Friday, 14 June 2024


There are two famous LGBTQ (I believe) couple on Instagram. I saw their reels actually tiktok. They both are girls. One of them is tomboy but very cute. People adore her more. And moreover they both are Indian. I don't remember the name but yes they both are adorable. I like them. They do not post any wierd video. My awareness about LGBTQ started from these couples from tik tok. 

PS : Google 

Lesbian, gay, LGBTQ and Rainbow I heard these terms and still feel cringe. I can't tolerate seeing the same sex couple on screen.  In real life I don't see such couples. I became uncomfortable when I saw or read such LGBTQ things.

Due to social media people are becoming aware about this RAINBOW Love. Laws has been made for them and Indian screen also showcasing this love in the series and movies. The awareness make me aware regarding this kind of RAINBOW Love. Earlier I used to make fun about it. 

But time has changed now. 3 movies has changed my whole perspective towards RAINBOW love. I am able to understand the feeling of LGBTQ. In reality I still have not come across such a person while Mr. Hubby saw many such kind of couple but still I feel yuk. 

I know everyone is different and every person has his own emotions and feelings regarding love. I realised these when I watched these movies. 

PS : Google (imd)


1. Ek Ladki Ki Ko Dekha To Asia Laga

Genre : Romance/Comedy 

Platform : Netflix 

Rating : 3/5

Sonam Kapoor played the role of Ek ladki who is different since her childhood. Her mother identifies it at a very early age but her father is not ready to accept this. 

The movie shows how many difficulties such person has. How she fights for her identity and her love.


The movie is directed by Shally Dhar and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The bold subject of LGBTQ story is very well portrayed by Sonam Kapoor. The main strengths of the movie are the  performances of these actors - Anil Kapoor,  Raj Kumar Rao, Juhi Chawala and Sonam Kapoor. 

The subject of the film is bold but you will not be uncomfortable while watching it. It definitely touches your heart. 

The music of the film is soothing and matching with the pace of the film.

Why do I like it ?

The film is unique with bold subjects and has a beautiful message to society about love. Love can be in different forms. 

I like the movie though it is slow. Sonam's acting is awesome but somewhere it goes to the negativity. Climax is a little bit complicated. Raj Kumar Rao's performance made me watch the movie. Overall it is good movie.

2. Badahi Do 

Genre : Comedy/ Drama

Platform: Netflix 

Rating : 4/5

The movie is about the LGBTQ couple who agreed to marry for the convenience of their parents so that they can live their life as they want. The drama started with confusion and laughter.

About the Movie : 

Badahi Do is directed by Harshwardhan Kulkarni.  Shardul a gay cop and Suman a lesbian teacher and their fight to have their own life. The movie revolves around this couple who find lots of challenges about their relationship and their future. Must watch to see How this couple fought for themselves and for their future without compromising on social norms. 

Why do I like it ?

Because of Raj Kumar Rao and Bhumi Pendenkar's performances. Raj Kumar Rao is a natural actor and I am a big fan of him. The chemistry between the two of them is great and makes their relationship genuine. 

The movie has a great mix of humor and emotions and engages you throughout the movie.

The movie starts as a romantic comedy but it handles the stigma put on LGBTQ by society very well. It gives out the message to the society that these people also have the same life like a heterosexuals person have. They can have kids too. 

3. Majja Maa

Genre : Family Drama/Comedy

Platform : Amazon Prime Video 

Rating : 4.5/5

This movie has a special place in my heart because Madhuri Dixit played the role of Pallavi. A Gujarati middle aged house wife who took every decision for the family in spite of being the victim. Pallavi' s story is heartbreaking. This also addresses LGBTQ with different points of view. 

About the Movie: 

Majja ma directed by Anand Tiwari. It shows Gujarati culture and devoted housewife life has turned upside down with the rumour. A truth about her became a threat to her son's life on the eve of his engagement with an NRI girl. 

Why do I like it?

The main reason is Madhuri Dixit who played such a bold role. A middle aged housewife's past becomes obstacles for her son's life. How she tackles the situation is portrayed brilliantly. I can feel her fear and every decision made for the sake of his son. His husband's acting is natural. I can feel his pain and confusion too. The way he is unable to understand what is lesbian is put out on screen brilliantly. This film makes me laugh, cry and sad too. Finally a good family movie with a great message. 


After watching these 3 movies my perspective has changed towards LGBTQ community. 

Love has no gender. Love is love it can come in many forms. I respect the LGBTQ community.

Yes, they are also human beings and they have a right to live their life the way they want. We don't know if one of them might be from our family too. Be humble and kind and more acceptable towards them. 

Question of the day 

Do you meet such kind of person? 

Have you watched any of the above movies? 


This post is a part of ‘Out and About Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla In collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.


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  1. It's good we have these movies and other things like novels that draw people's attention to the themes related to LGBTQ. Thans for these recommendations.

  2. I have watched Badhai Do movie and I loved every bit of it. Thanks for sharing other recos would love to explore them

  3. Pop culture can be really helpful in explaining and rewiring our thoughts. It's great to know the movies have helped see something outside our usual view of reference.

  4. I have watched Majja Ma and loved Madhuri's acting. The mob=vies you have mentioned do go a long way in opening people's eyes to realities they may have never experienced. Thank you for talking about these particular films. I have two to watch in the near future.

  5. Zenobia Merchant26 June 2024 at 16:30

    Thank you for being so completely honest in your post. I know many people who are averse or find it un-natural to see 2 men or 2 women together. The movies mentioned by you are all brilliant especially Badhai Do. I even liked the movie 'Fire', portraying light on same-sex lovers.

