Monday, 27 March 2023

Things I am Loving ( Gratitude List) #February Ediition #1

Happy Monday!

How many of you saw Venus on this Friday ? I didn't know it was Venus but after discussing with friends get to know. Voila, such a beautifil sight. And then I checked it on a Google. 

After reading many of yours morning routines, mindful living and many tips finally I wanted to have a structure routine which helps me in my personal growth. But with small baby I am unable to set routine. Every day is new to me and new challenge always there. I decided to take a small step, change the mindset and accept this temporary life moment.

When we as a woman wearing so many hats of being daughter, wife, mother, sister it is difficult to keep that balance of happiness and stress. Everyone is surrounded by stress, the struggle is how you cope up. There are many ways to handle stress but it gives fruits only when you adopting it.

I love to take small steps one by one. Out of which  first one is "GRATITUDE "I am greatful to the universe for everything. I can cook, feed, read, write and play with my babies.

I am sharing 5 things I am loving lately for the entire February month. Because my goal is to do mindfully. And so trying for the full month. 😊 

Writing :

Yes ! To keep my soul at right place. It helps me to have emotional balance. Thanks to the #blogchatter in which I participate #writeAPageDay.  I wrote every day and I can't believe I had many post in draft which I am going to publish. I write most of the post when I breastfeed them. 

They sent me this beautiful diary for completing the challenge. 

I wrote small poems too. Check out here and here .


Still I am struggling to read with offline books. I have started to read Harry Potter  from last 3 month, yet unable to have daily read. 

But yes, I do read aloud to my babies. Currently Haathi Bhai, I Love You, Little Why, Bubble Series are our favorite books which we read. They love books too. I was surprised when my 8 months old learn how to open a book.

I read online specially blogs. 

My favorite are : 

Madhu Mam's blog for  recipes : 

For different vide range of topic I like Harjeet Kaur blog  

Not tried Kindle yet. But yes it is on my list. 

Trying new recipe for my babies : 

Blessed to have access to doctor's nutritionist on social media and hence trying new baby recipes. My intentions to make them eat the same food which we are eating.  If you want to know how ? Then read my post on breakfast ideas. 

Intentional Play : 

Playing with my babies without taking any vidoes. Yes, I was addicted to take video. But now I am playing intentionally with them. Took videos only for special achievement of their milestone. And for my page where I shared #babyplayideas 

No phone till 12 pm: 

After 11 :30 pm I have to check my phone due to my daughter school bus time. But strictly I do not touch my phone since morning after I got up from sleep. It was my goal from January and I am able to maintain till date. Success!

And able to cook more to feed my family. 😉

These are on my list always. Reading and daily writing was my struggle. But to my surprised I wrote more post in my postpartum period. Whereas I decided to document twin pregnancy but unable to do that.

At the beginning I keep these goal in my mind. I wanted to see how long I will do it. To be honest I started this at the end of January with on and off. But with constant effort I made it possible. 😊

This is my gratitude list which give me the feeling of content and productive. 😊

I am just a mom with intentions to live life happily. So that I can able to transfer the life values to my kids. I believe kids learn through observing and I am trying to be the best version of myself with continuous practice.

Do you have any monthly goal? How do you track it?

Thank you for stopping by!

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Reading, writting are absolutely great things to do and cherish the time too. I loved the way you keep yourself motivated and loved your gratitude list too. Very nice post.

  2. Gratitude--the best way to start the day. Lovely post...good luck.

  3. I want to get out of the phone for at least half a day. I find it's more relaxing to do that. And developing the habit of saying Thank You to the universe keeps us content through the passage of life. Lovely habits you have developed.

  4. It is so wonderful to read that you are appreciating even the smallest things that are happening in your life like reading and writing. Even with two babies to look after you are able to maintain your blog and be grateful is so amazing.

  5. In spite of being busy u made things work very smoothly. Definitely ur values are going to be deep rooted in ur children.

  6. Your positive attitude and your will to be productive is commendable Neeta. You come up with new things every time and make sure u execute them... keep it up n Goodluck for your monthly goals... kaveri.

  7. Loved the post. It's great to hear that you could see Venus and appreciate its beauty after learning about it from your friends. It's important to take time to appreciate the simple things in life that can bring us joy and wonder.

    As for your personal growth and routine, it's understandable that it can be challenging with a new baby. It's good to acknowledge and accept the temporary moment you're in, and taking small steps toward your goals is a great way to start. It's also important to remember to take care of ourselves and prioritize self-care to manage stress and maintain balance in your life.

    There are many ways to handle stress, and it's important to find what works best for you. It's great that you recognize the importance of adopting these coping mechanisms to see results. Keep up the positive mindset, and remember to take it one step at a time.
    - Anjali

  8. Reading and writing is a therapy with soothes and relaxes our mind which is very important. I am glad to see that you are in love with gratitude as showing gratitude is very important . God bless you.

  9. Reading and writing is a therapy with soothes and relaxes our mind which is very important. I am glad to see that you are in love with gratitude as showing gratitude is very important . God bless you.

  10. Motherhood can be overwhelming but your tips are practical and definitely easy to follow. I must try a phone rule too. Will surely improve my productivity.

  11. Thank you, Neeta, for mentioning my blog. I admire you for being so active with small babies; God bless you

  12. Zenobia Merchant2 April 2023 at 15:48

    Extremely beautiful post. Gratitude should be a way of life. I appreciate gratitude for even the smallest tasks I accomplish or the biggest blessing I receive. It keeps me more grounded and humble. And yes the Moon and Venus capture is beautiful.

  13. I love the fact that you note down what you are grateful for- I too am thinking of starting to do this. No phones rule is a great one!

  14. Thank you so much Beta for mentioning my blog. I am so glad you are enjoying my recipes. I totally agree with you about Intentional Play. Sometimes we need to just enjoy and not everything has to be on video.

    1. You welcome mam. You are inspiration for me.

  15. It is so great to see you read to your little ones plus your gratitude list, monthly goal all are motivating.

  16. It is nice you are doing things that pep you up. I especially love the no phone....i too try not to touch the phone after i wake up. But usually by 10.30-11 I start getting calls and will have to then get on the phone

  17. I understand your struggle between kids and stress. I journal too and am striving for balance. I look at my little one's face first thing in the morning and say thank you to God .

  18. Of all the things you've listed, that "no phone till 12pm" struck out for me the most. In today's time, it is our phone that majority usually pick's up the moment they open their eyes in the morning. Having that kind of discipline is superb! I'm now doing that but only for an hour after I wake-up. Believe me, I think I'm able to accomplish 2 to 3 times more on that hour than the rest of the day.haha - MommyWithAGoal

  19. Loved reading your post. Reading helps me unwind at the end of the day. It is so sweet of you to include mom's blog among your favorites. Thank you so much.

  20. It was very nice to read your things to be grateful for!


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