Friday, 19 February 2016

Daddy’s Girl

This post is for you Nitin……

What a truly amazing thought ……Thanks for this quote Mr. Pam Brown.

Every daughter is daddy’s girl……yes or no girls? We daughter's are grown up by seeing our dad who is superhero for us,… Yup…Nitin, you also a superhero for Saee!!

I Love this picture. Isn’t Saee looks like her papa. She loves her dad very much and dad also loves her Barbie dall. Nitin loves to watch her growing daughter n want to spend each and every moment with her. Saee needs her papa to be involved in her daily activity ….off course….her papa is also with her, no matter whatever happens. He believe in adding a life to her years…..cause time flew so fast….when will she grow as a big girl, will never comes to know. are the best pappa....Love you.

My kiddo is eagerly waiting in a window for her dad……Hurrey,…she listened horn…n said, mumma, papa ala”!.....a cute smile on her face shows how happy is she. Opens the door and start dance and hugs him. It is her daily rituals. Her favorite ways to love her papa is snuggle him, running naked around the house before bath time, giggling,  jumping on his belly, hiding behind the curtains and let her daddy find her, making dinner for her papa in her small kitchen, gives him tea……it’s  just melt my heart!

Every weekend we had a blast whether we are at home or out. Saee’s most favorite part is at home because her papa is there for whole two days. On weekends she want her papa to do everything for her, like from brushing her teeth, potty, bathing, dressing the cloths, combing her hair n having meals, list will goes on n on ……What do you think mommies ? Her dad is doing or not? haaa…… Nitin loves to do all this for her.  At this time she don’t need her mother, she told me you go to the kitchen and make the meals for us in her small cute words… (Tu ja na kitchen madhe, mumma banav)…..ohhhhh….myy…. this small girl order her mother. I love this moment and never want to interfere with them.

See how she lean back on her papp’s shoulder…..want to sleep…..sometime I am jealous…just kidding. Nitin loves to play with saee…..reading a story book for thousand of time, coloring  with her drawing book, making a big tower with the construction game….pappa never ever irritate by doing the same thing again n again for her. He is available to her by putting his tab aside. He takes her to garden. Saee’s favorite part is playing with swing and want her papa to push her higher and faster. As a family most of the time we play a football around the house by putting all works beside…….It’s give ….a pure joy and lodsss of Happiness…..n else, what you require…. A smile on everyone’s face…it makes me happy too when everyone is happy……!!!

Really……I am blessed with nice husband and great Dad….!  His Birthday today ….

Happy Birthday my sweetheart…..thanks for being mine…and always be with me to cherish the beautiful moments of our life.



  1. happy wala bday ma jij nd ma sweet di mastch lot. ding ding


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