Monday, 13 June 2016

What Marriage Has Taught Us

Happy Monday,

It’s been a very long weekend or you can say a long gap for my blogging. Yes, I am little bit busy with my family so not able to blog.

Most of the people expect that married life is like a fairy tale especially when you got newly married. It is perfectly normal that every new groom or bride get excited and positive, but after sometimes, say years marriage doesn’t work as per the imagination or expectation and very soon you realize that whether our decision is wrong or right? Do we choose the right person? Is it worthwhile to carry our relationship? blah…blahh…blahh….!

Today is my Marriage Anniversary. Yess, we have completed six years together. We had a ride on a emotional roller coaster with ups and down, laughter and tear shed along the way.

Haaa…., yes and we do find our relationship is now mature enough and balanced too.

Every marriage is different but what matters to strengthen the relationship is always same to everyone. So moving on, without any further delay, these are few things which marriage has taught us.

Respect: Respect is one of the most important things that husband and wife both have to follow. It is equally necessary to both of them to respect each other. Respect the opinion when you do have fights or you may disagree on some topic. It is not at all necessary that both of you have to agree on same topic. A husband has different opinions than a wife. Its okk….Try to agree this and respect her or his view and don’t make her agree forcefully on the same view. Accept it and stop the conversation over there.

Money: Money is the very sensitive issue, do not fight on this. Because when you get married there will be no my money and your money, it’s our money. It doesn’t matter who earns how much whether a husband can earn less or wife can earn more, ultimately both of you earning for your house. So Respect that too and never ever fight on money because it will hurts your spouse’s feeling. Do communicate with each other while spending the money.

Love: It is one of the most important to love each other and top on that express your love to your spouse. Three words “ I LOVE YOU” make the huge difference. Whenever possible just say it to your spouse from the bottom of your heart. Love each other, hold hand and talk with each other. Go on dates and enjoy your time only with your spouse without any distraction like phone call, whats up, friends etc. Spend some precious time with each other.

Try to Accept:  We have some misconception about our spouse like about her or his behavior, understanding, the way he take care….etc. But when thing not happened as per our expectation we start to fight with each other. Whether its arrange marriage or Love marriage we know our spouse only from the outer side, and when we spend some years with him we came to know that our spouse is not like what she or he was. The real nature of our spouse is very different. Learn to accept that. Accept her or him the way he or she is. Like if the guy enjoys watching TV or Cricket Match, do let him watch. If a girl enjoys doing make up or shopping, do let her do. She is enjoying and happy with that.  When you start to accept the things so easily you will find the rest of the things will get normal so fast. Do not keep in mind that he or she was not like that before and now change drastically…..never mind….accept that. It will make your life much easy and happy.

Be Humble: It is one of the most important traits for successful married life. Do not make any arguments if you can solve the problem calmly. Things are become worse when you do have your pride or ego with you. Apologize or being the first one to say Sorry or admit that I was wrong, ever. This will not let you down to your spouse. This will help to ease the fights. After all it‘s your spouse, say sorry and just hug him or her, it will not take any cost but off course strengthen your relationship. Be humble always, do not lie and annoy to your spouse and do not bring your pride or ego in your relationship.

Communication: How many of you have communication with your spouse in your busy schedule life? Communication is the key to resolve problem. Do keep healthy communication with your spouse then only you came to know the view of your spouse, how he or she think or act, how will they behave etc. Have conversation on daily topic beside your household things, do talk on movie review, on cricket, on breaking TV news, etc. Do laugh together. Watch comedy show and talk on that. Do not make a fight instead of that do talk calmly with each other and try to figure out what’s going wrong and what is right. Many of the problems will get resolved.

There are many more, but then post will get too long and you will get bored. We are still learning as a parent’s of our baby doll.

Preettyy long and wiered topic na ? Actually I saw many of broken relationship  due to small stupid thing.  I hope my post will help that relationship and many couples.

Hope all of you too have a healthy and loving married life

This post is especially for my hubby, because I have learned a lot from him. This is the way to show the humble gratitude.

Love you hubby, Happy Marriage Anniversary……Be with me forever to cherish all beautiful moments of our life.

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