Thursday, 9 June 2022

15 Must Have Baby Products With Money Saving Tips

Most of the parents are living in a nuclear family, say about 60% are having a small family. Those who are living with their parents are the luckiest ones. It may have some pros and cons but having family and elder ones around is always helpful. Pregnancy and delivering a baby require lots of money, especially in India. It is always better to save money wherever you can.

PS : Pixababy

When you are in the last trimester and if you are living in a nuclear family then you have to prepare many things for the baby. Although in India our elders tell us not to bring any baby-related things in advance. If you are alone means without elders or family members nearby you, then you have to prepare in advance. Because once you deliver the baby, you will be stuck to the bed and baby. There is always a new requirement and maybe your husband is unable to bring it. To avoid any trouble you have to have these 15 must-have baby products at home in advance.

Now coming back to the point why our elders do not allow us to buy any new things for babies because they believe let baby arrive in this world safely. The earliest, in their era baby mortality rates, are high. But now medicine has cures for everything. So keep positive vibes and if you are the only person in the family then began in advance.

So what actually does the baby need?

I am a second-time mommy so have personal experience. During my first child, I bought a lot of stuff that was not used by us. This time I swap many things with friends and siblings. Actually, our baby doesn't need too many things. 

We are fully captured by social media. 24 hrs scrolling gives tons of products and we are tempted to buy them, as they are available with a single click. 😀 New parents are overexcited and want to give everything to the baby. so they are easily trapped by these advertisements. I don't say every ad is wrong. Yes, there are many companies which give a good product. 

These tips are for minimalist families/budgeted families or those who want to save money. I am not against any other baby-related products. 

Okay. Before buying any new product think twice, yes think twice is it really necessary? Does it really helpful to my baby? Will it go in the long run? 

15 Must-have baby products with money-saving tips.

1. Swaddle : 

We all swaddled our babies tightly so that we can hold them properly. In the market, there are new types of a swaddle, and sleep bags are available.  I prefer to have an old cotton sari which is long enough and we can cut according to our requirements and swaddle our baby.  The baby feels so much more comfortable and sleeps well for at least 3 hours.

2. Godhadi - small baby bed :  

A small baby bed which is made of soft cotton fabric can spread on our mattress. I prefer to have homemade. My Attya (bua) made it from cotton sarees. I think in India everyone has it. Grandma's favorite. Still, if you do not have then get it stitched by your local tailor. Give them some old cotton bedsheets and an old cotton sari or dupatta. Else you can buy it. They are not that much costly. But it depends on where you are buying.

3. Baby Clothes :  

We have rituals to wear only used soft clothes. I have my elder daughter's baby clothes. I do not buy any clothes.😊

Even if you are purchasing try to take cotton and simple clothes. Because a baby is going to sleep most of the time and above that, you are going to swaddle them. So choose soft cotton Zabala only.

You can save tons of money. You can use your sister's or brother's baby clothes. 

4. Cap, socks, and mittens : 

If your baby is born in the winter or rainy season you have to buy it. Try to buy as per season. Do not buy any fancy items which trouble the baby's soft skin. 

5. Nail clipper : 

In the market, there are so many fancy clippers available. Once I purchased but I was not comfortable with that. So try to buy the thing which you are aware of. Newborn's nails grow so quickly and we have to trim them regularly. This is a must-have product. 

6. Soft blanket :

If your baby is a winter baby then purchase a soft blanket. I have one so I used that. You can buy it or prefer to have your siblings one.

7. Cradle : 

Try to take the used one. Because the cradle is going to use from 1months to 7,8 months. I prefer the traditional one. The electric cradle is also useful. But if you want to save money then try to take a used one. I took it from my friend. 

8. Toiletries : 

Baby oil, baby soap, and baby moistures are the only products that are useful. Babies don't need powder and kajal. But I know in India people used it. It is everyone's preference. The money-saving tip does not purchase it.  Whoever coming to see your baby they are going to bring this kit. 😊 

9. Baby Towels : 

In my opinion, you don't need this baby towel. Use old cotton soft fabric. Because though baby towels are new and soft but cotton fabric absorbed water very well.

