Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Summer dates with Dad

Hello June 2023,

Daddy love her daughter so much and always excited to take her out. I called it Date with Dad and both love it too ๐Ÿ˜ŠThe bonding between dad and daughter is always special and I want to save this memory on my blog as these are the special moments for us as a parents. 

We are in half of the year 2023. Is it going so fast for me or  you guys feel the same speed?  school will start and so our mom duties (dauda dauda bhaga bhaga sa) ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜Š

How was your summer holiday?Our was filled with fun and a little bit of stress. But I will share some happiness. 

A summer date with dad - As the title of my blog post. Why I called  a date because daddy is her favourite than a mom and she loves to travel with him. Dad get very less time but we are happy to have as much as dad can. This summer holiday we want to make it special for her because the last two year was stressful for us. Arrival of twins siblings made her happy but more responsible too (Mommy guilt is here) but I guess this is the time where she is learning what is family love.  

Daddy loves to go with the family. I am afraid to travel with a twin baby due to numerous reasons. On the last day of her school her dad asked her to make a bucket list of the places where she wants to go. It should be a one day outing only. And so she made it. Dad has only weekends and so it was packed with daddy -daughter date.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š 

I am so happy to see her happy. She convinced me to be with her but I denied. Cruel mum ๐Ÿ˜ญ . I wanted to go out with her. But I don't want to mess her day out with dad. At least she can fully enjoy. 

So what was her bucket list? 

Sharing some major glimpses of summer date with dad. We stayed in Mumbai and she is 9 years old now. We didn't take her out because she was so small to explore Mumbai train travel. She had been to many places like Andman, Kashmir and Kerla too. When we decided to take her to the Mumbai darshan lock down started. ๐Ÿ˜‘ Now we are ready (we thought ) she is ready to travel.

Summer holiday starts from the second week of April. She had to rest, sleep, screen and play for hours with friends in the first two weeks. Then our bucket list was ready and most importantly dad also got free for her daughter.

The first weekend was Gate way of India. 

Dad prepared her like, how to reach over there? 

How to take a ticket from the railway station? 

How many stations have to cross ? 

And mentally prepared her for the RUSH of the local train.

She read it in her GK book and then watched it on YouTube too. When she actually travelled with her dad, she realised how far it is and how crowded it. She loved it though it was crowded and dirty. (True!)  Not able to had a fairy round due to the crowd but she enjoyed her first date with her dad. Had ice cream only as she was too tired to eat anything. Reached home and slept.

Another weekend of the summer holiday was Nehru planetarium. Both were very excited. The first time she traveled with the A.C. local train and got frozen. 

She insisted on having a denim jacket but I was denied due to the heat. Poor my daughter,๐Ÿ˜‘ but she managed. I think these are things where our children should learn how to cope up with unfavorable situations on their own, right? What do you think?

Outside look of the place

On planet

I still have not checked this place. But both of them enjoyed it.

Some To Dos if you haven't checked out: 

# You have to pre Book tickets.

# Shows are in 3 languages, Marathi, English and Hindi. You can choose as per your comfort.

# There is cafeteria so you can have snacks.  

# There are many things which we learnt about our planet in a very short time. 

Next weekend date : Pool Party. 

She had a school picnic where she was unable to enjoy because  it was in winter, and there was no pick and drop facility available. Yes, she missed many things due to our twins schedule (feel sorry for her) but we promised her to have lots of celebrations during her summer holidays. And here we are keeping our promise! 

The pool party was at the farmhouse. I don't like crowded pools and I prefer to have two families only. We had the clean and non messy pool party. Music was in moderation and with twins we  enjoyed.  

Food was awesome like home cooked. It was baby friendly too. The lawn was clean, the trees shades and whole farm was beautiful.  This date was with family and we enjoyed it fully.

And rest of summer holiday at nannis house with her cousins.  Meanwhile we enjoyed movie dates at home with bucket of homemade.popcorn and mangoes.

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

How was your Summer holiday? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Tips For Road Trip With a Small Kids



Summer vacation are going to end very soon. But somehow our family travel still going on. Some had exotic vacation like Maldives ๐Ÿ˜‰ and some had upto moms places. We moms are eagerly waiting for vacation to meet our mom and dad! People travel by road, rail, air and sea. 

I am going to talk about Road Travel. People who travel by car with toddler or even with the small kids. Most of moms are still messy when it comes to travel. I saw people used to fill train or car  with their litters. Have you experienced this ?

