Wednesday, 16 November 2022
French cheese toast sandwich
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
How to clean your house for Diwali
Diwali is the festival where we clean each and every corner of the house. Cleaning is tidious job. But every one love to have clean and shiny room. It is easier to have a cleaning but difficult task is to maintain.😀With twin baby it is quite difficult for me to clean each corner of my house but I have lower down my standards of cleaning😜
According to the current state of my life I am happy as much as I can do. So here are the tips which I generally follow. Not for only diwali but for a seasonal deep Cleaning.
Disclaimer : I am sharing my experience which might be helpful to you. This post is for them who are busy, have baby and do not able to clean up in one week.
Sharing some simple tips for stress free cleaning. And you will not going to ended up with any doctor visits😑 (generally people fall sicks after cleaning). I know, I am quite late for this post, but never mind !
Let's start the post.
1. Break the task into little chunks :
Instead of doing everything in one day try to divide the work in small chunks. This will not makes you tired and yes you will be not fall sick due to dust.
2. Start early at least 1 month before:
If you are doing this deep cleaning particularly for any festival then start early at least before 1 month.
3. 30 minutes rule :
Give 30 minutes only to clean up. This is my go to rule. Trust me it work best when you have little kids and your day is packed with so many to do list. While deep cleaning when you break the task in chunks then try to finish that small task in 30 minutes. 30 minutes is the minimum time. You may increase it but make sure you have to complete that particular task only. I ended up with other things if I do not allow myself to finish in 30 minutes.
4. Always clean your kitchen first:
Yes, kitchen is the most difficult to clean up. Oily, greesy kitchen takes a lot of time for clean up. It will motivate us when we have clean kitchen.
5. Give yourself a treat on completion of the particular room. Like an ice cream, cold coffee, cupcake or pizza anything which you like. 😜 Treat to banata hain na boss!
Now the question is how to start ?
Not to worry ! I am also a lazy person, so sharing the easiest way of cleaning which is working for me from last 5 years.
Assign one week per room and pick up the time as per your convince.
Week 1 : Kitchen
Clean all containers, utensil which you use less frequently.
Tuesday :
Clean fridge. Declutter sauce, packet food which is not in good condition or expired. Clean and wipe fridge.
Wednesday :
Clean trolley if you have. If you have stand like utensil stand, pantry stand, cup stand, clean everything. Declutter the utensils like cup, spoon, dish, bowls, etc which you are not using. Clean decorations if you have any.
Thursday :
Clean tiles, sockets, curtain and curtain stand, walls, kitchen towels, rugs, scrubs which we use specially for cleaning. Make sure to have a separate scrub for daily dish washing and for monthly cleaning.
Friday : Wipes all upper surfaces of kitchen cabinets. Clean kitchen platform and sink. And complete any leftover work from Monday. Because we give only 30 to 60 minutes for the cleaning.
Saturday : You have sparkle clean kitchen. Prepare some snack and enjoy movie time at home with your partner.😊
Monday :
Clean walls, upper surface of wardrobe, and fan. Wipe doors and windows.
Tuesday :
Clean wardrobe and declutter clothes, bags, belts etc. Allow 30 to 60 minutes maximum.
Wednesday :
Clean your purse, small bedside drawers, junk drawers. Clean curtains, bedsheets and blankets.
Thursday :
Clean dressing table and study table. Declutter expired make up materials and old books, pens, colors and craft material.
Friday : Clean kids wardrobe.
Saturday :
You have clean bedrooms. Take help of your kids to clean up their things. Give an ice cream treat to yourself and kids too. 😜
Week 3 : Living Room
Monday :
Clean and wipes walls, fan , lights, curtains, door and windows.
Tuesday :
Clean book shelf and toy cupboard. Declutter and organize in simple way so that each thing can be accessible to kids.
Wednesday :
Clean TV unit and shoe racks. Declutter if any unnecessary things taking space over there.
Thursday :
Clean dining table and crockery unit. Declutter the broken crockery which you still keep only because of emotions.
