Thursday, 4 May 2023

7 Question You Should Ask Before Hiring A Babysitter


How are you? Happy May!😊. Keeping my toddler busy and content is the toughest job ever currently. With the help of our didi, we do enjoyed a lot. It is delightful to see how these tiny people growing and bring lot of joy in our life. Due to nuclear family in the early days we had to have a babysitter because it was very difficult for me to handle everything. My health was hampering and so there was an urgent need to have loving and helpful babysitter or nanny. By God sake I had a nanny who was really loving and caring.

Today's topic is all about hiring a babysitter. I wish I could have this knowledge before I hired a babysitter. But with flow of life I learned these things. 

Keeping a babysitter is requirements. Due to nuclear family when there is no one to help you then you must hire a babysitter. It will give you rest and keep you calm.

But in India Babysitters, maid or cook in short these helping staff have the more attitude. We ladies have to be very soft conversation with them but they will not have any soft voice. 😁 Because it is very difficult to get the nice babysitter / maid and most important she should be good in work and stay atleast 6 months. I had an experience while interviewing them, their voice is so loud than us. Most of the time it look they will going to pay us. 😐  

How to handle these things?

Babysitter work on hourly basis. Be smart before appointing them. Following is the list of questions you should ask before hiring a babysitter. 

Time : 

You should be very clear about timing. Ask them that they have to come on time everyday. And she should inform in case of late.

Means if you are scheduling for 2 to 6 then she should come sharp 2. If she came @2:15 then she should left 6 :15 pm. You have to be very clear about this. Because babysitter charge on hourly basis. 

Hygine : 

This is the most important topic HYGINE. Babysitter have to follow your prescribed house rules. If babysitter is clean then only you can handover baby to her. 

Check out the following points :

👵She should have bath and came in clean cotton soft clothes. 

👵No fancy clothes allowed because that will hurt baby's delicate skin.

👵No strong perfume allowed. Mild perfume should be there.

👵Hair should be tie in a bun always.

👵No sticky bindi because if it falls down baby can put in mouth.

👵Once she enter she should wash feet and hands with water.

👵Keep baby clean throughout her working hours.

👵Use soft clothes and warm water to wipe out baby face, bump, tummy or anything.

No force feeding / sleeping

🍼Babysitters work is to handle baby not to put them on crib and make them sleep.  You have to clear about this.

🍼Baby have strict schedule of eating and sleeping. Babysitter should follow that. If baby is not eating then there should be no force feeding to babies.

🍼Feed baby as the way baby mom feed. Do not use your own tactics. Make baby sit and then feed slowly. 

🍼Do not set any new schedule. Stick to babies old sleep schedule.

No screen for baby

🤳🏼Some babysitter give screen to babies to get themselves free.

🤳Clear this point, no screen should be there for baby or to babysitter too. 

 🤳🏼Yes, if baby sleep, she can use her phone. 

No harsh voice

😫Babysitter should not raise her volume while handling babies. 

😌She always need to talk softly with babies.

😓Even if baby is giving hard time, she have to be patience and talk softly with baby.

Comfortable : 

This is the last point but very important. Babysitter should be comfortable to you and to your babies. If her vibes give you any wrong implications you have to stop immediately and let her go.

Attentive n loving

💝Babysitter should be attentive. She should be quick and attentive to baby's need. 

💝Babysitter should love  babies. She should handle baby very carefully with love.

These are the basic things which you should have to check while hiring a babysitter. Ask this question and if she comfortable to it then only go ahed.

While there are Some FAQ : 

Q.Which kind of babysitter you should hire ?

Ans : Babysitter should be woman. Yes, do not hire girl because they are less experience and have more arrogance issue. 

Q. What should be the age ?

Ans : Babysitter age should be 30 +  who have kids, grandkids. Do not hire very old babysitter too because she will get tired fast. So activeness is the most important factor. How quickly she can get up is the important thing.

Q. Experience is needed? 

Ans: Yes. Experience should be mandatory. No matter work experience but at least she should have her own baby / grand baby experience.

Q.What quality you should look ?

Ans : Cleanliness is most important point. Attentive, no arrogance and no harsh voice these qualities you should look.

Q. How do you choose ?

Ans :While interviewing you should ask simple question. Whatever you want to ask as per your requirements. Question should be timing, money, leaves, holiday, etc. 

Apart from this clear above mentioned things first. And if she agree then only go ahed.

If you still have a doubt then keep her for trial period say for one week. Then observe whether she is able to do it or not ? Always go with your gut feeling. 

Q. How do you find more trustworthy?

Ans : It will come automatically. When we used to be with her. Even if in your absence baby is happy and content that means your babysitter is trustworthy. 

But for that you too have to change your behavior. You have to treat her as a family person with boundaries. If you give the same respect and love your half of the problem get resolved. 

Yes! We are paying money but they should also feel safe at our place. Keep your house atmosphere friendly to them. 

