Wednesday, 16 November 2022

French cheese toast sandwich

They said involve kids in cooking if you want to feed them healthy food. When kids prepare food or help you in preparing food chances are they will finish food quickly. And it is true. (Exprienced mom 😎).

French Toast sandwich are very well known to us. Those who don't know it is a bread dipped in the mixture of egg, milk and vanilla essence. 

I add up cheese only😉 but it is different. It is kid version. We mom always like to feed healthy food. Weight a minutes, sandwich are in healthy food group na?

I guess yes subject to condition the bread should be whole wheat and inside of the sandwich all material should be healthy. 😉Right? Correct me if I am wrong.

If you agree then don't forget to check out my sandwich recipes here.

Okay, let's jump in the recipe.

Recipe : French Toast Cheese Sandwich

Type : Snacks/Breakfast 

(for 1 kid/person)

🕗Prep time : 5 minutes 
🕗Cook time : 5 minutes
🕗Total time : 10 minutes

Ingredients : 
Bread slices (whole wheat or multigrain) 2 No's.

Egg 2 nos

Chilli flex as per taste

Mixed herb  as per taste

Oregano (optional)

Salt as per taste

Pizza pasta sauce - as much as your kid like.

Amul butter

Cheese block or slice.


1. Remove outer crust of bread if you don't like it.

2. Amul butter and cheese should be at room temperature.

3. If you don't have pizza pasta sauce then mix mayo and tomato ketch up.

Direction :
We make this simple sandwich in 3 steps.

Step 1 : Prepare egg mixture :

Break the egg and add chilli flex, mixed herb, oregano salt, and beat it very well until its fluffy.

Step 2 : Preparing bread : 

Dip bread slice into the mixture from both side so that mixture coated very well.

Next heat up pan. Add amul butter 1 tsp and roast the dipped bread until golden crisp. Bread is ready.

Step 3 : Assembling sandwich

Give this part to kids they will love to do it.

Add pizza pasta sauce or mayoneese and hot n sweet sauce to the roasted  bread.

Grate cheese and cover it with other fried bread. 

Cut it as per your choice. Your French Toast cheese sandwich is ready.

Don't forget to check the video here 
N follow me  for simple kid friendly real life recipe😁


You can add up many vegetables if you want. Like sliced onion, lettuce, cucumber, tomato etc. 

I prefer to keep it simple. Because this is after school snack which can be ready in 10 minutes. My child love to eat vegetables sandwich too so I do not have to take extra efforts. 

Many of you may be making this recipe. If it is new to you, and if you like it then please share the recipe.

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This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. This has been my daughter's favourite breakfast/snack as well! It's so easy to make and healthy as well. Guess the only difference of this from the one I do is that I skip the chili=)-MommyWithAGoal

    1. Do try it will taste good without chilli too.

  2. French toast is a hot favourite in our household. I love the cheesy twist that you have given to it .

  3. I love French toasts... but I had actually forgotten about it... thanks Neeta for the reminder😊... I will try your cheesy version for my girls' after school snack one day next week.

  4. I liked your version of French Toast. Cooking is all about innovation and kids love cheese. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  5. This seems to be a cross between a masala French toast and a sandwich. I am sure kids are going to enjoy this with all the cheese.

    1. Yes, just trying to create something new when kids get bored😀

  6. I love french toast and I have it on every sunday as my mandate breakfast but I never tried adding vanilla essence in it.

    1. Othentically vanilla essence added I saw from You tube only. And I tried.

  7. My baby is still young to get introduced to cheese sandwich... But once he starts I am for sure will try this recipe for him and will definitely narrate the story where from I learned it :)

    1. Ohhh. Thank you so much dear. You make my day.😘

  8. This looks delicious! And it totally agree with you, kids should be introduced to the concept of cooking and the best way to do so is to start with something easy and yummy.

  9. Indeed when kids prepare food or help in cooking, chances are they will finish food quickly. Loved your version of french toast. My daughter will definitely go to love it.
    - Anjali

  10. My husband loves french toast. Will definitely try this version for him. Thanks for the recipes.

  11. This is a savory version of French toast. Nowadays, fusion cooking is in and it is great to experiment with ingredients, especially if kids are involved in the process.

  12. This is a quick recipe and kids will really enjoy this. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is such a simple recipe and kods fav. My kid loves cheese and this is the best.

  14. There is no rule that only kids can try foods like these. I love French toast and am going to try your version. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Since my daughter loves anything made of breads, I can pack this in her lunchbox to school.

  16. This one's our Sunday breakfast favorite too!

  17. I too make this and my kids love it. But never added cheese to it. As cheese is our all time favorite, so would love to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Thos looks delicious. Sharing it across

  19. Nice twist to an age-old recipe with the addition of cheese!


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