Thursday, 12 November 2015

Happy Diwali 2015

       Dhoom….Dhadam….Dhomm…. its 5.30 a.m. ….and saee wakes up with this firecrackers noise. Yes you are right its Diwali here. She cames to meet u, hugs u, light up your positivity and hopes. Open your door and let welcome her.

Diwali is one of the biggest festival of India. Right beginning from cleaning the house, scrubbing tiles, decorating our home, preparing sweet and traditional meals, and shopping …..list will go on … I love to do each and every thing for diwali. This 2015 Diwali is special for us… because my baby is now toddler and she understands everything. This is first diwali for saee and our new sweet home.We both are happy for … she is constantly asking so many questions like…mummy kai karate, panti ka lavate, pappa kandil ka lavto….bla bla ...bla….. and we both love to answer her. 
Image result for faral image

Dipavali its Sanskrit word, it means Rows of lights.Light is symbol of hope. Diwali is celebrated in all religion . Its bring positivity n spreading a joy. Every house and entire neighborhoods are decorated with candles, earthen lamps and fairy lights on the auspicious moonlight. Rangoli is another special feature. I love to make rangoli and nitin loves to decorate fairy lights.

This is my rangoli simple and sweet.

Saee had tasted first time diwali faral, Oh myyy this girl love Besan ka laddo and chakali …so much. she finished one at a time. No matter she is great eater too…. Knock at the door..

Wish you a very Happy and green Diwali. Today is Padwa, a new year for Maharashtrian people.Wish you all a glorious and victorious year ahead, its new beginning, new learning and new year.
 cheerssss to allllll.....

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Bandh Maitriche

I was thinking from last one and half year to start a blog ….but…don’t know, it didnt happened. Saee my baby girl is now 2 year old so i think its right time to start a blog. And one more thing you can say that I was not getting any inspirational post to make a good start so i decided to start  with this topic.

Inauguration of book

Bandh Maitriche is the small book launched by my hubby Nitin on the decade of their friendship. They all are about 18 people who had joined as a batch on 5 th October 2005 at BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) and now they reached at decade on 5 th October 2015 .You will say what’s in that everyone had a group n everyone enjoyed on their own way….. yup….. But these people are really different and so  I want to start my post with this only. Yes they are friends like a normal group as we all have…..but different….?? What is that difference?????

Ya ya I am coming to the main point…..

Bandh Maitriche…… the book of the memories all of these guys of the last 10 years. Nitin gave everyone three pages to write what they feel about the group and completion of decade. Then he printed all about the groups thought on this book…..its such nice idea to hold your memories….yes or no ? They arranged the picnic with the friends and their families too……but that picnics was not a regular picnic like masti and masti , fooding n all that ….but they had small teeny tiny programmes like games…. Ramp walk,, kusthi, dance n musical competition …..labbblabbbb…….etc……list will not end. This all are throughout the picnic and make sure that each and every member of the group should participate in this programmes.  The most important part of this is that they were filming the video of their picnic, the places they visited.
Cake cutting snap

It was the family get-together on the date 5 october 2015. We cut the small cake and launched the book n dinner.  We had lots of balloons n small cartoon character to entertain the kiddos. And then last but not the list ice cream n kiddos were dancing.
Kiddo snap

The programme is ended up with the photo session with all beautiful ladies n their pretty kiddos…Photosession is not d ending ….all time favorite all this guys wherever they go… they always late or got time out due to this photo session.

Thanku Guys….. for being part of this small get-togethers….. all of you are equally important as the book, the event n the group is incomplete without you.

So here is the big big thanks…and we all ladies expecting that many more programmes will be on the way.

Do u have friends and groups like this?

Do u arranged such type of get-together n party?

I would like to hear from you…..waiting for your comments

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