I am greatful to had a nanny to my baby. She love my 3 children and Love me too. 😊We always treat her like a elderly family member.

I hope this post is helpful to you mummy. Share it with the needy one.

Do You have a babysitter in your lifetime? What do you look before hiring a babysitter?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Monidipa Dutta.  

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Those are very valid points. The creation of nuclear families and working parents has brought a need for babysitters. I was brought up in a joint family, so there were never babysitters at home.

  2. Oh Neeta... I feel like hugging you ... I am facing this problem exactly right at this time . I am surprised to see the level of audacity my baby sitter is showing these days. After proper discussion with her family we hired her from West Bengal for minimum 6 months and returned to my place Uttar Pradesh. Sometimes I really feel she is paying me and not I. The loud voice of her sometimes irritates me a lot and untill and unless I say what she need to do she will not do. Now the melodrama started just within 1 and half months of job that she wants to go home and when we remind her of the contract her whole family is after us calling us insensible. I really dont know where the story will finally end. I am looking for an immediate replacement but unable to execute and my health is degrading

    1. Hey Samta I can feel that. It is really difficult to handle such issues. So be firm before appointment. You will solve the problem. Trust your gutt feelings.

  3. The concept of a babysitter was not in vogue with in-laws being around, but it has become necessary now in nuclear families for working Moms. The tips that you have offered are so practical, I mean some of these would never cross my mind if you had not mentioned them! Very helpful post! Thanks !!

  4. It's nice to know that you have help now Neeta... n you are lucky that u found a good nanny... touchwood. I am sure new mommies who want to hire a baby sitter will benefit from your blog...kaveri

  5. These are very important pointers before hiring a babysitter. With more and more families turning to nuclear, babysitting becomes a necessity. It's advisable to do a proper investigation of the babysitter you are hiring.

  6. Neeta you have listed such useful points here. I'm sure this will help alot of moms out there. A very useful guide for new mothers.

  7. Good that you have got a loving person as a babysitter for your children but it is difficult to get the right lady.

  8. Thank you for sharing your experience and insights on hiring a babysitter. It can indeed be challenging to find the right person who meets your requirements and stays with your family for a significant period.
    Handling the attitudes of babysitters, maids, or cooks can be tricky. Here in Oman, I cared for my younger one alone as no caregiver was available then...

  9. An extremely summative article that would surely help tons of people looking out for a babysitter. All points are extremely well thought and taken care of. Will surely pass it along to my friends who would need this.

  10. With each passing year it is getting difficult to get a loving and dedicated nanny. Like you have mentioned that it is important that she must be a mature woman with enough experience to handle the children. A good suggestion also would be to put a security camera at home for vigilance. Each of your points must kept in mind while choosing a nanny for the kids. Thanks for the share.

  11. This is an important post. I have nephew and niece and I have seen my sister -in-law also taking care of these points.

  12. It is not easy to get a good nanny or babysitter for kids. We still need to guide them. That makes it difficult for working women.

  13. Trusting someone with our precious babies isn't easy so thorough check is needed before hiring anyone. Of course experience, hygiene and obedience is very important as you rightly mentioned. Good tips here.

  14. In this day and age, it is difficult to get a good babysitter. I agree with you that it is a two way street. If they are treated as family, they will treat the child as family. Great pointers for the new mummies.

  15. Babysitter is such a headache I feel. A necessity yet so much job. These are really great questions to look for. Although I have never had one because of trust and hygiene issues.

  16. Such valid points, I tell you. My little sister embraced motherhood last year and I am going to share this valuable article with her. It is the need of the hour, now that young moms are working and the families are going nuclear with not much help from families as much as we might need. Touchwood for you to have a great babysitter, not everyone gets one!

  17. I have seen people struggle with babysitters, I myself am a homemaker because we are in a nuclear setup and can't let my children be with any babysitter or a stranger hence had to leave my career and focus completely on my family and kids.

  18. Being a mom nowadays and comparing to my babysitting stint every summer when I was young, I can very much see the difference on how much the way of thinking a Westerner and Asian have. I've mostly took care of Western babies/children when I was young (teenage years) and their parents have much trust on me to take care of their little ones. Compared to me now who would go to various length of checking before I let "that" someone even touch my daughters🤪 - MommyWithAGoal

  19. I know it is imperative to hire babysitters these days, but I shudder at the thought.You have listed out detailed points to be considered.They will be a guide for young mothers.

  20. You have touched upon all the aspects to be considered before hiring a nanny. I have seen many nannies and they are so rude, excessively feed the child or give them gadgets.

  21. Valid points. I never trusted anyone, hence, never hired a babysitter. But you have made intensive research and have highlighted relevant points. However, we cannot put in too many conditions too. if the babysitter is unhappy, she wouldn't keep our baby happy too, don't you agree?

  22. Good points. I know the struggle of finding a babysitter that some of my friends face. The screening process and the stories that I hear are astounding.

  23. Thank you everyone for stopping by.💜

  24. You have shared some useful tips


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