Friday :
Deep clean bathroom and toilets if needed a deep cleaning.
I generally don't need to do any deep clean of bathrooms because I am having a habit to deep clean on every Monday.
Plus have a habit to clean trash cans twice in a week.
Saturday : Yeeaa! You have clean home. Now it is time for Diwali shopping. Enjoy 😜
You can do it as per your comfort level. Finish task in 2 days or in a week. This is the way where you can deep clean each corner of your house neatly without rush and stress.
Week 4 : Start your diwali sweet preparations.
We used to prepare our diwali sweet with whole family. In the same way ask your kids and husband to help you in sweet preparations.
Hussshhhh!! The biggest diwali saafsafai is finally done. ☺☺ Enjoy your diwali with your family and friends.
Wishing you all Happy Diwali in advance.
Comment below how do you clean your house? You do it by yourself ? Or by Urban clap people 😁?
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Baked Happily Ever After.
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
My diaper experience
Many times I have been told do not use diapers it is not good, Meanwhile me, yes ! I know it.
But with twins there is no other way. Everything you have to do double. You have one potty but I have two at a single time. And in a day it might be 12 times😁 so what do you think ?
Diapers specially disposable makes mommy's life little bit easier. Can have some kind of mental peace and for me physical too😇 where you do not want to clean the panties or clothes multiple times. And the floor mess is another headache. So I always prefer a rule :
"Eikave janache karave manache " - (means ) - Listen everyone, but prefer to do what your heart say!
There are some mommies who also ask me several questions on diaper. I am using diapers for my babies from 9 months. Fact I did not use diapers for my first daughters😊. So, here I am sharing my diaper experience. You may get the answer for your queries. So let's start the post.
Q. Disposable diapers are good for baby ?
Ans: No. Disposable diapers are not good for babies. They contain chemical which is harmful to baby's delicate skin.
But, if you use it cautiously it will not going to harm.
Q. Can we use diapers for new born?
Ans : Yes, Doctors advise to use diapers. ( in hospital stay only).
Q. How to choose disposable diaper?
A: Disposable diapers came with every size on the basis of baby weight. Choose the diaper according to your baby weight. It will fit exactly. Always remember diaper should not be too tight nor be too loose.
Q. Is there different type of diaper for girls and boys?
A : Nowdays we get unisex diaper. Choose these so that anyone boy baby or girl baby can wear it.
I am using the above one. These are best diapers for my babies.
Q. How to wear diaper to baby?
A : On every diapers there are written instructions with pictures. You can check the front side and back side - written on the diaper. Use that pictorial information and wear it.
Put your baby on dry sheet so that potty or urine will not make bedsheets dirty. Pick the leg slightly up and insert diaper as you wear a panty.
Q. What kind of precautions should we take while using a diapers?
A : Put the diaper on clean and dry area.
Put coconut oil or Vaseline before every new diaper. Keep your baby diaper free almost for the hour. That area should also get air and sunlight.
Q. How much time we should keep the baby in diapers?
A : As much as possible keep your baby diaper free. Use diapers which can absorb 12 hours. Put that kind of diaper at night time only. In a day time try to change it frequently. There is one line on diaper which indicate the sign of diaper change. Always check that.
You may like to read :
Indian diet for twin pregnancy
Badam shake for pregnant and breastfeeding moms.
Q. How to avoid rashes?
A : Diaper rash is the common problems. But if you take following precautions your baby will not have any diaper rashes.
1. Make a habit to quick change the diaper after every potty. Do not dry the potty inside the diaper.
2. Always wash the potty area with clean water and soft clothes or cotton. If baby is newborn use cotton.
3. Wash the potty area after every urine passage too. Means if baby's diaper is heavy due to only urine. Try to wash the area with plain lukewarm water.
4. Make sure to air dry the area. Then apply coconut oil or Vaseline or diaper rash cream.
Then put the diaper.
This gyan is from my diaper experience😀. My twinnies are 9 months old and I am using diaper since one day when they were born. We still not have any kind of issue.
