Saturday, 30 November 2019

Visit at Karla Lane

I never visited such historical caves ever before. I heard about it and read on Google what exactly it has and have an interest to visit there. It is on high hills due to which Mr. hubby is not ready. It will be very hectic as our daughter was very small and I am very miserable at climbing up 😒

But now after a couple of years we decided to have a one day trip which is very convenient and we successfully made it. It has been told there is nothing to see in karla lane and it is in miserable condition. But I am very curious to visit historical place and their architectures which is around 2000 years before. With proper maintenance it could be more secure for tourist but you know what is the actual status of our Tourism Department especially for Maharashtra. Forts are also in miserable condition😔

All I want that please adore these caves from my lenses. I am sure you will love it.

Some information 😊 I do not think to update here, but as a travel blogger it is rituals....haaa...haaa... to update whatever you know it might be helpful apart from “Google Baba”.

How to travel: The most convenient is hiring a vehicle or have it your own. Mumbai- Pune highway road trip is most comfortable for kids. You will get plenty of option for food and resting.

Cost: Nothing apart from your vehicle and food expense. As it is free of cost with minimal entry fee Rs.10/- per person.

When to visit: It has been said the best season is rainy season where you can lure out greenery and will find some waterfall inside the cave. But I think it is more dangerous because there is the message to be cautious at every lane. So better to go in winter or in summer when your kids have holiday.

Height: No, it is not that much on high though it is situated on hill top. But at some distance you can park your car and easily climb up with the staircase.

Historical Information: Everything is available on Goggle. But still why I love this place is because it is historical and it is a prayer house of Buddhist monk. Moreover it is built by stone and wood structure. It has most of stone carving. It is called as Chaitygrihas. Dome like structure is called Chaitya and monks are living here and they do allow the trade person to take rest here so it is called grihas.  This cave comprise of 16 rock cut excavation which I think we are unable to count due to destruction.

It has semi circular ceiling which is main object of worship which is surrounded by wooden carving. 

Each pillar have sculpture of man and women. There are some messages written on pillar which is in Brahmi language. 

Stone have carving of three elephants which is broken 😒

One of the most favorite think that it has our preamble-  Ashokan Pillars which have carving of Buddha seated on a lion.

Carla lanes carved around 2000 years ago around the 2nd century of BC. 

Ekvira Goddes temple is near the entrance of Lane.

We enjoyed it as our family trip with small bachcha party and hope you also like it.

Friday, 22 November 2019

High school Reunion 2019

“ Reunion reveals friendship potential that haven’t yet been emerged in the past.”
-Toba Beta
True !! Yes…it is. We really surprised when we saw the real person in our close friend. Glad to have each one of you as a nice human being, which is very difficult to find in today’s world.

A big “Hi” and a warm welcome to all my readers who missed my post. Thanks a lot for your love and support. It is only you who inspire me to write though I am not a good writer…ahh…ahh… I am not a writer. This is a place where I can hang out with my feeling and words with lot of mistake. 😅 I am trying to treasure every memory and sometime failed too but you readers get me back to drive it.


At each stage of our life we came across with many friends but the school friends are always near and dear one. I want to pen it down as much as possible to treasure this sweet memory.

Let me introduce my high school friends with whom I enjoyed my school life. Yes this is my school friend’s reunion 2019 which is hit among us after having lots of trial and error 😊

This is our “10 D” batch. Some of them are in the same division from standard 5 and some of them joined from 8th grade. Our “10 D” is always remains special throughout our school “NEW HIGH SCHOOL”, right or wrong guys? Still we missed our school days and our teachers too. 

Whenever we meet, we tend to virtually sit in our school division which was on 3rd floor beside the library. This picture comes in front of eyes and makes everyone happy. The most important thing that we are united as a whole batch till date and will remain forever.

Reunion is become a fad now days.  Credit goes to Social media where everyone able to find out there dear ones. It was in 2012 when my three friends and I gathered all friend contact numbers from facebook and other social media and successfully had our first reunion. How many of you  remember this? I still remember how much we were excited for our first reunion and happy to see the same excitement in this year too.

And the tradition still going on and will continue for coming more exciting years. We will make every meet up as much as exciting. The most thrilling part of this reunion is Aplana who came all the way from Nagpur.👍 

This 2019 reunion is our “10 D” first official picnic, I would say it is official because after many trial and errors we successfully made it.😓 It was really annoying when you decide to go by bus and  don’t know how many are really going to join us. We supposed to gather at 6:30 a.m. but somehow manage to depart around 7:45 a.m. with so many hick-ups😝 and finally reached at our destination- Pune. It was really funny because our school never had a picnic and finally we made it. Special thanks to Swapnil and Bipin who make the picnic more enjoyable.

