Friday, 15 January 2016

Inspirational Goals for 2016

Hello people ……Happy  Makarsankrati …..(Tilgul ghya ani god god bola)

You will be thinking I am crazy….its mid of the January and I am writing about the goals. Everyone is making resolution for the New Year 2016 and almost on their way to quitting….ha ha ha (just kidding). No I am not the resolustinst person, I have never made any resolution for any new year, in fact I am believing to live life as the way it comes, But Nowadays I am as mommy, wife, daughter ...etc. feeling so overwhelmed and need to set some goals for self growth which make me inspired and happy too. There will be long list … here we go

Family Goals

My family is always my top priority. Nitin and I  always make some goals for a family and constantly achieving. We focus on our new home. This year we will decorate our new home as dreamed it. We start with the Gallery which is our favorite place in our home. We have lots of plans for that and will accomplish soon.

We also establish goals for monthly budget, saving and investments on month to month basis, hope to stick with them.

Times flew so fast…..saee is now toddler, still have one year for her school. We have started to research on school. In Mumbai there are many educational Boards like Delhi Board, State Board, International Board….list will go on, really get confused which board will be best for her in terms of education and fees. Yess….As parents we all do face huge burden of fees, and my intention is to provide her the best education which enhance her development and personality too, Plzzzz parents help me out, I need suggestion from your end.


We had made getaways to andman and Nicobar island in 2015. This was a memorable trip in my life. For 2016 we also hope to have a long full week vacation with family.


2015 I had started my blog and thank you guys for your appreciation and suggestion. I will focus on writing a good post on which I am passionate about,  like food, travel, décor, and offcourse my kiddo. I will make at least three post in one month and improve my writing and grammatical mistakes, Ha ha ha…  So please stay tune for your suggestion and chat.


I want to read Marathi Kadambari, YAYATI of V.Sa. Khandekar, my favorite author.Want to read some nonfiction book too. My target for this year to read at least 3 books.

Social Media

I am totally disconnected with the social media from the last two year, so this year I want to be active on facebook , pintrest and also want to try the new one instagram…yup…yes I am pretty late latif. My focus is to be connected with the friends via social media.

Personal goals

Since saee born I am focusing on her only. Now she is 2 and half and I feel to give some attention towards me. This year I will make my doctor appointment for my eyesite. Want to take care of my skin and do some hair treatment. Will dress up myself properly with some real cloths and have exercise twice in a week.
Focus on relationship with family and friends. Lots of people complaining that I am not picking up the calls, not responding them …..Sorry guys but when I am with see, I always put my phone away from us. I do not want to get any distraction while I am playing with her. I will work on this now and try to be quick responder with everyone through calls, chats, message or whatsup.


Nitin gifted me last year convection oven so want to learn oven based  baking recipe and also some traditional recipe. Bear me nitin…, but you know how much I love cooking. I will also share some recipe on my blog. My focus is to provide my family healthy and variety of meal which is mostly prepared at home only.

Here we go 2016……

Have you set any goals for 2016 ?

Do You set any family goals ?    

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