Monday 9 September 2024


सिया ला पुस्तके खुप आवडतात. माझ्या जुळ्या मुली चार महिन्यांच्या असल्यापासून मी पुस्तकं वाचते. Read aloud. दोघींना खुप आवडतात त्यातली रंगीबेरंगी चित्रे, अक्षरे, आणि गोष्टी सुद्धा. 

आपण parents जसे मूलांना मोल्ड करू तसे मुले ग्रो होतात. मला आश्चर्य नाही वाटत जेव्हा माझी सिया मला पुस्तकं वाचून दाखवते. 

तिचे तसे सगळीच पुस्तकं आवडती आहेत. पुस्तकाची हलत बघून कळलेच असेल किती पुस्तकं वाचतो आम्ही. आता ती फक्तं अडीच वर्षाची आहे पण तिला पुस्तकं वाचायला आणि गोष्टी सांगायला खुप आवडते. 

Peppa pig हे आमचे फेवरेट पुस्तकं. 1000 वेळा तरी माझे वाचून झाले असेल. ना, मी कधीच कंटाळत नाही तेच तेच पुस्तकं वाचायला. उलट नवीन प्रकारे तिची स्टोरी सांगायचं प्रयत्न करत असते. आणि त्याचा परिणाम माझ्या मुलींना स्टोरी आणि त्याचा आशय सुद्धा कळतो. तर बघा आता सिया ही पेपा पिग चि स्टोरी कशी वाचते आणि कशी सांगते तिच्या मम्मीला. 

मम्मी डॅडी पेग चे ग्लासेस हरवले. तो पेपर वाचतो. 

जॉर्ज आणि पेपा टीव्ही बघतात.

Sometimes she speak english...  Yaa mummy , Peppa is looking for daddys glasses. 

She goes upstairs.

पेपा वर चालली.

पेपा बाथरूम मधे शोधते.

आणि मग आम्ही फक्तं चित्रे बघतो आणि पाने टर्न करतो. 

शेवटी शेवटच्या पानावर आल्यावर,

Wowo mummy डॅडी पेग ला ग्लासेस मिळाले.

मी विचारते कुठे होते त्याचे 🤓 ग्लासेस?

सोफ्यावर होते मम्मा,

डॅडी पेग त्यावर बसला होता.

आणि मग ती मला हायफाय देते. 

मग मी पुन्हा विचारते कसे मिळाले ग्लासेस?

पेपा ने शोधले सगळीकडे.

मी विचारते कुठे कुठे शोधले?

पेपा बेडरुम मधे जाते,

पिलो खाली बघते,

But glasses was noth there.

मग ती bathtub मधे बघते,

But glasses was not there,

मग डॅडी पेग सोफ्यावरून उठतो 

आणि ग्लासेस तिथे असतात.

आणि मग सिया लास्ट page turn करते आणि बोलते 


आणि आमची स्टोरी संपते. 

तुम्ही वाचता का तुमच्या बेबी सोबत स्टोरी? तुमच्या बेबीना स्टोरी आवडतात का?


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 





Hello and welcome to my blog.  

When the Blogchatter asked me this question, TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE PEOPLE" these people came in front of my eyes without giving any stress to my mind. Our favourite people are always in our hearts. Right!

Everyone has their favourite person in their life with whom they can share anything and feel relaxed and happy. Very few people have such places in their life. These are precious ones, hold and preserve them.

PS : Pixel

I am a very introverted person. I generally don't make friends because I can feel the vibes. I love to have a simple life. I don't like drama and gossiping. So I prefer to stay away from such people. I love my peace and prefer being alone rather than having such a dramatic person around me. 

MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE ARE  My father, my daughter Saee, and my friend Anu.


My father was my friend. I realized how much he loved me when I got married. He was the person who talked with me daily on a phone call. He wanted to know what I ate. What I made? Which movie did I watch? Which book was I reading? And overall, he was trying to find out everything was okay in my life. And I never gave him any kind of trouble or stress. Though I shared every tiny thing with him. But I made sure if there was any problem I handled it by myself. For me, he should be happy and stress-free. 


