Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Happy Women's Day - Quotes and Message


We women are incredibles, Intelligent and multitasker. Every home, every family, every emotions, every function is incomplete without us. Though there are some social rituals and patriarchy, womans are not getting that much respect and freedom now days too.  Womens are still expected to act according to the wish of family and Husband. Still there is no empowerment in home too. It will take a lots of time to change. So kick off that patriarchy and celebrate for each other. 

Women's Day quotes

As a woman we are multitasker and everything is possible for us. On account of this International Women's day I am wishing you all incredible women's a Very Happy International Women's Day"

Cheer for US! support to each others and be there to help another woman whenever she required.

What is the International Women's Day?

International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. 

What is the Importance  of International Women's Day ?

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Read in details here : 

Who started International Women's Day celebration?


In August 1910, an International Socialist Women's Conference was organised to precede the general meeting of Socialist Second International in Copenhagen, Denmark. Inspired in part by the American socialists, German delegates Clara Zetkin, Kate Duncker and others proposed the setting up of an annual ‘Women's Day’.

7 Message I want to give to every woman.

🌻Don't give up too early. 

🌻Hey beautiful be you and do not try to fit in anyone's angle.

🌻You are worthy. And do not wait for validation from the others.

🌻Always give priority to yourself first. Take care of yourself because no one us going to take care of you.

🌻Be a beautiful person and then only we can generate good human being of next generation.

🌻Always concentrate on your flaws and upgrade yourself. Instead of trying to change others mindset.

🌻Move if you are uncomfortable.

---------- From MemoryFlies.

Sharing some of my favorites quotes from internet which you can share on these woman's day.

🏵The earth is happy when woman smile.

🏵Happy Women's Day.

🏵Behind every successful woman is "Herself".

🏵You can do more than you think.

🏵You are beautiful. You are not alone. You are inspiring.

There is no limit to what we can accomplish.  -Michelle Obama

Where there is a woman there is a magic.  -Ntozake Shange

No one is you and that is your super power.

Do you celebrate Women's Day? How? 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy DSilva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads' Cookhouse.

Information Source : Wikipedia, IWD, Google

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. I love your messages. All women should celebrate their strength in their own feminine way. Happy Women's Day.

  2. I just had a smile while reading these quotes. Loved them. Of all, my fav is Woman I am

  3. Women in our lives play huge role. It's completely correct and full of truth. We event don't know the sacrifices made by several women in our lives. Your post is very much insightful for awareness and a clear understanding.

  4. The collection of quotes that you shared on the auspicious occasion of Women's Day is incredible. Each one of the quotes are powerful and makes each one of us feel proud of being a women.

  5. Now that is a quite a list of quotes on women Neeta... so nice of you to have compiled it. Although belated... Happy Women's Day! Since uv asked, I usually go out for dinner with my girl gang on Women's Day, this year I did too n it was fun 😀... Kaveri.

  6. Success of one women should be inspiration to another woman the quotes from internet you shared was so good to read.

  7. Love all these quotes. I am a big quote person and I read all sorts to inspire and motivate myself! Happy Women's Day Neeta!

  8. Great quotes and so motivational as well. Women must prioritise themselves and turn a blind eye to any judgement that comes their way. Live and conquer.

  9. This is such a beautiful tribute to all the women 💐 u deserve this.

  10. So many inspirational quotes you have compiled. Very inspirational post and informative too on Women's day.

  11. Heartwarming quotes. We need to read and re-read to remember all about ourselves at all times!

  12. Excellent quotes, Neeta. Particularly the one by Serena Williams. Women supporting women. Breaking new grounds and raising each other.

  13. I love how this blog post highlights the importance of International Women's Day in celebrating women's achievements and bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence against women. It also emphasizes the need to kick off patriarchy and support each other as women. The author also shares some valuable messages for every woman. Overall, the post is a great reminder of the strength and resilience of women, and the need to continue working towards a more equal and just society.

  14. I really liked your messages. We don't need to fit into anyone's mould. We are unique ourselves.

  15. Every one of these quotations is inspiring, and they have all made us feel more confident in our identity as women. I will save it for next women's day.

  16. My favourite is never give up.I always keep saying that. Your quotes are so inspiring. We need to support each other-that's what sisterhood is about.Dunno how many decades it will take for women to be treated as equals.

  17. I loved all these quotes and really helpful for me to quote from here. Thanks for sharing it

  18. Very lovely quotes. In fact I was inspired by some of these for my own blog.

  19. Appreciate you explaining more about what Women's day is all about and how it started. We sometimes just try to ride the hype without really understanding what it truly is about. I'm really impressed and inspired at how women empowerment is getting stronger each year!-MommyWithAGoal

  20. Thank you each one of you. ❤❤❤

  21. Loved your blog and the fabulous quotes that bring out positivity and hope. May each day be a Women's Day and may we be the best version of ourselves.

  22. Some famous and beautiful womens day quotes. lovely list and explanation.

  23. A lovely post celebrating women!


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