Thursday, 19 September 2019

Reading with kids

Hi, there....

How are you readers? Hope you are doing well. Not able to post since last 3 months due to some reason....ahhh…. me not supposed to give out the reason but yes....I was not available.

Coming back with the most important topic is - How to make read to your child.

Yep, I got so many queries since my daughter read like a pro....mmmm…I  am not adoring her, but yes I got so many compliment and questions too. Anyway first of all thanks for the compliment and I am getting back with your query - how to develop a habit of reading.

Reading is not any rocket science that your child will learn in one night. For that you have to have lot of patience. I still remember when my child was 8 months old and I started to reading her. As usual my papa (father) who always said why you doing this so early? This is not an early sign to make her read but this is just the way I want to be with her. I love to read stories to her and she love to saw the big picture of the story book. Yep, the small baby love to watch pictures only. So I was reading to her since that age and still we read a lot, but the difference is now that she read the story book by herself and I am listening to her. 

It is not a big task. Grab any story book as per the age of your child and sit beside him/her and read aloud. It doesn't matter whether he is able to read or not. Just start the process of reading daily with the fixed time - preferable bed time, this is the only way you can instill the reading habit to your child. 

Once your child grow and ready for the preschool, slowly start with the alphabet recognition. Once child masters in it then start with the sound...yes...phonics sound. There are lot of debate now whether phonics needed or not? But according to me yes... it is very important that your child can recognize the sound of each alphabet. You can find coaching near by our area or on social media. Join the phonics you first and then teach your child. 

Pics are from google

Now you will say we do not have a issue, just check with the school syllabus and stick with it. There are lot of videos on phonics sound but that is not enough because phonic is very deep and I am here sharing with my experience. I am not any educational instructor of phonics, I am just a mom who is learning with her kid and happy to see that my child is reading like a pro, though we haven't finished our phonics yet!

Here are the simple tips which we follow:
  • Start to read story book as early as possible and use big picture book always.
  • Teach to recognize the sound of each alphabet.
  • Then start with the vowel sound 
  • Start with the CV blend.
  • Read and teach your child sight word which are read by sight not by sound.
  • Do lot of activities with CVC blend word.
  • Gradually go with the school and follow the same study so that child will not get confused.
  • Do activities with three letter word.
  • Start reading with the small sentences.
  • Then gradually jump on the small para.
That's it guys, try this when your baby is small just around the age of preschooler and see the difference. You will get each and every activity on Google or else you can email me. 

Happy Reading!!!

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