Thursday, 24 January 2019

Unique gift ideas for Haldi Kumkum

As soon as Makarsankranti is over, you will start getting invitation for Haldi Kumkum. This is the social gathering of married women for exchange of Haldi and Kumkum for the long life of their respective husbands. Haldi means yellow turmeric powder and Kumkum is Red turmeric powder or vermillion, it is symbol of married women. It is a Hindu festival hostess by a married woman for married women. All women gather together, exchange haldi kumkum along with tilgul – sweet laddo made by til and jaggery and give (vaan) small return gift too.

Source: Google free pic

History: (Info from goggle) …This haldi kumkum started from the Peshwa (Maratha Ruler) Maharashtra State. Queen of the Peshwa invite other married women for this ceremony. All married women exchange haldi kumkum and prayed to the God for the long life of their husband. The queen also gave all this women a beautiful sari and with blouse piece and coconut and grain of rice. The tradition started from this period and it is still followed by all Maharashtrian women during all the auspicious day like marriage, baby shower or namkaran of baby etc. 

Source :

Anyway the topic is the unique gift idea for this haldi kumkum ceremony – so I am giving you the ideas which are pocket friendly. We usually host the event and invite many friends. It is very difficult to choose the most beautiful gift. So I am there to help you out.

I am categorized this gift item as per our (women’s) requirement. So let’s start -

Kitchen items: if your guest list is more than 50 and your budget is low then try to give some useful items of kitchen.
Source : Google free pics

1.  Juicer: It cost (small one) around 60 to 75 /- which is also    very good gift item.

2.  Steel vessels: Steel is always a healthy, so try to give out anything of steel in smaller size. The gift items are like steel bowl, glass, oil container, spoon, small plate, spatula, cheese grater, strainer, steel container for spices etc.

3. Beverage item: Try to give small sachet of Tea, coffee, oats, corn flex etc.

Bathroom items: These are most consuming product which we can offer as a gift-

1.       Small jugs or mugs used in bathroom

2.       Soap dispenser

3.       Small size soap and shampoo(there are many variety)

4.       Dishwasher packet or hand wash packet.

5.       Small size Colgate packets

6.       Rugs or brush

Yup….it looks funny but tries to give out some useful items which are in our budget. I used to get all this things.

Makeup Category: We women love to do make up..!! So why should not give any make up related gift items? But make sure it should be of a nice quality. If budget is no issue then you can gift the items which are made for specially travels.

1.       Oil container.

2.       Talcum powder in small packets of any brand.

3.       Lotion or moisturizers.

4.       Kajal and bangles specially kadas.

5.       Nail Polish or Lip Pencils.

6.       Comb: try to give out the wooden one.

7.       Clutches or tic- tac pins or hair bands.

8.       Small Mirror.

9.       Face wash or face pack sachet.

The list will be going on. Do try to give out the best as you can.

Next will be some more realistic gift items which one really liked by everyone.

1. Recipe Book: you can give out small recipe book including all cousins.

2. Photo Album: Go online you can get a number of varieties of small photo albums.

3. Photo Frame: There are so many website or local shops too which provide very beautiful photo frames. 

4. Bags: Bags are the most favorite items of our, yes or no mommies? There are so many varieties of items in bags like – sling bags, potali bags, clothes bags specially made up of Sarri borders, small coin bags, and small mobile holders which is made up of woolen etc.

5. Last but not the list you can give out the pot with Tulsi plant. This is one of the unique gifts which look precious but it cost nothing to our pocket.

I hope all mommies; you can get the ideas for gift items. Do let me know what gift items you pick for your haldi kumkum ceremony. Don’t forget to send me beautiful images of yours.

 Disclaimer : All pics are from google .

Friday, 18 January 2019

Review of 2018

Yup, I am quite late for this post. The post was ready, but my laptop was not ready to publish the post. What whirlwind 2018. Really it was like roller and coaster, which give me a lot of push towards positivity. This 2018 give me the taste of success and teach how to respond to the negativity.  Every bitter experience gives you a new lesson and confidence to boost with your problems. Ahh.....I don't want to give any bitterness to my viewers😝. But in short , yes this is the best year of my life. Lets rewind it.....

31st December 2017 at 11.30 p.m. I had bad accident in which I got stitches towards my middle area of two eyebrows. ykkkk…..yess…. It was 31st December celebration night, towards the end of the party game met with the accident. At midnight we ran to the hospital and got the 4 stitches above my right eye. What a great start of 2018! I am about to loose my eyes, but for God sake that didn't happened. 

The first lesson of 2018 which teach me to have positive vibes over a negativity.

New member in our family....Avengers 150,...Mr. Hubby's most awaited dream....I can see the achievement in his eyes!!

