Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Summer Vacation List

Hello there,

Hey moms, how are you doing? Summer vacation is on and lots of masti will be there with your kiddos….right or wrong? Do you prefer to send your child at any summer camp? Our child irritate us most of the time , so we tend to say…why summer vacations are there….and hence try to find the escaping ways….yes or no? It is the real fact of Indian mommy…! 

I will suggest you to make a bucket list with your kid about funny activities and try to accomplish it. More you spend time with your kids, will be tighten the bond.  Once the school starts, your child does not get a spare time to seat with you. Therefore, this time is precious, utilize it properly and be with them.

Image : Freepik

Here I am sharing with you some of the activities that will be suitable for the kid’s age group between 3 to 5 years. You do not need to spend a lot of money on anything. Just be creative and try to make DIY activities for your kids. It takes only 10 to 15 minute to prepare any DIY activity.

Some tips:
@Have some patience while dealing with your child.
@Follow his or her cues and allow them to explore the way they want.
@Go as per the wish of your child and do not force him to do.
@Activity should be enjoyable and not forcefully.
@activity should be simple and not complicated.
@Last but not the list ….be child with your kid and have lots of fun.

Disclaimer: I am not professional. I am a mommy of my small doll and love to share my experience that will help you to tackle the vacation time.

I saw many time small kiddos are mostly busy on Mobile phone and not ready to play. Many parents fill proud of it, which is wrong.  Summer vacation is here and this is the right time to brush up the child’s weak subject by enduring in to a game or in a funny activity.  For e.g. If your child’s reading is weak, try to find out to improve it by initiating a game of reading. Children loves to play a game or activity rather than studying.

Here is our summer list. I am sharing a very few, otherwise post will be long. You will get the idea.

#Drawing and coloring:  My child did not like to do coloring at all in the initial stage. I try to give her lot of activity of coloring but she did not like at all. Therefore, I ended up with that and allow her what she loves to do. However, time has changed and now she loves to do it.  You will get many type of coloring book which cost around Rs. 20 /- to Rs.25/- or you can make it at home. Yes….you can make it at your own by drawing small object and off course you will be happy to draw and color the picture like a child.

# Sticker activity: Children love to do sticker activity. We have a special book for this in which we do lot of sticker activity.  Stay tune for this special post. Now days you will get whole bunch of sticker at any departmental store with variety of objects. You can make an interesting activity rather than sticking on a wall or fridge.

# Puzzles: Try to make DIY puzzles of anything. Puzzles play a very important role in your child’s thinking power. It improves many skills like problem solving technique, cognitive ability, and brain stormer. Go slowly with simple puzzles and after try to use puzzles that are more challenging. Use different kind of patterns and make DIY (Do it yourself) puzzles. You can get the puzzles in store too as per the age group. We have store bought many puzzles, but here I am sharing my DIY simple puzzle that I made when she was 3 but still we love to play with this.

# DIY booklet: Prepare a small booklet and allow your child what they want to do with that. This is our booklet where she loves to paint, write, draw….anything, which she wants to do. I am sure you will be surprise with your kiddo’s creativity.

# Unconstructive play: Always play with your kiddo whenever they want to involve us. See their imagination and creativity.  Do not give any instruction while playing with them, just observe and be a part of their game. Try to see from the child’s point of view even it looks funny to us.

My child is a girl so she loves to play with her kitchen set a lot.  We have so many kitchen set that irritate me while organizing her stuff....but what to do girls love kitchen sets. She love to prepare food for us and we enjoy by playing with her.

# Educational activity: This is the time where you can brush up their educational skills via activities. Try to make some funny and interactive notebook with lots of cut and paste activities according to the child’s interest. You can make interactive notebook of handwriting, tables, math’s concept, science and EVS concept for big kids.

# Open ended play: Most important is to allow your child to play outside. At least for 2 hour allow them to have a open ended play like badminton, cricket, or any kind of play they love to. We love to play in a garden.

This is the way you can trim their screen time and spend quality time with them, which improve the parenting bonding. You can do many activities with your kids starting from clay dough to making any kind of craft. Children’s love to play with clay dough lot.

I hope mommies you got the idea of Summer List.
Share with me your kids Summer list with picture in the comment section below.

#Happy Parenting#

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