Hope this post is useful to you, moms. If not then please share with the needy one.
Share your diaper experience in the comment section below.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Baked Happily Ever After.
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Thursday, 22 September 2022
How to study History with small kids
We are growing so fast - now we are studying history. Yeeppp! S was so happy to see new subject in his studies and I realize how quick she is growing.
I saw the subject list is increasing and so my headache too. I still do not enroll her in to any tuition or coaching classes because I don't feel the need. But yes, making this girl to sit and study quite hard for me. With twin babies I am not able to give extra attention. And she too feel in the same way ! Sad, but I am trying, trying to take out time and spend as much as possible, one to one time with her. 😐Poor me! Have you been going through this condition? Comment below.
So why children don't like to study history ?
Reasons are,
- Question answers are brief.
- Fill in the blanks too sometimes difficult😁.
- Unable to remembers names and dates.
- Unable to understand the events and reasons behind that.
- Get irritated easily while remembering the long names because it is difficult to memorise the spellings.
And, so not ready to study the subjects. They can seat for 5 minutes, read and then close the book.😁ha,ha,ha. .....I am in the same boat. Don't worry!
But now exams are there and we have to study. Otherwise how can she write in paper? (Mummaa trigger)😇!
History is sometimes difficult. Honestly speaking I dont like it at all. But when it comes to teach your kid you have to get it thoroughly, mumma 😐
You may like to read :
How to teach more than 30 words in 15 minutes. Here
Netflix best series for kids - Here
My kid is currently having the history of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and she is really interested in it. Why not it is like a story part. The main part comes - question answers😇😇
You gotta baby!
Learning spelling and brief question answers are the difficult part of the subjects. Though teachers teaching them very well but the learning and writing still difficult.
I find out the following way to teach her. For us it is easiest way to learn about history.
🧠Read aloud a lesson with your child.
🧠 More over it is like story sessions ( For us).
🧠Give answer to each silly questions of your child.
🧠Explain as much as possible in your native language.
🧠Summarize the whole lesson in small snippets.
🧠Check on You-tube any documentaries, movie or any fort related information for details of the lessons.
🧠 Do some role play and act. (Trust me it gives more fun)
🧠 We love to check out the forts of Shivaji Maharaj and actually take her to visit the small fort.
Each child love Maharaj and their forts.
🧠 And then it will make easy to understand the questions, answers and so writing too.
Then comes spelling part :
Accurate Spelling is the best way to earn a good marks. Use the way your child is comfortable to learn spellings. We used to make the spelling of new word instead of ratta 😀 and sometimes we have to learn it by re- writing 3 to 5 times.😇
🧠 Tricky part : Always take revision of 2 lesson at the same time. So that it will be easy to memories them.
🧠Currently we memorize the names of people and place. With the event description it is easier. Any child can imagine and so it is effective way to memorise.
We are learning in this way because it is helpful to my kid. Do try with your kids if they find difficulty in studying history.
Hope this post useful to you. Share with the needy moms.😊
Do let me know ' Which technic you are using to teach History?
Till then,
Happy Learning
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by BakezbyDaizy.' ---
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Thursday, 25 August 2022
10 Must Have Items for first time Mom
Hello mummas,
Hope you are doing well.
Being a pregnant and delivering a baby is divine felling. You get the new title "MOM" Incredible and the most happiest feeling in the world!!
When you become a first time mom, you required lots of new things. So it is always better to have everything in your place. That makes our life sane and keep us happy.
Items which are required by new moms :🤱🏻
Friday, 8 July 2022
Are you stressed out mom?
Happy Friday,
Earlier I think to write on a mom stress but then I thought I should write about the happy things. I hate the word "stress" and always try not to use it. As a mom, we are struggling to do so many things in a whole day. Our TO DO list have number of work which never ends, right? And that makes us irritating person. They say happiness is always man made 😊 if we feel happy irrespective of anything we will be always happy. What do you think?
