Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Malvani Fish Curry

Happy Wednesday.

Who don’t like to have sea food in the meal?  I am sea food lover. I like fry fish, especially if it is made by my Mother in Law. Saee is a great Fish eater (knock on the wood plzz). Many of my friends asking for fish curry recipe so today I am sharing my mother in law’s special recipe, an authentic Malvani Fish Curry. She is expert in cooking all malvani fish items. I am still learning from her and hope will make exactly like her.

Serving Size: 6 Adults
Ingredients required:

Fish : Anchovy fish 250 gm
Coconut:  1 cup
Onion: 1 big
Red Chilies: Fistful
Dhania (Coriander) Seeds: 1 tsp
Garlic cloves: 4 to 5
Ginger: ½ inch
Curry Leaves: 4 to 5
Haldi: ¼ tsp
Kokum Petals: 4 to 5
Oil: 2 tsp
Salt: as per taste

Have a step by step pictorial recipe.

We have Anchovy fish (Marathi name – Mandeli), you can take any fish you like. Clean it and washed with running tap water for 3 to 4 times.

Masala preparation:

Grate the fresh coconut, cut the onion into small piece, peal the garlic and cut the ginger in small piece. Sankeshwari Red Chilies are used for malvani fish curries which are not spicy but gives a nice thick red color. Soak these red chillies in water for 5 minutes, remove the stem and cut in to two pieces.

Grind it by using a small amount of water, grind into smooth paste, like this

Heat oil in deep kadhai, put some onions in it and fry till it turns in pink color. Add curry leaves let them crackled

Add grounded paste and stir it for 10 seconds and let the mixture boiled.

Add salt as per taste. 

After that add washed fish. Stir it slowly so that fish get completely mixed with the masala.

Let the mixture boil for ten minutes. Lastly add kokum petals and stir the mixture again n boil for more five minutes.
Fish does not take a lot of time to cook. So take care that it should not overcook too. 
Serve it with plain steam rice or tandalchi bhakari .

Yum yum…….. We have it once in a week with different kind of fishes.

What are your favourite non veg items of the daily meal?

Do you like fish curry or fry fish?

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Learning Activities for Preschoolers

Happy Weekend....

Disclaimer: I am not professional; I am inspired by Montessori Method. This is my experience which is worked for us and wants to share with you. Depend on your child’s interest, you can start with the various activities which keep your toddler active and build confidence within them.

Saee is 2.5 years now; I think it is the right age to start with her the learning activities. She also loves to play with different kind of activities which mumma sets for her, and asking more and more. Montessori is an education method which is based on self-directed activity, hands on learning and collaborative play. These are the basic activities for the children at different ages and to the individual personalities of each child. The main function is to help and allow the child to develop independence in all areas according to his or her inner psychological directives.

I am sharing with you five easy and DIY (do it yourself) learning activities. I set up this activity for saee when she gets up from the nap. I need to demonstrate to her and then let her play with them the way she wants. Because many time kids are not ready to listen to their moms…they want to do in their own way according to their imagination.

Here we go.....

1. Recognition of capital letters

I have book of capital and small letter with pictures like this. I bought word game which had plastic capital letters. Saee love alphabets a lot, she always playing with that. 

I asked saee to recognize the letter and put the plastic letter on that. Like where is A ? A for Apple, and then she put the letter A on that picture.

2. Coin Drop Activity

A small piggy bank which saee like it because it is House. She doesn’t know what is a piggi bank, so I thought to make a DIY with this for her play time. Instead of coin I have made a small square from old box and write numbers from 1 to 10 on them. I asked saee put the numbers 5, then she identified the numbers and put in that house. This is one of the fine gross motor skill activities which improve eye coordination. Kids also learn and able to identified the numbers.

Saee loves this drop game. Sometime I gave her coins too. This is one of quite time activity which kept her engage for a long time and I can relax.

3. Recognize and match the shapes

Saee’s first book was shape book, when she was 11 months old. I made this from using the thick card paper and stick color contact paper. I drew the shapes on the card board and colored them with color pencil. It gets bit challenging for her to match the similar shape with similar color.

I asked saee where is Crescent? she point out and put the same shape on that object. Then I asked her what is the color of square or triangle and then she match the color too.

4. Rice Pouring

This is one of the life skill activities, which enhance fine motor skill. Kids learn how to pour by using spatula and bowl. This is one of the funniest activities which saee loves to do.

I demonstrate only for one time and she said….ata mi karate.. I am using these two bowls. Once she get used to this then I will use other cutlery like small glass, jar, different shapes of cutlery through which she will be able to pour the grains. Yess there was lot of mess sometime ….but doesn’t matter…your child is learning and enjoying…so let them enjoy and ask them to tide up, they love to clean the space.

5. Stickers

Every toddlers love sticker. These are small butterfly, but you can bring different kinds of stickers like star, Barbie dolls, Mickey mouse etc..Depend on your child’s interest. I drew a big triangle and ask saee to stick the sticker inside the triangle. Then I drew circle, square or any shape which she want and she stick the stickers inside the image.

All of these are the Montessori activities. I loves to make different kinds of objects for my kiddo and play with her.

I hope you mummas got some idea with this post and will start the activity with your kids.

Do you inspired by Montessori?

Which one is your child’s favorite playtime activity ?

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