Tuesday, 31 October 2023


Happy Monday. 

It's been ages since we went to the theatre to watch movies as a couple since we became parents. The last movie I saw was Padmavat on the big screen. Yep, I am not that much of a movie freak. But yes I love to watch particular movies only. 

We started currently our movie date night  at home to add some fun to our parenting life. A movie date night at home means to have a cozy nook with some pillows and blankets, some popcorn pop at home and with some cold drink / coffee. I tried to make it feel as a theatre and so we thoroughly enjoyed our time at our comfort place at home . Sometimes we see with family and sometimes we only have two "husband and wife " with babies if they are awake. 

I find out this date is most funny. We laughed which we forgot in our daily household chores. We generally watch movies at night after 7 pm and I don't cook anything. Means I prepared a meal in the afternoon only so dinner is sorted out and  without having any background work I can really enjoy movie and then get back to sleep 😴.

This week we saw OMG 2 

And I love it.❤️❤️❤️

I have not reviewed any movies on my blog yet. But yes I would like to share this movie review so that you can watch it with your family. Yes, I am quite late for this post but this is Memory Flies where I stored my memories. I hope you will enjoy this post.

Rating : * * * * *

Movie Name : OMG 2

Actor : Pankaj Tripathi, Akshay Kumar, Yami Gautam.

OMG 2 revolves around the court fight of a father. Father fights with the education system who does not teach body parts and biological processes to his child and the  chemist who sold cheap drug and roadside sellers who sold cheap oil and doctor who misleading his son on enlargement of his genitalia. He himself considered responsible for not giving proper knowledge to his son about puberty.

Finally in India this sensitive topic is discussed through the movie. How a teenage boy gets mislead due to peer pressure and some wrong people including a chemist and doctor. Movies talk openly about masturbation and penis enlargement. Being a Mahakal Devotee speaking about this masturbation is a sin. And so the kid do not have any education about this sensitive topic and being dragged by peers. How parents also get humiliated by the community for raising the wrong kid. 

What message does the movie give ?

This movie is an eye opener. Talking about puberty, sex, masturbation and other reproductive organs is not a sin. It is a necessity for an hour. If it is done by school then it will be easier to handle the peer pressures.

Every parent should watch this movie with their kids. Talking about puberty, penises and masturbation is not a taboo. If the education board includes this Sex education as a subject it will be easier.  Parents can have a talk on this subject to educate their child at the proper time.  

My take on this topic: 

Kids are growing very fast. Most of the parents think it is not the right time to talk. Or how to talk ? Just because we all are grown up by taking this subject is like a sin. 



With free access to the internet children grow more beyond our knowledge. It is really important to have basic and proper sex knowledge especially our organs treated as a body part and reproduction system from parents and school so that they should not get trapped in any other misleading scenes. If they are misleading by Google it will have a worse impact on their mental health and the child leads to depression or pornography too. 

About Character: 

The main character protagonist is played by one of my favourite actors Pankaj Tripathi. Mahakal's character played off course by  Akshay Kumar. Though he have small scene but it embarking. The special character the victim is played by Arush Sharma is so genuine that it brings tears to your eyes. Simplicity is the base of every character with the backdrop of the Mahakal Devotee. 
I personally first time saw how Mahakal is worshipped in ujjain. 

Final word :

Sex Education should be included in the school syallabus so that our children will not search anything on Google. They will not came across any misleading information. They will see this Tabbo subject as a normal things. 

And most importantly our generation parents should have open conversation about this topic at the right time with our kids.  Though it is a girl or boy it is our responsibility to educate our children with proper basic knowledge. With this education I hope crimes in our society such as molestation, rape, sexual harrasment will lower down. 

Questions for the day 

What is your take on the sex education? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023



Tomato Omlette is the simplest form of pancake which every Marathi person's favourite. We can have it anytime in the morning breakfast or in a lunch as a side dish with plain dal rice or in the evening snacks with ginger tea or it can be in a dinner as a wrap in roti. Yummm. It tastes awesome however you eat. 

