Thursday, 18 January 2024



Support that every mom needs

We moms are always in a roller coaster. Whether it is every day school, Every day tiffin for Mr. Hubby, bath and feed to your little one, feeding the elder one in a family and...list will go on and on ......

Roller coaster ride. 

We all need our support system. Every mom should have at least one support system to PAUSE, REFRESH and to RESTART.

But the question is how ?

A support system is actually a person with whom you can relax, cry, laugh, travel, have fun and recharge yourself. 

We have to find one person who brings joy to our face. 🥰

Why is this Support System required?

In simple terms to maintain our mental health. 


It is very important to take care of our mental health as we are catering to many services of mom, wife, daughter in law, chef, laundry woman, decorator, party organisers, nutritionist and many more.

The more responsibility the more mental load. 

And so we need our support system.


1) Reduce stress :

Our support system helps in reducing anxiety and stress. Just spending time with your loved one increases your happy hormones and so is the mood.

2) Build Self Esteem:

While juggling with an all-to-do list our self esteem goes down. Sometimes we didn't recognise ourselves and so we are on the verge of losing ourselves.

Our support system, the one with whom we can talk, share our stress and take help as much as possible to rebuild our self esteem.

3) Emotional Support

We go through many emotional turmoil and all we need is one friend who understands our emotions and feelings. To vent it out we need that support. This supports not only lift you up in your difficult time but also being your guide and showing us the correct way.

4) Motivator 

Our support system is the one where we can find our motivation. The one person who motivates us thoroughly without any selfishness. Our support will aways tried hard to reach us at our destination. No matter how difficult the journey this motivator always Patt you and makes you ready for the ride.With this support we can reach out to our potential.

5. Improve health

With the right kind of support system our physical as well as emotional health also start healing and so improve our well-being.

We feel we are healthy and Happy.

I personally found the support system always boosted.  I have support system - Mr.Hubby, my friend and my daughter. With these people I overcome my depression. Found my way of living life and let out my stress in proper way. 

You are not alone. We all moms once goes through the depression, anxiety and our harmonal started to imbalance and that turned badly on our health. 


So find your support system which is always around you. Feel free to share your load with them and take care of yourself.

Question of the day.

We have different support system at different phase of life. Which one is the best support system you have in your life?

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

This blog post is a part of the blog challenge ‘BlogaberryDazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.


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©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Not only moms, even dads can do what they do because of the support they have. It's just that dads have support automatically but we have to fight for it sometimes...

  2. every one needs a support system to back them up. new mothers, need all the more support to get through experience of motherhood for the first time.

  3. Beautifully put. It's quite amazing how you brought attention to moms, most of the times we take her for granted. But she is also human and needs a support system, more so if she has stayed at home all her life looking after us.

  4. Support system is a definite need to healthy and happy.

  5. My husband, my parents and my books. My three emotional supporters
    Nicely expressed your thoughts on support in the post

  6. My biggest support system is my mom, I couldn't feel any relaxed unless I share my XYZ'S with her.

  7. A very helpful and supportive posts for the mothers . I just love your thoughts and appreciate it.

  8. It's wonderful that you've found a strong support system to navigate through challenging times. Each phase of life indeed brings different support systems. As for me, the only support system in my life has been my husband who have consistently been there for me.

    Your reminder about the importance of having a support network is valuable. It's crucial to recognize and appreciate those who stand by us during various life stages. Keep sharing positive vibes!

  9. Thoughtful post... well done Neeta 👍

  10. What a touching reflection on the ups and downs of motherhood and the necessity of having a support system! I completely agree that navigating through the myriad responsibilities of being a mom can be overwhelming, and having someone to rely on can be incredibly comforting.
    Thank you for sharing your insights!

  11. Having a support system is crucial, no matter where you are in life. my best support system has to be my husband! always there to listen, encourage, and lift me up when I need it most.

  12. My support system is always my friends. Yes indeed, for physical and mental health, a support system is a must and a good one at that.

  13. My support system was my parents, my daughter, and my work. We all need support and most of the new Mom, who has so much going on and have no experience in dealing with it.

  14. It's so true that as mothers/women, we often juggle many roles and responsibilities and having someone to lean on can make all the difference. For me, my best support system has been my partner, who has been my pillar of strength through thick and thin.

  15. Very well penned. Loved how you have included things that most of us feel. My support system is my husband.

  16. As a mom, this post really hits home. It's so true that motherhood is like a never-ending roller coaster. Having a support system is so important for our mental health. It's like having a friend to laugh, cry, and recharge with. My sister is my support system and I am for her 😁. Thanks for reminding us how important it is to take care of ourselves amidst all the responsibilities.

  17. Yes Neeta, everyone needs a support system but women the most as we do the most multitasking. For me having good friends is crucial as time spent with them automatically takes away the stress from our lives.

  18. Books, music, partner, parents and friends. These are my support systems. I always turn to books first for any kind of emotional support

  19. Every person needs a support system, to speak our heart and mind we need a blessing and we need to cherish them and replicate the solace they give us.

  20. Thats a wonderful post and it is much needed so we could be thankful for the support system we have.

  21. We all need a support system. You are indeed blessed. My support system is my mom. My brother and sister in law. My friends. And the horde of cousins who always have my back.

  22. My support system has been yoga. I firmly believe that it is the best for your mind body and soul. You are lucky to have the support of your husband and friends. Stay blessed

  23. I agree we all need support system in every phase of our lives but support system as our parents are always there in each every phase.

  24. Every mother needs a support system be it new mom or anyone they need a proper support system. For me it's definitely mom

  25. I absolutely agree with you - a support systems is an absolute necessity for everyone. Your well-being and sense of okay-ness is deeply supported by this structure.

  26. I agree every person needs a support system, especially mothers. For me, my daughters become my moral support and energy booster.

  27. I completely agree with you on the importance of a support system.


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