Friday, 28 July 2023

Life Lately July

 Hi, there,

I hope you all are fine. We all are still juggling. 

It is the last week of July 2023 and we are in our baby steps. On 1st July we enter in this new house and mentally prepared for new home and new challenge on a positive note.😃 There is no such thing --- no, but gradually I am learning to take every step slowly with positive mindset. It doesn't mean you have to be happy. I am trying to minimise my irritation and negativity. It is really difficult where you have to unpack your whole house, the elder ones new school, study, exam, twin toddlers and Mr. Hubby. Hussshhh.... !

Life Lately by MemorynaFiles

We decided to go as slowly as possible. It is one of the phases which will fade away not very soon but yes, it will. I love to arrange a home but with twin toddlers it is quite tough. Then I thought these were the precious memories of my twins. They will be growing up here ! That's why I am updating my life Lately on my blog. MemoryFlies 😊

We shifted to a new house, a new city, new surroundings and new people. This is our 4th shift and I think it will be the last and best. Yep, with the best mindset life will be best. What do you think?

The things we learn about people and neighbours. No matter wherever you go, wherever you stay in a high standard locality or middle class or lower middle class, you will get the same ( worse ) kind of people. Only 30% can be kind and helpful.

So the lesson learnt is not to have any expectations with anyone. No need to be kind to unkind people. Just to have causal meetings and try to avoid as much as you can except social gatherings.

Life Lately is having twin toddlers who are in the climbing stage and constantly putting fingers in electric holes. Have to arrange furniture accordingly so that they will be safe. 

Life Lately

Currently my TV wall unit looks like this. Not yet properly arranged but will get soon.


The kitchen is a disaster right now. Arranged basic utility so that I am able to cook three meals.

This is my pantry, I always wanted to have a pantry in my kitchen and so finally got it. I hope I will organise as soon as possible. 

Basically this is a non modular kitchen which is small but I love it because it is more functional and keeps me in my minimalistic nature. 

Yes! I am Grateful:

Grateful to have a roof, food and water.

Grateful to have a pollution free atmosphere.

Grateful to have peaceful surroundings.

Grateful to have accessibility to each tiny thing. 

Currently reading :

To my toddlers only, 😊

These are favourite ones.

Toddlers reading

Helping my elder one because this time her board has changed and so it is new for her and for me too.

Currently Watching

I love to binge on Netflix but unable to watch as I did not get any ME time. Still I am watching YouTube videos to get more inspiration to carry on homemaking. 

My favourites are : 

Old World Home

I love to watch English one because they do not have any drama on their channels. 

I watched her for the last 8 years and still she is my favourite. Inspired me a lot to be healthy and happy. Which one is your favourite? Comment below.

Currently Favourite Food: 

Nothing right now. But yes I am into feeding my family healthy food as much as possible. So currently my favourite foods are Ragi, Carrot and beet.

I am adding these to every food item. And trying to make new dishes.

Currently mood

Tired, and want to go out on a walk for at least 30 minutes. 

But unable.... 

Instead trying to move my body on zumba move😃 once in a week at least for 15 min. 😂

Currently I love to talk with my daughter. We got the time to chat at night only when we are on our bed and constantly talking with each other. She love this time and me too. Sometimes I have to tell her go to sleep because she is not a morning person. And I also allow her to have a complete sleep.

My life Lately is quiet challenging. Because there are still boxes to unpack, the wardrobes are waiting to be wiped down, unpacking of clothes, still the drillings are pending, still kitchen need to streamlined.... And blaa....blaaa....blaaa...

Life Lately

One of most precious thing is my three daughters are happy and able to cope up with this new shift. New change in everyday routine, seasonal change and off course the sleeping room change.

Questions of the day

How do you tackle the shifting? Does it drives you madly or you taking it slowly?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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