Thursday, 30 June 2022
Tips for Healthy eating-New mom edition
As soon as we deliver a baby our diet needs to change. We moms have to eat balanced diet to fulfill the nutrition requirements. If new mom do not have a proper diet (should eat in every 2 hours) then sugar in the blood reduce and a mom get irritation. Our milk supply gets effected. If this happen on continue basis then a baby also get irritated.
PS :
Disclaimer : I am not professional. I am a mom of twin baby girls. I am sharing my experience. It might help you as a new mom.
When you have a nuclear family. There is no one to take care of you after your first 8 to 10 weeks, when you have to take care of cooking, baby care, home and everything then you have to do proper meal planning. Toss the idea to have everything fresh. Make some preparation with utmost usage of refrigerator so that you can have healthy meal options. Do not freedge anything more than 2 days.
The most important is to have a meal in every 2 hour. Because the little baby is fully depends on you and whenever we feed our stomach get empty and we have to refuel it😀 Don't worry about excess weight. Untill you breastfeed your calories get burned.
Why lactating mothers get tired ?
Babies are fully depends on a mom for milk. We have to feed our baby earlier 10 to 12 times in a day. After 2 months feeding will be at least 6 to 7 times in a day or as per the baby's requirements. Because of this feeding we mom also need to have energy. We face the deficiency of vitamins. To avoid this a lactating mother need to eat vegetables, fruits, pulses, milk, and meat.
Without a further ado let's start with the tips. These worked for me.
1. Protein : It is the most important factor in our meal. For this we have to eat 1 egg. I used to eat 2 boiled egg in the morning with 1 glass of milk. Don't forget to add shatavari powder. Shatavari helps in milk supply. Eat paneer as much as you can. I used to shallow fry it with little bit of haldi, red chilli powder and salt. Tawa fry this paneer cubes till golden color and munch it whenever you feel to eat some snacks item.
2. Cheese : Cheese is one of the source of calcium and protein. You can make egg cheese sandwich or vegetables cheese sandwich. You can make cheese omletee too. It taste yumm.
3. Rice : Without rice our meal is incomplete. I am Maharashtrian and our main staple is rice. Instead of eating plain rice I used to make khichadi. You can make variety of khichadi like moong, masoor, vegetables khichadi. My family love to eat palak khichadi.
4. Amti /dal : Pulses are the source of protein. Have one bowl of dal in your lunch as well as dinner. If you get bored while eating a plain dal try to make variety like palak dal, vegetables sambar, (alu fadade) Maharashtrian dish, vegetables dal, etc.
5. Roti/Chapati /Bhakari : This is the most important part of meal. Try to eat Milet bhakari (BAJRA)Bhakari as much as you can. Bajra helps in milk supply.
Add soyabean in whole wheat to make it nutritioious. I had 2 chapati/paratha with ghee in breakfast and 2 bhakari in lunch and dinner.
These are the main staples in our diet. We mothers are spending most of the time in taking care of babies. We tend to skip our meal or snacks or eat whatever is available. Or most of the time starve. This happen in nuclear family where no one is there to help you. When we unable to give proper time to cook healthy meal, use following tips. We have ready to eat food options too. No I am not talking about packet food. I am against that because each packet contains preservatives which is not good for our health. We can have nutritious food too.
1. Always stock up whole wheat bread or multigrain bread. Make a sandwich by using any leftover veggies, leftover chicken or even using boiled egg or egg omelette.
2. Cut onion, carrots, beet, cucumber, tomato and store in airtight container. Whenever you feel hungry just sqizee lemon, add salt, chat masala and your salad is ready.
Tip : store it for 2, 3 days only.
3. Have a lemon, orange, kokum juice. Always prepare it and store in fridge.
PS :
4. Cut the fruits like mango, chikoo, banana mix with milk, add some ice cream and your milkshake is ready. If you get bored while drinking a plain milk have this milkshake.
5. Cut the fruits of your choice and store it in airtight container. Make a fruit custard or fruit chat.
6. Have Methiladdo, gondladdo, peanut jaggary laddo. Eat as much as you can without worrying weight. Your body does required it.
