Thursday, 22 September 2022

How to study History with small kids

       We are growing so fast - now we are studying history. Yeeppp! S was so happy to see new subject in his studies and I realize how quick she is growing. 

I saw the subject list is increasing and so my headache too. I still do not enroll her in to any tuition or coaching classes because I don't feel the need. But yes, making this girl to sit and study quite hard for me. With twin babies I am not able to give extra attention. And she too feel in the same way ! Sad, but I am trying, trying to take out time and spend as much as possible, one to one time with her. 😐Poor me! Have you been going through this condition? Comment below.

So why children don't like to study history ? 

Reasons are, 

- Question answers are brief. 

- Fill in the blanks too sometimes difficult😁.

- Unable to remembers names and dates.

- Unable to understand the events and reasons behind that.

- Get irritated easily while remembering the long names because it is difficult to memorise the spellings.

And, so not ready to study the subjects. They can seat for 5 minutes, read and then close the book.😁ha,ha,ha. .....I am in the same boat. Don't worry!

But now exams are there and we have to study. Otherwise how can she write in paper?  (Mummaa trigger)😇!

History is sometimes difficult. Honestly speaking I dont like it at all. But when it comes to teach your kid you have to get it thoroughly, mumma 😐

You may like to read :

How to teach more than 30 words in 15 minutes. Here

Netflix best series for kids - Here


My kid is currently having the history of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and she is really interested in it. Why not it is like a story part. The main part comes - question answers😇😇 

You gotta baby! 

Learning spelling and brief question answers are the difficult part of the subjects. Though teachers teaching them very well but the learning and writing still difficult. 

I find out the following way to teach her. For us it is easiest way to learn about history. 

🧠Read aloud a lesson with your child.

🧠 More over it is like story sessions ( For us).

🧠Give answer to each silly questions of your child.

🧠Explain as much as possible in your native language.

🧠Summarize the whole lesson in small snippets.

🧠Check on You-tube any documentaries, movie or any fort related information for details of the lessons.

🧠 Do some role play and act. (Trust me it gives more fun)

🧠 We love to check out the forts of Shivaji Maharaj and actually take her to visit the small fort. 

Each child love Maharaj and their forts. 

🧠 And then it will make easy  to understand the questions, answers and so writing too.

Then comes spelling part : 

Accurate Spelling is the best way to earn a good marks. Use the way your child is comfortable to learn spellings. We used to make the spelling  of new word instead of ratta 😀 and sometimes we have to learn it by re- writing 3 to 5 times.😇

🧠 Tricky part : Always take revision of 2 lesson at the same time. So that it will be easy to memories them.

🧠Currently we memorize the names of people and place. With the event description it is easier. Any child can imagine and so it is effective way to memorise.

We are learning in this way because it is helpful to my kid. Do try with your kids if  they  find difficulty in studying history.

Hope this post useful to you. Share with the needy moms.😊

Do let me know ' Which technic you are using  to teach History? 

Till then,

Happy Learning

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by BakezbyDaizy.' ---

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. To me History remained a wonderful subject in my school days and all thanks to my mom who was a history teacher. Her unique style of storytelling made the subject interesting to learn not just for me but for her students too. Mugging the chapters is not always required if you can capture the actual essence of the subject.

  2. Happy to know that you finally found a way to study history.

  3. Those were great points you've highlighted. History is a topic that can be either boring or interesting to someone who needs to learn about it. It's important to make it soo interesting in the beginning so as to grab attention and interest immediately. Once that emotion took off, you can't make it boring again. That goes the same the other way around. Another way of making history more interesting is by going to those places of interest. Museums or monuments can make one feel more into what history is like. - MommyWithAGoal

    1. As a mommy we have to turn every boring thing in interesting way.

  4. Please share tips to remember the date, i was terrible at it.

  5. History is one of the most interesting subjects until one has to appear for exams. 😁 It's like storytelling though and can be memorised when done in a fun way.

  6. I do exactly the same. I agree reading loud, watching the videos on the same topic helps a lot. And for spellings , Writing and more writing only helps.

  7. I am a mother who doesn't involve herself in the studies of her kids😛... I have totally entrusted her school to do that... so I can't comment on that aspect Neeta. I want to make my kids independently capable so i let them struggle n do everything themselves
    including HWs, projects etc. However, like they say, each to his own. I appreciate the fact that u take the time n effort to explain lessons to your daughter... with your hands full with two younger children, I think it's commendable.

    1. Thank you. I need to help her whenever she ask😊

  8. History was one of my favourite subjects after geography, but we never had such an amazing way of learning. All praise for you and your methods.

  9. You made some excellent points, dear. For those who need to learn about history, it can be either boring or interesting. My son enjoys reading history, so I never tried any tricks on him. Let's see how my daughter will treat me when she is introduced to history.
    -Anjali (messymom)

  10. Great tips. Teaching history to children can be difficult because of the dates. My kids used to love reading Amar Chitra Kathas. That helped.

  11. Travel and learn is the best habit. Taking your kids to forts is an excellent idea to make them interested in our History.

  12. As much as I enjoy reading about historical figures, history wasn't really my favorite subject. It depends on how it is taught.

  13. Ha ha ha. Challenges of every parent. As a child and even now, history interests me immensely. Try it as a story first and then go over the finer details of dates and spellings. Once the story is ingrained they can more easily associate dates to the events.

  14. I was very excited too when we started with history as a subject in the third grade, I think. Made us feel like we were older :D

  15. I was very excited too when history became a part of our curriculum in the third grade, I think. Made us feel like we were finally growing up :D

  16. My daughter sucks at remembering facts. And I am a pro in remembering dates till date. It's a forever struggle with her

  17. I like the suggestion of visiting a fort (some place) and connecting it back to the topic. We have so much in our country to show and tell and we should do that with kids.

  18. My daughter is in 2nd std and has not started studying history. However, with other subjects, I try to give and site examples of day to day lives with her. I will keep these pointers in mind.

  19. I love history and moreover I have seen that now the kids have all in one book called Sst. Also if you explain the chapter in the story mode kids would be able to answer the questions easily. But again school norms of fill in the blanks, tick the correct answers, true and false, answer in brief and long are there that makes it too hard for small kids so I agree with your point in here. These tips can help the kids.

  20. Thank you. This article will be quite helpful, when I'll be teaching history to my nephew. Though, I love history and never faced any problems in lewarning but don't know how to teach kids

  21. I studied history for my undergraduate degree and absolutely love the subject, and now my son loves it too. A love of history can only come when it is taught well. Your tips are great. Another way that works for us is by reading fun history books to add to their knowledge - such as Amar Chitra Kathas for Indian history and later 'Horrible History' series for world history.


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