I have toddler twins girl and an older one. These girls are very precious to me. My elder one is my best friend for a lifetime. She is 11 years old but taught me lots of things. She helped me to identify my strength and my patience. I transformed fully after becoming a mother. From short-tempered, impatient girls, I became a patient mother who always smiled. 

She loves to share everything, and I love to tease her, make her laugh, make her cry 😁 and teach her to be the best version in difficult situations. In fact she is my teacher who teaches me lots of things and I am also growing with her as a parent. 


She is my therapist. Whenever I need her, she is always there. She is the one who is always with me in every stage of my life. I wish everyone would have such a friend. 

Apart from these real people, there are some fictional and social media characters who are my favourites. 


She is one of my favourite people. Her journey from Miss Universe to the independent woman is incredible. She is an inspiration. I love her Arya character. The way she portrays is unbelievable. I like the way she is in her real life, her ideologies and her confidence.

YOON SERI: The character from Crash Landing on You : 

Yoon Seri is an Independent businesswoman in this series. Seri is a sensitive person.  The bud blossomed in the mud and spread her kindness to all people. Inspiring the way she fought with her life constantly and still lived as a kind and good human being. I like the way she loves Jeong. The respect, understanding and care for her boyfriend is incredible.

MIN - HYUK: Male Character from Strong Girl Bong Soon 

I love the way he represents Mr Min. Handsome, mature, and the same way childish. Being alone all his life, he created his world. I love his way of romance and the way he loves Bong Soon. He has been alone since his childhood until he became a successful businessman and a kind-hearted person. His life is inspiring.

JUI AND SAKET  from Ani Kay Havay Series :

These two fictional characters I love love them a lot. Jui and Saket are replicas of the actual husband and wife. The characters are well-written and performed by both of them naturally. I was addicted to these series. Each episode is filled with lots of fun and love. I love Saket; he is so adorable and innocence 

HILLARY from Old World Home 

I watched her channel from 2010. I love her decor ideas. Low-budget and thrifty Mommy, she is the one who simplified life and took care of family and home. Nowadays, there are lots of YouTubers showing the same content, but she was the pioneer of the home content. Original and authentic. I love to watch the way she lives her life, simple and real. One thing I adore is that she kept her life private. Her kids and not showing every detail. She is maintaining boundaries while keeping her kids safe. 




These are the list of my favourite people. From my family to the screen. Yes, I do like these fictional characters a lot. This is the first time I am writing about them in my blog. I love these people. They inspire me and give me the push to carry on.

Question of the day 
Do you like fictional characters? Did you get inspired by them? 



This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Saturday 7 September 2024


Hello, and welcome. Today post I am sharing Siya's phone call 😊 (My Little dolls talk)


हॅलो, हा,....

असा सियाचा कॉल सुरू होतो. सिया फक्त अडीच वर्षाची आहे पण चटरबॉक्स आहे ती.

मम्मीचा फोन आला की नुसती तिची बडबड चालू होते. मी या खोलीतून त्या खोलीत जात असते पण माझी लेक माझ्यामागे सतत फिरत असते. फोन वर कोणीही असो तिला फक्त बोलायचे असते. ती कोणाला ओळखत नाही पण तरीही तीला हॅलो करुन फोनवर गप्पा मारायच्या असतात. 

शेवटी मला काही बोलता येत नाही तर मी फोन देते तिच्या हातात. अगदी कानाला फोन लावून मोठ्या लोकांसारखा तिचा फोन कॉल चालू होतो. बरं अडीच वर्षाची ही छोटी काय बोलत असेल?


मी बोलते,

सिया बोलते,

पप्पा ऑफिस गेला ( गेला हा शब्द elongated स्वरात असतो) 

इरा टॉईज खेळते.

दिदी नुसता टीव्ही बघते. 

हे खेळते, बघते स्वर elongated असतात.

बरं पलीकडून कोणी काय विचारले तर ही आपली काय, काय करत असते. 

आणि मग पुन्हा तिचे सुरू होते,

सिया फोनवर बोलते.

पप्पा ऑफिस गेला.

