Monday, 16 August 2021

5 Tips for smooth online learning

Online education is normalized with lots of pros and cons. As far as possible we would concentrate only on one thing that children education is going on. No matter whether it is serving any purpose or beneficial to them, that is another debating topic. 😐


Currently, we are doing "HOMESCHOOLING" though it is provided by schools practically we are using our home, our electricity, our equipment, our books, and stationery and every small or big thing related to the study [ in short "TEACHERS JOB" right? ]

And of course, we are paying huge fees to the school,😈 Irony of 2021 education systems.


Homeschooling is based on home education with parents' guidance without enrolling your child in any school. Basically, parents are the teacher and they choose the syllabus and teach their child in a home environment. 

Though it is practiced in India still it does not have any regulatory bodies to govern homeschooling.

But currently due to pandemics we have an online education system where still school is doing everything but on the front note, we parents have to pay attention as the whole responsibility is on parent's shoulders.

This is the second year of online schooling and I observe most of the schools are attending by parents and not by the student 😅  On the contrary there are some students who are not at all supervised by parents and they are tend to be a monster who loves to disturb the whole class and irritate the teacher.

Types of Parents in online schooling.

1. Over Protecting Parents:  

These kinds of parents are over protecting their children. They want to have updated information always. They take care of everything whatever their child has to complete. I think instead of a child they are the ones who are completing homework, assignments, even test papers for the child.

2. Doubtful Parents : 

This kind of parent always has doubts in every lecture. First, they are not allowing their child to speak. Second, they do not have proper listening power. Though the teacher provides detailed information they still need to ask a doubt. The most irritating part is they are the ones who disturb the whole class.

3. Punctual Parents :

These are the parents who have completed every assignment on time. Means I am just wondering how can they? This year teachers are completing 2 lessons in one 45 minute lecture and sending ppt notes in a google classroom. This Punctual parents used to complete the notes within one day or sometime in half-day,😟 whereas our child takes a week to complete the notes. 

I really want to ask them, why the hell you are doing this work on behalf of your child? why?

4. Prompting Parents :

This kind of parent always sits with the child and is ready to prompt him. Whenever a teacher ask any question they are ready to help their child, irrrr, not help, even they do not give time to a child to think on his own and instead of that they are prompting behind. Seriously is this needed? 

5. Scholars Parents :

These kinds of parents are the ones who love to write papers on behalf of their children. Yes, they are the ones who think their child is not able to write with the speed and so they are helping the child. They almost try to write the paper too on behalf of a child.

As responsible parents, we have to sit with our kids to help them if they need any kind of help. Today's generation's kids don't require our help. In fact, they are very well versed with the technology.  But my request to the parents is please don't do everything for your kids. Let them handle it on their own. Otherwise, they are not going to learn anything neither practical life skills nor educational skills.  You will be surprised to see that still, 50% of 2nd or 3rd graders students are unable to read. 

5 Tips to every parent for an online school- especially for primary students :

I am also a parent and I also found it difficult for last year to cope up with this kind of schooling. but this year we are used to it. Our kids are smarter than us and they are experts in handling equipment and even teachers too. 😀 

If you think your child should really learn something from school then please stop interfering with their school times. Here are the 5 simple tips I would like to give to primary student's parents during online lectures.

1. Have faith in your child: 

This is one of the most important things especially if you have a primary student. Just have faith, he is good. He will be doing good and he will handle it on his own. Just sit beside him and help if require and if he asks.

This gives confidence to your child.

2. Do not prompt or readout for your child:

Yes, though if other students are reading fluently, have faith in your child. Let give him the freedom to speak or read on his own. If you stop prompting or reading for them, then only you will come to know what is your child lacking. You can help him after the school is over. And you never know might be your child can read fluently too. Just sit beside and observe. 

3.Do not ask any doubt on your own.

If your child has any doubt let him ask the teacher. Do not become a bridge between him and the teacher. He can talk with his teacher without a fear then only he can develop a bond with his teacher. Do not ask any doubts on behalf of your child. Let him decide what kind of doubts he has and let him ask by himself.

4. Make a schedule:

During the online lecture, I hear some parents are shouting at their kids for not having pencils and books. Please maintain a schedule of everything. Ask them to keep ready books as per the timetable, notebooks, and stationery 10 minutes before the school start. Do login on time. Charge your laptop and mobile beforehand so that there will be no delay for school.  If you ask your child to follow these tiny things they will automatically become more discipline.

5. Do not disturb the class :

Every teacher gives the last 5 to 10 minutes for a doubt session. This is for both parents and students. If there is any big issue you can ask in that time only.  Allow your child to ask any doubts to the teacher.

These are the basic tips that parents should follow. 

PS : 

-Leave your child alone and let him handle it on his own. 
-Do not be a protecting cover of him.
-This is the way you can instill confidence in your child. 