10. Baby Books : 

There is no need for any toys for babies. They are not that big enough to play with it. Don't waste your money on buying toys. Instead of that buy baby books. 

11. Dry sheets

You must have it. These are available in every size and pocket friendly too.

12. Milk Bottle : 

Only if you are unable to breastfeed your child. And off-course as per your requirement.

13. Diapers: 

If you are okay with cotton langot then keep diapers for travel purposes or use them at night time. This is also as per your preference.

14. Mosquito Net: 

This is the most important product you must-have for babies. 

15. Baby wipes: 

Always use cotton and plain water to wipe the baby bump. Keep baby wipes for traveling. Try to use soft fabric pieces or cotton balls and lukewarm water to wipe. It is always safe for babies.

This is the must-have list for your newborn with tips. Some people prefer to have everything new. Some people are ready to have used products, like me😀. Different people and different choices. But all these are the required items only. Apart from this, there are many products which are not going to use. The above-mentioned products also required lots of money.  You can save money by using above mentioned tips. 

Bonus Tip: We have siblings and each one has kids. We used to swap up almost most of the things including clothes (if they are in good condition). This is the best option to save money. 

If you are in a nuclear family then try to have all these 15 must-have products in advance. So that you and your partner are ready to welcome a newborn without worrying. It will save your time, and money and bring a lot of mental peace.

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Hope this post is useful to new parents and budgeted families. Share it with needy ones. 

Do you have any tips to save money while buying a baby product?  Please comment down.  Do you swap things with your siblings?

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.' 

©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


  1. I am a second time mom too and like you, I too have learnt my lesson of not buying unnecessary things for newborns. There are some practical tips that you have mentioned and I sure we can definitely save some money following those tips :)

  2. Wow, Neeta! I felt as if I was reading how I brought up my babies. I hate wasting money and in my time there were no diapers too. Now the new parents and spoilt for choice. Every day there are new products and the millennials splurge their hard earned money on frivolous things for the baby.Parents buy toys for themselves not for the baby :) I admire your using preused stuff. My DIL has a watsapp group where they exchange baby stuff so that they dont have to buy expensive new products which wont be used again.

    1. Thank you Mam, and yes you said right parents buy toys for themselves. Give me the What's up group number of your DIL😃.I have twins n so my requirements are double.

  3. cradle i didnt use for my second one. rest all i used. good list.

  4. Being first time mom I was always into the thought of saving buy clothes which will come for long use, don't buy unnecessary products. Since kids outgrow clothes very soon I always use to buy a size bigger

  5. Not a mom but these products look really helpful for the newborn baby.

  6. Nicely compiled list of sure new parents will find your post very useful.

  7. Seems like the perfect list for new mother's. Even with elders around it is always better to be prepared. I will forward your post to my friend who is expecting soon

  8. You have compiled the list really well. You are correct about baby toys since newborns don't really need them. All they do is feed and sleep.

  9. This is a great list for new parents- have shared it with my sister in law as well

  10. The comprehensive post you have shared will sure help new parents. So glad to see a more sustainable methods being included.

  11. Much needed post for new mins or moms to be. Love the detailed must haves

  12. Wonderful post, Me being a minimalist since young age, We didn't buy much of these infact we bought only 30% of what you have mentioned, also the things we used were reusable, including Diapers for baby and clothpads or Menstrual cup for my self, Toys- We buy only on Birthday and Diwali, or they are gifted by others, so no wastage at all. :-)

  13. This is a very comprehensive list of items we need for a new baby! I’m sure every mother to be will want to have this list. Brinda ritecontent dot com

  14. Perfect points ! Indeed breast milk is best for kids for their immunity for future. The list is helpful for new parents. Swappingof clothes is good ideato save resources and utilize it inbetter way.

  15. You listed all essentials new baby needs. Loved your money saving tips and products you mentioned here.

  16. Thank you all for reading n appreciating.

  17. My sister needs to see this. She just gave birth to a baby girl

  18. A very comprehensive list indeed.


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