reading this poem in Marathi hits differently, but translating it into English is quite difficult. I am glad that I shared it with you all, the Great Shanta Shelke poems. This is my small attempt to introduce one-fourth part of my Marathi literature to you all. 

Question of the day

Which poem touches your heart? Have you read Shanta Shelke poems earlier?


Reference : Wikipedia and Google.


This post is a part of ‘Embrace the Native Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed under #EveryConversationMatters


Let's connect

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Friday, 16 August 2024


Hello, Happy Friday, 

Any K drama fans here? I am addicted to K drama but I am very choosy on selecting it. One of my favourites is Thirty-Nine - Best Friendship Korean drama. It is filled with girls' friendship, love, small disputes, emotions and life. This drama is a realistic picture of a lifetime friendship.


We all have friends but how many of them remain in our lifetime? Maybe one or two. Right,  because as we grow older our circle becomes smaller. This is true and proven in this series. 


Thirty-Nine is a k drama that features the life of 3 female friends who are about to turn 40. The trio shares life, happiness, love and pain. They are in solidarity in support of each other. They had been friends since the age of 18 and knew each other like the back of their hands.

One of them is diagnosed as stage 4 pancreatic Cancer and then the life of this trio has changed drastically. Instead of looking back, they decided to do things which they wanted to do and that makes them happy. Trio decides to concentrate on the present.



The story revolves around three female friends: Cha Mi Jo, Jeong Chang Young and Jang Jo Hee.

Cha mi Jo ( Son Ye -jin

is a warm character. She belongs to a wealthy family and runs a derma clinic with her sister. Later she found that she was adopted by this family which broke her heart and she tried to find out the real mother. Her journey is emotional and heartbreaking.  

Jeong Chang Young ( Jeon  Mi-do) 

She is the main character of this series. She wanted to be an actress but she turned into an acting coach. Her parents own Jeong's kitchen in Yangpyeong. She is quite a straightforward person but sincere towards her family and friends. 

Jang Jo Hee ( Kim Ji-hun) 

is a cosmetic manager at the department store. She lives with her mother and has a timid persona but is sweet and loveable. She always becomes a sandwich in two of them. She is sensitive so both friends try to keep her away from the unwanted things. 

How do you feel when you get to know your friend is about to die within a few months? This trio's journey is inspiring. 

From a simple story of friendship, they explored their growth together and became the best part of each other. The story is a bit emotional but highlights many things. Friendship is the base of the series and it does bring tears to your eyes. When I watched the last episode it took me a week to move on. 


The emotions, culture and respect for each other are best shown in the K drama - the speciality of the drama. Some moments of this trio's friendship shine like a diamond. The way they supported and cheered for one another was terrific. We can feel the love among themselves.


Some of the moments surprised you like

Mi Jo answered “friend” to Seon Woo’s question of what she liked at the age of 29. 

Jang Hee wanted to open a shop and when she won the lottery instead of using it for herself she gave that luck to Chan Young. 

Mi Jo gave up on her trip to the States to take care of her sick friend.



# Jeong knows she will die soon. Her fears when she talks with Cha - what will happen after my death? What will be my funeral? Will people cry for me? These scenes give me goosebumps. 

# Jeong gives a list of her friends which she wants to have at her funeral. Cha actually invited all of them when she was alive. This scene touched my heart and I teared up. Being a best friend she fulfilled her wish in her presence only.  And she is happy to leave this world. 

# Being adopted is heartbreaking. Every adopted kid wants to find real parents and why they left them. But the truth is it's not the kid's choice to be left and abandoned. Everything ends when Cha realizes that her adopted parents are the real family which provides her love and happiness. Accepting these facts makes her life easier rather than finding out the truth.

# After realising that our friend was living for a few days Cha and Joo were constantly with her. Two of them are staying with her at home to take care of her by adjusting their jobs. They had a night out, food and lots of girl's fun. The way Cha and Jang tried to be happy in front of her and cheer up while struggling inside to lose her is painful. 

