Friday, 28 July 2017

Favourite Toys

Hello there…!!!

Husshh….I am feeling so satisfying that my kitchen project is completed. We have a very small kitchen and organization of such small space is really challenged for me. By doing some research via pintrest I am able to organize that one which we like it, but still there are many more things which I need to update as per my wish…hopes to complete soon.

Saee’s favorites toys which she did not like it at first and now these are become her favorites. Every birthday she got many toys, out of which toy she did not like that go to cupboard directly. Then slowly I try to introduce her… say after 4 to 6 months gap. Many of the toys were not as per her age group, that toys I need to store properly and will give her once she reaches that age to understand and play with them. This is my formula for her, because in this way she always gets the new toy whenever she asked to mumma and papa when she got bored with the old toy, and we did not buy anything new for her. Nope this does not mean we are not buying any new toys. Nitin always interested to buy electronic game and me educational game. Because I believe that education game taught your child a lot rather electronic game which works only in one way. Yup…she have so many toys that all her friends come to play with her … her toys only.

Her favorites 5 toys that surprisingly a big hit

1. Mini Laptop

Saee received this as a gift on her first birthday. She used to play with this by open and close. The best part of this Laptop is baby friendly, you know, baby play less and throw more. Yess, she throw it tones of time, but it is still in good condition and she learned a lot from this. She is now 3 and half years old but still this laptop is her favorites and she playing with this. The laptop is still in good condition.

Let me explain what it has

Shapes:  just basic shapes like Triangle, Circle, Square, Heart and Star with proper pronunciations. 

Vehicle Horns: Like she recognize the vehicle by their horns. Like it have Bus, Train, Boat, Ambulance and Aeroplane.

A to Z and numbers from 1 to 10 with pronunciations, she learned to recognize the numbers too.

Musical piano: Which play with 7 different kind of music, its mostly all nursery poem’s music only.
And it also paly Sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa….

Game: Which enhance visual discrimination of the baby? Music comes and it stops on the object. Baby need to recognize the object like shapes and vehicles, once baby recognize that it will be clapping which make the baby happy. Actually, this is designed for small babies.

This is saee’s all time favourite and that is mine too!

2. Her Dolls

She has so many… every girl have…! Yellow and white one is musical, which she refused to take and cried a lot. So I repacked them and gave her on 2 nd birthday which she loved so much. But her all time favorite is the yellow one. Sorry ….I do not have white doll picture.

She used to do all things which mumma does for her. When she get up in the morning mumma brush her teeth and so she brushed dolls teeth, bath her, change her cloth , comb her hair ,feed her breakfast Whatever mumma did for Saee the same is going to make with her doll. Amazing….We used to do the same when we are kid….right or wrong mommiess…!!

3. Fruits:

This one is her you tube toys, when she saw it on you tube she was asking the same. I searched a lot then I found it at local store. Which have a cutting board with knife. She loves to cut her fruits on the cutting board. Said to her papa,… see me too have cutting board like mumma.!!! Ohh…my we mummy are really role model for our kids, hhaaaa…..!!

4. Kitchen Set

This one is every girl’s favorites. I used to play a lot up to 7th  standard. Yesss….she have this full basket with all kitchen cutlery, but her most loving is Gas stove, Frying Pan, Pot with lid, Spoon and Rolling Pin. she used to play with kitchen set and love to makes food for her and papa.She always wanted to have dough from my kitchen to roll her chapatti. Like whenever I make chapatti, she came and asked me for round shaped dough and then she rolls that on her rolling pin. When her papa came from office she used to give a cup with Tea and her chapatti …….it melts my heart and her papa’s too!!

5. Vehicles:

She loves to play with these vehicles. She love car a lot. We have many cars with the same model and same colour. This is her uncle who used to take for her. I am very much happy that she does not like to play only with kitchen set although she loved to play with the cars, trucks, JCB, and many more. We have a full basket of vehicles including small to big vehicles. This is one of the games we used to play to arrange the car in parking area.

Every kid have lots of toys. I want to share with you so that you can get some new idea for gift items whenever you have any celebration for children under or up to the age of 3 years or for your kiddo. I hope this post is helpful to you.

What are your kiddo’s favorite toys that surprise you?

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