Saturday, 28 March 2020

Lock down- HOLIDAY

Bio- weapon,

Janata curfew,

Clapping at 5.00 pm.

Finally, lockdown for 21 days,

Hussshhhh, we are going through this for months but still not getting out from it. You know the reason why?  It is simply because some of the idiots are not following the simple orders and hence we are on the urge to finding a new case on daily😒

Yes, I know it is very difficult to be inside the home,

Yes, it is very difficult to keep your little ones busy all the time,

Yes, it is very difficult to prepare a new dish as per the demand of the family members,

Yes, it is very difficult to just eat, net-surfing and sleep,

Yes, it is very difficult to do cleaning and cooking continuously,

Yes, it is!!

Mother Nature challenged us, and why not we are the monster who thinks that we are powerful. But this is not the truth, She is the one who can still make us or destroy us. Finally, we are been locked and confronted. If you accept the situation and try to enjoy it, then it will be more relaxing.

No, I am not going to tell you anything about this Covid-19. We are very well equipped with the information that is flooded via What’s App, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, about do’s and don’ts. Yes or not? And what are we doing, without realizing whether it is true or false just forwarding to one another and no one is following anything 😖 Some of them are true and some are false? But what I feel is that we are disturbing ourselves only.

Instead, visit the official websites that are WHO and

Just think that you got the holiday due to Covid-19 and enjoy every bit of the second of this time with your family. Think, which is the last time when you relax and sit with calm? Which one is the last time where you and only your family chilled out? Think which one is the last time where all of your family members are chitchatting with each other?

There are lots of information, educational videos, workout videos, books, which are free and in abundance. We always have complaints that we are not having time to do a little bit for ourselves. So what are you thinking now? Here it is!!  Time and time and time and time. 😊

Do try to utilize this time with freely available information on the internet instead of forwarding just CORONA related messages. And stop spreading stress.

No, I am not going to give you any ideas on how to spend time because we are getting already via what’s App. But one of the most favors of this situation is you are getting free most of everything. There are lots of free PDF versions of children’s and elder's books. Start reading if you are not yet 😕and you can instill the reading habit to your little one.😊 There are lots of indoor games we can play with our family members and can learn new things. Currently, I am learning Mandala art, and what about you? Comment down please, what you are learning right now?

Instead of this pandemic just concentrate what MOTHER NATURE is trying to teach us. She is saying “SLOW DOWN”,

You are not the one who can conquer the whole world. Still, she is the one who can decide how to treat us. Don't forget and slow down your life. Look, how our life is filtering. Understand the real value of each second and love for the family. Every time we as an educated monster are not always right! Mother Nature is the one who can save us or can destroy us if we do not follow her rule.

I don’t want to go in a debate whether it is really a bioweapon or manmade viruses or third world war which is been with person to person at everyone's doorstep.  But trust me, whatever it is, “IT IS”, and we don’t have any other option rather than accept the situation where we can only take precaution otherwise our India will be another Italy. 😑

We all know, what this is!

LUST to conquer the whole world!

And we the normal citizen pissed off without any reason. But who cares? They just want their own power. It may be wrong or right I don't know. And I don't want to get into this subject as it will be given out more debate.

Moreover, I am suggesting, just enjoy this holiday with your family. I know this holiday word sounds more dramatic but if you take it from the heart it will reduce more problems in EVERYONE’s life. It is a chance to have communication with your loved one. It is a time where no one is talking about caste and religion. It is a time where there is not a single case of rape and assault. It is a time where we can have peace by being locked down ourselves inside our home. Everyone loves their own life and want to live it. So don't waste this time and try to make it more fun and loving without stepping out to the world. This is the way to make your valuable contribution to our NATION.

Don’t forget to READ.

What? Books which are available free of cost.

Don’t forget to listen, what?

Music and songs,

Don’t forget to dance with your little one,

Don't forget to have a workout with your spouse. 

Don’t forget to minimize the usage of the Internet so that we are able to restore the internet speed.

Last and very important,

Don't forget to laugh.😄

I hope this pandemic brings you close to your loved one and fill your life with lots of love and happiness. If we think we are happy, we will be happy. There is so much negativity all over the world due to this pandemic. So, be positive and if we all think positively that everything will be fine, then sure it will. Instead of spreading negativity spread happiness by being inside the home with your family. If your family is happy, then the whole world will be happy!!

On this positive note I am signing off,



Saturday, 7 March 2020

HOLI 2020 (Celebration at Western Dance Studio)

Memories are built by the special moment which we spent together with a loved one. We don't remember the days but yes we always remember the person, the feelings with we enjoy every precious moment.  These small memories always bring smiles on our faces.😊

We are blessed to have such friendship among us and despite we are in different age groups but have one thing is common in us AND that one is CRAZINESS.😍😎

It is always best to have crazy friends to do all utpatang😉 things ! And I am blessed to have them. No matter how busy we are but when we called each other for such silly enjoyment we all gather together on a toe, right girls?

We don't need any reason for celebration. Whenever we get a chance we all are ready to mingle together.  Indeed, there is the weekend of two festivals one is “ Women’s Day" and the other one is "Holi” so how can we miss this chance.

We are charged ourselves to have the fun on our trail with our small kiddos.  Love to be small again with our kids and enjoyed some silly games too. 

Holi is one of the best festival among all festivals which is celebrated throughout India united, without having any difference in caste, religion, and gender. From the small kids to the old adults, each one enjoys this festive with full of joy and colours. All of you already aware of how we are celebrating before - Holi in class, school, college, office, workplace, etc. 

I hope this CORONA VIRUS allows our Indian to have this festival celebration.

We have the small one in our silly way.  

We don't know whether our societies will have “HOLI CELEBRATION” or not but we don't want to waste this time and got ready with some color and lots of chocolates. Let me share some Holi celebration glimpse from our dance crew. The sad thing is our king was absent, but we enjoyed every bit of it.

Wishing all of you a very HAPPY and COLOURFUL HOLI.

Wishing all gorgeous women's there  " A HAPPY WOMEN's DAY"  in advance. 

Stay Happy and cheerful always!

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