#Finally three of them got their boyfriends in thirty-nine. Exactly the way they wanted. They enjoyed the food, snow and karaoke together. 

# Fear of death is scary.  When you know you are going to die after some days how will you feel?  


Jeong visited the funeral and tried to see herself in that position. She was scared of what would happen to her body when she died. Her acting is so natural that you even flow with the pain and emotions

# After her death these two friends with their boyfriends and with Jeong's boyfriends meet each other frequently. They used to meet her parents to celebrate birthdays every year and take care of them. Life must go on but both never forget her.

Have you really seen such a friendship?



Everyone dies but I don't know what will happen to me once I die and I think that's what scares me - Chanyoung 

This is about the things that won’t come back. This is about our moments.” – Chanyoung

Let’s live in the present.” – Kim Seonu

Will be able to muster up strength before the uneasiness turns into fear?” – Cha Mijo

Time passes by slowly when you’re lying on a hospital bed. It makes you think of things.” – Chanyoung

Some days were clear and sunny, while some days were very overcast.” – Cha Mijo

When you’re overwhelmingly grateful, you find it so hard to express your gratitude.” – Chanyoung

Life is so capricious.” – Cha Mijo

That was our choice. To live like there’s no tomorrow. Like there’s no sadness. That’s how we decided to spend each day.” – Cha Mijo



It is hard to find real friends. Life is too short. Enjoy every moment of life the way it is. Life is filled with full of happiness when you have true and loving friends. A true friend always cares for you and is always available for you. If you have such friends then I will say you are lucky. Be with them no matter what happens, other relations may not live longer but friendships stay forever. 


Available on: Netflix 

Number of Episodes: 12

PS: All pictures are from Pintrest

Question of the day.

Do you like K Drama? Do you like my post? Have you watched Thirty-Nine? 

This post is a part of ‘Friend Indeed Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed


Let's connect with each other 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Saturday, 13 July 2024


Earth is the most beautiful planet. New inventions and human activities deteriorate the earth years and years. For the sake of the future we have to take sustainable action and practice some easy ways to live a sustainable life.


As per wikipedia : 

Sustainable living describes a lifestyle that attempts to reduce the use of Earth's natural resources by an individual or society. Its practitioners often attempt to reduce their ecological footprint (including their carbon footprint) by altering their home designs and methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet.

Saving natural resources is necessary. Sometimes I feel people aren't aware of the deterioration of the natural resources. Do you feel the same way ?

They said, if you want to change the world go back to your home and start it. 

In today's blog post I am sharing some simple sustainable practices which I followed at home since I became a mom. 



We always forget to unplug the equipment. Whether it is a coffee machine, washing machine, mixer grinder or any electronic device. We should unplugged once the work is finished. It saves power and cost too. 


Every one's house is filled with kitchen paper towels and tissue paper. Instead of that use old t-shirts. I have a bunch of cutting pieces of old t-shirts and cotton dresses. It wipes everything quickly because of cotton fabric. A quick fix for a toddler mom's. This can save our tons of trees. 

PS : Pixel 


Everything comes in plastic. Even our food too. Chicken, fish and goat consumed plastic and then ultimately it goes in our body too. The first step is to stop using plastic bags. 

I have a bunch of cotton bags. Some of them I stitch from old curtains. In Mumbai especially in our area we didn't get any bags from the shopkeeper. We have to carry our own cotton bags. 

This will save the life of animals.

PS : Pixel 


Nowadays everyone is using body wash and shampoo which again comes in a plastic bottle. I still prefer to use soap. I also found hair soap. 

PS : Pixel 


Take away food is a requirement at least for me. We have options to tick no for plastic cutlery like spoons, dishes etc. The food containers are reusable. I used it for storage purposes. 

Refuse whenever possible and reuse  things instead of throwing it. 


