Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation just has started so the kids are free and parents have nightmare. Yes or no mommies? These vacations are really a dangerous zone. Either you freak out with your kids or do let them freak out!!😎

I already posted the list of things which you can do with your kids through the summer. If you still not check out my post, here is the link


Please check out the kids related post by clicking the link :

Instead of joining any summer camp, spend your valuable time with your children. Summer vacation is the best time in the whole year where you can do plenty of things of your kids choice. They also need our precious time do try to  play with them as much as you can.😊

Just try to be happy with them 😐which is quite difficult, even I am trying to do this. Give me your ides regarding this in the comment section.

Let's see, how can we enjoy this vacation in easy peesy way!!!

Do arrange some getaway with cousins and relatives. Allow child to play with  mud or sand, collect sea shell, create a sand castle. Give them ample opportunity for creativity.

Go for cycling with them. Do you remember last time when you cycle? Just grab one cycle for you and do the racing with your kids.

Join any swimming classes for kid and if possible for you also.

Do colouring or painting with them. If you still do not like to draw or paint, just sit with them and you will also feel to draw or paint like a small kid. Do try this and tell me what do you sketch or paint?

Enroll your kids for singing , dancing or any other musical instrument class. Try to join yourself also with them. Music is one of the best meditation ever.

Do gardening with your kids. Ask them to plant a seed. Every child love to play with mud and clay. Give them real experience and ask them to water the seed every day on a particular time. Let them enjoy and learn how the plant grow from the seed.

Please allow them to have their own ideas through the play. Play time should be constructive and not to be instructive. Allow screen time only for a limited hour. Do some scientific experiments with big kids. 

Last but not the list , take your kids at native place. This will be one of the best recreation for them. Let them explore  village and farm life. Instead of spending a huge money for any resort, our native place is the best and most will cost nothing to your pocket.

The list will go on and on...

what will be your vacation ideas?

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