Thursday, 22 February 2024

A peaceful morning with toddlers

A peaceful morning start is a great way to have a good day. Everyone wants to start a day peacefully. As a mom I am trying to have a calm morning. But it is possible only when I have my morning cup of tea -- To recharge myself and to recharge the whole house. 

Hope you relate with it mommy?

Until my twins were small babies our routine was set but as soon as they grew up and started walking my morning routine was falling down. It becomes clumsy and often I lose my temper. It was very difficult to get myself recharged for the day. 

I cried, I shouted, I screamed and finally I turned to them in front of the screen. I know none of this was going to work in the long run. I was struggling. 

When you become a mom everything depends on having a solid routine. Routine which helps toddlers to understand what they have to do and what mummy is going to do after every 10 to 15 minutes. Like, They have to brush  teeth, ( of course mummy is going to do it for them) , they have to let mumma cook breakfast for them, they have to let mumma have tea, and blaa blaa blaa....

Finally I decided to make some changes to have less tantrums in the morning. After many trials it worked. 


Every morning is different and one thing I realised is to adapt to the present time. Whatever happens I have my morning tea with light breakfast is my first priority. Then only I can start my day.

Peaceful morning with toddlers

Sharing some tips how I am having peaceful morning. This helps me a lot in handling twins toddlers. It may help you to have some peace in the morning as a toddler mom. 

Morning Walk : 

Some mornings we have  a morning walk. Yes, right after waking and cuddling. Fresh morning air and sunlight freshen up three of us.  They run, walk, collect leaves, sticks and enjoy the birds tweets. We tend to go for morning walks twice a week. Yes it is twice only for less tantrums.๐Ÿ˜‘ ( You know, right)


Dance Party 

Some mornings start on cry mode. It is very difficult to soothe both of them at the same time. So I decided to have some dance movements. Black Pink is currently our favourite and whenever I turned it on the screen both my twins began to dance. I also joined them to cheer up. We have lots of fun.


Books are the most therapeutic for everyone. I usually put two favourite books near our bed. So if they wake up in the morning and I was not nearby then they can simply get up from the bed and start flipping their book. It is the best part where I don't have to pay attentions.

Toy Box

I have this small box which I used to fill up at night. I put only two three favourite toys and kept them on our centre table in the living room. Once they get up from the bed even if they are crying they can easily get  involved with this toy Box. 

Poem Recitation:

I recited poems when they were two months old. Now one of my toddlers is very well versed with the poem. She sang by herself and that is the most adorable part for me. The way she sang in her vocabulary melts my heart. She almost sang 4 to 5 poems in her  language. Both of them enjoyed this poem recitation process with the act. Apart from morning routine It mostly happened on my twins demand too in a whole day.๐Ÿ˜‡

Reading and Learning

Reading a book again and again helps them to understand the words. We all know to instill a reading habit you have to start early. 

Study shows early years ( 1 to 5 years) is very important for our kids. They learnt quickly whatever you are going to teach them. I have my own experience with my older daughter.

Books are always good over screen, right? I started to read this book when she was 5 months old. Now she knows 90% of it. She pronounced every word very well. Check it out here.

My method worked well with my older one. With the same experience I tried to repeat the pattern with twins. It was difficult but yes with patience and practice it worked.

These are some tips which worked for me to have a peaceful morning. It help my twins to calm down and help me ๐Ÿ˜ to calm down. Being in a nuclear family and when you are the sole person to take care of everything then you must thrive on peaceful morning. Once you have set the routine everything goes smoothly. Just you need to learn to stay calm๐Ÿ˜

Helpful key points : 

1. Always  use your experience and set things which is really helpful to you and your toddlers. Morning tantrums are irritating.

2. Do not get trapped in social media and try your own. 

3. Have patience. Yes to set a routine you have to have patience. It requires lots of time to set the routine. 

4.  Stay calm. Irritation only disturbs our mind and mood. Stay calm and connect your babies. 

5. Connect your toddlers with patience and love. 


Having a peaceful morning for a mom with toddler is very important to have a good start of the day. Chances are more to have independent play. Babies and toddlers always want to be with mommy and so be with them at least for the starting period. Once they get busy slowly get away. Observe them and let them play.

Kids learn fast when you have repeated courses of action. Be creative and keep your house filled with toys, books, music and most importantly your unconditional love.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

Questions for the Day 

Do you have any specific morning routine? Are you a toddler mom and follow any special morning routine? 

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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 15 February 2024


Dating to a husband may sound boring but trust me it will definitely bring that charm in your married life. With daily household chores, kids whether it is small babies or school going kids as parents we are too busy with them. Have you remembered when was the last time you both sat and talked about each other apart from family talks ? Have you tried any date ideas with your spouse after marriage?

18 Fun Love Date Ideas to keep your marriage fresh
PS : Paradise Photography 

If not, then stick around with the post. No, I am not sharing  Instagram date ideas which are not possible in real life. Instead of that I am sharing with you small things which matters a lot as a couple to keep that love alive.


