Sunday, 20 November 2022

The Door bell -#BlogChatterBlogHop

It was Saturday, I was sitting near my window reading a book and" lag ja gale "was playing on my Spotify.

                        The door bell

My favorite thing to sit quietly alone and staring at highway. A silent highway attracted me a lot because it was so much noisy in a whole day. At midnight it became silent but not sleepy. One or two small cars were till knocking him. Big trucks made loud  sound and tried to wake him up. I love that silence and old songs of kishore Kumar on my loop.

It was around 12:30 a.m. everyone was sleeping and I felt hungry. So I went to the kitchen to grab my favorite snack item Shankarpali. I was munching and humming a song. Suddenly I saw one lady walking on the road. She wore a white sari and had beautiful black and long hair. Within a blink she sat. That sight was little bit confusing because of the way she was sitting on the hedge of the road. The moving vehicles didn't bother her at all. And  I saw her hair started to roll down on the road. It look like she was sitting by posing her back towards the highway and her hair was lying all over the the highway!

It was scary. I scream loudly and my brother woke up from his phone. I showed him and he also shocked. 

He : Chal dekhake aate hain. Who is she? Why she is sitting like this?

I : 🙄 with the same expression. Are you going mad? Check what time is it? It is almost midnight.

And in the meanwhile she was disappeared! 

Yes, she disappeared.

It gave goosebumps!

"Ting tong ' the door bell rang.  We both were looking at each other and almost shattered. 

To be continued......

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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  1. The doorbell! An innocent-looking title holds a lot of suspense. Your way of storytelling is powerful.

  2. The story was going at a good pace but ended all of a sudden... now am wondering where the lady is... Neeta the moment when a reader starts thinking what would have happened next reading your story... do understand you made the reader think .... and that what is your success as writer... Congratulations

    1. Ohhh, it was my first attempt. Your compliment make my day. Really greatful.

  3. Oh my! Is this a real story or a fictional take? Definitely a spooky one. Looking forward to the next one.

  4. The doorbell gave me goosebumps too. I don't know you write stories too. This is really good. Looking forward to read what happens next.

    1. No mam, I tried first time😀. Glad that you like it.

  5. Eerie story Neeta... esp. the ending. When I started reading I didn't even realize it was a story... I thought it was your actual experience that ur writing about. Only when I reached the chudyail's hair part, I realized it's fiction 😀

    1. So greatful Kaveri. You can connect with that. No it is fiction only.

  6. This is a great debut, Neeta. And that was an interesting take on the Blogchatter prompt. You should definitely write more. Waiting to see what's next.

    1. Thank you Ritu. Yes, you all blogger buddy liked it. It give me confidence. Will surely write.

  7. Aare what happened next... Did she come to have tea coffee LOL thats y she rang the bell

    1. Ohh yaaa, it will be nice sequence. 😁😁she came for coffee n next story start.

  8. I was like .. Ooo, now I know what will happen..and suddenly, you will wake up, 😵‍💫but your brother also saw her—now wondering what will happen next.

  9. oh please don't try to get that spooky on me again! You got me hooked reading this story and was getting chills towards the end. Must say, great writing! Do more! Not the spooky one though. haha - MommyWithAGoal

    1. OMG ! It was so much scary to you.😁 Greatful dear for that.

  10. Your style of writing is fascinating which makes us to eagerly wait for the next part.

  11. What an eerie story! I somehow know for sure that she's a ghost! Can't wait for the next part!

  12. This is soooo scary. I could picturise the woman and now I will have nightmares. I hope this turns out to be an innocent lady just sitting on the road or some funny twist to this tale.

  13. Is it real? I actually had goosebumps reading it.

  14. Wooow, this story ended with a gripping ending. Would love to read the next part. You really started with a good thrilling note.

  15. Wow! Creepy story. I would have died of a heartattack if the door bell rang after witnessing something like this!

  16. A scary horror story! I'm keen to find out what happens next!


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