मम्मी जेवण बनवते.

सिया फोनवर बोलते.

दिदी मोबाईल बघते.

आणि जर चुकून तिचा पप्पा घरी असेल तर 

पप्पा नुसता मोबाईल बघतो.

पप्पा snoring करतो.

पप्पा झोपतो.

आणि bla..bla...bla...

तर असे आमचे phonecall होतात. मला तर कोणाशी काही बोलता येत नाही आणि ही बया सगळे सांगत बसते. 

तुमचेही छोटी डॉल असेच करते का? 

कमेंट बॉक्स मधे सांगा.


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Friday 6 September 2024




PS : jobertjamis23 - pixel

Hello and welcome to my blog. 


I have always had this question on my mind. Because I never dreamt of content creators. My family members and friends teased me when I started to write. They always asked me, How do you write? How did you learn?

So in today's post, I am sharing my thoughts and want to give answers to those who love my writing and who still tease me. I appreciate both of them and I am GREATFUL.


When I was in X grade, my dream was to become a doctor. But destiny has its own plan, and still, I wonder what it is actually? 

I have a very tough time with my destiny. Every time I thought I achieved my dream, destiny took it away. So I didn't follow any dreams, and you must be thinking I gave up. 


In fact, I decided to swim as per the flow. Without getting stressed about why I was not getting any success, I started to appreciate what life was giving me. It is very hard, but yes, it is life. It is DESTINY!


Content creator, NO, I am a writer. Content creator is the vast world. It is DESTINY, which pushed me towards writing. Otherwise, writing and I do not have any connection until I become a mother. 

In my motherhood journey, I sacrificed my career, my profession, and my identity too. Writing found me, and I started to scribble down my thoughts as a mother. With lots of grammatical errors and by reading many professional bloggers, I thought writing was not my cup of tea. I felt I was illiterate in front of them. And I should not write. So I stopped writing for 2 years. But they said destiny decided what do you do? Where you will go? The writer inside me was awake, and in lockdown I started to write again


I am a self-taught blogger. My inspiration was Brittany, a mom blogger from Carolina. I read lots of her blogs, and she inspired me a lot. I love to read her blogs, and I found that I can write too. And my blogging journey started. 

I took lots of time to find out about the blogging community, but never mind. After all, it is destiny that decides the time and success too. Today my blog is listed in Indian Top Blogs, and that is my success, my dream! 😊


What makes you content creators destiny or hardwork


According to me, the major part is DESTINY and, of course, the HARD WORK  that makes me a content creator. Without destiny, I never have found this route, but with hard work, my journey is fruitful. There are lots of things that I wanted to do. Let's see how destiny will guide me while I am ready for the hard work. 


Question of the day 

What is your part, destiny or hard work? Do you always want to be what you are today? 


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Thursday 5 September 2024


Happy Thursday, today I will share our top 5 family favourite shows and movies that laugh us out till our cheeks pain. We as a family always watch these shows or movies that make us laugh out loud and bring tears to our eyes. Itna hasna jaruri hota hain—to have a stress-free evening. These shows or movies changed our home atmosphere within a fraction, and we all laughed even after switching off the TV. 

Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra
PS : Google 


This is a Marathi comedy show with an excellent actor, actress, writer, and director team. Their effortless acting makes you laugh so loud that you forget your worries. Their tagline is "Tumchya Tension Varchi Matra, Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra." 


1. No bakwas drama like other comedy shows have.

2. Men's remaining men and females remain female while acting in any skit.

3. Comedy is a family comedy for most of the time, and though they have non-vegetarian comedy, it doesn't seem to. That is the speciality of this show.

4. Every actor or actress is a natural actor. Including well-known elderly actors blend very well with new-generation actors. 

5. Sometimes they do give social messages, and most of the time they present everyday situations and conflict in a comedy manner. 

6. Scriptwriters are amazing. I wonder how they can write so beautifully. Because making you laugh is a tough job, but this team has continued it for the last 10 to 12 years. 

