Thursday, 28 September 2023

Things I Am Loving Lately ( September Edition )


Have you noticed only 3 months left for the  year end.  I feel like just Ganeshotsav starts and now there are many more  festivals are on the way.... time flew so fast !


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Grateful to the all good and bad moment for the entire 8 months of the year. The grief of my father, an emotional rollercoaster, getting up a new routine, changing life in many more ways and Love from the family I am getting.

Over the years I leared when you acknowledge the small things you can feel self love and radiatie the same love. I also learnt to  accept the things the way they are coming to me rather than indulging on my self expectations. 

For 2 years I have been completely immersed in motherhood not having "My Life",  Like pregnancy and then postpartum I can't remember when was the last time I was ready with all make up and all (lipa poti )😆

This festival season I wanted to take care of myself first. Because  my daughter asked several questions like why you don't dress up like other moms? Why is your hair so messy?  

Finally taking this on a serious note  I changed my wardrobe. I haven't wear a suit probably for the last 3 years. This time I have it in my wardrobe and now I am loving it.

Things I am loving lately September Edition: 

Kurta Set from  the brand Klosia .

This one with Floral Prints and festive too.

And this black one too with dupatta. All these are on deal and below INR 1000 /

Because I realised I like to wear only cotton and comfortable clothes irrespective of the trend😆 Comfort is my new fashion. I had 3 sets and now wanted to stock up almost 5 colours. Are you a suit person or Western one ? 

  The Date Syrup 

As a toddler mom I have to cook variety of baby food and I don't use sugar for them. In the same way I am trying to minimise my sugar consumption too. 

Earlier I used to make date syrup at home. But now with increasing task it is better to purchase store bought. I have been using this from last 3 months and I love it. It is natural sweetener with no added sugar. I am adding it in halwa, porridge, oats and to my Coffee too. 


Though I am a tea lover but constant nagging of Mr. Hubby I have decided to lower my tea / sugar intake. Generally I had 4 cups of tea ☕ in whole day - With snacks always. You know breastfeeding moms are hungry in every 2 hours. I want to get rid of this habit. So I am slowly switching to Coffee. ( I know this is also not healthy 😜) 

One mug of coffee like the star bucks version at home and actually I am full . I didn't even drink 1 cup of tea at all. 

I am loving it.

  Trolly suitcase Bag 

I like it specially for light weight and 28 ltr capacity. It is laptop friendly too. We are currently not having any suitcase which fits our family clothes. Instead of keeping multiple bags I choose this one. I love it because we can piles up many clothes 😜

   Hair dryer 

Washing hair and drying it is a major task on my to do list. You know with a toddler taking out time for a bath is difficult. And then drying hair is another task. Earlier I don't like to use hair dryer instead I like to dry up hair naturally under fan or in sun. 

But life lately is full of chaos. Switching to this hair dryer make me less irritate. It is also helpful to dry up my daughter curly hair which took lots of time generally.

   The Journey through the time ( 7 to 12 years age ) 

This is our new edition to my daughter shelf. She already read the series of Stilton. Now she wanted to more and more .

Currently it is her favourite book . And mine too. ☺️

And I am reading the Harry Potter Series and No drama Discipline.

PS :

Gratitude List for the months of September: 

Reading : Our reading is increasing . Our means my family, yes. I read aloud to my twins, my daughter is reading now her books apart from study and me trying to read at least 5 to 6 pages.  

Writing a little bit on a daily basis for my blog. It keep me sane and happy.

Learning new skills from you tube tutorial regarding my blogging. I never took it seriously because I love to write from my heart and not from the SEO parameters. Still learning 😆

Dressing up,  Off course anyone love to dress up. But currently taking care to dress up properly. So that keep dress handy and ready in short organised way ,,,😜

Our new home : It is a blessing. I feel it is safe and full of positive vibes. My daughters are more happy and mostly we have giggles throughout the day. 

Food : And off course having food on our plate. This is basic but having home made food is also a blessing. Bless that I am able to cook and have a healthy meal thrice a day.


Follow MemoryFlies on Instagram 


Question of the day.

What is your favourite thing for this month? 


