Tuesday, 31 October 2023


Happy Monday. 

It's been ages since we went to the theatre to watch movies as a couple since we became parents. The last movie I saw was Padmavat on the big screen. Yep, I am not that much of a movie freak. But yes I love to watch particular movies only. 

We started currently our movie date night  at home to add some fun to our parenting life. A movie date night at home means to have a cozy nook with some pillows and blankets, some popcorn pop at home and with some cold drink / coffee. I tried to make it feel as a theatre and so we thoroughly enjoyed our time at our comfort place at home . Sometimes we see with family and sometimes we only have two "husband and wife " with babies if they are awake. 

I find out this date is most funny. We laughed which we forgot in our daily household chores. We generally watch movies at night after 7 pm and I don't cook anything. Means I prepared a meal in the afternoon only so dinner is sorted out and  without having any background work I can really enjoy movie and then get back to sleep 😴.

This week we saw OMG 2 

And I love it.❤️❤️❤️

I have not reviewed any movies on my blog yet. But yes I would like to share this movie review so that you can watch it with your family. Yes, I am quite late for this post but this is Memory Flies where I stored my memories. I hope you will enjoy this post.

Rating : * * * * *

Movie Name : OMG 2

Actor : Pankaj Tripathi, Akshay Kumar, Yami Gautam.

OMG 2 revolves around the court fight of a father. Father fights with the education system who does not teach body parts and biological processes to his child and the  chemist who sold cheap drug and roadside sellers who sold cheap oil and doctor who misleading his son on enlargement of his genitalia. He himself considered responsible for not giving proper knowledge to his son about puberty.

Finally in India this sensitive topic is discussed through the movie. How a teenage boy gets mislead due to peer pressure and some wrong people including a chemist and doctor. Movies talk openly about masturbation and penis enlargement. Being a Mahakal Devotee speaking about this masturbation is a sin. And so the kid do not have any education about this sensitive topic and being dragged by peers. How parents also get humiliated by the community for raising the wrong kid. 

What message does the movie give ?

This movie is an eye opener. Talking about puberty, sex, masturbation and other reproductive organs is not a sin. It is a necessity for an hour. If it is done by school then it will be easier to handle the peer pressures.

Every parent should watch this movie with their kids. Talking about puberty, penises and masturbation is not a taboo. If the education board includes this Sex education as a subject it will be easier.  Parents can have a talk on this subject to educate their child at the proper time.  

My take on this topic: 

Kids are growing very fast. Most of the parents think it is not the right time to talk. Or how to talk ? Just because we all are grown up by taking this subject is like a sin. 



With free access to the internet children grow more beyond our knowledge. It is really important to have basic and proper sex knowledge especially our organs treated as a body part and reproduction system from parents and school so that they should not get trapped in any other misleading scenes. If they are misleading by Google it will have a worse impact on their mental health and the child leads to depression or pornography too. 

About Character: 

The main character protagonist is played by one of my favourite actors Pankaj Tripathi. Mahakal's character played off course by  Akshay Kumar. Though he have small scene but it embarking. The special character the victim is played by Arush Sharma is so genuine that it brings tears to your eyes. Simplicity is the base of every character with the backdrop of the Mahakal Devotee. 
I personally first time saw how Mahakal is worshipped in ujjain. 

Final word :

Sex Education should be included in the school syallabus so that our children will not search anything on Google. They will not came across any misleading information. They will see this Tabbo subject as a normal things. 

And most importantly our generation parents should have open conversation about this topic at the right time with our kids.  Though it is a girl or boy it is our responsibility to educate our children with proper basic knowledge. With this education I hope crimes in our society such as molestation, rape, sexual harrasment will lower down. 

Questions for the day 

What is your take on the sex education? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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