What do you mean by dating exactly? 

In today's world dating means spending your quality time with your loved ones. That could be your spouse, your friends, your dad or mom, your daughter or son or even your grandparents. We believe in this and we deliberately enjoy this kind of date night frequently. Nowadays dating is not  restricted to boyfriends and girlfriends.

Yes, Husband and wife should go on a date. Because once you become parents your priority automatically changes and you will get buried in responsibility. Both of you forget to have your own personal life too. 

I believe if parents are happy the vibes of the house will be happy. 

So , How can we date our partners?

If you have new born or toddlers and you are struggling to have husband and wife time then try out these easy indoor date night ideas filled with love and fun even when your kids are around you.

1. Video games

We all have a big screen at our home. So why not utilize it with a video game. Try to keep it short for at least 45 minutes and enjoy this video game with your spouse. It is really fun to beat your spouse.

PS : Pixbay 

2. Filming a Reel

These are our favourites. Mr. Hubby is not a social media person but yes sometimes he likes to have dance reels with me. From the time of tiktok we are doing this funny dance filming date. Yes, it is filled with lots of fun, laughter and our kids also enjoyed it with us. Check out our reel here ๐Ÿซข

PS : Google 

3. Dance Party 

Have a dance party at least twice in a month. Whenever our toddlers were crying getting out of our hands we turned the screen on and all the family danced together. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ It may sound bored to you but trust me you all will have so much fun. And the best part is your toddler get tired fast and can sleep for hours ๐Ÿคซ

PS : Pinterest 

4.Barbeque Nights

Whenever you want to eat something restaurant style and due to babies you can't go out then try this idea. Having a barbecue set is easy and there are tons of recipes on YouTube. Have some wine and home grilled barbecue with your spouse and enjoy the date nights.

PS : Freepik

5. Cooking Together

Date should not be at fancy restaurants or at parks only. It could be in your kitchen too. Have you done cooking with your partner? Both of you can wear the same apron and get ready to cook your favourite dishes. Try to make pizza or bake a cake for kids or cook something your family favourite. Trust me this date idea takes your love to the upper level.

PS: Rawpixel

6. Recreation of drink / ice cream

Mr. Hubby and I love to have drinks ( mocktail or cocktail both ๐Ÿ˜‰) and ice creams are our weakness. We used to recreate our drinks in many varieties and try to make fruit ice cream at home too. Just to have your creative juices together ๐Ÿ˜œ

PS : Pinterest 

7. Movie Nights 

We have enjoyed movie nights lately from last two years. Blessed to have Netflix and Disney Hotstar ( we watch mostly on these two only )  Shut down your kitchen as early as possible, Pop up some popcorn at home set some warm blankets, pillow and dim the lights of your living room, taddaaa have a fun filled movie night with your spouse. Try to do it after putting your kids to sleep .

Some outdoor date night ideas : 

If you are able to arrange a babysitter for 2 or 3 hours then try out these pocket friendly outdoor date ideas with your spouse.

PS : Pixbay

8. Cycling

As kids we used to cycle a lot. Recreate  your childhood memories with your husband. We all have cycles at home. Why not have a race with your husband. Or even go on cycling for particular miles. This is one of the soothing experiences. Workout with enjoyment ๐Ÿ˜„

9. Badminton/ Basket Ball 

From winter vacation everywhere you can see children playing badminton and basketball. Have you played with your spouse? Try it. You will have fun and most importantly your kids will enjoy watching both of you.  This badminton or basketball ball activity is filled with lots of fun, laughter and of course love. 

10. Star Gazing 

Once in a while try to go out for star gazing with your spouse. You just have to go to your Terrace with a pillow and mat. Lay down with your spouse and enjoy star gazing. Did you remember when was the last time you saw the night sky ? 

You can enjoy this activity with your kids too. No need to have a babysitter. This is a really beautiful date night idea. 

11. Kulfi/ Gola Date

As kids we ate lots of kala khatta or mataka kulfi. Go on a night walk and if you are blessed to have matak kulfi vala or gola in your neighborhood then enjoy it with your spouse. Definitely visit this thela and recreate your childhood memories with your spouse and give the same happiness to your kids.

13. Sip and Paint Class 

If your budget is a little bit high then you can attend this sip and paint party. Where you can sip and learn painting. These are quite popular in these days. You can find it in your nearest area and have this thrilling party with your spouse.

13. Dance Class 

If you and your partner love to dance, then join any dance workshop together. There are many promotional dance workout workshops. You can register and Enjoy this dance class with your spouse. This brings really lots of happiness and fun.

14. Workout 

If both of you are exercise freaks then try to sign up for Jim. Or else you can do it at home too. Have a designated area at your home. Filled with minimum exercise equipment and voila, have a workout fun with your Spouse. 

15. Live Show : 

Try to attend a live show. I remember the last time we witnessed the Jubin Nautiyal Live show in our neighborhood. It was so so thrilling. Try to enjoy this kind of thrilling date.