7. Cashew, Almond, dry roasted coconut, kharik (dry dates), or dates mix this and tawa fry with little bit of ghee or without oil and ghee. Eat this fistful at least twice a day.
8. Boil water and use thermas to have lukewarm water. Drink lukewarm water always.
9. Try to have kheer in your diet. Roast vermacili in ghee and prepare it. Store in a fridge. Whenever you want to eat add hot milk and boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Add dry fruits which you already prepared in tip no 7. Your vermicli kheer is ready.
Same way you can make Suji kheer, Carrot kheer and sabudana kheer. Out of this carrot kheer is very good to have milk supply. Grate carrot and fry in ghee. Add milk and jaggary and boil it. Garnish with dry fruit and ilachi powder.
Tip : Try to eat jaggary. Do not eat sugar.
10. Methi rice pancake : Fry fenugreek seed. Mix 1/4part of it with 1 part of rice and grind it from chakki. Your pancake flour is ready. 1 cup of this mixture, with jaggary as per the taste mix well with water and make small pancakes. Have it with your tea, coffee, shrikhand.
Methi (fenugreek) is very good for our waist. We have to consume as much as we can so that we will not have any deficiency.
11. Soup : Try to make a batch of vegetables soup and refrigerate it. Add maximum number of vegetables and keep it in air tight container. Have this soup daily in the evening before dinner. You can make chicken vegetables soup too.
12. We do have sprout or leafy vegetables in our lunch or dinner. For a change spread this veggies on bread. Spread some sauce and close the bread slice. Toast it in a toaster. Your vegetables toast is ready.
13. Keep whole wheat noodles handy. These takes only 3 minutes to cook. Heat some oil and toss some veggie of your choice with noodles. Add little bit of soya sauce or tomato sauce. And have a hot Hakka noodles at home.
14. Always have chutney in your fridge. Coconut, peanut and sesame chutney. Whenever you feel hungry eat with chapati.
15. Make an egg omelette by using vegetables or cheese. This take hardly 3 to 4 minutes. Eat with whole wheat bread or chapati. Bring a bun for a change. Apply mayo and tomato sauce. Then put some onion, cucumber tomato rings and put the omelet. Your omlete burger is ready.
With these tips you must have to follow some DON'T also🙂
1. Do not have coffee or tea more than 2 cup in a day. It has caffin which is bad for a baby.
2. Do not have colddrink and choclates too. Avoid excess use of chocolates and cold drink.
3. Always pay attention to your food intake and how the baby react. If baby shows any symptoms then stop that food immediately.
4. Do not eat street food or hotel food or any fast food. These are not healthy to your baby.
5. Do not eat any cold food like ice cream, cucumber , coconut water if your delivery is in rainy or winter season.
6. Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke while you breastfeed your baby. Both are not good for baby and mothers too.
This is it for today.
Hope you can have variety of food in your meal. You can have healthy food option throughout the day at your home by using these tips. 😊
What is your staple food? What did you eat more in your postpartum period. I love to eat kheer and chicken. What was your favorite?
'This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Thursday, 23 June 2022
Ohh, twin girls !
I have one daughter and after that, we decided not to have more kids. But after 4 years my soul is wishing to have a baby. We both are ready to have a baby and I conceived too. But unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. After that, we tried and tried and after a gap of say 3 years finally, I conceived again. And this time with twins😳😳 we both are surprised and happy too!
After having a smooth (yep, I can say Smooth pregnancy) finally I delivered my twins. Sister asked me to identify the gender. The first gender was a girl and I was praying to have a boy. But we are blessed to have a doll again. We both are happy.
I am getting a little bit vulnerable though I am a strong Mumma (mentally and physically) this constantly hurting me, Mr. Hubby, and my daughter too. That statement -
"Ohhh. Twins girls. The first one is a girl too."
India is in 2022 but still having a second girl child is taboo. People think a family is incomplete without a boy. Why?