Mr. Hubby
This is the very first stage performance of my daughter. She used to cry whenever listen music on DJ with loud speaker. Whether it's GaneshChaturthi, Navratri or a marriage baraat, whenever she listened the DJ music, tend to sit on my laps and even don't get down on floor. This dance surprised us that she tried to manage to cope up with her fear.

Her first dance of Subby Dubby...from Three Idiot. Like every parent we also feel proud specially for her courage.

My childhood hobby is to learn dance with proper institute, where as that was not happen but yes, I learned Zumba - Dance Exercise, with my mentor : Mrs. Shubhangi. Thank you Shubhangi for 💃, Please check out the detailed post on Zumba here. link :

I really missed all of you buddies.

Next, and Anu (my friend....people used to say that we are sisters..👩👩) learned Four Wheeler. We still need to do a lot of practice to go on road....ha...ha...ha.... but yes we got the License and have the best time yess or no Anu ? Yes she is the one who taught me how to overcome to your fear and taught me scooty.

Getaway : We have three getaway this year unexpectedly and unplanned. The most awaiting my dream tour is Kashmir. The trip is the most memorable in my life. Heaven is heaven !!For detailed post please check out the link :

Small tour like Shaniwarwada and Sihagad was also gave a warmth experience. Pune is always on my wish list and will love to explore more there. yup....the post is on the way.

with my mother in law ( Atteysasu)

The first birthday of my nephew (my brothers son), which was enjoyed by himself so calmly without a single tantrum. We  were surprised that he enjoyed a lot. Otherwise you know how was the 1st birthday party,tantrum, crying baby and irritating parents. But yes we have a nice birthday party.

with betterhlaf

Almost after 30 years I met my childhood friend Mr. Nitin Divekar. We are almost together from Senior Kg up to completion of graduation but never talked with each other. We were in the same class up to grade 4th. Then share the same high school, same tutions and even same college but don't have a communication.😐quite strange! He found me through Facebook and have a meet up and chat like we never had through the life.

It was like my all childhood memories come in front of eyes. How we used to spend the day in school, the Teachers who love us more than any other students, our favorite teachers, (Sadhana mam,😊 we still miss you, hope you are reading!), friends and family. Husshh….how long this journey is from childhood to settled life with our kids! Really feeling blessed to have happy family and old friends.

Some creativity...Diwali special..😜

Love to mingle with small kids always. Kids are the best refreshment, I believe it, do you? Here is the celebration pics with my kiddos. Love you all my children.

How was your 2018? Have you looked back ? Share your one of the best memory of 2018 in the comment section.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Happy Makarsankrant 2019

It’s 2019, new start, new refreshment, new goals. Wishing all of you, a healthy, happy and positive 2019.

Makarsankrant: It is the first hindu festival of 2019. The festival itself suggests having a new start without keeping any disputes in your mind with anyone and have healthy relationship. As it said, “Tilgul Ghya ani God God bola” (it’s in Marathi, means take the laddo of til and talk sweet). Forget whatever happened in the 2018 and have a new start to your relationship. So guys I will suggest you to take the advantage of this festival and strengthen your broken relationship.

Image : google.
India is diversified country where the one festival is celebrated all over India with different name and rituals. It has different names like it is called Makarsankrant in Maharashtra, Bihu in Aasam, Lohri in Punjab, Pongal in Tamilnadu and Bhogi in AndhraPradesh. January is the harvest season where you can find multiple of local produce abundantly which is worshipped on this day. The method of worship is different according to the region. Every ritual suggest to destroy all your negative thought on this auspicious day and have positivity towards your life. Try to apply from this day and have wonderful year ahead.

Image : Google
Generally we celebrated by making delicious food and distributing Til Gul, yes or no guys? I love this festival, specially love to prepare and eat Tilgul Laddo. How many of you love to eat this? And now my daughter is also going on the same track. She love to eat this laddo. Just finished one batch and we already eating half of them.

I love to make our family favorite rice kheer along with this Laddo. For detail recipe please click on this link :

Image : Memory Flies

In Maharashtra the delicious food is prepared like Bhogichi Bhaji is made by using variety of vegetables. Laddo, Tilachi poli - til (sesame) and Jaggary mixture, and Puran poli - chana dal and jaggary mixture.
Image : Google

Our festival teach us to stay with the root and enjoy each rituals with this. Every food have its own nutritional value according to the season and we must eat that which is much healthier option rather than packaged food. Todays in this readymade world I would suggest that we should prepare all this seasonal recipe and teach to our next generation. Otherwise our Marathi dishes will get lost. I request to all Mommies, please take out the time and try to prepare all this dishes with your kids.

Image: google
I am signing off with  “Til Gul ghya ani God God bola”. Don’t forget to comment down below with pictures of your delicious recipe which you made on this Makarsankrant Day ?

Happy Makarsankranti 2019.

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