Transferring the same food habits to my younger twins. My intention is to feed them the traditional, simple and tasty food. The food we grew up by eating rather than trying international food. Yes, I am simple mom who love to eat and feed Desi food. Tomato Omlette is our traditional food which our family loving it. 

BLW : Due to social media you get overwhelmed knowledge. Many moms try to fit in that showcase. It is normal when people start comparing their real life with real life. Very few are able to draw a line between real and reel. 

I wanted to mention that everyone has different experience. Try to stick to your traditional, basic and local food items instead of trying new REEL food. 

Some of them are really giving easy , simple food recipes. Just be with your knowledge and stick to your eating habits. 

Don't forget to check Indian Baby Food Chart  here 

You can mix and match the basic ingredients and can cook delicious meal for your baby. Tomato Omlette is the easiest recipes of chilla. I am sharing baby friendly chilla / pancake recipes. First you make it for the baby and then add spices accordingly for the adults portion. 😉 smart work. Always sit as a family to eat the same food. 

Check out the steps of Tomato Cheese Omlette : 

Firstly add Besan aka chickpea flour, semolina and ragi powder to make a healthy. 

Then add finely chopped tomatoes and then all masala. 

Lastly grate cheese. I am using basic Amul cheese which I used in small quantities. You can use any cheese as per your preference. 

Next step heat the skillet, apply some butter and make small thick pancake.

This is our family favourite pancake. And now my twins also loving it.


Prep time : 5 minutes
Cook time :  5 minutes
Total time : 10 minutes 


1 /4 cup besan (chickpea Flour) 

2 tsp ragi powder

2 tsp semolina 

2 tsp amul cheese grated 

1/4 finely chopped tomato

Fistful chopped coriander leaves

Salt as per taste (skip if baby is below 12 months)

Black pepper powder 1/8 tsp

Red Chilli Powder : pinch

Turmeric powder: 1/4 tsp

Ajwain (carrom seeds) : pinch 

Water to make a slurry as per requirement


- To begin, mix all ingredients in besan. 

- Add slowly water and make slurry.

- Heat a skillet and apply some ghee.

- Pour 1 spoon of batter and spread a little bit.

- Make a small size pancake and drizzle a little bit of ghee from the side. 

- Cover it for a minute.

- Then flip it and toast until it becomes crispy.

Tomato Cheese Omlette is ready to Serve. It taste awesome with peanut chutney.

Tips :

Above recipe is for baby only. For adults you can increase the quantity.

You can add or skip ragi and semolina. 

You can add  spices according to your choice. I like it in simple form.

Use ghee instead of butter or oil for babies. 

Make small quantity as it taste better when you make it fresh. 

You can store the batter (without cheese) in the fridge for 2 days.

Do you make this recipe. Tag us @memoryflies on Instagram 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Friday, 13 October 2023

6 Things I Learnt As Twin Mom

6 Things I learned newly as twin mom compared to single kid mom

Motherhood is the blessing and NOT everyone can have this privilege. Whether you are new mom or second time mom or third time mom, everytime you get to learn something new because every pregnancy is different and so baby too. This time with twin babies I learned  lots of things newly. Twin baby is very difficult motherhood era for me due to nuclear family set up. 

When you become second time mother you are more confident, right? You are NOT easily get panic when baby is crying. You know exactly what does your baby want ? Something like that happened to me too. I am pretty sure to handle everything by single handle - no - no - I am not alone, this time I have my 9 year old daughter and with her this twin motherhood journey was exciting and terrific. I am always grateful to the God for giving me my darling. 

When my elder ONE born I was emotional for  everything like cleanliness, baby food, baby bath, baby emotions etc. As compared to that,  this time I am barely care. I keep them crying because I know the reason and if I can't get back in that time . So let it be for some time. 😑😊 

Yes! Sometimes you have to be practical.