Overall, I will say that professional comedians from different regions of Maharashtra effortlessly perform hilarious skits by using their state speciality. My favourite actors and actresses in this show are almost all.  Gaurav More, Omkar Bhojne, Vanita Kharat, Shramesh-Prathamesh, Pruthvik Pratap, Namrata Sambherav, Chetana Bhaat, and Vanita Kharat.

Rating: 7/10
Where to Watch: Sony Liv

Chala Hava Yeu Dya
PS: Google 

Title of the show,: CHALA HAVA YEU DYA  

This was one of our favourite shows, but currently, we don't watch it because it loses the charm. 
This was one of our family's favourites show, which we almost watched while having dinner. Their tagline was "Hastay na, Hasat Raha, and Mast Raha." 


1. I like the writer and actor Niles Sabale. He was a newcomer but very well-marinated in this Marathi industry and ruled on Zee 5 almost for 10 to 12 years. 

2. Their topics are almost movie remakes. That made you laugh out until your cheek and stomach hurt. 

3. I can't pick any one skit because it is very difficult to pick. My favourite skit was where Shahrukh Khan was the guest and they remake BAJIGAR. The car race was hilarious.  The whole skit was outstanding—in execution, dialogue, direction, and acting. While writing, I am laughing because the skit comes in front of my eyes.😁 Just check once on YouTube you will love it.

4. They made remakes of SHOLEY, BAAHUBALI, DEVDAS and many more famous movies. The way they executed the skit is so natural that you can actually see them as heroes and heroines. 😂

5. They also make fun of our well-known political leaders. Some of my favourite political leaders in this show are Raj Thakare, Ramdas Athavale, and Ajit Pawar.

6. Favorite actors are Bhau Kadam, Kushal Badrike, Niles Sabale, Sagar Karande, Bharat Ganeshpure, and Shreya Bugade.

Rating: 7/10 (currently they are not up to the mark).
Where to watch: Zee 5/Hit Episode on YouTube 

Only these two shows stole my heart and laughed me out till my stomach and cheeks hurt.


There are lots of comedy Indian comedy movies but these are my all-time favourite. I can watch these films anytime and anywhere. 

De Dana Dan


PAN PACIFIC HOTEL: The large beauty and heaven. The whole movie was in this hotel. Hats off to Priyadarshan for his brilliance. The movie crosses all lines of nonsense, confusion and compromise. The screaming, the language, and the execution of each scene are tremendous. 

The movie has almost 25 characters, and each character plays its role brilliantly. The main pillars of this movie are Paresh Rawal and Manoj Joshi. 

The remaining characters are Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, Johny Lever, Vikram Gokhale, Samera Reddy, Shakti Kapoor, Archana Puran Singh, Manoj Joshi, Asharani, Aditi Govatrikar, and Rajpal Yadav, who played very well. 


Two penniless friends are in desperate need of money to marry their respective girlfriends. In their attempts to make quick money, they kidnap a rich woman's pet dog and demand a hefty ransom. And the confusing journey started. 
The end of the movie is epic. The water flood shows like a Titanic, which is a giant, and all confusion is cleared in this flood only. 

Overall, this film was epic, with nonstop laughter, nonsense, screaming, full of confusion, will keep you hooked and make you laugh out until your cheeks and stomach hurt and bring tears to your eyes. 

Rating: 8/10
Where to Watch: Jio Cinema/Prime Video 

PS : Google 


The hilarious, thrilling, and nonstop comedy of Nana Patekar, Anil Kapoor, Firoz Khan, and Paresh Rawal. The movie's main hero 🤣is RD,  Firoz Khan as the danger Don. Being so old his acting is marvellous and he shows an actor is an actor. The brilliance, humour, and comedy of the gangsters are a speciality of this movie. There is no crime scene at all. Overall, it is a good family movie. 


Two famous gangsters wanted to fix their sister's wedding in a decent family. 
Rajiv meets their sister and falls in love with her. But his uncle wants to fix a marriage with a decent family that does not have any connection with crime. And then a series starts of hilarious comedy.

The main pillars are Nana Patekar, Firoz Khan, and Anil Kapoor. The twist started when Malika Sherawat entered their life. 