This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. You have a nice blog. I am glad I found it :)

  2. My favorite thing for this month is the time off from work and gadgets. Taking time off with my son and going to the beaches. Nice post. Thanks for writing.

  3. I am going to borrow some of your ideas :) At 59, and living alone, I keep looking for interesting things to do so Thank you for the ideas.

  4. Your gratitude list for September is marvellous. We forget that all the little things are the happiest parts of our life. I would certainly like a new suitcase to travel to new destinations and also a cup of coffee is welcome anytime.

  5. Hi Neeta, I am glad to see that you give importance to your kids like and dislikes about you, very few mom does and those who I respect them a lot. Its good to wear outfits which your kids will love to see you wearing but dont miss wearing what you used to like.Make a mix and match of it. Secondly 4 cups of tea/coffee is not at all good for health....try to reduce it to 2 . The same trolley bag of same color I have and its handy. Similar problem I too have with my hair, but still not switched to dryer although have 2 gifted ones in my cupboard. Lets see how long I can pursue for natural drying. Writing from heart is important as that gives a personal touch to the content but its equally important to take care of SEO to make it reach to more people. All in all an eventful September for you.

  6. Sometimes it is the simple and practical things that give us the most happiness. It is lovely to see your daughters grow and read about them. God bless you all.

  7. This was summed up very nicely, I know being a busy mom often lets u forget about urself and our kids are the little helpers around who want to see us all Glam up.

  8. Wow, it sounds like your year has been quite the ride! From the ups and downs to embracing self-love and acceptance, it's all part of the journey, right? I love how you've decided to change your wardrobe and rock that Kurta set for the festival season. Your daughter's questions must have been adorable motivators😊
    Cutting back on sugar is a smart move, and that date syrup obviously is a sweet solution. And don't worry about switching to coffee; it's all about finding what works best for you. Keep up the positive changes, and thanks for sharing your September favorites.

    1. Yes Anjali our kids constantly observing us.

  9. I can relate to your preference for comfortable clothing. Cotton and comfort all the way! Fashion should make us feel good and at ease.

  10. As always so sweet n so much from the heart Neeta. I'm sure you read my September blog so you know how my month was. I'm happy that you are trying to look less messy... it is very difficult with a toddler and twins but kudos to you for trying to revamp your wardrobe. Would like to see you inone of those suits. Btw, I am a western outfit person.. I wear Indian only ocassionally.
    ... kaveri

    1. Earlier I am western outfit person. Now I want to make some changes

  11. Of all the things that you shared Gratitude is what caught my eye. If you practice gratitude, everything will come in full circle.

  12. Just loved the list. And your salwar collections look may be our dressing sense could be similar.

  13. Loved the simplicity of the post, Neeta. We rarely realize the simple things that give us happiness or just make this easy. Congratulations on the new house. Sounds perfect!

  14. Happy to see you buying some pretty dresses for yourself and enjoying your time doing productive things. I used date syrups for my kids too.

  15. I would love to pick up No Drama Disciplines. Also I am a coffee lover although its not healthy. And I too got the vega hair drier last month after I lost my older one. Sharing gratitude is very important and you did it well, my friend!

  16. As the year ends too many things happening. For me it's the birthdays and celebration that keeps me busy. And travel plans ofcourse. But I really like the part the little things that we ay not think about but that plays an important role I'm creating happiness.

  17. ahhh the comfort of wearing cotton suits!!! nothing like that. I am at point of life I opt for cotton suits rather than jeans.

  18. It's so good to write a gratitude post because it makes us practice mindful living. So glad you finally found "me time" this month. Don't give it up. And best wishes for the coming months :)

  19. Lovely balance of time and energy! I'm sure you feel so great for achieving so much in a month. MommyWithAGoal

  20. That was nice to read. Sorry for your loss. It's something one has to face at one time or the other.
    On other note, I love Urban platter products. Their milk and all. I am very excited for the Durga Puja season. Hopefully you will be able to start enjoying again ❤️

    1. Yes, trying to get out from the emotional rollercoaster.

  21. Your list is quite long but really essential

  22. I really enjoy reading these posts of yours Neeta - it's such a candid glimpse into your life. I'm both a suit and western kind of person!


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