Wednesday, 12 October 2022

My diaper experience

Many times I have been told do not use diapers it is not good, Meanwhile me, yes ! I know it. 

But with twins there is no other way. Everything you have to do double. You have one potty but I have two at a single time. And in a day it might be 12 times😁 so what do you think ? 

Diapers specially disposable makes mommy's life little bit easier. Can have some kind of mental peace and for me physical too😇 where you do not want to clean the panties or clothes multiple times. And the floor mess is another headache. So I always prefer a rule : 

"Eikave janache karave manache " - (means ) - Listen everyone, but prefer to do what your heart say! 

There are some mommies who also ask me several questions on diaper. I am using diapers for my babies from 9 months. Fact I did not use diapers for my first daughters😊. So, here I am sharing my diaper experience. You may get the answer for your queries. So let's start the post.

Q. Disposable diapers are good for baby ?

Ans: No. Disposable diapers are not good for babies. They contain chemical which is harmful to baby's delicate skin. 

But, if you use it cautiously it will not going to harm.

Q. Can we use diapers for new born?

Ans : Yes, Doctors advise to use diapers. ( in hospital stay only). 

Q. How to choose disposable diaper?

A: Disposable diapers came with every size on the basis of baby weight. Choose the diaper according to your baby weight. It will fit exactly. Always remember diaper should not be too tight nor be too loose.

Q. Is there different type of diaper for girls and boys?

A : Nowdays we get unisex diaper. Choose these so that anyone boy baby or girl baby can wear it.

I am using the above one. These are best diapers for my babies. 

Q. How to wear diaper to baby?

A : On every diapers there are written instructions with pictures. You can check the front side and back side - written on the diaper. Use that  pictorial information and wear it. 

Put your baby on dry sheet so that potty or urine will not make bedsheets dirty. Pick the leg slightly up and insert diaper as you wear a panty.

Q. What kind of precautions should we take while using a diapers?

A : Put the diaper on clean and dry area.

Put coconut oil or Vaseline before every new diaper. Keep your baby diaper free almost for the hour. That area should also get air and sunlight.

Q. How much time we should keep the baby in diapers?

A : As much as possible keep your baby diaper free. Use diapers which can absorb 12 hours. Put that kind of diaper at night time only. In a day time try to change it frequently. There is one line on diaper which indicate the sign of diaper change. Always check that.

You may like to read :

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Q. How to avoid rashes?

A : Diaper rash is the common problems. But if you take following precautions your baby will not have any diaper rashes.

1. Make a habit to quick change the diaper after every potty. Do not dry the potty inside the diaper. 

2. Always wash the potty area with clean water and soft clothes or cotton. If baby is newborn use cotton. 

3. Wash the potty area after every urine passage too. Means if baby's diaper is heavy due to only urine. Try to wash the area with plain lukewarm water.

4. Make sure to air dry the area. Then apply coconut oil or Vaseline or diaper rash cream.

Then put the diaper.

This gyan is from my diaper experience😀. My twinnies are 9 months old and I am using diaper since one day when they were born. We still not have any kind of issue. 

Hope this post is useful to you, moms. If not then please share with the needy one.

Share your diaper experience in the comment section below.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Baked Happily Ever After.

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. what I believe is using any product for not just kids even for adults, especially senior citizens in a sensible manner will keep us on bay from many problems. Diaper is not bad but minimum use is always ok

  2. Well written blogpost on the things to do while using diapers.

  3. This is such a useful post for newbie mommies. I have used diphers and totally for it as it has made my life much easier.

    1. New moms get confused after listening tons of DO'S and dont's. Thanks

  4. Every product has its advantages and disadvantages. With twin babies, it is only fair that you use diapers. The idea is to use them correctly.

  5. Diapers are veryyyy convenient unlike cloth napkins. I think u made the right decision Neeta to use them from day 1. With twins I can imagine how difficult it gets for you... more power to you💪

  6. Diapers are a huge relief for mothers but must be used cautiously. Right size and of course safety must be given importance. This seems like a good brand.

  7. Enjoyed the Q&A style of presenting the information. Nice quote - you be you - #Authentic

  8. Taking care of twins is so difficult. My sister has twins though now they are 16 years old already we know the difficulties she went through while they were small and your diaper tips are perfect for new mommies whether having twins or not.

  9. This looks like a great diaper for babies. Will try it for my little one.

  10. That is quite an honest view and it is unfair to judge someone without being in their shoes. The tips you shared would be very useful for new parents.

  11. Diapers are a huge relief for mothers but must be used cautiously. Extra Virgin coconut oil is best for diaper rash or whenever changing diapers. Bless your kids.

  12. I'll remember to share this post with any new mommies I know :)

  13. Even I have heard such things from elders specially, but I had put my daughter on diapers and it had never caused any issues

    1. Great. We should do what is best for us and to our baby.

  14. Amazing tips, very useful for new moms.

  15. My number one rule of thumb I learned since becoming a mom and will always advise other moms too is to always go for whatever is available and convenient for you to do/use. While there's much of other's opinion, it's always you and your baby's/in your case, twins, that needs the most attention. Glad you've find your ways to make your motherhood experience a joyous one!

  16. i have friends who have had diaper woes with their kids. Glad you took the time to document this from your experience. Iam sure it will be helpful

  17. First of all, congratulations on your twins. And yes!! Twins and no diapers would drive a mom crazy. You have given excellent reasons and tips for new moms.

  18. Congrats on your twins but diapers ka I have no idea. You are so good in explaining them. Lots of Love.

  19. You are so right about doing what works for you. You have shared a comprehensive guide to diapering.


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