Sunday, 9 February 2025


21st February was declared International Mother Language Day by UNESCO. I am Maharashtrian, and my mother tongue is Marathi. I am participating in this blog hop where I can share about my MARATHI and some Marathi Poems.

Yes. मी मराठी. 

There are around 140 million people who are Marathi speakers. Nowadays, due to social media, most of the celebrities are pushing to talk in Marathi. And I think that is quite good. Otherwise people use mixture of language (half english - half hindi and half marathi) Yes, there are some apps for marathi stories and kadambari but very few which give quality literature. Nothing beats the Marathi Legends litrature work.


I was surprised to see the status of MY Marathi language until I researched for this blog post.

"Marathi is the language of the Indo-European languages family."

"Marathi is one of the 22 official languages in India."

"Marathi is the tenth most spoken language in the world and the third most spoken language in India."

Okay. It is all about MARATHI. 

From school life, my favorite poet was Shanta Shelke. 

Shanta Shelke was an Indian Poet and Writer in Marathi language. Her work involved poems, stories, composition, translation and children literature. 

Though I didn't understand anything at that time, now as a woman I can understand and relate to every word of her poem. Sharing some of my personal favorite treasures of Shanta Shelke. Trying to translate it in English, not exactly, but yes, nearby.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

What is the birth time of flowers?

When the buds are blooming

Or when the petals are falling,

Looking at the vast blue sky

or mixing with the soil below?

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

Marathi blog post : Marathi Corner

2) झाड ( TREE)

This is one tree that is related to me.

A single breeze passes over it and me.

I like the smell of its flowers.

Can sense the moist illusion.

Places the infant song

At first when it blossomed,

The tree is made from the soil; 

I belong to the tree, and 

then I will end up in the soil.

The lines on the leaves are on my palm.

The roots of the tree become loose.

And the tree is rooted in my blood.

Someday, I will be the tree.

And sing the familiar song 

through the leaves.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

3) आठवण ( MEMORIES) 

Sometimes memory is hidden in the close compartment of the heart.

Sometimes memory is hidden in the spring flowers.

Sometimes memory is hidden in the bottom of the blue ocean.

Sometimes it is hidden in the blossom of Chaitra months.

And the breath is moving all around them like a thick, moist fog.

And from this the smell of memories is spreading like cherry blossom.

Marathi Poems of Shanta Shelke

4)  शोध  (SHODHA)

As the outer realm is shrinking 

As the inner unknown realm is being explored,

And I realized I am unknown to myself.

I don't know my strength, my weakness, or my cowardice; 

constantly surrounded me and my quarrels with myself.

My loneliness in my closed company,

Unable to understand anything,

Only unbearable suffocating in the vast.

I am unfolding inside,

Expanding moment by moment,

Reaching the corner of the inner being,

And with that I am amazed, excited, hurt, and happy.


Every Maharashtrian knows Shanta Shelke and her poems, and I wanted to introduce them to the non-Maharashtrian people. Hope you all liked it.


Reading this poem in Marathi hits differently, but translating it into English is quite difficult. I am glad that I shared it with you all, the Great Shanta Shelke poems. This is my small attempt to introduce one-fourth part of my Marathi literature to you all. 

Question of the day

Which poem touches your heart? Have you read Shanta Shelke poems earlier?


Reference : Wikipedia and Google.


This post is a part of ‘Embrace the Native Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed under #EveryConversationMatters


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Tuesday, 4 February 2025


It's February, and winter is still in the air. Winter cold breeze and hot steaming soup, yummy combination 😋. Everyone loves to have soup, especially in winter because hot soup always boosts up energy and gives warmth.

Soups are nutritious, healthy, and easily digestible for babies, toddlers, and big children. Soup is one form of meal where you can feed many vegetables to your kids as well as adults.


In traditional Indian baby-led weaning, the first food is always soup because it has many benefits.


We moms find it very easy to introduce vegetables in pureed form or in a soup form. We can  introduce one vegetables at a time to our babies. Once they taste in puree form slowly, we can add small, soft chunks of vegetables in soup. It minimizes picky eating habits too.


As a mom the main concern is whatever we are feeding them it should be easily digestible. And SOUPS are the meal which is highly nutritious and digested in tiny tummies.  