Things I learnt as a twin mom, that every mom should learn if possible. I can say this is the way you can enjoy your motherhood journey calmly. Yes. Calmly

It is quite difficult to be calm but with practice you can be a calm mom. Anger and irritation is the part of motherhood. I can't say we should avoid this. It is not at all possible. But we can minimise it. Because if we are happy then family is happy. 

Sharing what I learnt and survive 😜

Swaddling /Comfort: 

Your baby sleep well when you swaddle her or him properly. I had the experience, but this time I am so confident about it like the length of swaddling clothes, how to swaddle and how tight or loose you can swaddle and the most important how quickly you can swaddle the crying baby in a minute. My twins had 2 to 3 hour undisturbed sleep.  

I swaddled them after bath,  in the afternoon and mostly at night. I used to give swaddle less time when they felt uncomfortable. Baby's comfort is the most important thing which helps them in sleeping. 

Sleep schedule : 

This is totally new to me. With my older one I never took any efforts to have strict sleep schedule because I didn't need that. You can say as a new mom I  never keep HER away from me. So I never understand the importance of sleep schedule. 

I have been told from first day of my baby to have strict sleep schedule then only you can have REST! 

And I mean it. So I literally wrote sleep time of my babies in my diary. Due to Instagram I am able to know the sleep pattern of babies. I STUDY that and it is helpful.  I try to follow the strict schedule and so my babies were no more cranky. They had full sleep. I had quite manageable time. 

Now they are 15 months old and still we follow sleep schedule strictly. Current sleep schedule is after every 4 HR gap . Sleep May remain upto 2 HR and some time it stretches to 4 HR too with feeding.

Happy Me !

Connect to babies

This is new because I am able to connect with both of them. They are good observer and quick learner. I didn't teach them. They observe and follow. Talk, activity, songs, play are the part of connection. Babies love to connect with you. They eager to talk with you. They listen and understand. Yes, it is true. It is very important to take out time to set the connection. Because with twins daily schedule is quite hectic. 

Tandem Breastfeeding  twin 

When I was pregnant I was worried about feeding. How can I feed my both twins? I saw tons of video and try to educated myself. 

I learned Tandem feeding where you can feed your twins at the same time. The day I reached home after my hospital session, very first time I tried Tandem Feeding and voila. I succed!  Only difficulty was to burp them . But slowly I learnt that.

When my friend saw this they feel surprised and sometimes pitty. But I am happy that I can breastfeed them and both are healthy fulfilled. (Touch wood)😊

Your gut than everyone's advise

During this period I always trust my gutt. Yes! Mumma. Your gut feeling is always accurate 90% rather than any parenting books. Do not act even according to advice given by the visitors. They always told you their experience. Everyone motherhood journey is different. So listen, learn but don't apply blindly. Trust your instincts and your knowledge.

Let them free from you 

The more baby free from you more they learn to play independently. Try to give them floor time as much as possible. Being a twin mom it is very important to cuddle both of them. Cuddling, hugging and playing always together. They able to play more with each other.

Okay, let me confess, 

Twin motherhood is the most difficult journey for me. I cried a lot. Feel guilty and most of the times feel depressed too. 


I reminded myself it was our decision. I was mentally prepared for this journey. And I was the most happiest person in my family when we came to know that we had twins.

Instead of that stress I concentrate - 

💜 To flow with current direction.

💜 Time is temporary.

💜 Every day is new challenge and it will end soon. 

💜 Tried to fill up every day with loads of love.

💜 Filled the home with lots of laughter, being connected with each other and every one work as a family. 

💜 Last but not the least less bothered about how my house look like? 

I kept my house baby friendly so my baby can move around the whole house and I don't need to check them on again and again. We put out all furniture in our balcony and make the room spacious.

Yes, it was difficult, for me and our family too. But the way these tiny human being watching me, depending on me, hug me and love me,  I forgot everything and charged automatically to be with them. 