The day we got to know about having twins in my belly my excitement level was too high. With every kick, every moment we all three fell in love with these twins. Have a constant conversation on how both are active, how they stay in such a small place, and how do you ( mom) identify them. We had the best period of our life.
During this pregnancy, journey received spiteful comments. Some are-
"Don't worry this time you will have a boy."
"Your belly size shows the symptoms of a baby boy."
And I happily nodded. I can't revert back because I have matured enough to let go of this comment.
But they were not stopped.
After delivery, everyone liked pity on me. And this time it hurts me a lot.
Arree, three girls, how will you manage?
One boy should be there.
and many more.😐
From hospital to every stop, home, shops, malls, and schools, everyone sympathizes me. Starting with the hospital, sister," first girl child and these two are girls, don't worry! Both will be best for you.
And I replied yeah, I am happy about that.
Then hospital workers, attending workers, everyone was like telling me, never mind. Girls are the best kids these days. Boys are not going to look after you. Then at home, relatives, neighbors, office co-workers, friends everyone!!
Why we don't have an only girl child?
Why does the family behaves strangely when you have a girl baby?
Why does everyone want a boy?
To complete a family it is not necessary to have a baby boy only. Due to the twin's pregnancy, I also wished to have one boy and one girl. Because I also wish my baby girl have one brother like me. Mr. Hubby always wishes to have a girl. He was sure enough that I will deliver a girl. And so he constantly asks me 'Are you happy?
Yes, I am happy. Like him and Saee. (my daughter) This time we are blessed to have two girls. GIRLS mine and Nitin's daughters. Unique and amazing baby. One is a twin copy of Mr. Hubby and another one is a copy of mine. We are blessed to raise these twin girls. What a challenge and adventure!
We are ready to raise these two tiny baby girls into independent and confident human beings.
Over time I have learned that every pregnant woman wants others should be happy for her. My body is going through this twin pregnancy, hormones have changed, and now my life has changed. We have settled life with one girl but yes we are very well handling this challenge without any elders🙂. And so I am able to handle these comments like how many kids you have? Why do you take this chance? What is gender ? How will you manage with three girls?
Grateful to some loving people who constantly encourage us, advise us on how to do it and what to do, and help us. It gives me warmth. And what else does a mother require😊.
I am hesitate to write this post. But after writing the stress goes off my chest. There are lots of mothers who face this issue. I just want to ask WHY?
Put your valuable comments.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' -
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Thursday, 9 June 2022
15 Must Have Baby Products With Money Saving Tips
Most of the parents are living in a nuclear family, say about 60% are having a small family. Those who are living with their parents are the luckiest ones. It may have some pros and cons but having family and elder ones around is always helpful. Pregnancy and delivering a baby require lots of money, especially in India. It is always better to save money wherever you can.
PS : Pixababy
When you are in the last trimester and if you are living in a nuclear family then you have to prepare many things for the baby. Although in India our elders tell us not to bring any baby-related things in advance. If you are alone means without elders or family members nearby you, then you have to prepare in advance. Because once you deliver the baby, you will be stuck to the bed and baby. There is always a new requirement and maybe your husband is unable to bring it. To avoid any trouble you have to have these 15 must-have baby products at home in advance.
Now coming back to the point why our elders do not allow us to buy any new things for babies because they believe let baby arrive in this world safely. The earliest, in their era baby mortality rates, are high. But now medicine has cures for everything. So keep positive vibes and if you are the only person in the family then began in advance.
So what actually does the baby need?
I am a second-time mommy so have personal experience. During my first child, I bought a lot of stuff that was not used by us. This time I swap many things with friends and siblings. Actually, our baby doesn't need too many things.
We are fully captured by social media. 24 hrs scrolling gives tons of products and we are tempted to buy them, as they are available with a single click. 😀 New parents are overexcited and want to give everything to the baby. so they are easily trapped by these advertisements. I don't say every ad is wrong. Yes, there are many companies which give a good product.
These tips are for minimalist families/budgeted families or those who want to save money. I am not against any other baby-related products.