    1. I saw only trailer but didn't watch it yet. May be I didn't have that strength to watch.

  6. Neeta, you have beautifully captured the transformative power of cinema in changing perspectives. It's heartwarming to see how these films have opened minds and fostered empathy towards the LGBTQ+ community. A reminder that love truly knows no boundaries.

  7. I noticed that LGBT+ cinema has made it to OTT, which is fine, I guess, since it does have a good enough reach. Most of the movies are recent, but there were one or two made ten years ago that I just found out about last month.

  8. Hindi cinema is certainly getting there. Slowly but yes getting there in representing queer characters as happy and "normal" for a lack of a better word. You should defientely check out more of inddian movie in other languages. Some movies are really beautiful.

  9. It's great to see how your perspective has evolved over time through exposure to LGBTQ+ content on social media and Indian cinema. I think, it's a journey for many to move from discomfort and unfamiliarity to understanding and acceptance. Recognizing that everyone has their own emotions and feelings about love is a crucial step toward empathy and inclusivity.

    1. Indeed love is a crucial step towards empathy and inclusivity

  10. I’ve seen Maja Ma and how delicately and maturedly the subject of homosexuality was handled. Sadly, much like Madhuri’s daughter in the movie, many movies are high on noise and low on content.

    1. You are right. Her daughter is more proactive

  11. I appreciate your honesty, Neeta. Acknowledging that love comes in all shapes and forms is the first step in acceptance. We have come a long way where media representation is concerned but there is still a long way to go. I would recommend watching Fire too. It is a brilliant one.

  12. This is a great starter kit for audiences still unaware of queer perspectives. OTT has indeed revolutionalized things for under-represented members of our society. I'm glad you were able to have a change in perspective through these movies. Credit is to you to have taken this step!

    1. Yes. I took a long time may be after becoming a mother your point of view bordan

  13. I'm glad hat you are open about your views and not saying things just because others want to hear it. Even for me what began as a curiosity turned into genuine empathy because I now have many friends in the queer community and I have seen how they are singled out in a crowd. Their lives are not easy and if we can show some love, it will mean so much for them. After all, they are just listening to their bodies....can that ever be wrong?

  14. I have seen Badhaai Do. And I agree to your point of view. Maja ma yet to watch, but thanks to you gonna watch it soon!

  15. You just reminded me that I missed out on a very good movie in my own post. Maja Ma was definitely a great watch and I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to explore this genre

  16. I am surprised and appreciate indian cinema to focus on queer stories, as it’s important to spread tbe awareness

  17. ARTS have always opened the doors of social changes. I think even the ending of Sharmila Tagore's latest movie, Gulmohar, also ends on a similar rainbow love romance. Perhaps, you would like to see that as well.

  18. To answer your question, yes I have met people from the LGBTQ community very early in my life. My kathak dance teacher was one and we never looked at him differently. We had immense respect for him. There have been several others over the years. And Neeta I am glad that these movies changed your perspective about them and I appreciate your honesty admitting that you weren't comfortable. Btw, u must watch Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. I have a feeling it will change your perspective more.

  19. I haven't watched any of these movies. However I have noticed a shift in OTTa series. Some or the other characters belong to the LGBTQ community in every series. It's high time we normalize everything.

  20. It is high time such closeted things come out in the open so that diversity in all its forms is embraced by the world. Yes, pop culture is one of the most impactful ways to bring such concepts into mainstream. My only fear is that pop culture often scratches only the surfaces and leaves out the more painful and difficult undercurrents of any issue because of which lessons are not learnt maturely. For example, in Sonam's movie, her glamour is on the forefront. What about those who are not as beautiful or glamourous as she is? The average lesbian or gay person on the street? Yet, these movies are great starting points. We, as common people, must delve deeper and learn to accept all forms of diversity including the unpleasantness. And that is the true challenge to overcome.

  21. I would applaud you’d honesty and highlighting the way you felt on this subject and now I m glad to know that your mind is undergoing a transformation to with the help of these incredible movies made these days.

  22. It is such an important time with people actually being allowed to now embrace who they really are, and it is good that there is now more awareness, and hopefully increasing acceptance.

  23. Good ones. I did not like Gulmohar because I felt Sharmila Tagore role was forced fit to show LGBTQ. I believe in the name of awareness we athe movies and serials are going overboard

  24. Neither I dislike lgbtq people nor I like talking about them. My reason is completely differently ... I believe they are just like we all and normal people, discussing them and celebrating PRIDE months for me is like making them feel they are different and pointing it out. We all have different set of feelings and so are they... then why to present it differently.

  25. Studying in an all-girls school has shaped my mind today to respect other's as what they are no matter what. Living in a close-minded society, I do understand the difficulty those members of the LGBTQ are experiencing. I guess, it helps that one more soul on earth understands and respects them. - MommyWithAGoal

  26. I've watched Maja Ma & Badhai Do and accept that both movies did justice to the LGBTQ theme. It will take time but people will accept LGBTQ couples.

  27. It's good that movies could change your mind, dear. They are as normal as we are. We should respect their preferences and understand that they cannot help the way they are.

  28. I have watched Badhai DO and I loved the roles played by Rajkumar and Bhumi. Really the plot was too good and very educative. Rest two movies will watch soon. Thanks for such amazing feedback. We need to change our views towards LGBT community.

  29. I have watched Majja Maa and it is really good. We need more movies like these so that people are more aware of LGBT community. I will surely check out your recommendations.

  30. The blend of comedy and drama in ‘Badahi Do’ made it so engaging. Loved the way it addressed societal issues!

  31. I was sad to read words like 'Yuk' associated with LGBTQ couples in the beginning of your post but I'm glad you have changed your mind. I am keen to watch Majaa Ma.


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