Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Memory Lane with Ananta Flower


Rujuta stands near the tree which only has few branches, no leaves and no flowers. She observing trees so minutely. Her friend got confused and watched her. 

Then Rujuta just walks nearby and observes a broken structure. There are only stones and sand. She lost in her thoughts. Meera her friend didn't understand.

After some time,

Meera : Do you know this place?

Rujuta : I  Spend my whole childhood here.

Meera surprised. Because the place does not show any signs of the neighbourhood. 

Rujuta : Hey, Meera, our childhood memories are always with us. No matter how big we grow but those memories you have in your dream or in your mind. Right?

Meera  nodded head and said yeah!

Rujuta started, this is Ananta Tree. Do you know Ananta Flower? It is one of my favourite flowers. I have liked it since my childhood.

Meera : No dear, I don't know about this flower.

Rutuja : This tree grew up with me. When I was 8 years old the tree was exactly my height. My Aai water the tree. She and I both were always with the tree. Talking, watering, feeding this tree. It was like our family members. 

You know this tree has Ananta flower which is white colour and smell amazing. The whole 12 months tree had flowers and I love that. Our backyard looked so beautiful and this whole tree was covered with white Ananta flowers.

I still remember the early morning when I was 9 years old. My Aai loves Ananta Flower. She used to put in her bun daily. In the morning after her bath and dressing she used to take out at least two to three flowers from this tree. 

That morning I got up and rubbed my eyes. I came to the backyard and sat on the steps. Then I started to tease my Aai ๐Ÿ˜ƒ by showing her flowers. She was busy and listened patiently. I told her there were flowers on the next branch. She didn't find it. Again I told her, on the above your head, there is a branch and near that there are flowers. She tried and tried but didn't find any flowers. 

And I said, "April Fool !

We both laughed so much. 

It was the 1st of April. And I always make her April Fool first. She enjoyed it too. I love her so much. 

And tears came out from her eyes. 

You would like to read

My gratitude Journaling here and here. 

My year end review with questions here.

My twin baby updates here 




This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Zariya Healings.


©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Whaw thats some beautiful memory with the flower and the tree. I don't remember anything with a flower as a memory but as a child I always liked the name rose.

  2. Your memory brought a smile on my face as well. These small things, these small memories make our lives worthwhile.

  3. What a beautiful post---flowers are certainly the bright spot in our lives. I love the fragrance of madhumalti and I think it will stay with me forever.

  4. We call this flower as Thok Tagar... At my father's office bunglow we used to have this tree and I also climbed it to get at the top of our boundary wall. Coming too my favorite flower ... well it is always Rajnigandha... I get mad when I smell the fragrance of this flower and especially in Bengali wedding this flower is a must.

    1. Thok, never heard of it. Glad you liked it

  5. I have a sweet memory of Shiuli flowers and that memory has found a place in my next book. I am glad that I could write about that memories. Flowers have so many stories. My favorite flower is Jasmine.

    - Swarnali (The Blissful Storyteller)

  6. This write-up took me to my childhood days when I spent my days with various flowers. Flowers have a special place in my life because of their smell and color and beauty. My favorite flower is Jasmine.

    - Swarnali

  7. Childhood memories are strewn with trees and flowers but loved the way you ended it with an April fool's prank.

  8. I have memories attached with many flowers as I grew up in a place where people adorn their frontyards with ornamental flowers. That's one reason y I love flowers so much. Your post me me go back to my childhood and remember those days Neeta... kaveri

  9. That was a beautiful story! We too had these evergreen shrubs in our home and I loved the mild fragrance, it was so unlike the heady jasmine or tuberose.

  10. This touching story evokes a strong sense of nostalgia and reminds me of the enduring power of childhood memories. It emphasizes the bonds we create with nature and our loved ones, even in the simplest moments.
    Coming to my favorite flower it's a white rose and Rajnigandha.
    -Anjali (messymom)

  11. Time may wither away places, buildings and monuments but the memories that were carved in those places in the yesteryear, stay etched in the mind forever. Ananta flowers and their fragrance will always bring back fond memories because they remind you of the bond and the moments you shared with your Aai in childhood. Wonderfully written! (Dipali Bhasin )

  12. My husband used to love gardening and we always had lovely flowers in our lawn wherever we were posted. Some memories are precious.

  13. flowers and memories are beautiful. with grandparents happy memories become timeless.

  14. Whoever said only pictures were forms of memories?! Little things like flowers can hold such strong memories of emotions too!

  15. This was really cute. Didn't know that Gardenia flowers are called Ananta. In Bengali, they are called Gandharaj. They smell divine!

  16. My favorite is the lotus. What a cute post. Brought a smile on my face.

  17. Growing up, we always had lush flowerbeds. Flowering trees not as much, since we didn't live in one place that long. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Neeta.

  18. That's such a sweet memory to remember. My flower memories would be the huge garlands we made during Diwali for our homes. Had so much fun doing that!

  19. I must be honest, I'm not much of a plant person. I do appreciate the importance of trees though and loved going nature walking due to the benefits being in nature and the exercise I/we get from walking/trekking/hiking. I may also not know much about flowers/trees but do love seeing them too.- MommyWithAGoal

  20. Ah! This is such a beautiful memory and thank you for sharing it with us, I am supposing it is from your life and not just fiction :) As a child, I used to have this flower in our garden too. I can still recall the fragrance this beautiful flower had. Thank you for taking me back to those memories.

  21. Reading your post took me down the memory lane where there were multiple flowers in our building and so many memories associated with it.

  22. Very poignant. We had a lovely garden with many trees and plants. I too think of days gone by when I look at some particular trees.

  23. I love flowers and a lot of memories with them. My parents love to surround ourselves with lots of flower plants. Growing up I have seen different flowers gracing our lil garden with their beautiful colours and fragrance

  24. I have memories attached with many flowers as I grew up in a place where people adorn their frontyards with ornamental flowers. That's one reason y I love flowers so much. Your post me me go back to my childhood and remember those days Neeta... kaveri

  25. You have narrated such a precious memory involving flowers and ended it with such a memorable prank. Childhood and memories never fade away just like the beautiful fragrance of our favourite flowers.

  26. Well, all flowers are my favourite. And my unforgettable memory with flowers is-- We used to love put flowers in our hairs. In our cute little fountain like looking ponytails tied right up on our head. Now when I look back to our pictures, I can't stop laughing.

  27. Awww... a sad but sweet story.


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