16. Evening at beach

If you have a beach area nearby then try to visit at least quarterly. Spend time with sand, sea, sun and your romantic husband and your kids. Don't forget to try out various activities at the beach. Like paragliding, boat races, banana boats and  making sand castles with kids.

17. Long Drive On a Bike 

This is my all time favourite. Long drive on bike with your spouse. You may have this long drive before marriage. Try to include this long drive on a monthly basis. Just you and your spouse can go on long drives, have tea at tapari and enjoy the breeze. Forget all household stress and just enjoy the long road with a gentle breeze and hold your spouse tightly.

18. Coffee Date 

Last but not the least. If your spouse loves to have a coffee then try to have a coffee date with a twist. Find out about the newly opened cafe and dare to try out a new place and new coffee. We always wanted to check out new places and variety of coffee.


Having a date night with a husband is a must to maintain harmony in your life. Our kids are watching us, observing us and learning. Creating a fun  and love-feel environment not only brings happiness but also uplifts our home vibes. A loving and laughing parent is the only kids need to see. We all had stress but I think this is the only way to deal with your tiny or biggest problem as a parent and as a husband and wife. 

Question of the day

What is your  favourite date night ideas? Share your most memorable date in the comment section. 


This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenges 


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 7 February 2024



In today's post I am sharing my top 10 recipe of 2023. I didn't like to cook in my teenage years. But after becoming a wife and mom I am more fascinated towards cooking. I used to watch a cooking show and tried to make the recipe. And over the years I realised I am a lazy brat. I always wanted to cook which is simple, tasty and healthy. And so I tried many recipes as per my taste buds and started to publish them on my blog post.๐Ÿ˜‰

Top 10 recipes of the year 2023
PS :

Every year I love to do reflections especially for my blog. I love to analyse my blogging journey for the year. Like how I grew up compared to the last year, what I had learnt and how I was productive. I know it is February but I am in the mode of execution. 

This year I am surprised that I wrote on versatile topics. The topic which I always wanted to write and readers also love to read. Thank you to each one of you whoever is reading my blog. Thank you for helping me to reach at this stage. 

I am really grateful

I never thought I can write recipe ๐Ÿ˜› I am not an expert cook but when I turn up to Mommy- I wants to give simple and delicious homemade foods to my daughter and twins toddlers. I always experiment and stick to basic traditional food recipes. 

MyTop 10 recipes for  the year 2023 are

Top 10 recipe

1. Every culture is different and so is the food. I am Maharashtrian and I know many women don't know what to eat during the postpartum special for the first 2 months. In this post I am sharing 12 foods every mom should eat while breastfeeding.


2. Sabudana Wada is one of our weekend breakfast recipes which can be prepared in 10 to 15 minutes only you have to do some preparation. We can have at least twice in a month. Check out the easy and healthier version of Sabudana Vada recipe.

Top 10 recipe of the year 2023


3. I have shared the real recipe which can be cooked in 10 minutes and can have normal ingredients specially for kids. Egg is one of the most important part of our food. In this post I shared easy way to have egg in your diet. 

Top 10 Recipe of 2023

4. French toast sandwich is sweet. But at my house nobody wants to eat sweets in the morning so I twisted this recipe as per my family taste buds with additional magical ingredients - Cheese. And voila it turns out awesome. Do check it here.

Top 10 recipe for the year 2023

5. I was in the meal planning process and I had created this simple weekly breakfast which was eaten by my baby too.  Sharing easy weekly breakfast ideas which is kids/toddlers approved. 

Top 10 recipe for the year 2023

6. Whenever there is a festival I always want to prepare some festive feast. But with toddlers it is not possible to have elaborate meals. Here I have shared some easy peasy festival meals. 

Top 10 recipe of the year 2023

7. And how can I forget my baby meals. Watching instgram I am also getting tempted to make same dishes. But frankly speaking my babies didn't ate any of that ๐Ÿ˜ญI turned on our traditional recipe and they are hit. So here is the chart. This is according to my baby food habits and mostly convenient for me. 

Top 10 recipe of the year 2023

8. Pancake is the fancy name. We called it Chilla in Hindi and Pola in marathi. I tried to make it more healthy as I wanted to feed them vegetables. Palak Chilla is one of our family favourite breakfast items. It tastes awesome with ginger tea and for kids with homemade curd. For non veg versions you can replace besan with egg and oats flour.  

Top 10 recipe of the year 2023

9. If your toddler not ready to drink milk then you can add up cheese in diet. This one is Tomato Cheese Omlette tasty because it is loaded with cheese. Even I also like to have it in my breakfast with my toddlers ๐Ÿ˜

10. My elder daughter is not ready to eat vegetables and so I tried to add vegetables in the chilla. You can alter the recipe as per your kids preference. Vegetable Chilla also tastes awesome with curd or tomato ketchup or peanut chutney.


It was my dream that my blog post should be popular not all but at least few, ๐Ÿ˜ and I am writing this year. All credit goes to you, my readers. Keep reading and revisiting my blog. 

Questions for the Day 

I hope you love something in the above posts. Which one do you like?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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