Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Happy Makarsankrant 2019

It’s 2019, new start, new refreshment, new goals. Wishing all of you, a healthy, happy and positive 2019.

Makarsankrant: It is the first hindu festival of 2019. The festival itself suggests having a new start without keeping any disputes in your mind with anyone and have healthy relationship. As it said, “Tilgul Ghya ani God God bola” (it’s in Marathi, means take the laddo of til and talk sweet). Forget whatever happened in the 2018 and have a new start to your relationship. So guys I will suggest you to take the advantage of this festival and strengthen your broken relationship.

Image : google.
India is diversified country where the one festival is celebrated all over India with different name and rituals. It has different names like it is called Makarsankrant in Maharashtra, Bihu in Aasam, Lohri in Punjab, Pongal in Tamilnadu and Bhogi in AndhraPradesh. January is the harvest season where you can find multiple of local produce abundantly which is worshipped on this day. The method of worship is different according to the region. Every ritual suggest to destroy all your negative thought on this auspicious day and have positivity towards your life. Try to apply from this day and have wonderful year ahead.

Image : Google
Generally we celebrated by making delicious food and distributing Til Gul, yes or no guys? I love this festival, specially love to prepare and eat Tilgul Laddo. How many of you love to eat this? And now my daughter is also going on the same track. She love to eat this laddo. Just finished one batch and we already eating half of them.

I love to make our family favorite rice kheer along with this Laddo. For detail recipe please click on this link : https://memoryflies.blogspot.com/2016/10/first-anniversary-of-memory-flies.html

Image : Memory Flies

In Maharashtra the delicious food is prepared like Bhogichi Bhaji is made by using variety of vegetables. Laddo, Tilachi poli - til (sesame) and Jaggary mixture, and Puran poli - chana dal and jaggary mixture.
Image : Google

Our festival teach us to stay with the root and enjoy each rituals with this. Every food have its own nutritional value according to the season and we must eat that which is much healthier option rather than packaged food. Todays in this readymade world I would suggest that we should prepare all this seasonal recipe and teach to our next generation. Otherwise our Marathi dishes will get lost. I request to all Mommies, please take out the time and try to prepare all this dishes with your kids.

Image: google
I am signing off with  “Til Gul ghya ani God God bola”. Don’t forget to comment down below with pictures of your delicious recipe which you made on this Makarsankrant Day ?

Happy Makarsankranti 2019.


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