Friday, 28 July 2023

Life Lately July

 Hi, there,

I hope you all are fine. We all are still juggling. 

It is the last week of July 2023 and we are in our baby steps. On 1st July we enter in this new house and mentally prepared for new home and new challenge on a positive note.😃 There is no such thing --- no, but gradually I am learning to take every step slowly with positive mindset. It doesn't mean you have to be happy. I am trying to minimise my irritation and negativity. It is really difficult where you have to unpack your whole house, the elder ones new school, study, exam, twin toddlers and Mr. Hubby. Hussshhh.... !

Life Lately by MemorynaFiles

We decided to go as slowly as possible. It is one of the phases which will fade away not very soon but yes, it will. I love to arrange a home but with twin toddlers it is quite tough. Then I thought these were the precious memories of my twins. They will be growing up here ! That's why I am updating my life Lately on my blog. MemoryFlies 😊

We shifted to a new house, a new city, new surroundings and new people. This is our 4th shift and I think it will be the last and best. Yep, with the best mindset life will be best. What do you think?

The things we learn about people and neighbours. No matter wherever you go, wherever you stay in a high standard locality or middle class or lower middle class, you will get the same ( worse ) kind of people. Only 30% can be kind and helpful.

So the lesson learnt is not to have any expectations with anyone. No need to be kind to unkind people. Just to have causal meetings and try to avoid as much as you can except social gatherings.

Life Lately is having twin toddlers who are in the climbing stage and constantly putting fingers in electric holes. Have to arrange furniture accordingly so that they will be safe. 

Life Lately

Currently my TV wall unit looks like this. Not yet properly arranged but will get soon.


The kitchen is a disaster right now. Arranged basic utility so that I am able to cook three meals.

This is my pantry, I always wanted to have a pantry in my kitchen and so finally got it. I hope I will organise as soon as possible. 

Basically this is a non modular kitchen which is small but I love it because it is more functional and keeps me in my minimalistic nature. 

Yes! I am Grateful:

Grateful to have a roof, food and water.

Grateful to have a pollution free atmosphere.

Grateful to have peaceful surroundings.

Grateful to have accessibility to each tiny thing. 

Currently reading :

To my toddlers only, 😊

These are favourite ones.

Toddlers reading

Helping my elder one because this time her board has changed and so it is new for her and for me too.

Currently Watching

I love to binge on Netflix but unable to watch as I did not get any ME time. Still I am watching YouTube videos to get more inspiration to carry on homemaking. 

My favourites are : 

Old World Home

I love to watch English one because they do not have any drama on their channels. 

I watched her for the last 8 years and still she is my favourite. Inspired me a lot to be healthy and happy. Which one is your favourite? Comment below.

Currently Favourite Food: 

Nothing right now. But yes I am into feeding my family healthy food as much as possible. So currently my favourite foods are Ragi, Carrot and beet.

I am adding these to every food item. And trying to make new dishes.

Currently mood

Tired, and want to go out on a walk for at least 30 minutes. 

But unable.... 

Instead trying to move my body on zumba move😃 once in a week at least for 15 min. 😂

Currently I love to talk with my daughter. We got the time to chat at night only when we are on our bed and constantly talking with each other. She love this time and me too. Sometimes I have to tell her go to sleep because she is not a morning person. And I also allow her to have a complete sleep.

My life Lately is quiet challenging. Because there are still boxes to unpack, the wardrobes are waiting to be wiped down, unpacking of clothes, still the drillings are pending, still kitchen need to streamlined.... And blaa....blaaa....blaaa...

Life Lately

One of most precious thing is my three daughters are happy and able to cope up with this new shift. New change in everyday routine, seasonal change and off course the sleeping room change.

Questions of the day

How do you tackle the shifting? Does it drives you madly or you taking it slowly?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. Moving can be quite an adventure! I hope this new place brings you all the happiness and peace you deserve.

  2. I have shifted only 4 or 5 times in my life. I am 59 now and shifted alone. The fatigue has ended me in anxiety and stress. Hats off to you doing it with kiddos

  3. Shifting with kids isn't easy and now since you have crossed that unpacking is a totally big challenge cause you dunno where to place the stuff what will look good there and all these. All the best with the set up take it step by step in that way you won't feel exhausted

  4. Shifting houses is a task that drains every single drop of our energy. Arranging the house after shifting will exhaust whatever is left behind. Wishes to you to be able to regain the energy and start afresh

  5. I loved your photo wall and each of the memory files that you have saved. I loved your optimism. Soon you will be able get back to your routine

  6. Twin toddlers, that's quite a handful for you. Also, you have managed an incredible lot of work after shifting. Glad you got a pantry, I think that's every kitchen lover's delight. Happy settling in.

