Sunday, 4 December 2022

11 Memories of year 2022 #BlogChatterBlogHop

I read this quote on Google and realized the value of my power. 

2022 is the best year for me as it gives abundance - Love, and lessons.

When I started my blog I wanted to document yearly review but due to some boundaries unable to do that. I came across this blog hop by #blog chatter and my hands automatically goes to keyboard. 

2020 was the bitter year.  2021 was the blessing of 2020 and so I had my twin pregnancy in late 38's and 2022 is with my twins. Yeaa, had my twins in my arms safe, and healthy.☺ 

This year 2022 was more stressful for us. You will get to know how Twin mother can survive on her own while in her postpartum and motherhood journey.

But there were lots of happy moments I captured in my mobiles and after revisiting them we forgot our stress. Having twin is blessing. Sharing personal memories with hope that some of you can relate with us. And you can change the perspective towrds life. This year is all about my baby and baby and  baby.

Twin Pregnancy 

When I was in college I always wanted to have a twin baby. I was curious how the lady can have two tiny species in a womb. How can they survive inside the womb? And how that lady deliver the babies ? And guess what ? 

I experienced all this ☺ 

It is called "law of attraction " Universe always support you and you have to keep a faith. 

So here are my 11 memories of 2022 : 

1. January was the first month of 2022 where I survived independently with my twinnies. Unexpected things happened a lots and there was nobody to help me.  Being c section with two tiny babies I was emotionally deprived and physically drained. But the ladies from my family had no heart. This bitter memory - that you do everything good for your family but such heartless people do exist, Specially woman๐Ÿ˜‘ is always hurt. ( Does it  happen with you?) 

I survived and realized my power๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป.

2. Achieved success in handling both of them for feeding. Yes I had a lots of struggle to breastfeed them, but with constant trial and error I was able to breastfeed these tiny little delicate babies. Only difficulty was to burp them at the same time. Again I called this was due to the affirmations.  I made positive affirmation during my twin pregnancy and one of them was to breastfeed my twins. I did almost tandem feeding. 

I learned that Affirmations do work. 

3. I am greatful to my cook. She is like a family and take care of me as my mother. Feed me on time with hot breakfast, lunch and dinner. Though we pay money to them but not everyone can take care of you as a family. And this time where we did not have real family, she was the savoir.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Good karma always pay you back.

4. In two and half month my babies turned on their tummy. Milestone of my babies like neck part, turning on one side, crawling,  gaggling and many more - achieved so fast and quick. Intentionally control myself for not sharing any of these precious moments on social media.

Learned we can not document everything.

5. My caring Partner Mr. Hubby : I know my husband loves me a lot but second time realize that how much he was emotionally connected with me. My late twin delivery in 39's was challenging. And where no elderly people with us he was constantly with me. Keep me happy and motivated every time. 

Greatful to God for such wonderful Partner.

6. My matured elder one who were witnessed  of everything. But glad that she took only happy part of being a big sister. This one was the bitter memory where she was with us in every up and down phase of life. She learned a lots of about family peoples and relations.

I learned from her how to choose joy because life is always difficult.

7. Able to celebrate diwali with my twins. Able to drew rangoli, had deep cleaning of my house and got ready  with my 3 girls and hubby with our traditional way.

Able to stick with tradition, rituals and transfer it to the next generation. 

8. First time I had a babysitter/nanny inspite of having granny.  Becasue she was not interested to have grandchildren specially girl child. And, it is okay, for us.

Blessed to have loving nanny who take care of me and my babies like a family person.

It is okay to trust outsiders. They can be your big support.

9. Back to my cooking. I am greatful that I was able to cook and gave lunch box to my hubby. He had been eating out for more than 1 and half year. It was not easy to get up early in the morning with sleepless nights but tried and Successful.

Everything is possible with little bit of push.

10. Happy to spend time with my elder one. She cried many times due to non availability of mummy with her.๐Ÿ˜‘ And after lots of struggle I was finally able to succeed. Not 100 percent but I figured out to have date with my elder daughter. After all she had been my best friend over this 8 years. ๐Ÿ™‚

Had errands, movie date, cook date with her. Looking forward with many fun things.

It is important to have one on one time with your each child.

11. Last but not the list - My Blog.

Able to get back on my blog. Success knock on the door with hardwork. My dream come true to become a successful mom blogger. This was the first step of my success and many more to come. 

Dedication and hard work pay back to you.

With love of my hubby and daughters we struggled a lot and have a happy, yes we can say "HAPPY " 2022. 

Because we learned : 

๐Ÿ’œ To accept the people the way they are. 

๐Ÿ’œ It is okay. 

๐Ÿ’œ Time is temporary and it will fade away.

๐Ÿ’œ We nurture our babies without any guilt.

๐Ÿ’œ To enjoy each phase of life though it is tough or smooth.

We had babies after so many trial and error and in a natural way. And that is the main reason of our "HAPPINESS"

Finally I have my big Family.๐Ÿ˜Ž

Dec 11 is the birthday of my twins ❤ We have crossed the difficult journey -"TWINMOTHERHOOD" Yeaaaa! We made it. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿค˜Saee and Mr. Hubby๐Ÿ˜˜

How was your 2022? Share your special memory in comment section.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop. 

You may like to read BlogchatterBlogHop post : 

When my alarm didnt ring this morning 

The door bell 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. I agree that memories do fly away fast as your blog says it correctly.

  2. Yes, Geethica. I think it is the place to store them


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