I believe I am the lucky ones and so always grateful to the Universe for giving me the opportunity of twin motherhood. 

Comparatively I enjoyed this twin motherhood journey mindfully and this is the best phase of my life where I learnt lots of things which helps me to develop in a better human being. 

Question for the day?

Do you take life challenge positively? Do you cry more or challenge your self?

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Gift Items For HIM

Gift Ideas For HIM From (Amazon Great Indian Festival 2023) 

Finally the festival season is on the way. A gift is every one's favourite part.  We all love to receive or give gifts. So today's post is all about gift items for HIM - it may be your husband, father, brother, boyfriend or friend too. I am sorting some of them for Mr.Hubby hopefully that will also be some source of inspiration for you 😉


This post may contain an affiliate link which I use and love ! ( more about privacy here)


Though there is time for Diwali but if you are looking for budget friendly gift items and that's also on a great deal with a huge discount then please go through the post. 

It will be money saving and time saving. If  you choose it earlier you will be organised and ready for the festive season. To avoid any last minute rush start early and save your money.

Grooming Kits

First one on my list is always The Grooming Kits. 

1. Complete home spa Bryan & Candy Cocoa Shea Bath Tub Kit Diwali Gift Set For Women And Men, Complete Home Spa Experience (Shower Gel, Hand & Body Lotion, Sugar Scrub) Check Price 

2. Natural Skin Care Products : Nowadays mens also taking care of their skin and we should keep on inspiring them by gifting this cute package. Check Price 

3. Yardley Gift Kits under INR 500/

The House of Yardley specializes in classic, single note scents and trend led floral bouquets to give you a scent of English luxury. It has four items including perfumed soap, perfume roll on , Perfumed Talc, fusion fragrance spray. Check price 

4. Jaguar perfume for Mens : The exciting fragrance delivers a thrilling vibe and embodies resolutely modern masculinity."

Hahaha 🤣 jokes apart but yes it will be the best gift option for your husband and boyfriends. Check price 

5. Trimmer and shaver 

This Philips One Blade Hybrid Trimmer and Shaver with Dual Protection Technology is best as it gives no cuts as the blade never touches skin. Check price

6. Full Body Trimmer for Mens 

As name suggests full body trimmers this Zlade Ballistic TURBO 3.0 Manscaping useful for Private body part Shaving | Beard, Pubic Hair Groomer. It is Waterproof, Cordless, and rechargeable . It is also Wireless and fast Charging and very good for travel use. Check Price: 

7. Grooming Gift Kits  This is the best gift option with combination of 7 items in one gift kit. Check Price 

Perfume Gift Kits : Long lasting fragrances.

Electronic Gifts 

Some Electronic Gift Options: 

1. Apple Airdrop Pro

Mr. Hubby is a music lover and  Apple user. And he loves surprises too. 😜 with hope he is not reading this post.

2. Android Airdopes check here 

3. Boat smart watch

Last but not the list smart watch are mandatory 😉 as a fashion statement. 

4. Fire Boltt smart watches

Bluetooth calling watch with huge discount with magnetic chargers, manual and warranty card.

Gym Gift 

If your guy is Gym Addict then check this options. 

1. Dumbbells Weights With Dumbbells Rods For Home Gym & Strength Training, 10 Kg : We all know every man is a fitness freak. And gifting such a kind of home gym is one of the good opportunity.

2. Gym Gloves  : Best gift for Gym person. Gloves for workout, strength training and exercise with pullers. 

3. Sports Bag to carry gym clothes and accessories.

4. This whole Gym accessories combo set is worthy 

Some of Clothing Gift Options.

1. Levis Mens Jeans with incredible discounts. Jeans are versatile and everyone's favourite. Branded jeans are nowadays every one's choice.

2. Cotton Sweat shirt 

Winter will be soon. Gifting sweatshirts is an excellent idea. Mens love sweat shirts. I like this one because it is made up of cotton.