In olden days every kitchen was filled with steel jars. Nowadays you can find various types of steel or glass jars. Instead of plastic opt for a stainless steel or glass container. 

I am not delicate while working in the kitchen 😜 so I prefer to have steel though glass jars always fascinated me.


I have been through water shortages. We lived 3 years in such an area where water used to come only for 30 minutes. I know the value of water. Now I have 24 hours of water but I still used to take a bath in a bucket and not under the shower. 

The same habit followed by my family members too. By this habit you can save tons of water. 


For my toddlers wardrobe I prefer reused clothes. I get it from fellow moms and from my siblings. So no new clothes shopping for my babies only for birthday and Diwali. Because I believe babies grow quickly and clothes tend to get dirty too. 

For myself I minimize my wardrobe according to the season. Hardly I go out but still I minimize my wardrobe according to the season. It is clutter free and cost effective. 

Minimize your wardrobe it gives you mental peace. The fashion industry is the one which has the biggest waste.  


We have a system of dry and wet garbage. Wet garbage is collected and used for compost. Use your wet garbage as a compost for plants. 


Do you know how much electronic scrap we have. That consumes lots of energy by the data server. I have a habit of clearing digital pics, documents, emails, and screenshots every six months. So my gmail storage capacity is not full. This is necessary because for one good picture we used to click hundreds of pics.

Clear your digital scrap every time. It will reduce the load on the server and save energy.


I started using this wooden comb for my daughter only. This is really helpful and much better than the plastic one. Easy to clean and durable. 


When you don't reuse plastic, aluminium or paper items then recycle them. I used plastic and aluminium jars for plants. Some of them are for organizers like cutlery holders, toothpaste, toothbrush holders or even school supplies storage.


I used to donate lots of things since I became a mother. When I have a single child I donate her shoes, clothes, toys, books to poor and needy people who live in nearby areas. Every year at the end of the school I used to do this. 

This will help the needy one and reduce the pressure on earth to some extent. 

PS : Pixel 


We are mango lovers. We all used to eat tons of mango in season. Instead of throwing the seed (guthali) try to plant them. At least 10 seeds we can plant. I used to do it with my daughter when she was little.

Plant Tree whenever possible. This will help in reducing the carbon dioxide layer in our Atmosphere. 


Nowadays every one have his own car. That not only increased the traffic on the road but also pollute the air. If we again started to use public transport as much as possible there will be low traffic and pollution too. Walk wherever possible and use cycle instead of scooty when distance is small. 

I still prefer to use auto, train and sometimes bus. Our children should know how to use public transport. 


Everyone talk about sustainability and eco friendly life but how many of us really working on that? 

Above mentioned habits are not new for us. Many of us grew up with this. Our parents used to have these habits. It is just like going back to our roots. 

The ultimate goal is to have an eco-friendly life. By inculcating this habit you can bring positive energy in your home and to our planet . It will save lots of money and we can have a sustainable healthy life. 

Question for the day: 

Which habit do you have which help in sustainable livelihoods ? 



"This post is a part of ‘Sense and Sustainability Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan


Follow Memory Flies on Social Media 




Friday, 14 June 2024


There are two famous LGBTQ (I believe) couple on Instagram. I saw their reels actually tiktok. They both are girls. One of them is tomboy but very cute. People adore her more. And moreover they both are Indian. I don't remember the name but yes they both are adorable. I like them. They do not post any wierd video. My awareness about LGBTQ started from these couples from tik tok. 

PS : Google 

Lesbian, gay, LGBTQ and Rainbow I heard these terms and still feel cringe. I can't tolerate seeing the same sex couple on screen.  In real life I don't see such couples. I became uncomfortable when I saw or read such LGBTQ things.

Due to social media people are becoming aware about this RAINBOW Love. Laws has been made for them and Indian screen also showcasing this love in the series and movies. The awareness make me aware regarding this kind of RAINBOW Love. Earlier I used to make fun about it. 