That epic: Jilelahi,😂😂 scene. And then the hilarious love story started.

Rating: 6/10
Where to Watch: JIO Cinema, Prime Video or YouTube

Golmal 3
PS : Google 

3. GOLMAL 3 

Mithun Chakraborty and Ratna Pathak love stories, marriages, and Yeda Ajay Devgan. Awesome team of mental people with no sense. The main pillar of this movie is Mithun Da and his love story. The flashback is the Disco Dancer song. The way Mithunda dances is awesome. 

Though some dialogue and comedy are old.  Sometimes you don't laugh, but still, the movie is filled with sibling's rivalry, sentiments,  nonsense and emotions as orphans.  Try to ignore KAREENA KAPOORS overacting 


A single father, Pritam, comes across his college sweetheart, Geeta, in Goa. He wants to have his GUDDI in his life. But both of them have children, and they didn't agree on this because of rivalry. And the fun part started. 

The story is fantastic, and it is a family movie. The action part is bonus points for Rohit Shetty, and he did an awesome job with all vehicles 🤣 The sibling's love and emotions are too much. The way they make you laugh and in the end, they make you cry is awesome. Tushar Kapoor's acting is the best. 

The blend of comedy of Ajay Devgan, Shreyas Talpade, Kunal Khemu, Tushar Kapoor, Karishma Kapoor, Mithun Da, and Ratna Parhak. 

Rating 7/10
Where to watch: Jio Cinema, Amazon Prime Video 

5 Favourite Comedy Shows and Movies


These are our favourite shows and movies which make us stress-free. otherwise nowadays comedy ke naam pe kuch bhi chalata hain. Frankly speaking, there are very few shows which make me laugh. And above mentioned shows are my all-time favourite and they are freely available on OTT.


Which one is your favourite comedy show or movie? Have you watched any one of the above lists? 


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 










Wednesday 4 September 2024


Hello, and welcome. Today I am sharing a Surmai fish fry recipe. Surmai is our family's favourite fish. I love the combination of steamed rice + dal tadka fry (home version of fodaniche varan) and fish fry with a slice of lemon and onion. Yum!


Fish is a special food for the Malvani and Konkani people. Konkan is one of the parts of Maharashtra state, and it is a coastal area. People living in this area have an abundance of fish. Actually, fresh fish from the sea tastes heavenly. Konkani people are blessed to have fish for everyday meals. In fact, my father had it almost daily. 

Before that, we should know the health benefits of eating fish 

1. Fish have various nutrients like high-quality protein, iodine, and various vitamins and minerals.

2. Fish boost Omega 3, which helps in optimal body and brain function. 

3. May lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. May prevent depression.

5. A good dietary source of Vitamin D.

We have fish twice a week. I am sharing a Malvani recipe for fish fry. For this, I have taken surami fish. This fish fry has three steps. 

  • Cleaning
  • marination
  • frying. 

You have to clean the fish properly. Remove all dirt and blood from the fish under the tap water. Marination is the main trick to having tasty fish fry at home. Marinate fish at least for 30 minutes. And the last step is frying, for which a cast iron tawa is good. Remember, we have to shallow fry the fish and not deep fry.  so without further ado let's jump into the recipe.  


YIELD : 3 TO 4 People
CUSINE: Malvani
AUTHOR: Neeta Kadam


Surami fish : 10 pieces

Turmeric : 1 TSP

Garlic : 15 no

Coriander seeds : 1 TSP

kokam (amsul petals) : 4 to 5 numbers 

Malvani Masala powder or red chilli powder : 1 tsp

Coriander leaves: fistful 

Rice flour : 1/2 cup

Chickpea flour : 1/2 cup 

Oil : 4 to 5 tbsp 

Salt as per taste.


Step 1 : Cleaning 

  • Wash and clean fish pieces with lots of water. 
  • Transfer the fish to the colander to drain the water.
  • In another bowl, take this fish and add turmeric and kokum petals. Mix and rub with your hands so it can be coated into all fish. 

