Thursday, 1 July 2021

Book Review : A to Z common disease and Homeopathic Treatment - book by Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

We have fiction, nonfiction books, cookbooks, interior books at our home library. Do we have any medicinal books? I guess apart from the medical people, we do not have a habit to read such kinds of medical books because of the hard language. But this ‘A to Z of common disease and Their Homeopathic treatment’ book is exceptional of such things.

Cover of the book

The book cover has three pictures of common diseases and below are the medicine images. The book cover depicts the content of the book very well.

About the book

This is a complete handy guide of common disease and homeopathic treatment. The author has covered common and uncommon diseases with a brief explanation like causes, symptoms, and cure. It has a total of 26 chapters comprise of 26 types of disease. Each chapter has a detailed explanation that can be read by anyone. The book explains Dr. Surbhi's extensive search and hard work. She has covered a tiny part of each disease. If you are looking for any kind of symptoms of any disease you will get appropriate information in this book.

My take on this book:

a.    We have a tendency to search for each tiny thing on Google. Though we are taking any kind of treatment with the doctor we used to search tablets, symptoms, and cures on Google. If you have this book in your library you will stop using Google. Dr. Surbhi has covered the information which we always looking for. (Homeopathic only).


b.    Author has explained each disease and its symptoms in detail with appropriate images.


c. The language is used in this book is simple. The medical terms are used wherever required and can be understood.


d.      The A to Z common disease books covered every human being from baby to old age people. It has all common diseases like baby colic, hair fall, acidity, stomach ache and many more.


e.      This is a quite informative book where you can have medical information. After reading this book you will realize what steps we should take, which things we should avoid, and useful cure treatment.


f.        I will recommend every household should have this health-related book which is a handy medical guide.


About the Author:

Dr. Surbhi is a homeopathic therapist by profession, writer, blogger, mom of two adorable daughters, creative photographer, and nature lover. She wrote about parenting, health, DIY, cooking with kids, creative activities with kids, education, and many more on her blog. She won many awards for her writing. Her work had been published on various prestigious online platforms.

Her blog:

Details of the book :

Rating: 5/5

Book Name: A to Z Common Disease and Their Homeopathic Treatment.

Author: Dr. Surbhi Prappana

Genre: Health

Format: E-book

Pages: 141

Available: Free download

Link: AtoZof Common Diseases and their homeopathic treatment

I love this medical encyclopedia, especially of Homeopathy. I am not a big fan of Homeopathy but my knowledge regarding homeopathy is expanded after reading this book. I used to believe homeopathy treatment is a slow process and have a tiny pearl-like medicine. I am glad to know the information of new and the existing health problems like nosebleed, earache, etc and the treatment.  Download it as fast as possible.

There are many interesting free E-books on the blogger chatter Ebook Library. You can download it in PDF and read it. It is a treasure box for a book nerd.

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