Friday, 17 November 2023


Happy Friday!

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” 

 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


Watching a movie at home is now our favourite part. It not only rejuvenates but also gives the feeling of accomplishment of the necessary reset for the next week. 

Not every week we watched a movie but yes trying to watch mostly. And yes, we are not watching only new movies. We tend to watch old movies also. I always make a watch list and according to my time.😁

Because I am Mom and Wife.  So priorities matter but at the same time I tried to entertain myself watching movies and series on Netflix or hotstar. I tried to watch a simple and halki fulki movie which did not give too much stress. I like to watch comedy, suspense, and family movies. A love story is not my kinda favourite.

This time we watch the Marathi Movie which I think should go for Oscar Nominations. I wanted to watch it for a very long time  but I didn't get any chance. Finally I watched it and wanted to store it on my blog as a review for you too. 

Many of you may be watched or many of you may not know about this movie. So give a read and make sure to watch at least one time. I am hundred percent sure you will love it. 

Movie Name  : Vaalvi

Language : Marathi

Type /Genre : Thrill Comedy 

Stars : Swapnil Joshi, Anita Date, Shivani Surve and Subodh Bhave

My rating : * * * * 


Movie start with suicide attempt by  husband and wife by putting gun on their head. Whereas the wife is dead because her gun has bullets and the husband's gun is empty. And that is the gripping part of the entire movie. 

Aniket (Swapnil Joshi) and his wife Avani (Anita Date) are a couple who decide to end their lives together. But this is the plan set up by Aniket's dentist girlfriend Devika (Shivani Surve). The murder is being executed by both Devika and Aniket and rehearsed many times so that it will look like as a perfect suicide without any proofs. However, the best laid plans go awry when they find someone playing with them. And then the real game begins. 

How do they deal with this person ? Do they become successful in murder? Is Avani dead? Does their murder plan work out very well ? 

Yeaaa, the 1 hr 45 minutes movie gets you hooked till the end.

Message of the Movie : 

Vaalvi means termites. The term has been used to  convey the meaning of how everything can be slowly but steadily destroyed from within - it may be human relations or your house. Do shield yourself from this termite as soon as possible.

What I Like ? 

I like the way the movie ends. That is the turning point of the movie. Suspense keeps you at the bar and you are eager to know what happened next? Every actor and actress played a brilliant role. The natural acting is the major attraction of this Film. 

Final Word: 

Anita Date is the brilliant actor. The way she showed herself as a psychic is awesome. 

Swapnil has the best role in his entire life. I never saw him as a villain but yaa he is so natural and terrific. I love his character.

Subodh Bhave plays a very psychic Doctor but he actually looks like a  psychic. I always wonder if the psychologists are psychic then how can they treat the patients? 😜

Shivani is the best played character in the whole movie. The culprit who is assertive and pushes everything on these two people. The best villains female awards must go to her.

" Murleyla kalkarasobat tine baji marali "


If you love suspense and thriller movies then this is for you. 


At OTT : Zee 5 

With English subtitle 

Movie: Vaalvi

Director: Paresh Mokashi

I do watch movies only for entertainment purposes. But this is unforgettable. One of the best movies from my point of view.  If you love this segments then please also check this one : 

Saturday Movie Date Nights at home #101 OMG 2 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

Do you watch Movies? Which one is an unforgettable movie for you ?

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Also watch "Cycle" with kids for movie night. Marathi Movie. Very heart warming movie.

  2. These days we really dont need to go to movie halls or multiplex to enjoy watching movies. There are countless good OTT series and short movies plus the latest ones are available to watch at home. I really love to watch them sitting beside my husband. The feeling of togetherness sitting beside each other and discussing the movie gives a different level of charm. Baby is too small to enjoy it with us but sit beside watching his rhyme videos. My recent watch is Apurva and I liked it. Movie dates are perfect at home as i too believe it like you.

    1. Truly. Just going with the flow and enjoy every little moment.

  3. Although some of my friemds have recommended, I still haven't watched a Marathi movie but after your review I am tempted. And I like how the title of the movie fits with the storyline. Btw, you don't like romantic movies? they r my top favorite 😊

  4. I love Marathi movies and have watched many of them on OTT. They convey a wonderful message each time and these movies can be watched with the family. Thanks for this movie review. Will watch.

  5. I truly like the idea of movie nights. I haven't done that in ages. However, I hope this movie has Engligh captions, so it would be easy for us in the north to understand it.

  6. Wow, Neeta...this movie seems really interesting. Added it to my watchlist. Thank you for sharing such an intriguing review.

  7. Wow the plot of the movie took my heart away. I love to watch thrillers and I guess this would be the one for sure. I would defintely watch this movie. thanks for the review.

  8. Evening netflix has been our way of bonding as husband and wife. Once we've put our daughters to sleep, we'll enjoy ourselves with a movie or a couple episodes of a series. I know it isn't great for our sleep but it's one way for us to enjoy each others company after a tiring day. - MommyWithAGoal

  9. Movie night is really fun unlike olden days sitting together watching movies doesn't happen. These times are fun. Helps in family bonding.

  10. We love watching movies at home too! Your review totally gets the whole reset-for-the-week feeling. Mixing up old and new movies is our thing as well. "Vaalvi" has been on my watch list, and after reading your review, I am definitely giving it a go.Can't wait for more of your movie picks.

  11. I love movie nights and although I havent watched the movie but I absolutely loved the plot here.

  12. It seems like an interesting movie. I will surely try and watch it. Enjoying a movie at home has its own charm.

  13. The movie does sound interesting. That is quite a name and I am sure it has a deeper meaning. We do have stay in movie nights complete with popcorn. The right movie makes it all the more fun.

  14. Never watched a marati movie but sounds nice. We love watching movies at home as well. It's so convenient and and comfortable to enjoy movie at home than a theatre these days.

  15. Thriller movie on zee5 . Will watch and let you know how I liked it. Crisp and cute review.

  16. Hey there! I absolutely loved reading your in-depth review of "Vaalvi." Your take on the storyline, characters, and your personal likes gave me a great insight into the movie. I loved watching Vaalvi too and it's pretty clear you had a blast watching it, and your appreciation for the cast's natural acting is spot on!

  17. I love thrillers and this one sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing the recommendation.


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