Friday, 22 April 2016

Baby First Food

Hello there,

Its been a very long weekend. We are at our mummy's home to welcome the new baby. Do you guys remember my baby shower post.....yes.,.. my sister blessed with a baby boy.

Recently I have joined parent groups on social media. This all are from the Indian region. It was nice to have a parent talk on the child’s topics like food, potty training, schooling, arrogant behavior, fussy eater etc. One thing I came to know that many of the young mothers who are not at all aware of how to start and what to start as food for the small babies. I was replying each one of them but I thought it will be better to make post instead of replying individually.

Disclaimer:  I am not the professional. This is my experience with my daughter who is now 2 and half years old. Before you start any food with your little one consult your pediac first.

# before introducing any new food just go with the 3 days rule, it means try any new food one at a time for 3 days to find out whether it suits to your baby or having any allergic reaction. In this way you can find out which food suits to your baby and remove that food from your list which is more 

# never feed your baby by laying him down. Make him sit on your lap or on a high chair. In this way your small one starts to sit properly which strengthen the backbone too.

# always breastfeed first and then start your purred form meal.

# At the beginning your little one refused to take food but offer him or her again and again until he or she like it.

# serving size should be 1 Tbspoon and after that gradually increase the serving size.

# until 6 months you need to do only breastfeeding as per the doctor suggestion. And it is equally important for us as a mother.

These are the tips which will helpful for you. Six months onwards you can start the baby food from liquid to solid. I never gave saee any store bought cereals meals instead of that I am mostly trusted on homemade meals which are safe and hygiene.

After googling so many sites and with the help of elder one like my mom, mother in law and Attya (Father's Sister) I start with this food adventure with my little one. This all foods make her healthy and boost up her immunity power too.

Babies first food for 6 to 8 months:

Homemade cereals: Rice, Barley and oats. We prepared it at home only. Take the raw rice, grind it in smooth powder and cook with enough water by adding little salt and jaggery. Never use sugar for your little one, instead of that use jaggery which contain high amount of iron and magnesium. In the same way you can make the cereals from barley and oats too.

Fruits: Saee’s first food is banana. She love banana till. I introduce her banana when she was 7 months. Peel the banana and smash it with the help of spoon. It is so soft that there is no chocking fear. Sometime I mixed the mashed banana with milk also. But she loves without milk. Now also she do not like to have banana milkshake instead of that she eat raw banana.

After that you can give your baby pumpkin, apple, peach. You need to cook these fruit until soft enough and then make a puree by blending in mixi jar.

Vegetables: Green beans, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Green Peas. All you need to first wash under the running tap water, clean it and steam it in steamer until soft. Blend it in a mixture. Do not mix everything make a separate puree each one of them. Saee eat only sweet potato and carrot. Rest of the two vegetable she eats as raw means not in purred form when she get older.


# Yogurt: Plain whole milk yogurt which is saee’s favorite’s food. I gave her as raw without mixing anything neither sugar nor salt. She loved it and finished at a time one cup of yogurt. After 10 months onwards when she started to eat finger food then I gave yogurt with fruit slice.
# Shrikhand : This is one of the most favorites items of all babies. You can start Shrikhand, yup….its only plain shrikhand not amrkhand (Mango Flavour) Just dip the small spoon in shrikhand and give in your baby’s hand and see how much quickly your baby will grab that.

# Whole Milk: Start to give whole milk like cow’s milk in sippy cup, not in a bottle without adding any sugar. Try to avoid sugar as much as possible until 1 year because sugar is refined by a chemical process which is harmful for baby and it will also dipress the immunity.  

This is saee's favourite sippers which i had start to use when she was six months baby. She still love it. But now she can drink from the water bottle and glass also. Start as early as possible to give such type of sippy cups which have slow flow. 

Water: Off course water is the most important. Water shall start after six month only. I never gave her water with the spoon. I bought nice colored small baby sippers and just gave her so that she can learn to hold the cups. You can also give water of cooked rice and dal which is very healthy.

Once your baby adjusts to the food try to increase the food quantity slowly. And try to give new food after consulting your pediac. I hope this will help all new mommies.

Till then Happy Parenting.

If you have any queries ask me in the comment section below.

Share the food experience of your little one.


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