What is Reunion?
Comment down your precious views.

For me, meeting after so many years and try to find out whether he or she is the same buddy? You will realize remarkable things about them. Some of them not even utter a single word in a school but now they are the spokesperson 😮 who gives motivational speech. Some of them used to be very naughty but now become a sincere guy. Some of them are as it is the way they were. Happy to see those guys who have achieved their childhood dreams. This is we called “FOCUS” which very few people have. 😔  We came to realize that there are vast career options, apart from regular career, like IT, Medical, Food, Education, Engineer, etc. Every one of us has a remarkable career and I wish all of you to have more success in your life.

Not every student got such type of friends group at this stage of life. I am really blessed to have each one of you.  Delight to see that everyone is able to beat up the life obstacles and reached towards their goal.  Be Happy and always united with our group without having any quarrels😂 

Let me share some glimpse of our special day:

 Re-intro session

This is the special gift to everyone. Love to see our whole group on it.

Special thanks to Jayshree and her team who made a nice arrangement. Stay tuned for every reunion as we grow old we tend to become smaller again. Don’t miss out that fun of reunion.

I would like to sum up by giving our special thanks to each of us who make this 2019 Reunion successful. Many more years are waiting for our celebrations.

Cheersss guys!!!!

Photo Credit: Prashant Marathe.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Reading with kids

Hi, there....

How are you readers? Hope you are doing well. Not able to post since last 3 months due to some reason....ahhh…. me not supposed to give out the reason but yes....I was not available.

Coming back with the most important topic is - How to make read to your child.

Yep, I got so many queries since my daughter read like a pro....mmmm…I  am not adoring her, but yes I got so many compliment and questions too. Anyway first of all thanks for the compliment and I am getting back with your query - how to develop a habit of reading.

Reading is not any rocket science that your child will learn in one night. For that you have to have lot of patience. I still remember when my child was 8 months old and I started to reading her. As usual my papa (father) who always said why you doing this so early? This is not an early sign to make her read but this is just the way I want to be with her. I love to read stories to her and she love to saw the big picture of the story book. Yep, the small baby love to watch pictures only. So I was reading to her since that age and still we read a lot, but the difference is now that she read the story book by herself and I am listening to her. 

It is not a big task. Grab any story book as per the age of your child and sit beside him/her and read aloud. It doesn't matter whether he is able to read or not. Just start the process of reading daily with the fixed time - preferable bed time, this is the only way you can instill the reading habit to your child. 

Once your child grow and ready for the preschool, slowly start with the alphabet recognition. Once child masters in it then start with the sound...yes...phonics sound. There are lot of debate now whether phonics needed or not? But according to me yes... it is very important that your child can recognize the sound of each alphabet. You can find coaching near by our area or on social media. Join the phonics you first and then teach your child. 

Pics are from google

Now you will say we do not have a issue, just check with the school syllabus and stick with it. There are lot of videos on phonics sound but that is not enough because phonic is very deep and I am here sharing with my experience. I am not any educational instructor of phonics, I am just a mom who is learning with her kid and happy to see that my child is reading like a pro, though we haven't finished our phonics yet!

Here are the simple tips which we follow:
  • Start to read story book as early as possible and use big picture book always.
  • Teach to recognize the sound of each alphabet.
  • Then start with the vowel sound 
  • Start with the CV blend.
  • Read and teach your child sight word which are read by sight not by sound.
  • Do lot of activities with CVC blend word.
  • Gradually go with the school and follow the same study so that child will not get confused.
  • Do activities with three letter word.
  • Start reading with the small sentences.
  • Then gradually jump on the small para.
That's it guys, try this when your baby is small just around the age of preschooler and see the difference. You will get each and every activity on Google or else you can email me. 

Happy Reading!!!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Sticker Activity

How many of you tired of listening …..Mumma, getting bored!”

Tired of suggesting new indoor game, outdoor game but getting every time bored?

Well, we have to cope up with this phase. Our child tends to get bored because they are more interested in SCREEN TIME, That is the one thing where no brain is used. You have to seat at one place, watching TV or TAB or Mobile, without blinking an eyes and eating chips…yes or no?

But yes being a little bit creative and taking our child in confidence we can get out of this problem. There are lot of ideas available on Google, but yes for that you need to be creative and try to implement these ideas with their interest and not yours. Remember this.

Raise your patience…..mommy….!!! 😇😅 …how…? I am also learning.

Sticker is one of the most favorite items of each child. Even I like sticker so much, that whenever we go at any departmental store, I hop into the STICKER area to grab most of them as early as possible. 

What shall we do with it?