3. Fitness Designer Gym Stringer Vest, Gym Vest, Racer Y Back, Sports Tank Tops, Sando for Men

4. Reebok Men's Track Suits : 

5.  Cargo Jogger Pants Bottom Wear Trackpant : 

6. Men's Slim Fit Thermal Bottom Wear

Travel Gift 

Let's check some travel friendly gift options

Trolley Bag : If your man is a traveller then this will be the best gift option. This trolley bag is designed for modern travelers.

Car windshield sun shade.

Giving car accessories is one of the good options. Mens are always in search of good sun shade for the car. as it keeps the interior car cooler. It is large in size, folds easily and can fit in your bags.

Waist Bag for mens : Wallets, Mobiles and handkerchief can be fitted very well in this bag. 

UV protected sunglasses is also one of the best gift option.

 Leather Wallets all time gift options. 

These are some of the product which we used and some we ordered. Do check out quickly before the deal end and show your love by gifting 😍

Keep on sharing and spread the Love.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

5 Best Wireless Headphones Under INR. 2000


5 Best Wireless Headphones Under INR. 2000

If you love to carry music with you then you must have good quality headphones or eardopes. Preference always for cordless right? Who else wants to have a cord stick with your ears and which get tangled quite often. Choosing the best quality of headphones is challenging  where there are abundant choices available.

This post may contain affiliate link which I use and love ! ( more about privacy here


5 Best wireless headphones under INR 2000

I love to listen audio books and podcast mostly now. I Choose more this topic instead of music. I was in search of wireless headphones which provides good hearing quality as well as reduce background noise. I have purchased and using it. Making your choice little bit easier by sharing my detailed research 😉. In this post I am sharing  5 best Wireless Headphones under INR 2000

1. boAt Airdopes Atom 81 True Wireless Earbuds 

boAt Airdopes Atom 81 True Wireless Earbuds

What does it provides?

It has a smooth touch control that can command playback. Users can have Hands-free voice calls without any interruption and also reduce background noise. It can activate voice assistant easily. It's has latest Bluetooth version v5.3 which gives you fast connectivity.

boAt Airdopes Atom 81 True Wireless Earbuds

           Check price

2. boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds 

boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds

If you are music addict then this is must for you. It offers total playtime upto 50 HRS. You can listen your music upto 9 hrs without any interpretation or battery issue. 

You can take clear voice calls wherever you are. It is also able to clear unwanted background noise during your voice calls. 

You can have uninterrupted conversation with your loved one. With 73 ,% off, grab it before the deal ends.

boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds

 Check Price 

3. boAt Immortal 121 TWS Wireless Gaming in Ear Earbuds 

boAt Immortal 121 TWS Wireless Gaming in Ear Earbuds

Do you spend hours and hours on video games? Then this Earbuds is for you! 

It is specially designed for Games which provides total play time approximately 40 HRS. 

User can swim and listen your music too without any hesitation. Because it is water resistant.

boAt Immortal 121 TWS Wireless Gaming in Ear Earbuds

Check Price 

4. boAt Airdopes Max TWS

boAt Airdopes Max TWS

Users can get 100 HRS playtime with this eardopes. User can listen favourite OTT without any interpretation. With c port charging takes minimum time to charge eardopes which keep it for long time. Similarly user can take voice call even if user in a crowded place. It is sweat and splash resistant so user can wear in rain too. 

User can command Siri or Google assistant with one touch activation. 

boAt Airdopes Max TWS

5. boAt Airdopes 141 ANC TWS 

boAt Airdopes 141 ANC TWS

32 DB Noise cancellation features make it special. You can listen your audio book, podcast or music without external noise. 

You can have clear quality calls in any crowded area. With USB c type port you can have 10 minutes of charging which gives 150 minutes of performance.

boAt Airdopes 141 ANC TWS

Question for the day

Do you like headphones cordless or with cord ?

Picture Source : Amazon


Follow MemoryFlies on Instagram 


©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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