Soups are generally made with rice, lentils, pulses, vegetables, and meat. We boil it in water so it has more nutrition. Soup has lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


The liquid soup helps baby or toddler with hydration. Babies who don't like to drink plain water soup are extremely helpful and keep them hydrated throughout the day.


Soup provides relief from cold, cough, congestion in the chest, and fever. Soups made from garlic, ginger, and turmeric can cure cough and cold. When our baby is sick and they don't want to eat any solid food we mom stick to the soup only. This highly nutritious soup keep them tummy full and give relief from the sickness.

Today I am sharing 5 easy and simple SOUP recipe which I have fed my twins in these last 3 years.


1) CARROT -BEETROOT SOUP: (6 months+)

This one was our first baby-led weaning recipe.

Ingredients :

Beetroot - 1/2

Carrot - 1🥕


  • Boil both of them in a pressure cooker for 3 whistles.
  • Grind it after it becomes cool.
  • Ready to serve. 

For 6 months, baby, you do not need to add any spices and salt.



Moong dal: 3 tsp

Carrots: 1 no

Tomatoes: 1 small

Black pepper: 1/8 tsp (8 months onwards)

Salt (12 months onwards)

Ghee 1 tsp 

Water 1 cup


  • Wash and soak moong dal for 30 minutes in tap water.
  • Wash the carrot and tomato very well.
  • Grate the carrot or you can cut it into small chunks.
  • Remove seeds from tomato and cut into small cubes.
  • Mix everything together with a little bit of turmeric powder and 1/4 tsp of ghee.
  • Pressure cook for 4 whistles.
  • Blend it once it gets cold.
  • Heat ghee and give tadka of jeera and black pepper.
  • Ready to serve.

3) CHICKEN SOUP (10 months onwards):


Chicken: 2, 3 big pieces

Onion: 1/2 cup

Ginger- garlic paste: 1/2 tsp

Black pepper: 1 no

Dalchini: small piece 1

Ghee: 1 tsp

Water 1 cup 

Salt: a pinch (12 months onwards)


  • Wash and clean chicken and rub turmeric on it. Keep it for 5 minutes.
  • In the pressure cooker, add ghee. Once it is hot add black pepper, dalchini and fry it little bit till raw smell goes.
  • Add chopped onion and fry till it changes color to pinkish.
  • Then go to ginger garlic paste and fry for a minute.
  • Add chicken pieces and fry till they are coated to the pieces.
  • Now add 1 cup of water and stir it. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and cook for 3 whistles.

Your delicious chicken soup is ready. 


This is not my recipe. I learned it from Instagram.  It is a very simple and delicious recipe. Even we adults can also have this soup.


Broccoli: 4 to 5 florets 

Onion: 1/2 small cuts

Black pepper powder: 1/8 tsp 

Salt (12 months onwards)

Water 1 cup

Ghee: 1 tsp


  • Wash onion and broccoli very well under tap water.
  • Put it in a plate and steam it. Do not boil.
  • After 10 to 15 minutes, remove it from the gas stove.
  • Once it cools down, grind it into a paste.
  • Put another pan on gas stove. Heat ghee and pour this mixture on it. Add water and black pepper powder.
  • Adjust the consistency of water as per your choice.
  • Serve hot with a little bit of fresh malai.

5) MUTTON SOUP  (12 months onwards):

It is also called alani in Maharashtra. It tastes delicious with spices. But I am sharing baby recipes that have no or minimum spices.


Mutton pieces: 4 to 5

Ginger garlic and coriander leaves paste: 1 tsp.

Onion: 1/2 cup chopped 

Black pepper: 1 no

Tejpatta: small piece

Cinnamon: 1/2 inch 

Lemon juice: 1/2 tsp

Turmeric : 1/4 tsp


  • Wash and clean the mutton pieces.
  • Marinate with ginger, garlic, coriander leaves paste, turmeric powder, and squeeze lemon juice.
  • Keeps cover for 10 minutes.
  • Put the pressure cooker on the stove and heat ghee.
  • Add black pepper, cinnamon and tejpatta. Fry it till raw smell goes.
  • Add onion and fry till it changed colour to pinkish.
  • Then add marinate mutton and fry for 5 minutes. Add water, stir well and close the lid. Pressure cook for 5 whistles.
  • Once pressure cooker cool, serve it in a bowl. 
  • Mutton Soup or Alani is ready to serve.

These are common soup but every religion has their own way of cooking. I am Maharashtrian and these is the way I fed my babies. Share it with new moms. 