But time has changed now. 3 movies has changed my whole perspective towards RAINBOW love. I am able to understand the feeling of LGBTQ. In reality I still have not come across such a person while Mr. Hubby saw many such kind of couple but still I feel yuk. 

I know everyone is different and every person has his own emotions and feelings regarding love. I realised these when I watched these movies. 

PS : Google (imd)


1. Ek Ladki Ki Ko Dekha To Asia Laga

Genre : Romance/Comedy 

Platform : Netflix 

Rating : 3/5

Sonam Kapoor played the role of Ek ladki who is different since her childhood. Her mother identifies it at a very early age but her father is not ready to accept this. 

The movie shows how many difficulties such person has. How she fights for her identity and her love.


The movie is directed by Shally Dhar and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The bold subject of LGBTQ story is very well portrayed by Sonam Kapoor. The main strengths of the movie are the  performances of these actors - Anil Kapoor,  Raj Kumar Rao, Juhi Chawala and Sonam Kapoor. 

The subject of the film is bold but you will not be uncomfortable while watching it. It definitely touches your heart. 

The music of the film is soothing and matching with the pace of the film.

Why do I like it ?

The film is unique with bold subjects and has a beautiful message to society about love. Love can be in different forms. 

I like the movie though it is slow. Sonam's acting is awesome but somewhere it goes to the negativity. Climax is a little bit complicated. Raj Kumar Rao's performance made me watch the movie. Overall it is good movie.

2. Badahi Do 

Genre : Comedy/ Drama

Platform: Netflix 

Rating : 4/5

The movie is about the LGBTQ couple who agreed to marry for the convenience of their parents so that they can live their life as they want. The drama started with confusion and laughter.

About the Movie : 

Badahi Do is directed by Harshwardhan Kulkarni.  Shardul a gay cop and Suman a lesbian teacher and their fight to have their own life. The movie revolves around this couple who find lots of challenges about their relationship and their future. Must watch to see How this couple fought for themselves and for their future without compromising on social norms. 

Why do I like it ?

Because of Raj Kumar Rao and Bhumi Pendenkar's performances. Raj Kumar Rao is a natural actor and I am a big fan of him. The chemistry between the two of them is great and makes their relationship genuine. 

The movie has a great mix of humor and emotions and engages you throughout the movie.

The movie starts as a romantic comedy but it handles the stigma put on LGBTQ by society very well. It gives out the message to the society that these people also have the same life like a heterosexuals person have. They can have kids too. 

3. Majja Maa

Genre : Family Drama/Comedy

Platform : Amazon Prime Video 

Rating : 4.5/5

This movie has a special place in my heart because Madhuri Dixit played the role of Pallavi. A Gujarati middle aged house wife who took every decision for the family in spite of being the victim. Pallavi' s story is heartbreaking. This also addresses LGBTQ with different points of view. 

About the Movie: 

Majja ma directed by Anand Tiwari. It shows Gujarati culture and devoted housewife life has turned upside down with the rumour. A truth about her became a threat to her son's life on the eve of his engagement with an NRI girl. 

Why do I like it?

The main reason is Madhuri Dixit who played such a bold role. A middle aged housewife's past becomes obstacles for her son's life. How she tackles the situation is portrayed brilliantly. I can feel her fear and every decision made for the sake of his son. His husband's acting is natural. I can feel his pain and confusion too. The way he is unable to understand what is lesbian is put out on screen brilliantly. This film makes me laugh, cry and sad too. Finally a good family movie with a great message. 


After watching these 3 movies my perspective has changed towards LGBTQ community. 

Love has no gender. Love is love it can come in many forms. I respect the LGBTQ community.

Yes, they are also human beings and they have a right to live their life the way they want. We don't know if one of them might be from our family too. Be humble and kind and more acceptable towards them. 

Question of the day 

Do you meet such kind of person? 

Have you watched any of the above movies? 


This post is a part of ‘Out and About Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla In collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.


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