I love to travel by train. But travelling by car with our little one is little bit hectic. Yes, we plan adventurous road family trip with kids but it should be fun and filled with joy. Is that possible?

Yes! Definitely.

Sharing some tips which I mostly follow on road trip. If you have toddlers or small kids then not to worry. 

Let's start. 

Even if your journey is small or long kids get tired easily. To keep them engaged is a daunting task for every parents. Continues pee break irritate some parents and we ended up in giving screen in their hands. 

Do you feel it in same way? 

 Here are some practical tips which I followed to have smooth road trips. 

๐Ÿ‘•Wear comfortable clothes 

Child's comfort is most important in any trips. Always choose the clothes in which your child is comfotable. A simple t-shirt and pant is go to. Because they are traveling so give this choice to them but at the same time put only that clothes in front of them which you think comfortable for them.,๐Ÿ˜‰ (Cheating)

Keep extra blanket, caps, pillow for comfort. 

Fill your car with extra blankets, pillow and warm caps. If you are traveling in winter or at night. It will give them a nice sleep in the car. 

Keep napkins and wet tissue papers. :

Specially when you are travelling with kids such wet napkins are handy. Extra Napkins, handkerchief should be in your bag pack. Keep one pair of clothes in your bag pack. You never know potty and pee and sometime vomiting ๐Ÿ˜are part of travelling. 

If you are traveling with babies then you should keep one trash bag to dispose the diapers. If you are traveling with small kids then you have to keep extra pair of clothes including undergarments. 

๐Ÿ‘ŸWear shoes or sneekers to your kids. 

Do not ask your kids to wear fancy shoes . It is always advisable to have shoes with socks. Ask them to remove the shoe inside the car.

๐ŸCarry homemade foods 

Carry lots of fruits like grapes, orange, strawberry which are easy to peel and finished quickly. Fruits always keep them hydrate and filled. 

Try to take homemade paratha, chikki, til or rajgira laddo which are easy to eat. Instead of taking packaged food which might cause stomach upset. Allow to have one or two chips or tangy food instead of chocolates but in a limited quantity.

๐ŸฅคCarry water

 Yes this is the most important tips. Instead of purchasing water from outside it is more beneficial to carry your own water bottles. Pack a whole bag of this bottle and use thought the trip.

๐ŸถCarry Toys 

Have kids favourite one soft toy always. Do not get irritated when your kid want to take toys with them. They love to be with their toy and we should respect their feeling. Allow one or two toys only. This will make them happy and ultimately you are happy too.

๐ŸšฝTake Toilet Breaks:

Take this small breaks and allow your kids to use public washroom for freshen up. Always take such bathroom break near the park or hotels which have the park. Let them enjoy so that they can stretch out the legs.

Sing a song and have funny Q and A

๐Ÿ˜›Keep talking with them so that they will enjoy. If kids ask, have we reach?tell them we will reach on time. You are not allowed to ask the same question again and again. You can ask any other question. Then see the curiosity and start the conversation. This will increase imagination and curiosity of your child.

Sing a song together. Play antakshari they will enjoy and you too.

Play games

Like count trees, name the cloud shape, read board on highway (our favourite one), name cars and vehicles, observe the mirror.  Try to give out answer of every curious questions.without using Google.๐Ÿ˜‰


Try to use less as much as possible in terms of giving screen to your kids. Instead of that you can listen audio books for kids. It is the big hit for me. We love to listen story on audio books at my home too. 

No Activity:

A big NO for this. I will not encourage to do any activity in moving vehicle specially drawing, colouring or reading. That is not at all good for eyes. So avoid that. Let them be free. Do not dump any activity book with your travelling luggage. 

First aid kit

Always have a small first aid kit with you. It should have all basics things. Keep medicine too in case required.

PS: VectorStock

These are my points according to my experience which I found most useful. Not being an Instagram mommies to fill every place with activities. I believe to give space for children to choose the way they want to be. Kids should learn themselves how to cope up with the surrounding. Every time our surroundings changed and we have to change with that. If we keep them pampered how will they going to learn to live there life? Agree?

Meanwhile if you love to travel then don't forget to check out my travel post. 

Link in bio : 

Pawna Lake Camping

Beauty of Kashmir  

Tour of ND studio 

Visit at Karla lane 

Which things you follow while traveling with your kids? 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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