  7. Shifting houses is a taxing process both physically and mentally, and with two toddlers in tow, I can imagine the work load! But I am so happy that you are taking it all in your stride, doing things at your own pace without compromising on your mental health and even taking time out for some zumba. All the best Dear and Happy house warming !

  8. Your post beautifully reflects the challenges and triumphs of adjusting to a new home and city with a positive mindset. It's relatable and heartwarming to read about your journey. Your gratitude at the end is a lovely touch.

    1. Finding way to simplify life and sharing it so that it can helps to struggling mom's.

  9. you describe each one of us. no matter what we try people are going to judge you, and your current house state is that of rest of us. we can never be the spotless as we see on social media.

  10. My my Neeta... it was already admirable how you were juggling between your daily chores and your 3 daughters... now the shifting! Shifting is a nightmare even if its intercity.... yours is to a new city altogetger... hats off to you for taking it so positively.
    I love the part in your blog where you talk about the current happenings in your life... they're veryyyy sweet.

    1. Yes, it is nightmares. You have to accept it.😆

  11. Being a fauji, we used to change houses quite a lot. We were lucky because the neighbors were faujis too. My suggestion is taking your time settling in. Do the important things first and other can be done later.

  12. Love your article and would probably make one, monthly as well, just for the sake of sharing how life really is. I love the positivity you share on this and how grateful you are with life. To share bits of how my life is lately, we're currently near the end of our 2-week vacation in our home country. It could be an exciting comeback to Singapore next week as our eldest have her First Holy Communion and the girls gets back to school (finally after 3 months of vacay) and I get to have my tiny bits of quiet time to do my own thing as well.=) Hope to get my coaching business up and going to be able to inspire and help other women find clarity in life and what they want to pursue in life. - MommyWithAGoal

    1. All the best. Thank you for being here. Sharing positivity is the only way we install positive approach in others life.

  13. That nice you have taken up place change and tackled it with toddlers so well. Ragi and beets make food healthy for toddlers go for roasted ragi sprouts powder it is a super food for toddlers.

  14. Congratulations on your new home and the start of this exciting journey. It's inspiring to see your positive outlook despite the challenges that come with moving, especially with twin toddlers. Your determination to minimize irritation and negativity is commendable. I can imagine that life with twin toddlers in the climbing stage is an adventure in itself, and safety is a top priority. Keep arranging that furniture strategically! And it's heartwarming to hear that your daughters are adjusting well to this new chapter in your lives. Here's to embracing the changes and making wonderful memories in your new home!

  15. Life is a journey and it goes at its own pace with ups and down when and where required to make our life meaningful. Yes, shifting is not just a hectic and tedious job but in some situations it turns irritating when it happens to many times. I handled 4 shiftings and each one with a different set of story. Preplanning and the assistance of a good movers and packers will decide how the shifting experience will be for you.

  16. I am shifting in this month because I left my job and want to concentrate on my passion. But I need to earn money as a freelance as well. So, I am shifting to my sister's house. I can understand your situation and I am sure you will be settle soon.

  17. It does take a lot of effort and time to make the new place as your home after shifting. In such tiring situation also you write and write positive is so inspiring.

  18. Your post reminded me of my childhood. As a kid, we used to love moving to new places and exploring them. But I can understand the amount of work it involved for mom.

  19. I wish to give you a warm hug. A very honest post. Do not give yourself a deadline. Take it slow and steady and enjoy this phase. Since you are doing it with so much love and passion, very soon you will realize you are all set.

  20. I hate shifting. We had to shift during covid and it was terrible. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you with 3 kids and toddler twins at that. With all that, you have still managed this much, hats off!! Best wishes and congratulations on your new home. May it bring you good luck!

  21. Moving is hard! It's really commendable how you are managing three kids! And yes, organise that cute pantry! I would love to have one too!

  22. Moving can be such a challenge, right? I have to hand it to you for handling three kids during all this! Count me in! I'd absolutely love to have one too!

  23. Hats off to you Neeta! Seems like a tough time... I hope you've been able to get through it.


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