Just do not put directly in your child’s hand. A little bit push to your brilliant mind and you can make more than 1000 of activity with this sticker.Here I am giving out some practical ideas which we enjoy while doing this. I wanted to share with you, so that you can keep your child engaged.

We are doing this activity since 2017, means from the age of three.


·         ODD MAN OUT :

You can make a lot of odd man out activity using sticker. It will clear the concept of finding odd things which is not fitted in the given category.

For example: These are wild animals and child have to find out which one is not wild animal and that will be the odd man out.


Write the alphabet or numbers and keep some blank line. Ask your child to stick the missing letter or missing number from the sticker.

Again this is little bit crucial which enhance eye coordination. Your child needs to find from the sheet the exact missing letter. Sticker do not have the same sequence of ABCD or 1 to 10.

·         VEHICLES :

This is one of the best activities where you can teach your child kind of vehicles i.e. Land Vehicle, Water Vehicle and Air Vehicle.

Kids will also learn the spelling of the all Vehicles.


This is very interesting activity for those early readers. Write the names of the animals on the sheet and ask them to read it.

They have to find the correct animal and have to paste it under the same name.


Yup this is one most common math’s activity. Write the number in one column and ask the child to paste the sticker as per the number.

Your kids will learn counting without a hustle.

·         WATER ANIMAL :

If you want to teach your child water animal name and how to easily identify them, then this will be the easiest activity. All you need is the water animal sticker which comes in bulk.

Write the name of the water animals and make a separate column. Ask your child to read the name by reading each spelling and ask to find out the same animal as many as he/she can and stick it in the column. 

If he is ready ask him to count that how many crab, whale, or penguin he find and write the same number below the column. This is one kind of bar graphing. Counting with name and counting with the colour can make a graph. I will make a separate post how to teach the small kids regarding bar graphing in easy way.


If you are getting tired by drawing the images on the worksheet then it is one of the time savers. Paste the different stickers and ask the child to paste the initial letter of that word under the same picture.

The kids will learn to identify different kind of picture with alphabet with numerous images.


This is where our small kids get confused on finding the right and left direction. I drew the direction by drawing lines.

 Ask to identify which vehicle going in that particular direction and then paste that vehicle sticker under the same direction. This one is the easiest game to teach direction.


I know we can teach them orally, but as they grow older they tend to get confused about wild and domestic animals. I prepared with two at a same time to make her little bit confused.

Try to give both animals at the same time ie. We got the sticker card which has mixed animals. So I just wrote the wild animals and domestic animals name and ask her to identify and stick according to the same group.

·         MATCH UP :

Here I used the same animals but with different colour. Child needs to look carefully and match the same animals.

It will increase the eye co-ordination.

There are many more but then the post will be lengthy. Be creative and be active. It will take only 5 minute to create this activity. So don’t say …..time nahi hain…!! 😊

Do you like sticker? How do you using it? Comment below.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation just has started so the kids are free and parents have nightmare. Yes or no mommies? These vacations are really a dangerous zone. Either you freak out with your kids or do let them freak out!!😎

I already posted the list of things which you can do with your kids through the summer. If you still not check out my post, here is the link


Please check out the kids related post by clicking the link :

Instead of joining any summer camp, spend your valuable time with your children. Summer vacation is the best time in the whole year where you can do plenty of things of your kids choice. They also need our precious time do try to  play with them as much as you can.😊

Just try to be happy with them 😐which is quite difficult, even I am trying to do this. Give me your ides regarding this in the comment section.

Let's see, how can we enjoy this vacation in easy peesy way!!!

Do arrange some getaway with cousins and relatives. Allow child to play with  mud or sand, collect sea shell, create a sand castle. Give them ample opportunity for creativity.

Go for cycling with them. Do you remember last time when you cycle? Just grab one cycle for you and do the racing with your kids.

Join any swimming classes for kid and if possible for you also.

Do colouring or painting with them. If you still do not like to draw or paint, just sit with them and you will also feel to draw or paint like a small kid. Do try this and tell me what do you sketch or paint?

Enroll your kids for singing , dancing or any other musical instrument class. Try to join yourself also with them. Music is one of the best meditation ever.

Do gardening with your kids. Ask them to plant a seed. Every child love to play with mud and clay. Give them real experience and ask them to water the seed every day on a particular time. Let them enjoy and learn how the plant grow from the seed.

Please allow them to have their own ideas through the play. Play time should be constructive and not to be instructive. Allow screen time only for a limited hour. Do some scientific experiments with big kids. 

Last but not the list , take your kids at native place. This will be one of the best recreation for them. Let them explore  village and farm life. Instead of spending a huge money for any resort, our native place is the best and most will cost nothing to your pocket.

The list will go on and on...

what will be your vacation ideas?

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