Question of the day 

Which one is your favourite soup ? 


This blog post is part of ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.


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Memory Flies on Social Media 




Thursday, 30 January 2025


Top post on Blogchatter

Name : The Silk Route Spy : The True Story of An Indian Double Agent 

Author : Dr. Enakashi Sengupta 

Pages : 209

Publisher : Harper Collins Publisher India

Genre : Historical/Non-fiction 


A true story of an Indian Double Agent Spy. Nandlal Kapur was working with the British Government as a spy. They trained him as a silk merchant for cover and he learnt the tricks of the trade on how to be a good spy. As he travels across the land on mission and meets revolutionaries demanding freedom, he decides to do his bit for the country. The extraordinary journey of Nandlal is marked with unpredictablity and danger


This is the first time I am reading a non fiction historical book. I was attracted towards the true story of the Indian Spy and how he puts his life in danger by doing double agent work.

This book has 22 chapters and each chapter has a captivating plot. You can feel the sensation of the burning revolution of India and the dilemma of Nandu to do something for his motherland. 


The writing is evocative, conjuring the sight, sound and emotions of the bygone era.

Though it was 1920 and the flames of revolt against colonial rule engulf the country, Nandu was very clear about his career goals. 

I salute his bravery for doing double agent work by risking his and families life. He is the true patriot and master mind behind the major revolution work.

From Firozpur, delhi, calcutta to Japan his curiosity and the way he evolved was tremendous. Nandlal transformation from the spy to double agent was masterful depiction. It keeps me engrossed with each chapters.

I love the flow of each chapter with the depth description of character and situation. The connection of Nandu with these well developed characters like Asit, Vimal , Ramcharan is impressive. 

MY RATING : 4.5/5 

Grab Your copy here : The Silk Route Spy: The True Story of an Indian Double Agent 

Price : Rs. 194 


Dr. Enakashi Sengupta is a prolific researcher and academician. She has twenty five years of experience working in both the corporate world and in academia. She has a PhD from University of Nottingham and has completed her MBS with merit from the same university. 


The Silk Route Spy is mesmerizing portrayal of courage and sacrifice. All I said , if you love historical fiction then you must read. It is admirable that the author managed to put the story in an engaging plot after only listening from his Husband in a story form . The simple language and engaging story of the Nandlal journey keep you captivated till the end. 

This review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program 


This blog post is part of ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.


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Memory Flies on Social Media 




Thursday, 23 January 2025

सिया टेल - तू घाबरु नको

 सिया टेल - तू घाबरु नको 

PS : Google 

आम्ही तिघी means मी, सिया आणि इरा बसून dough सोबत खेळत होतो. मी घरचे पीठ खेळायला देते. खाले तरी काही tension नाही. एक तास आम्ही खूप छान खेळत होतो आणि अचानक फायर ची bell वाजली. मी दरवाजा उघडून बघीतला तर काहीच नव्हते. परत आम्ही आमच्या ॲक्टिव्हिटी मधे busy झालो.

आमच्या कडे गेले दोन महिने काम चालू आहे. सतत आपला आवाज आणि धूळ. कंटाळा आला पण काम काही संपत नाही. आम्ही घरात खेळत होतो आणि फायर ची bell वाजली. माझी सिया मला बोलते,

तू घाबरु नको मम्मी, काम चालू आहे.

I said, okay madam.

परत पुन्हा पुन्हा bell ring होत होती. 

आणि finally माझी सिया बोलते, मी आहे ना mumy, तू घाबरु नको. खाली काम चालू आहे.

मुली कधी mature होतात कळतच नाही. 

तुमच्या सोबत असे काही झाले का? कमेंट बॉक्स मधे


Friday, 10 January 2025


I sat to write a reflection of year 2024 and there were many things but then unable to process my thoughts and my kiddo jumped on my diary. Holaaaa.... hogaya post likhake .. 

Like this only my  half of the year had gone. Whether I opened a laptop or my mobile both of them have to pip inside and have to press my keyboard. And when they sleep my mind also 😴 

Finally when Manali suggests using 6 words to summarise the gives me a little bit of inspiration and here I am finally writing my post on my blog. 

2024 is a very difficult year for me in terms of emotional. It affected my mental health and I was surrounded by negativity. One day I realised I was spreading the negativity towards my kids too. On that day I decided to heal. Not only for me but also for my kids. Learned that when things are not in our control we should learn our lesson and concentrate on our own life.