Okay. Before buying any new product think twice, yes think twice is it really necessary? Does it really helpful to my baby? Will it go in the long run?
15 Must-have baby products with money-saving tips.
1. Swaddle :
We all swaddled our babies tightly so that we can hold them properly. In the market, there are new types of a swaddle, and sleep bags are available. I prefer to have an old cotton sari which is long enough and we can cut according to our requirements and swaddle our baby. The baby feels so much more comfortable and sleeps well for at least 3 hours.
2. Godhadi - small baby bed :
A small baby bed which is made of soft cotton fabric can spread on our mattress. I prefer to have homemade. My Attya (bua) made it from cotton sarees. I think in India everyone has it. Grandma's favorite. Still, if you do not have then get it stitched by your local tailor. Give them some old cotton bedsheets and an old cotton sari or dupatta. Else you can buy it. They are not that much costly. But it depends on where you are buying.
3. Baby Clothes :
We have rituals to wear only used soft clothes. I have my elder daughter's baby clothes. I do not buy any clothes.😊
Even if you are purchasing try to take cotton and simple clothes. Because a baby is going to sleep most of the time and above that, you are going to swaddle them. So choose soft cotton Zabala only.
You can save tons of money. You can use your sister's or brother's baby clothes.
4. Cap, socks, and mittens :
If your baby is born in the winter or rainy season you have to buy it. Try to buy as per season. Do not buy any fancy items which trouble the baby's soft skin.
5. Nail clipper :
In the market, there are so many fancy clippers available. Once I purchased but I was not comfortable with that. So try to buy the thing which you are aware of. Newborn's nails grow so quickly and we have to trim them regularly. This is a must-have product.
6. Soft blanket :
If your baby is a winter baby then purchase a soft blanket. I have one so I used that. You can buy it or prefer to have your siblings one.
7. Cradle :
Try to take the used one. Because the cradle is going to use from 1months to 7,8 months. I prefer the traditional one. The electric cradle is also useful. But if you want to save money then try to take a used one. I took it from my friend.
8. Toiletries :
Baby oil, baby soap, and baby moistures are the only products that are useful. Babies don't need powder and kajal. But I know in India people used it. It is everyone's preference. The money-saving tip does not purchase it. Whoever coming to see your baby they are going to bring this kit. 😊
9. Baby Towels :
In my opinion, you don't need this baby towel. Use old cotton soft fabric. Because though baby towels are new and soft but cotton fabric absorbed water very well.
10. Baby Books :
There is no need for any toys for babies. They are not that big enough to play with it. Don't waste your money on buying toys. Instead of that buy baby books.
11. Dry sheets :
You must have it. These are available in every size and pocket friendly too.
12. Milk Bottle :
Only if you are unable to breastfeed your child. And off-course as per your requirement.
13. Diapers:
If you are okay with cotton langot then keep diapers for travel purposes or use them at night time. This is also as per your preference.
14. Mosquito Net:
This is the most important product you must-have for babies.
15. Baby wipes:
Always use cotton and plain water to wipe the baby bump. Keep baby wipes for traveling. Try to use soft fabric pieces or cotton balls and lukewarm water to wipe. It is always safe for babies.
This is the must-have list for your newborn with tips. Some people prefer to have everything new. Some people are ready to have used products, like me😀. Different people and different choices. But all these are the required items only. Apart from this, there are many products which are not going to use. The above-mentioned products also required lots of money. You can save money by using above mentioned tips.
Bonus Tip: We have siblings and each one has kids. We used to swap up almost most of the things including clothes (if they are in good condition). This is the best option to save money.
If you are in a nuclear family then try to have all these 15 must-have products in advance. So that you and your partner are ready to welcome a newborn without worrying. It will save your time, and money and bring a lot of mental peace.
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Hope this post is useful to new parents and budgeted families. Share it with needy ones.
Do you have any tips to save money while buying a baby product? Please comment down. Do you swap things with your siblings?
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.'
©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
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