What kind of tips you would like to give. Comment below your suggestions. 

Till then,
Happy Parenting.

Neeta Kadam

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by Bakez by Daizy.

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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Im homeschooling my son too! But, I dont know which type of parent I am with my older daughter who attends online classes... Hmmm

  2. I see you have made a thorough assessment of the types of parents. 😁

    Parents should be there to support the child if he/she cannot handle something, but mostly they should leave the child to cope on his/her own.

    Children do step up when they don't have their parents to fall back on.

    I find that parents consider answering in class or completing homework as some sort of competition, which is why they prompt and push their children to read and write.

    I really hope the pandemic ends soon so that our children can go back to the classrooms where they belong.

  3. My post is specially for primary students. We should sit and attend classes but should not be protection.
    Thank you for stopping by Cindy.

  4. Yes, Shatabdi, I am glad you like my assessment😀 We used to be in a competition always. But in real school we do not aware what actually happened, right. Be supportive but not protective. After all it will harmful to our child.
    Thanks by stopping.

  5. Since Online schooling has become a way of life, I am sure many parents will resonate with your post. I was chuckling at your assessment of the type of parents, and truth be told I know quite a few from each category :)

  6. Fantastic post! I found myself nodding at each juncture! Keep writing such awesome posts!
    P.S: I really wish I could tell some parents in my daughter's class to stop hovering over their kids and disturbing the class.

  7. Very well written post and very nice tips. Reading about types of parents was really interesting.

  8. Thank you Mayura. I am glad that u resonate with it.

  9. Very useful post. Every parent should go through the tips you've shared here. Being a teacher I know well that all these types of parents are so disturbing, sometimes even irritating. They can't understand how much harmful their too much protective nature can be.

  10. Good pointers to be taken care of in the time of Online Classes! I hope this post reaches the maximum number of parents so that they can learn the etiquettes of behaving in the child's online class.

  11. These days when everything become online, the value of online classes is increased more. I could not agree more with the points you mentioned to maintain a hassle-free class schedule.


  12. I really appreciate all parents who are homeschooling. Hats off to you all. It is so difficult to get kids to sit in front of a monitor and study. I wish these days are over son and kids can go to school and run around.

  13. I love your segregation of the parents. Really interesting post with good tips for the parents

  14. Nice post , most important is not to disturb the class , let the child himself/herself ask the doubt and let them learn new things themselves, today's kids are smart enough to learn new things themselves:)

  15. There was a time when I could be placed in some of these categories. Online learning was new and parents, kids as well as teachers were adjusting. Now that my kid is comfortable with it all, Ive started leaving her independently in school with a little bit of help when needed.

  16. For me, online schooling started this year when we got my little one admitted to nursery but can relate to this post well. Your tips are surely helpful.

  17. That is an interesting categorization of parents and completely on point. Everything is a competition these days and "my child is best". I am sure a lot of parents will find your post useful.

  18. While it may be tempting to interfere because parents have easy access, they must consciously make an effort to treat this like a real school and ask for clarifications or offer feedback in PTA. Infact many teachers are uncomfortable with this parent interference and get conscious while teaching, which may lead them to make mistakes that they otherwise wouldn't.

  19. Love how you've first given the types and then. Proceded with the tips. This definitely is helpful to guide the kids

  20. I am a parent of a toddler. I can easily relate to this post. So much researched and apt. I find a variety of parents that fit in one of the categories you pointed out. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

  21. Thank you Vasumati, you like it.

  22. Homeschooling has become challenge for parents. With online school it has become even more difficult for difficult for parents to understand and control the kids. There are so many different categories of parents and my own cousin fits into one of these categories. It is a challenge for her and many parents.

  23. I know homeschooling is not an easy job for any parent. I agree with the type of parents you mentioned in your post. Letting your child handling a few things can only boost their confidence.

  24. I found your assessment of parents quite amusing. My niece often tells me how parents keep approaching her about doubts, status reports, etc. It seems like they are the students. Let the child be. The child is studying from home, but it is a classroom nonetheless.

  25. From a "good to have" trait, online education has become "must have" after the pandemic. More parents should read about the practical tips that you kust charted out!

  26. This is so true and relatable, I have observed this too since last March and I believe in Chipping in only support the they cannot handle something, but mostly they are left on their own to absorb the information provided onscreen.

  27. I agree about the over-protective parents! They really need to give their kids a chance to shine on their own!
    Noor Anand Chawla

  28. Well said, online education brings ease but nor easy.
    For students, concentrating long on screen and besides this, some parents cooperate and some not. It is really difficult for teacher as
    Well as for student to adopt this new platform of learning and teaching.

  29. Thank you Noor Chawala. Yes, parents should stop protecting child.

  30. Thank you every one for reading and stopping by. I am glad each one is resonate with it.

  31. Very apt! I have been noticing these category of parents specifically in this pandemic.


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