Monday, 9 September 2024


Hello and welcome to my blog.  

When the Blogchatter asked me this question, TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE PEOPLE" these people came in front of my eyes without giving any stress to my mind. Our favourite people are always in our hearts. Right!

Everyone has their favourite person in their life with whom they can share anything and feel relaxed and happy. Very few people have such places in their life. These are precious ones, hold and preserve them.

PS : Pixel

I am a very introverted person. I generally don't make friends because I can feel the vibes. I love to have a simple life. I don't like drama and gossiping. So I prefer to stay away from such people. I love my peace and prefer being alone rather than having such a dramatic person around me. 

MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE ARE  My father, my daughter Saee, and my friend Anu.


My father was my friend. I realized how much he loved me when I got married. He was the person who talked with me daily on a phone call. He wanted to know what I ate. What I made? Which movie did I watch? Which book was I reading? And overall, he was trying to find out everything was okay in my life. And I never gave him any kind of trouble or stress. Though I shared every tiny thing with him. But I made sure if there was any problem I handled it by myself. For me, he should be happy and stress-free. 


I have toddler twins girl and an older one. These girls are very precious to me. My elder one is my best friend for a lifetime. She is 11 years old but taught me lots of things. She helped me to identify my strength and my patience. I transformed fully after becoming a mother. From short-tempered, impatient girls, I became a patient mother who always smiled. 

She loves to share everything, and I love to tease her, make her laugh, make her cry 😁 and teach her to be the best version in difficult situations. In fact she is my teacher who teaches me lots of things and I am also growing with her as a parent. 


She is my therapist. Whenever I need her, she is always there. She is the one who is always with me in every stage of my life. I wish everyone would have such a friend. 

Apart from these real people, there are some fictional and social media characters who are my favourites. 


She is one of my favourite people. Her journey from Miss Universe to the independent woman is incredible. She is an inspiration. I love her Arya character. The way she portrays is unbelievable. I like the way she is in her real life, her ideologies and her confidence.

YOON SERI: The character from Crash Landing on You : 

Yoon Seri is an Independent businesswoman in this series. Seri is a sensitive person.  The bud blossomed in the mud and spread her kindness to all people. Inspiring the way she fought with her life constantly and still lived as a kind and good human being. I like the way she loves Jeong. The respect, understanding and care for her boyfriend is incredible.

MIN - HYUK: Male Character from Strong Girl Bong Soon 

I love the way he represents Mr Min. Handsome, mature, and the same way childish. Being alone all his life, he created his world. I love his way of romance and the way he loves Bong Soon. He has been alone since his childhood until he became a successful businessman and a kind-hearted person. His life is inspiring.

JUI AND SAKET  from Ani Kay Havay Series :

These two fictional characters I love love them a lot. Jui and Saket are replicas of the actual husband and wife. The characters are well-written and performed by both of them naturally. I was addicted to these series. Each episode is filled with lots of fun and love. I love Saket; he is so adorable and innocence 

HILLARY from Old World Home 

I watched her channel from 2010. I love her decor ideas. Low-budget and thrifty Mommy, she is the one who simplified life and took care of family and home. Nowadays, there are lots of YouTubers showing the same content, but she was the pioneer of the home content. Original and authentic. I love to watch the way she lives her life, simple and real. One thing I adore is that she kept her life private. Her kids and not showing every detail. She is maintaining boundaries while keeping her kids safe. 




These are the list of my favourite people. From my family to the screen. Yes, I do like these fictional characters a lot. This is the first time I am writing about them in my blog. I love these people. They inspire me and give me the push to carry on.

Question of the day 
Do you like fictional characters? Did you get inspired by them? 



This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




1 comment:

  1. What an interesting take this is ! Loved reading it & yes I love Yoon Seri too.


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