Sunday, 6 November 2016

Glimpse of Diwali 2016

Hello there,

Happy Diwali to all of you from me………this is my first Diwali.!!! 
He is my sweetheart, Divyam…..Yes this Diwali is special for us because our new member is added to our small family.

Yup…. I am little bit late for blogging due to the festive season. Navaratra followed by Dussehra (Vijayadashmai) and Diwali are two big festivals of Maharashtra or India, no…. its India only. Yes these festivals are celebrated in all over India with lot of enthusiasms. I am not able to blog on all these day (he…he…he..Excuses….) I had a lot of stuff for blogging but cannot make it. Without wasting too much time let’s have a glimpse of my Diwali celebration and let me know in the comment section below how was your Diwali?

Aakashkandil, without this there will be no Diwali. Nitin always excited to lit up the Aakashkandil and bring all lighting stuff from Sahara Market, CST. In market you will get variety of Kandil but I like this simple and traditional Kandil especially in orange color.

This rangoli was made by me on Badi Diwali i.e on Laxmipujan. Around after three years I had tried my artwork, which is not yet accurate. But I am satisfied that I am still able to draw the rangoli.

I decided to make diwali sweet at home without taking any help of the elder one. So this was the first trial base Diwali Faral which turned out amazing. I have got the compliments from the entire elder’s family member. Saee (my daughter) is the one who constantly asking to me sweet pedha and because of her I make my first diwali sweet - Besan Laddoo, she called them Pedha.

Tried the Biscuit or Nankhatatai whatever you called and it turns awesome, melting in mouth with everything is balanced. These were my hubby’s opinion. Yupp….he loved it so much that first trial batch was finished by him within one week and asked more n more. He is the one who do not like all diwali sweet like karanji, shankarapali etc. He indulges only on Chakali and Shev which I was not intend to make. Poor guy ….but instead of that I gave him delicious Nankhatai.

Then I tried to make sweet shankarapali and my all time favorite Karanji with stuffing of Coconut, semolina, icing sugar, dry fruits.

We dressed on Laxmipujan and did pooja followed by some photo session, he he he …!!

Bhaubeej, the most awaiting day where we sister and brother were eager to meet each other. My Attya (my father’s sister) came and brought everyone’s favorite stuff still. We used to tell her that this is the time where we should give you but she said I am still alive.  We do not have Granny so she is everything for us, our granny, mother, attya and friend. Yes she is our best friend too. It was first Bhaubeej of Divyam and Saee’s, and guess what……both cried a lot.

Divyam and Saee

We brother and sister

Do you know that on Diwali children used to build a fort? The old tradition is still followed in Maharashtra, I don’t know about other cities. This time hubby helped these small kiddos in making killa (it is Marathi word) starting from arranging bricks upto painting the fort by using white paint. He went out with them to brought Shivaji’s army too. He enjoyed a lottt by being a small again.

And it turns out

And one more traditional celebration of Diwali- that we used to play with this mud toys, Gas, Pot and Grinder. In Marathi it is called Jata, Matka, Chul and it is available only in Diwali season. My Attya brought this every year for us to play Bhatukali.  After 20 years she brought to me. My sister and me were so happy and started to fight that who will took that at home.

Thank you Aai (we called aai to our Attya) to make us small again.
For last year diwali post click on the link

My Diwali 2016 was awesome and memorable. How was yours? Let me know.
Thank you for stopping by.

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