Step 2 : Marination 

  • Grind garlic, coriander seeds, turmeric, red chilli powder, coriander leaves and salt. 
  • Coat this marination on the above fish. Let it marinate for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Fry

  • In another plate take rice flour and gram flour on a plate. Add a little salt to it. Mix it very well.
  • Take one marinated fish and coat it very well in this flour mixture. 
  • In this way keep all fish ready to fry.
  • Add 4 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. 
  • Once the oil is heated, lower the flame and put the fish pieces in oil one by one. 
  • Fry fish from both sides for 5  minutes or until you see the crispy layer on the fish on medium flame.
  • Check out by pricking the fork and transfer to the paper towel.
  • Your crispy and delicious malvani surmai fish fry is ready to serve.


Tips :

  • Rubbing Kokam petals on fish pieces helps remove the fish's fishy smell. 
  • Rice flour or semolina or gram flour is the main ingredient which gives a crispy flavour.
  • If you are a beginner use a non-stick pan or else a cast iron pan is a must. 


Q. 1. Which fish is good for fry in Maharashtra ?

Ans : Being konkani we used to eat Bangda, Ravas, Surmai , Bombay Duck and Pomfret.  These fish are good to fry. 

Q.2.  Which fish is more tasty ?

Ans : Sea fish are more tasty. Ravas, Surmai, Pomfret, Bombay duck are tasty. 

Q.3. How long to fry fish? 

Ans : Fry the fish for five to seven minutes on each side. 

Q.4. What is malvani and konkani food?

Ans : People staying at konkan region known as Konkani or malvani. Malavani and konkani food use large amount of coconut, tamarind or kokum in almost all food.

Q.5 Which is the best fish for frying?

Ans : Surmai, and Ravas are the best fish for frying.


Question of the day 

Do you like to eat fish fry ? Which fish is your favourite?


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 




Tuesday 3 September 2024

SIYA TALE सिया टेल- विचारपूस


आपण सगळे एकमेकांची विचारपूस करत असतो नाही का? पण घरात फॅमिलीत नाही होत. म्हणजे जिथे फक्त आई बाबा आणि भाऊ बहिण राहत असतील तर आपण रोजच एकमेकांना विचारत नाही,  कसे आहात? काय चालंय वैगरे. आणि nuclear family असल्यामुळं घरात सहसा कोणी येत नाही. हे सगळं सांगायचे तात्पर्य की लहान मुले observe करतात आणि शिकतात. 

पण माझ्या घरात ह्या गोष्टी सहसा होत नाही. Twins असल्यामुळं पाहुण्याची वर्दळ कमीच. तर विचारपूस करणे सीयाने कसे आत्मसात केले कुणास ठाउक?

तिची सई दिदी शाळेतून घरी येते तेव्हा जसे door nock होते तशी सिया आनंदाने नाचू लागते. दिदी आली, दिदी आली! थोडा वेळ दीदी सोफ्यावर बसते आणि थोडी relax झाली की सीयाची विचारपूस चालू होते.

दमी दिदी,

पावसात भिजी दीदी, 

पाऊस खूप होता दिदी. 

हे तिच्या त्या भाषेमध्ये लडिवाळ पणे बोलते. दिदी सियाला मिठी मारते  आणि खूप सारी किसी करते. 

It melts my heart. 💜🥹

Similar way  तिचे बाबा (father) संध्याकाळी येतात तेव्हा तर चित्र वेगळेच असते. जसे door knock होते सिया बोलू लागते अगदी पोपटासारखी.

सिया पप्पा आला.

सिया पप्पा ऑफिस आला.

मम्मी सिया पप्पा आला.

दिदी सिया पप्पा आला.

सगळ्यांना सांगून झाल्यावर सिया नाचत नाचत पप्पाकडे जाते. आणि पुन्हा,

तू भिजा पप्पा?

तू दमा पप्पा?

पप्पा इट्स रेनिंग.

तू भीजा रेन मधे 

And on and on and on.....

गोड, निर्मळ आणि लडिवाळ अशी माझी सिया ! 💜❤️

You may like to read : 


Day in life of Twins 8 months 

My Twins turns one 


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon’ 


Let's connect ☺️ 

Memory Flies on Social Media 



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