I am grateful for both good and bad things in my life. Bad things teach me to limit my boundaries and give respect only to those who deserve it. Grateful to the universe which teaches me to raise high and avoid unnecessary drama.

Grateful for good things : 

My kids development : I have twins and the development of both is quite different. That is where I realised how much it is important to attain a milestone of kids. Grateful both of them are doing well. 


I set intentions for travel especially for this year. We dared to have our adventures of traveling. Yes, it is quite hectic with twin toddlers but we enjoyed things. I am proud of myself for completing the small traveling spot this year. One major trip is Mysore Ooti which was successful. 


I regret being unable to write more on my blog because my priority was my kids. Unable to connect with the community and my writing.  I even registered myself for many blog hops and did not even write a single 500 word post. 😞 But never mind it is okay if I am unable to balance both things.


This year hurt me more. You can say I enjoyed only half a year in happiness and half in tears. Unexpected things gave unbearable pain and I tried to heal myself.


Yay, I learned lots of lessons this year too. I think life is always there to teach you something every year. As I grow old I am more on taking experience and growing. I learnt about how the people behave and they are never going to change.


This year  l focused more on my healing and my kids health. I learned new digital skills. I did painting too which kinda meditation for me. 


After 2 years of postpartum, I get back to my reading. Tried new modes like e - book and audiobooks. After becoming a mother that also twins it is very difficult to get kindle in your hand or reading a book peacefully for at least 15 minutes. And yes, I am proud of myself for completing reading 10 books 😄


Being creative in many ways as a mother. Creating lots of activities to have more concentration for my kids. Most of the time is consumed by creating this activity and modelling them to my kids. This activity helps my kids to attain the milestone which was necessary. 

Finally I am greatful that I was happy and healthy. Life is not as per our expectations. It gives unexpected turns and trying to teach to  balance what you expect and what you get. 

Cheers to embrace the change and identify my power. 🤟🤟

2025 I am ready for you.... Looking for more personal growth and more healing. 

Question of the day 

What one things last year teach you ? 


"This post is a part of ‘Celebrate and Reflect Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed under #EveryConversationMatters"


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Memory Flies on Social Media 




Thursday, 2 January 2025

1 January 2025

Welcome 2025 ! 

As you grow old you realise life is difficult. Every day new challenge and we survived it. Right! We survived because life is keep going on no matter whatever happened it never stop. And so we have to go on trying to match the speed with life. 

If you are celebrating new year with your loved one then I must say, BE THANKFUL to the GOD / UNIVERSE for having this day. Be thankful to have life, to have kids, and to have smile on your face. Don't forget to count the real laughter though it is very less. Live in your presence without thinking too much. Because it is life uncontrollable and out of your imagination. 

But don't forget You Are Alive. 

So on that note, MemoryFlies wishing you all great year. Plan it, learn something new and cherish the memories.

Till then Take Care 

Tuesday, 3 December 2024


I know it is Dec 2024 and I am editing diwali blog post. Because we had been on zero screen mode for the past one months. For kids and so for me. This post is in my drafts and it is a memorable post. I am updating this Diwali 2024. 

Diwali is always special to us. From the last two three years we didn't celebrate this festival so this time we a celebrated with family specially with siblings.

This is the third diwali of my twins. This year they watched everything that mom and dad do. Right from cleaning, making mithai, Rangoli and lighting diya, lantern and. Lighting, everything fascinating to them. The most repeated questions my Siya asked, kay karate mummy? 

She loves to eat shankarapali, my attempt to feed them healthy sweet so tried whole wheat shankarapali which turned out so.. so.. average but it tasted good. I made only 1 tin and it was finished. I was happy that my kids loved it.

Ira liked to wiped out the whole rangoli with her feet and so I managed to draw this rangoli only.

Akashkandil finally installed. This year I worshipped my daughters as they are the main LAXMI in my house and heart of my house. 

This year is a special bhaidooj with all siblings. Means our kids. 

The house was  filled with kids, sweets, gifts, firecrackers and love. We all missed our father very much. 

I hope your life will be illuminated like this Diya forever. Keep the spirit of love and happiness over haters. May gather together always at this special festival and celebrate it with lots of love . 


©Neeta Kadam. This article and image are the property of Memory Flies. Any unauthorized use without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.


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